Sky War Soul

Chapter 1342 chicken feathers


When Chu Yun heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

Is that a threat to yourself?

"Even if your Zhen family is strong and unmatched, what if the head of the family is one of the four sages of Taicang? You think I'm afraid? I'll shake with fear and let you go? Sorry, your mouth is so annoying. I just want to cut your tongue! "

When Chu Yun said this, he saw a flash of cold light in his eyes.

Yanqing, the demon monk, hears the words. He is very cooperative. He reaches out his hand and opens Butler Chen's mouth. With a hook of his finger, a strong black air is involved in it, and his tongue is pulled out.


Butler Chen cried desperately, trying to struggle.

Chu Yun nodded his head with satisfaction, and immediately raised his hand and cut out the tongue of the demon monk Yanqing!


When his tongue fell to the ground, Butler Chen's mouth was full of blood and howled in pain.

His face is very ferocious, his facial features are twisted together, and his eyes are full of fear.

Butler Chen suddenly began to realize that the boy in front of him was not afraid of these threats.

He mentioned Li Yaoxing earlier, indicating that there is a strong possibility of some connection between the two people. However, he did not scare him with the name of Zhen Yulan, the head of the family.

Chamberlain Chen was very desperate, but his cleverness was mistaken by his cleverness.

"To threaten me with these words is the most wrong decision you've ever made."

Chu Yun smiled, then his eyes were cold and fierce. Suddenly, he turned his Sabre into Qi and killed Butler Chen's neck.

Although he is the supreme of fairyland, and his flesh and soul are far beyond the ordinary, but now he is seriously injured, he still can't resist the killing of Chu Yun.

With Chamberlain Chen's head falling, this is the first flying fairyland supreme that Chu Yun killed.

Yanqing, the demon monk, took down Butler Chen's space ring and said with a broad grin, "eldest brother, this is the supreme space ring of fairyland. Don't forget to take it with you!"

"Here you are."

Chu Yun waved his hand and didn't have much interest in it: "bining, take them back to the tour hall. I will go to the palace with monkey, laomu and grouse to see the situation."

Now that the battle is over, I need to go to the imperial palace to see how the final situation is.

What is the end of Mu Liuhuo?

"Well, I'll take them back."

Cheng bining nodded, and then said to the people, "the war is over. Today, you all have training resources and rewards. Come back to the treasure house of the tour hall with me, and you can choose!"

His words aroused great repercussions.

A lot of people are excited to take in the air conditioner, and immediately feel that it is worth the effort.

After arranging all this, Chu Yun got into the cloud world and wanted to see how the situation was.

In any case, Zhen Wei's life must be left, but he can't let the stone break the sky and die.

The forces behind her are too horrible to offend, but they must not be killed!

Taling stood in front of the gate of the main hall, looking disgusted. Seeing the arrival of Chu Yun, taling said directly, "go and pull him out. The grove in front has been shouting for several hours. I'm upset!"

Chu Yun's expression is wonderful. After such a long time, I didn't expect the toss to continue?

How long did it last?

Don't spoil people's health.

Sure enough, Chu Yun could hear the constant noise coming from the woods, which made his face red.

Just listen to Zhen Wei's voice, not like resistance, but Enjoy?

Chu Yun coughed twice and cried out, "stone, it's almost OK. When will it be like this? The fighting outside is over. You are not finished... "

"Wait a moment, wait a moment," said the voice of stone breaking in the grove

Chu Yun was speechless, so he turned around and went back to the hall.

Half an hour later, the spirit of the sky came over and picked up his eyebrows and said: "this war, I should give you brother Shi's head skill, right? If it wasn't for your brother Shi to capture this little girl's skin, it would be enough for you to drink a pot if it was only for the thirteen puppets of Nirvana! "

"It's really your credit."

Chu Yun picked up his eyebrows: "where is Zhen Wei?"

"I let her calm down, so I didn't follow her."

Stone broke the sky and yawned, then said: "after the war, it means that you have completely stood in the holy land of yaochi. What do you think about next?"

"If you don't say that, Butler Chen was killed by me. He threatened me before he died, saying that the head of Zhen's family is very strong. It seems that he is one of the four taicangs?"

Chu Yun frowned: "these, why didn't you tell me before?"

"Whether I tell you or not, is not it all a result? Now the head of Zhen's family is Zhen Yulan, that is, Zhen Wei's grandmother. She can steadily occupy one of the four positions by virtue of the horrible line coupling technique. It's not surprising that your elder brother Shi was a famous saint in the world. Now, ten thousand years later, according to her original development track, she should have reached the summit! "

Shi Liaotian doesn't care much about this.

Anyway, I don't go to Taicang war world at present, unless they cross the plane to find their own troubles.

"Or you can play."

