Sky War Soul

Chapter 1320 entering Nirvana

"That's a terrible speed!"

Stone opened his eyes and hurriedly went to one side to figure out how many ape flying skills he still vaguely remembered.

If you don't remember much, it's not enough for him to learn!

He must use his fighting skills to attract all his attention. He can delay one year!

Wait until Chu Yun leaves the customs, and then discuss with him how to solve this matter.


The power of the great sage's blood was fully mobilized.

He looked around with a pair of blood pupils, only feeling that there was an endless breath gathering in his body, like the clouds in the sky, boiling and surging constantly.

"Stone, I have mobilized the power of my blood. Hahahaha, it's incomparable. I only feel the impulse of double fist to explode! Come on, teach me what's behind. I can't wait! "

The saint's eyes were shining, and he was obviously very excited.

"Well, do you want to wait, are you sure you're familiar with it?"

Stone was stunned for a while. Then he coughed twice. He had not sorted out the things behind, so he had to drag on first.

"Come on, can't wait!"

The great sage roared, stirring up the wind and cloud of the void.

"Listen to me..."

Seeing that he can't drag on, stone can only shake his head helplessly and go on: "the boxing behind you must remember..."

Next, he made a speech as usual, some of which were vague, because he didn't remember so much.

This blood pupil kill fist, stone breaks the sky to also listen to ape fly to say so twice in those days, can remember clear overall vein, already very good.

"What a wonderful fist!"

After listening carefully, the saint suddenly flashed a brilliant light in his pupil and said: "although your ancient fighting skills are incomplete, I can hear the flash in them. As for those omissions, I seem to be able to add them It's really strange. Why do I know this kind of fighting skill at all? As if I had experienced many things myself! "

, when he heard this, he could not help but tuck in his heart: "of course you will feel familiar, because this is the way you create yourself!"

The great saint was so excited that he couldn't wait to practice.

He practices so fast that he doesn't know what the bottleneck is.

Three months later.

At this time, the great sage had already mastered the blood pupil killing boxing to a very high level, almost all of which could be said to be mastered.

Nowadays, he has a great spirit. Occasionally, he flashes a trace of violence, and the blood shadow is often fleeting.

When Shi Liaotian looks at the great sage, he often has an illusion.

What's wrong with him? He's more and more like an ape?

Although he knew that the great sage was ape flying, such changes made him a little confused.

Temperament change, really fast!

Is this a sign of memory awakening?

Or will temperament develop in the same direction after practicing the same skills?

"Stone, thank you for teaching me blood pupil killing fist. The more I practice, the more I feel that this fighting skill is suitable for me, as if it is specially made for me..."

With gratitude on his face, Da Sheng reached out and clapped the stone on his shoulder: "I've had a lot of harvest in these three months, and I'm very happy But I have to pick myself up and go to the top of Nirvana! "

Hearing this, Shi cracked the sky and coughed dryly. He asked, "I have a kind of war skill here. Do you want to learn it?"

"And? Tell me! "

The great saint was once again intrigued and his eyes brightened.

"This battle skill is called, angry ape thousand steps! It's an extremely advanced body method. When you reach the level of perfect cultivation, you can go through space in one step! "

Stone broke the sky and then said: "in your current situation, although the combat power is enough, but the body method is too weak. If you fight with a really strong opponent, you will be far away! If you want to become stronger, you need to learn a deep body method, which is very difficult to learn. You must be wholehearted! "

"That sounds good!"

The great sage laughed, hugged the stone and said, "stone, my good brother, teach me quickly!"


Stone nodded, relieved again.

In any case, you can't let the great sage get promoted!

Blink, it's march again.

It's really tedious for the angry ape to step on thousands of feet. The cultivation of the great sage with his whole mind finally reached the entry level in March.

Now his temperament has changed a little more than before March.

In the words of stone breaking, it is becoming more familiar.

More and more familiar.

The great sage is more and more close to the ape flying in his memory.

"Ha ha ha ha, after learning these two fighting skills, I can obviously feel the soaring battle power. Next time I meet you, I must hang Mutu up and fight!"

Da Sheng, with his hands akimbo and a big laugh, is very proud.

"Well, I won't practice anything this time."

After the saint smiled, he looked serious: "although his combat power has increased, I heard that Lao Mu took the lead in reaching the peak of Nirvana two months ago. It's really damned. I could have been four months earlier than him, if not Well, I can't blame you. You taught me two kinds of advanced combat skills. How can I blame you? "

Stone broke the sky, he smiled and whispered, "to be honest, I have a fighting skill here!"


