Sky War Soul

Chapter 1346 is just a little short

After thinking of this, Chu Yun suddenly shuddered. He couldn't help opening his eyes and forced himself out of the feeling of immersion.

For a moment, he gasped heavily, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

He put out his hand to wipe his sweat and looked at the boulder with lingering fear.

The feeling of leaving the body is still a cold sweat. It's really horrible.

Why is that so?

Chu Yun explored it up and down. There is no half energy on the boulder. How can he absorb people's consciousness?

It's hard. The ancient fighting skills above are really powerful to this point?

Just look at it, you can't let it go?

"How about Brother Yun?"

Hansi and Lin Yan smile and ask, they have been deeply attracted by this feeling, and can't extricate themselves from it.

It's true that there's no Psychedelic Art and no personal restrictions, but they just don't want to leave, let anyone shout.

In their view, such horrifying ancient war skills are rare chance creations. Whenever they get them, they can improve their combat power like lightning.

No wonder, such super Tianjiao as Hansi and Linyan will suffer such temptation.

From ancient times to the present, I don't know how many Tianjiao have entered it. After seeing the small characters on the boulder, they all choose to stay here.

Their fanaticism can't be described at all. How can we say that they will not stop until they understand thoroughly, just like they are possessed by demons.

Even if they die here, they still don't care.

Because in their view, they can understand these combat skills at any time and anywhere, and as long as they can understand them, they can be promoted to a higher level in the blink of an eye, get a longer life and a more terrifying power.

It is this greed and obsession that control their mind and make them want to continue to dig deep into the essence of the fighting skills on the boulder.

There are so many boulders in the arena, each of which records a super profound ancient war skill. It's because of these things that can make so many Tianjiao yearn from ancient times to the present, preferring to waste their time here.

"Just a little, just a little!"

A weak voice sounded, and Chu Yun turned his head. He saw an old man sitting there. His hair and beard were completely white, skin and bone, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.

He was wearing a gorgeous red Royal robe, but now he was dirty and could not see the pattern.

The old man's turbid pupils are a little dull. He stares at the boulder in front of him. His voice is hoarse and says: "only one last point, I will be able to step into a higher level. By then, I will enjoy the unique ancient war skills in the world. Who Cough... No one can compete with me...... "

Although the spirit is very weak, the voice of the old is still fanatical.

Speaking of the back, he seems to have come to the end of his life, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed down, and finally his head drooped down, and Shouyuan ran out.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

"This dead old man, one at a time, laughs off his big teeth."


"Dead, dead!"

"Get out of my way."

"I told him earlier that he was in the wrong direction. He spent so many years in vain and finally failed. What a fool!"

"But it's all right. He's on our way."


Everyone talks and laughs. At last, it's not just someone who kicks the old man's body far away. Then he continues to sit in the position where he was sitting. He raises his head and stares at the small words on the boulder. His eyes are full of fanaticism.

"Let me do it!"

"I feel like I'm more likely to understand."

Seeing this scene, Chu Yun only felt a little chilly.

These people are gambling. They are all gamblers.

Even at the last moment of their lives, they are still betting.

They believe they can do it.

At the same time, they also wonder why it's so far away that it's only a little bit short of what's within reach?

When Hansi and Lin Yan saw this scene, they had no choice but to show their hands: "it seems that he has gone in the wrong direction, but it's no wonder that if everyone can understand the ancient war skills from it, what kind of chance is it?"

After hearing the conversation, Chu Yun's pupils contracted violently.

They say that!

An old man who didn't know how many years of understanding war skills died alive in front of them. They didn't have any regrets or even any awakenings. They just said, "it's not easy to understand ancient war skills.".

According to Chu Yun, they are all possessed.

Although there is no Psychedelic Art, though it does not disturb your soul.

But the greed in their hearts is magnified infinitely at this moment!

It is greed that dominates their thinking.

It is greed that makes them envious of the evil barrier and unable to extricate themselves.

They all think that they are the son of God. They all think that they are different from others and that I can do things that others can't.

It's a pity that the white bones in the corner of the wall are the same to many Tianjiao who live and die since ancient times.