Chu Yun left his mouth and said a compliment. He didn't have much sincerity.

The two chatted casually. They saw Zhen Wei walk out of the woods in an untidy clothes. There was no heartbreaking anger in his beautiful eyes, but he seemed a little empty and spiritless, as if he had lost his soul.

"It's rare that you didn't kill her."

Chu Yun smiled.

"Isn't that slander?"

Stone breaks a sky to stare at, refute for oneself: "in those days your stone elder brother although romantic, but never do homicide thing, at most many means some unfriendly, but after the end of few women hate me, because I let them climb to the peak that this life can't reach......"

"Stop it, don't talk about it."

Chu Yun turns to look at Zhen Wei to see what she has to say.

"I don't hate you."

Zhen Wei's first words shocked Chu Yun's chin.

Lying trough, is that all right?

"But if I have a chance, I will kill you myself!"

Zhen Weihang's head is raised, and the light is rekindled in the empty beautiful eyes. It's like finding the meaning of life. He doesn't gnash his teeth, cry or cry. His mood is always indifferent, as if he's talking about a small thing that has nothing to do with himself.

Stone broke the sky to grin, said to Zhen Wei: "you can go back to discuss with your grandmother, she didn't hate me, but wanted to kill me!"! You two have the same reaction! "

"Wait, you said at the beginning, you once in front of many Tianjiao, will be a saint......"

Chu Yun wanted to say something but stopped, and his eyes glared at him: "could that Saint be Zhen Yulan

"What are you talking about? In the past, the holy women of Taicang war world gathered together. Brother Shi was to another holy woman In fact, your elder brother Shi still likes Zhen Yulan very much. How could you do that? "

Stone shook his head, very seriously said.

"You wait for me!"

Zhen Wei dropped this sentence, his voice was obviously a little shaky.

She turned around and walked a little.

Chu Yun did not have difficulty for her, but also helped her to open the channel of cloud world.

After Zhen Wei went out, meimou swept to Chamberlain Chen's body, and there was no movement. Then she manipulated 13 puppets of Nirvana peak, plundering away, leaving only one back.

Da Sheng and Mutu are standing in the same place, talking and laughing.

"The stone is really tough. There are several bruises on the skin."

"Tut Tut, that guy doesn't know how to pity her."

Big day gold Wu hears here, in facial expression flashed a bit of contempt, can't help but hum two: "bang, I see you two this is envy envy envy my eldest brother's ability?"? Otherwise, how could I say such sour words? I thought someone's Vinegar jar had turned over! "

"Do you, Lao mu, hit him together!" The

saint was stabbed and his face turned red. He stepped forward and pushed the golden day to the ground.

Mutu roared and jumped on.

Chicken feathers everywhere.



When Chu Yun and others came to the palace, they happened to meet Fang Wujing who came out of it.

Fang Wujing walked in front of him. The wind and dust followed him. They talked and laughed as if they were talking about something.

"Your Majesty."

Chu Yun stepped forward and bowed to salute.

"Chu Yun?"

After Fang Wujing saw Chu cloud, he quickly flashed a flash of excitement in his pupil and couldn't help saying: "I happened to go to see you, but I didn't expect you to find it on your own initiative. I heard that you met those practitioners in Huocheng on your way, and then started a bloody battle. How was the war? How bad is the damage? "

Chu Yun sighed, with a sad look: "this war is very hard to fight. I have lost more than ten great emperors in Nirvana, six or seven of whom are still the top ones But for the holy kingdom of yaochi, for your majesty, all these efforts are worth it! "

Would he be sad about the death of those rebellious monks? Not at all.

The reason for this is to show that I have lost a lot this time, and see if I can make up for it at my discretion.

Chamberlain Chen's space ring, which Chu Yun didn't want, was given to the rebellious monk Yanqing by Bai Bai in order to win over his subordinates.

If it wasn't for him to beat Chamberlain Chen with all his strength, it would be impossible for him to deal with the flying fairyland supreme!

The really top strong ones are still lacking in their own side.

The monk Yanqing has paid a lot. It's reasonable to give him this space ring.

As for the bamboos without mirrors, do not knock white or not.

How can I say that I have expended a lot of energy, and I have to make up for it?

Fang Wujing was stunned, then he said with a smile: "OK, I see all your efforts in my eyes. Now you need rewards. I will not be stingy! I allow you to enter the second floor of the imperial treasury and choose two treasures at will. You have an hour to choose. You can go in at any time! "

"Thank you for your grace."

Chu Yun's eyes brightened. At the beginning, he went to the first floor of huangku, where there were many treasures.

As for the second floor, there must be more!

Such a reward can be said to be very generous!

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: 100-150 flowers plus more! Keep asking for flowers! If you want to see more pop ups, please send me the flowers. Every one of them is real and worth half the words more than others!

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