The great saint looked extremely surprised, and then he waved his hand and said: "no, I will not learn anything this time! Lao Mu has reached the peak of nirvana. I can't be so far away... "

"Don't rush to refuse, I'll tell you first!"

Stone knew that if he said it, he would be interested.

Nonsense, these are all his skills!

"Then Let's hear it? "

The great sage rubbed his hands, expecting more or less.

"This ancient fighting skill is called crazy ape fighting waves. It's I, an old man, realized it in the tide. I didn't know how much work I had to do to gather it. It can be said that it took him countless years of blood essence to improve it many times before it showed its power today! "

Stone said as he watched the response of the great sage.

Sure enough, the saint suddenly radiated light in front of him, rubbing his hands constantly.

"Sounds Also... It's not bad, you teach me? "

The great saint is embarrassed to say something.

"Well, I'll teach you! But it's still the old rule. When you practice, you must be wholehearted. You can't distract yourself! "

The stone burst into laughter.

It's much more difficult than expected for the ape to attack the waves in this move. In five months, the great sage can fully understand it.

"The ape strikes the waves!"

The figure of the great sage stands on the sky, his whole body Qi and blood simulate the sound of the wave boiling, making the sound of "roaring". Even the strong wind is pulled by the strength of Qi and blood, whistling ceaselessly.

In the next moment, Da Sheng's double fists were smashed out, which is the essence of the ape's wave fighting!

After the blood surges to the peak, double fists are used. This blow is not only the whole body strength, but also the terrifying power that is accumulated after the blood wave beats the body many times!

It can be said that this is the absolute peak!


There was a deafening sound of explosion in the sky. The empty space was completely broken and turned into an endless black hole. At the edge, there was a zizizi black material, cutting the space like a knife.

"So strong!"

Stone sky pupil a shrink, some shock looking at the sky.

The figure of the great sage now, really It's really like ape flying in memory.

Whether it's the look or the domineering manner when using this move, they all exude incisively and vividly, making people's knees soften, and they can't help but want to kneel down and worship.


The great sage on the sky, spitting out a mouthful of dullness, said with a brilliant smile: "stone, you have taught me three moves in a row. Such kindness is really unrequited!"

"I don't need you to repay me, as long as I don't get promoted," he whispered

"What do you say? It's too low for me to hear."

The great sage fell from the sky and asked again.


Stone shook his head in the sky and estimated in the bottom of his heart.

In my mind, there are almost three kinds of combat skills, I don't know how long to delay.

At present, it's only one year since Chu Yun left the customs. There are still two years left!

"This time I really want to improve my level. I'm not kidding. I'm serious!"

With a serious face, the great sage opened his mouth and said, "no matter what skill you teach me, I will not listen to you Because I've heard that Lao Mu has laughed at me for so many times that my realm has been promoted as slowly as a snail. Is that intolerable! When I get to the top of Nirvana, I will beat him to find teeth all over the place! "

Stone breaks the sky to see the situation, and doesn't continue to persuade anything, but calmly says: "I have another pupil skill here, which is called beheading the soul blood pupil. If no one learns it, it's a pity. Alas..."

"I won't learn anything, I won't listen to anything."

This time, it seems that the great saint really made up his mind and turned his face abruptly instead of looking at the stone.

Stone breaks the sky to be indifferent to smile, he understands the disposition of great saint naturally, on the mouth say not, the body is very honest however.

It seems to turn around, but in fact, the ears are high and erect.

This is not like learning?

Stone talks to himself in a general way, with his eyes closed, shaking his head to narrate the cultivation method of beheading the soul and blood pupil.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that the great sage had entered the state of cultivation.

Is that learning?

This is called don't listen?

No one can escape the law of true fragrance.




In Zhan Xiu temple, a terrible hurricane suddenly surged up, and all the auras between heaven and earth almost gathered here, endless.

At the source of aura, a figure stood up and murmured: "it should have been nearly three years in the past, right? Exactly, it should be two years and six months! According to my estimation of the realm in those days, it's good to leave the customs six months in advance! "

"The feeling of the great nirvana, so it is!"

The figure is exactly Chu Yun.

Today's Chu cloud finally reached nirvana.

His combat power is becoming more and more terrifying.

To the extent that he is now, it's no surprise that he has forced himself to defeat the peak of Nirvana!

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: today or 3 more, but tomorrow will break out! Last day, flowers! I want to catch up! Thanks a lot!

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