Sky War Soul

Chapter 1303 I am the emperor of Chu

Chu Yun looks at Lu Xianying with a little ironic eyes. He has some impressions. The leader of the Shaoge of the southwest sword pavilion has participated in the Longmen conference with himself before and defeated Wang boqian. He has some abilities.

In a word, he is also a Tianjiao of the same level as huafeilong. In recent years, his development is very good, and he has a great reputation in yaochisheng.

But for him, Chu Yun is like a mountain that he can't climb, standing in front of him like that, which is difficult to cross anyway.

Until now, after seeing Chu Yun, he still has the instinct of fear in his heart.

"Chu Yun?"

After seeing Chu Yun, Lu Xianying's expression was a little ugly, but he soon squeezed out a smile: "brother Chu Yun, we can see your development in recent years. In our opinion, you are a milestone. We are all following your steps and moving forward slowly! "

There is a saying how to say, thousand wear ten thousand wear flattery do not wear.

Anyway, I'll flatter Chu Yun first, and see him later.

Chu Yun didn't take it at all. He sneered and said, "I said little cabinet leader, do you know why your majesty didn't give us the hand of his highness? That's because of the good relationship between our palace and the royal family. They are very relieved for us. Naturally, they don't need to send special envoys to settle in!"

"It seems that those who need to be settled are all clans that make your majesty uneasy! At the beginning of the development of these clans, they grew up by the resources distributed by the royal family. When they grew up into giants, they not only didn't have the heart to repay their kindness, but also turned against their heart. If they want to repay their kindness and revenge, do you think that for such clans, your majesty should do something to them? "

Hearing this, Lu Xianying's face turned green and instinctively countered, "Chu Yun, we can't afford your high hat! How can we upset your majesty? Our southwest sword pavilion has always been loyal to the royal family and never had two hearts. It's a slander with ulterior motives for you to say these words! "

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "just now, I heard your complaints and dissatisfaction with your majesty, as well as those words behind me. Didn't I just want to draw us to stand with you? You want our tour hall to be your bargaining chip. I can only say that the abacus is very good, but it's useless! "

Lu Xianying's expression was ugly. He didn't expect what he had said before, but Chu Yun heard it all the time.

Then he took a deep breath, gnashed his teeth and said, "since that is the case, there is nothing to say. If the mountain doesn't turn and the water turns, goodbye!"

After that, Lu Xianying turned around and left.

Chu Yun is not easy to deal with at all. He has sharp teeth and sharp mouth. He can only suffer from his own negotiation.

"Stop for me!"

Chu Yun sneers.

Lu Xianying's body stiffened, then turned around, with a little fear in her pupils: "you What do you want to do to keep me here? Do you want to fight me? "

After all, Chu Yun was so famous that Lu Xianying was afraid to stay.

"I said, take your present and get out!"

Chu Yun waved, only to see the gift box fly up, slap on Lu Xianying's cheek.

The white and tender face turns red in an instant, just like being slapped.

Lu Xianying suddenly covered her face and stepped back for a few steps. There was a deep hatred in her eyes. Without saying a word, she picked up the gift box and went out.

His hatred of Chu Yun has reached the extreme.

"Bining, this kid has no good intentions at all. What are you doing with him for so long?"

Chu Yun sniffed at this.

"What he said is exactly what I want to ask Why didn't your majesty give us his Royal Highness's hand on the tour? Can't he be very relieved to us? "

Cheng bining is very confused. You should know that when Chu Yun did not come to the parade hall, his majesty repeatedly ordered him to ban it.

Now, it has changed dramatically.

Chuyun smiled and joked: "isn't that because of me? I have paid the price of my body, so that his majesty can be completely assured of us. "

"What You... "

Cheng bining's cheeks turn red suddenly, staring at Chu Yun stupidly. Some of them are unable to say: "you, with your majesty..."

Chu Yun then found that what he said was a little vague. He quickly explained: "you understand wrong. I mean, I paid the price of my body and moved a princess. In her face, her majesty will not be embarrassed with us."

"You How can you do such a thing? "

Cheng bining was shocked, and then said anxiously, "is this too much? Did they force you? "

Chu Yun chuckled, reached out and rubbed Cheng bining's head: "you are the temple master, how stupid, can't you see that I'm teasing you? Why does your majesty rest assured of me, because I am brothers with several of his sons, and I have reached some agreements with your Majesty in private, so he will let us develop, understand? "

Hearing this, Cheng bining was relieved.

