Sky War Soul

Chapter 132 use Qi to defend the sword


The whole swamp began to vibrate, and the earth shook violently, as if something was going to come out from below.

A large number of bubbles were produced, and a very dangerous breath came from it. With the waves lifted, a huge stone statue with a height of more than 300 meters stood up, standing on the ground and blocking the sun. The stone statue is covered with moss, and a sense of vicissitudes of time is coming. The swamp, which is not deep enough, can only be submerged to its knees.

The huge stone statue is strong, tall and powerful, covered with moss, but also entangled with a large number of strange water plants. It didn't know how long it had been under the dark swamp, and it smelled like a man.

The arm that attacked Chu Yun just now is the left hand of the giant stone statue. Now five fingers of the left hand are cut off by the cave knife floating in the void.

The two eyes of the giant stone statue are like red lanterns. It sends out a terrible smell. It stares at Chu Yun in the palm of its hand and grins: "you are a swordsman! Boy, it seems that I underestimated you! "

The giant stone statue is like thunder, roaring and enlightening.

But it's clear that this is not what it's saying. Someone is behind it.

Use Qi to defend the sword?

Xu Zhiheng and Tao Huan lost their thinking ability in a moment with a buzzing of their brains.

Use Qi to defend the sword!

Such means, even the swordsman can not be proficient!

It's like having an invisible hand to hold the handle of the sabre and use it to display.

Chu Yun is young, even if he understands the meaning of Dao. Unexpectedly, he has learned to use Qi to control Dao, a very difficult means.

How far is the gap between ourselves and him?

"If you have the courage, you will show yourself. It's always hidden and tucked in. It's like a turtle with a shrunken head. It's very interesting."

Chu Yun stood in the palm of a huge stone statue, with a cold smile on his lips.

When cutting four fingers of a huge stone statue with one knife, Chu Yun found that the stone statue was just a simple stone, with no life; the reason why it was able to fight was that there was a vague force pulling its body and controlling its behavior.

So behind the scenes, someone must be making trouble!

The strength shown by the stone statue is far stronger than that of the beast of Zhenwu. If it wasn't for the secret pattern Scripture Book engraved on its body, the argumentative force would not be its opponent at all.

It is speculated that the guy who manipulates the stone statues behind will never be inferior to the real martial arts!

"Come out? It's just that Huo Hongchang is very smart. I don't want to have a direct conflict with him for the moment. "

The voice paused, and then said: "Chu Yun, you are just an outsider, not a disciple of the sun sect, so what I do has nothing to do with you. If you know better, I will not be hard for you, but I will drive away the monsters in the medicine field and let you choose ten panacea at will. But if your mind is not pure, don't blame me for killing you on the spot! "

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows. There were some accidents. The man who manipulated the statues must have some plans, but it seemed that he had nothing to do with it.

"You take the initiative to give me a hand, and then you say here that there is no hatred and no resentment. Is it really as easy to coax me as a child?"

Chu Yun does not give up.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I just can't help but want to test your strength, and I'm not disappointed. No one can be more amazing than you! "

The voice was very sharp. It was obviously modified, indicating that he didn't want to show his real voice.

Xu Zhiheng's face was pale. He couldn't help but shout: "you must be a member of the clan. Outsiders can't enter this thundering swamp at all. Who are you, why are you here, and what is your purpose? "

"Well, if you want to save your life, you should keep quiet about what happened here. Remember my words, Yaotian is the deepest distance you can reach. In Yaotian, you two disciples can choose five plants at will, which is my biggest tolerance for you. But if you don't drink with respect, and you insist on crossing the medicine field and entering the place that you shouldn't enter, then don't blame me for being merciless! "

After saying this, the giant stone statue actually dived again, and the whole swamp finally calmed down.

It's impossible to imagine that the swamp where the giant stone statue legs are bent could be swallowed up again!

"Is it from your clan?"

Chu Yun turns his head and looks at Xu Zhiheng and Tao Huan.

Both of them shook their heads pale, Tao Huan said in a low voice: "every time the thundering swamp is opened, it needs the permission of the clan, so outsiders must not come in."

"Yes, when I was questioning the identity of the voice, he also admitted it generously. It's absolutely true that he is a man of the sun sect, but it's not clear what his purpose is. "

Xu Zhiheng frowned and thought hard.

What happened to them was very confusing, but they couldn't explain why.

"What do you think?"

Chu Yun smiles and looks at the two.


Xu Zhiheng instinctively wants to speak, but when he speaks, he is still silent. There is definitely a conspiracy, but what the conspiracy is is unknown.

However, it seems that he didn't mean much to himself, and promised to choose five panacea at will.