But what happened?

Chu Yun clenched his fists tightly and took a deep breath. He felt that he was out of place here.

The whole atmosphere of fanaticism is too horrible.

I wake up alone when everyone is drunk. It's more suitable to use here.

Just for a moment, Chu Yun had a sense of disgust. His disgust for the environment made him frown slightly.

Almost instinctively, he wants to take Lin Yan out with Hansi.

As for the others, he is not so great.

Just after the idea was born, he himself rejected it.

Hansi and Lin Yan are so keen on this ancient war skill because they are assimilated to a great extent in such an environment. If they forcibly drag them out, even close good brothers will probably have resentment.

Chu Yun doesn't want to do this. He doesn't want to have any gap between them.

He also wants to find out what's going on here.

"Taling, I'll understand this ancient war skill first. After an hour, no matter what I'm abnormal, you should try to wake me up! Do you understand? "

Chu Yun starts to communicate with taling and wants her to help him.

Tallinn was silent for a while, and said, "do you have to take risks?"

"It's all here. I have to figure it out."

Chu Yun nodded with a firm voice.

"Well, by then, I'll try to wake you up; if you're like them, I'll drag you out!"

When Tallinn had finished these words, there was no more sound.

Chu Yun sat down cross legged again, took a deep breath and looked up at the boulder in front of him.

Those wild fonts, like countless little fish, swim into their own minds, one after another, without stopping.

Chu Yun's pupil suddenly contracted, and he began to close his eyes, relying on his thinking to realize that he wanted to get through the ancient war skills carved on this huge stone.

At first, he had 12 points of vigilance, for fear that he would accidentally fall into it and become like other people.

As time went on, Chu Yun began to relax.

Isn't it just ancient war skills, and there is no disturbing array, what is there to be afraid of?

I just want to understand it. If I don't have a chance, I'll get out early, and I won't indulge in it.

With this idea, Chu Yun began to try to lay down his guard completely and rely on his own ability to understand and study.

Because of the increased perception of the top ten spirits of heaven level, Chu Yun is several times stronger than other Tianjiao. It is very difficult to break through in other people's eyes. It can be easily done in his eyes, which is the benefit of the perception terror.

Time goes by so fast that Chu Yun directly forgets the previously agreed things.

After an hour, he still didn't take the initiative to stop, but became more eager.

The ancient fighting skills recorded on the boulder are absolutely powerful.

Chu Yun estimated that if he could learn the ancient fighting skills, his combat power would rise again.

In the field, there are more than 20 boulders. If you can learn all the above fighting skills, you can hardly describe this terror with words!

"Chu Yun, wake me up!"

The sharp and harsh voice of talin was about to wake up Chu Yun.

"I feel that this huge stone is easy to see through. Give me another hour! Give me another hour... "

Chu Yun murmured to himself, almost completely immersed in it, completely forgetting what he had said before.

Taling could not speak but let him continue like this.

Blink, another hour.

Chu Yun is still not fully understood, but his excitement and enthusiasm are more and more vigorous.

As if, he also wants to integrate with the surrounding atmosphere.

Finally, after half a day, taling used the spiritual shock to cut Chu Yun's perception into two parts and pulled him out of the unreal.

"Why do you stop me? I'm almost there!"

Chu Yun jumped up and roared uncontrollably.

His pupils were bloodshot, irritable and irascible, totally different from the ordinary.

It was only half a day, and his desire was aroused completely.

Although Chu Yun is determined to be extraordinary, he still has seven passions and six desires. Even if you have only a trace of greed, this huge stone can enlarge him to no limit, and then watch you sink and sink completely

"Are you crazy?"

Taling was shocked. He never expected that Chu Yun would be like this.

"I'm not crazy. I just can understand the ancient war skills. Do you understand? At the critical moment, you suddenly interrupt me. Do you know that it makes me fall short? "

Chu Yun clenched his fists, and his teeth cackled.

"Just like him, isn't it?"

In Tallinn's voice, with a touch of irony and ridicule.

She was referring to the old man in red who had died in front of the boulder.

When life is exhausted, the soul returns to the West.

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