That's good.

"This kid has a vicious mind, and the southwest sword pavilion has turned against him. This time, he just wanted to test our attitude. If he could, he would surely bring us together with him and take us as his bargaining chip..."

Chu Yun is very clear about these things: "the rise of the southwest sword Pavilion itself benefits from the support of the royal family. Now the wings are hard, and it's like flying away before you repay your kindness. Do you really think the royal family is an idiot?"

"You mean that the reason why your majesty sent people to the southwest sword Pavilion is because you have already seen their opposition?"

Cheng bining is shocked. Chu Yun seems to know a lot about it.

"Not bad."

Chu Yun nodded, then raised his eyebrows and asked, "temple Lord, when is the next tour?"

"Coincidentally, today, what?"

Cheng bining is confused. He doesn't understand what Chu Yun is going to say.

Chu Yun's eyes brightened, he took bining's arm and said, "temple Lord, I have been hiding something from you. Let me explain it to you today!"

The two men came to the transmission gate at a very fast speed. Chu Yun pulled open the transmission array and said with a smile, "why don't you and I join in this tour?"

Now the distance between them is only half a meter.

Cheng bining looks at Chu Yun's handsome face and the hot breath from his mouth. For a while, he is confused with the deer in his heart.

He wants to go on a cruise with me?

What does he mean?

"You What are you going to say? "

Cheng bining summoned up his courage and asked.

She hasn't been on a cruise for a long time, because other people do all these things, so she doesn't want to go on.

Chuyun laughs, takes her arm, and goes straight into the transmission array.

Outside the hall, the figures of the great sage and Mutu appear. They look at each other and see the great sage smile bitterly and say, "old mu, do you think the temple master will be the enemy of us when he knows the truth? After all, she has always wanted to restore the former glory of the tour hall, and we are all from the mainland of Taiqian, which is equal to standing on the opposite side of the tour Hall... "

"I don't think so. You and I know the main character of the hall. She just wants to make the tour hall strong."

Mutu was a little absorbed, then he suddenly responded and said, "bah, bah, who is from the land of Taiqian? My king is from the twelve heavens! It was only suppressed in the land of Taiqian for three thousand years. The twelve heavens are the king's home! "

As soon as Da Sheng's face changed, it was a fist to go up: "you are a forgetful thing, but you are going back to your home!"

Mutu got a punch, but didn't fight back. He hummed twice.



Chu Yun and Cheng bining are wandering in the sky hand in hand.

"No matter what you see next, don't be surprised. Let me explain it to you slowly, OK?"

Chu Yun turns his head and looks at Cheng bining tenderly.

In fact, he didn't want to say anything. It was just that he kept it from Cheng bining, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Just take this time to explain everything.

However, Cheng bining made a mistake and looked at Chu Yun's "emotional" eyes. She thought that the next thing the other party would say was something. For a while, her cheeks were slightly red and she turned to look at other places.

However, in the next second, Cheng bining's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

What's the matter.

How can there be so much terror in this dry continent?


Life and death?


Nirvana Nirvana!

Unexpectedly Even the great emperor of Nirvana!

So, what's going on?

And why does the aura here become so rich? What did you see?

And on the ground, why is there a main dragon vein stretching for thousands of miles?

How can the barren land here give birth to the main dragon?

All these years, we have been in peace. Why is this exploration like this?

The development here can never be completed overnight, at least after decades or even hundreds of years!

But every five years, there will be patrollers coming down to patrol!

As a matter of fact, we can definitely put an end to this However, it still appears!

Cheng bining suddenly thought of something. Turning around, Mei Mou looked at Chu Yun with some shock.

She didn't want to doubt anything, but the current situation forced her to doubt!

Chuyun smiled and said softly, "bining, I'm sorry to have cheated you for so many years."

"You You said you lied to me? "

Cheng bining still didn't respond. He asked incredulously, "this What's going on here, Chu Yun? Are you going to tell me that it's all about you? "

In a flash, a lot of things flashed in her mind.

Chu Yun turned his head and looked at the vast mountains and rivers and saw a flash of pride in his eyes. He said in a loud voice, "yes, the whole land is too dry, and it's all my territory! It is I who lead them to fight against the demon clan, I who help them fight against the abyss creatures, and I who lead them back to the path of cultivation I am their emperor! "

"And they call me emperor Chu!"

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: for flowers!

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