As a small shrimps, we should choose to turn a blind eye to this kind of thing, but is this conscience really said in the past?

Tao Huan and apricot stared round, and some of them cried out angrily, "I'm sure that man is not a good thing. Hum, I'm sneaking into a conspiracy in thunder swamp. I dare not show my face! "

"Well, sister Tao, it's none of our business."

Xu Zhiheng takes a deep breath, and finally decides not to meddle. Five miraculous medicines are of infinite value, and it is impossible to get them by himself.

Tao Huan is a little surprised. She looks at Chu Yun and wants to hear what he thinks. But Chu Yun just smiled and didn't make a statement. She could only bow her head and sigh, "OK."

"Let's go to the medicine field first. It should be in front."

Xu Zhiheng looks up at the front, with some longing in his eyes.

At the beginning, so many powerful senior brothers came into thundering swamp, but they didn't get anything in the medicine field. It's amazing that they could go deep into the medicine field.


Chu Yun wants to have a look. The man says that he dispels the monsters in the medicine field. It's true or false. If it is true, it means that the means he can use in thundering swamp is beyond expectation!

Is it possible that all the monsters are kept by him?

Probably not.

The three and the great sage continue to move forward.

The plain in front of him is getting closer and closer. Chu Yun feels that the jade bead of Qinghe in the space ring is shaking more and more fiercely. It is obvious that he is very close to those miraculous medicines.

"Here we are!"

Xu Zhiheng suddenly opens his mouth. His eyes are hot and looking ahead. His fists can't help holding tightly. Even his breath is a little short.

Chu Yun and Tao Huan all look up. In front of them is a piece of yellow fertile land. There are countless miraculous medicines growing in the land. There are all kinds of miraculous medicines. The most peripheral age is relatively low, only more than 100 years. But there are many elixirs of 300 years and 500 years in it, which send out strong fragrance.

"A lot of elixirs!"

Tao Huan's eyes are wide, some of them are unbelievable.

In front of this field, you can't see the edge at a glance. There are many kinds of miraculous medicines growing in it. They are crystal clear and fragrant.

"No monsters?"

Chu Yun was very surprised. The whole medicine field didn't even feel the breath of monsters.

If there are hordes of monsters here, there is only one possibility. They are driven away or ordered away in a very short time.

These two results seem to be the same, but they are not the same.

If driven away, it can only show that the strength of that person is beyond imagination; if ordered to go, it is even more terrible. How terrible is it that so many monsters here obey the orders of that person?

At the same time, Chu Yun is more curious about the identity of that person.

"He said before Let's pick at will, shall we? "

Xu Zhiheng rubs his eyes, without any hindrance of monsters and beasts, and chooses at will, which is just pie falling from the sky.


Taohuan is attracted by a very lovely flower. She squats there and can't help but feel like picking.

"What's the use of this century old elixir when you pick it?"

Chu Yun reaches out his hand and presses it on her lotus arm.

"Because it's beautiful, I like it..."

Tao Huan pouted her lips and complained.


Chu Yun is completely speechless. There is really nothing to say. This little girl is really. She only looks at her beauty and doesn't care about her utility.

"Well, whatever you like, but I suggest you choose more valuable panacea."

Chu Yun left this sentence, walked quickly to the center of the medicine field, looked around, and finally locked in a fire Ganoderma.

He stepped forward and raised his hand to catch the Millennium fire Ganoderma lucidum. He immediately jumped up to avoid it. However, Chu Yun was prepared for it. His spirit suddenly overflowed, blocking the escape route of the Millennium fire Ganoderma lucidum. Finally, he grabbed it and threw it into the space ring.

Since you choose at will, you must choose the elixir of the millennium!

On the other side, Xu Zhiheng also seized a millennium medicine and happily collected it.

Taohuan is determined to choose beautiful flowers, anyway, happy.

After a few steps, Chu Yun got five or six thousand year old miraculous medicines. Later, he began to look for more precious ones.

"Well, not so much."

The great sage has been following Chu Yun, looking at these miraculous medicines, and his face is full of disrespect.

At the beginning, the fruit of the nectarine berry tree, any one of which is better than the elixir of a thousand years, so it can't see these. It's normal.

"I'm hungry."

The great sage curled his mouth and poked his finger at the back of zhangchuyun.

Chu Yun has no choice but to take out a nectar berry and hand it to him: "I have only a few left. You can save some for me!"

The great sage threw the nectar berry into his mouth and chewed it wantonly. The strong aura burst in his body, but it digested very quickly and refined it in a blink of an eye.


The great sage buttoned his teeth and burped with satisfaction. The huge aura from his mouth pushed Chu Yunsheng far away.

But just then, there was an extremely angry roar in the sky: "as I said before, each of you

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