Sky War Soul

Chapter 1356. It's a real dragon

According to the address given by Shi chuantian, three thousand and the great sage are heading all the way to the West.

The location of TianChao is in the middle of a dangerous mountain. Originally, it belonged to the territory of TianChao girl alone. Now it is occupied by several powerful monsters. These monsters fight against each other for the resources of heaven and earth because of the terrifying number of their own ethnic groups.

In recent years, however, they have found that the whole dry world is beginning to become a little different.

First of all, there are many ancient countries with extraordinary wars. Many small and big countries can't get rid of the country even a little water. Because the situation in the whole Taiqian boundary is chaotic, no one will care about the destruction of big and small countries.

The monks in Foshan, in the west, have frequently come down the mountain and wandered in the mortal world.

There are also daomen. Several of the temple leaders helped the world with kettles. They killed monsters and beasts everywhere to kill the people.

In a word, TianChao, the leaders of the monsters who occupy the mountain, all smell a trace of danger.

Things are extraordinary. Is the world of great controversy coming?

The leaders of these monsters gathered together for a while, and then they found that everyone's power has been compressed in recent years. The more the world is contested, the more the cultivator needs cultivation resources, and there are many parts of the monsters, which are the most precious in the eyes of the cultivator!

The more this happens, the more they kill monsters and animals to get more resources.

For these monsters in TianChao, this is no doubt a disaster.

Seeing the number of monsters under their control began to decrease dramatically, they agreed that they must choose a leader.

This leader must be able to have both, to take them to deal with the coming world of strife, and to have the strength and blood to convince everyone.

If we talk about strength, the heads of these monsters will not agree with each other, and we will fight to see who has bigger fist.

But in blood, we are all half a dozen and half a dozen laugh.

After all, after the ancient war, the monsters with the noble blood of the ancient times almost died cleanly. In addition, after thousands of years, the blood has been continuously diluted to have one eighth of the ancient blood, which is great.

However, one eighth of the blood is really out of reach, which is too shabby.

Several times in a row, all of them broke up in displeasure.

In the end, they made up their mind to find the right leaders in a year, and each force elected several leaders, and finally put them together for a competition.

As long as you have enough strength and noble blood, you can enter the candidates.

See who wins.

These heads of monsters don't want to live under people. They try their best to choose their own leaders. They just want to find a puppet for a high sounding reason. In this way, they have power behind the scenes, and no one can blame them.

As long as the puppet's blood is precious enough, it's just right.

Although the situation is not good now, they still regard their own interests as more important than anything else.

3000 want to become the leader of TianChao, it is a long way to go.



After several days of trekking, they finally found the mountain range that the stone broke the sky said.

The name of wuyiao mountain range came later. It means to commemorate five monstrous beasts with ancient blood and praise them as five dazzling stars.

In front of him was a vast expanse of whiteness, filled with snow, and extremely cold.

"This is TianChao? Shouldn't the monsters gather together? How can they be so lonely? "

Dasheng looked left and right, and he always felt familiar, as if he had lived here for many years.

However, after careful investigation and exploration, the familiar feeling of this kind of deja vu is gone again, which can't be said to be strange.

"They're all hiding in the gutters. Let's go in."

Three thousand carefully sensed for a while, discovered in the mountain range lurks many terror monster breath.

After all, it's heaven's nest, the home of monsters. How could it be so unguarded?

After 3000 and Dasheng flew into the wuyiao mountains, hundreds of rabbits and monsters with white fur were originally drilled in the snow, and countless red eyes stared at their direction.

The leader of one of the rabbits and monsters sent a message to the interior of wuyiao mountain: "my Lord, there are two members of the same clan who have come in. They are very familiar. I can't see their depth."

After entering the wuyiao mountain range, it was not long before we saw a dozen green figures around us.

They were so smart in the mountains that they surrounded the three thousand and the great sage in a blink of an eye.

Looking around, I can see that these monkeys are all about two meters long. They have green hair, fierce faces and strong bodies.

"Purple green monkey?"

The saint's eyes swept around him, and he was surprised: "there are more than ten such monsters at the top of nirvana. Such a welcome ceremony is really grand!"

"Hum, where are you from? You dare to break into the five Yao mountains without permission. You are really impatient?"

Many monkeys took the initiative to separate from each other, and out of them came a purple green monkey king with a circle larger than them. He was blind in one eye, adding some ferocity and bloodthirsty to his already fierce face.

Monkey King Ziqing is one of the animal statues that occupy the mountain in the five Yao mountains. He controls several monkey groups under his command and belongs to the strength School of many animal statues.

"It's said that TianChao is a paradise for monsters. We slaughtered several main cities outside and couldn't get along, so we came to join us!"

Three thousand mouths, deafening as thunder.

They deliberately pretend to be inexperienced, just to make others think they are easy to cheat.

If people really think they are fooling around, it's a big mistake!

Three thousand is really simple in mind, but the great sage and Mutu have studied for so many years. They are like devils. Compared with him, these smart monsters have to help count money even if they are sold!

"How many cities have you slaughtered? Oh, what a breath! "

Before the monkey king Ziqing opened his mouth, a monkey dressed as a dog commander jumped out and said, "you are the only one who can't kill a village, right? As far as I know, there must be many Nirvana dads in the main cities of ancient countries... "

That's very clear. If you don't know who you are, you will come to join us. Who can confirm the truth of your words?

"Big brother, he even questioned us!"

The great sage pretended to be angry and stared at the doghead: "don't stop me, elder brother, I will go up and screw his head off to be a nightpot!"

"Bah, don't you want to die?"

The dog head military master also has the strength of Nirvana peak. Seeing the great saint challenging himself like this, he can't help but look cold and despise him.

"Fuck you, I'll kill you!"

Dasheng's pupil is red, showing his real body suddenly.

The bristle root stands upside down, and the strong body is like a meteorite, which drives the endless power and smashes the dog head master with one fist.

"What What? "

He never thought that the beast would be so fierce in front of him. His realm was obviously higher than that of him. However, he felt isolated under this fist, as if he was going to be isolated from this world.


The monkey king looked in awe, and his figure stood in front of the dog commander like a tower, reaching out to grasp the saint's fist.


The power in the body of the great sage broke out with a deafening explosion sound, and the muscles were shaking constantly. Wave after wave of terrorist power was injected into the palm of the monkey king and he wanted to rush away.

"What a powerful force!"

The monkey king is also a little surprised. Why does the monkey have such power in front of him? It's unbelievable!

"Don't move my second brother!"

Three thousand saw this scene, pretending to be very angry, without saying anything, evolved into the real body.

I saw a real dragon appeared in the sky, with the breath of extreme terror in his eyes, and the dragon power was released all over his body, oppressing everything around him.

As soon as the real dragon comes out, who will fight?

Look down at the world and soar for nine days!

Any adjective is not enough to describe the immediate shock.

Three thousand is like the hot sun in the sky, which makes everyone can't help sighing and shivering.

Unimaginable, unimaginable!

"Real dragon!"

The monkey king could not help shouting. His pupils were full of fear. Instinctively, he had a feeling of worship.

But he is a beast Zun, one of the few animal zuns in the five Yao mountains that occupy the mountain as the king, so nature can't show such cowardice.

He bit his teeth so hard that he didn't kneel down.

But in addition to him, other purple green monkeys have no such good willpower. They directly fall down, crawl on the ground and shiver.

This is a real dragon!

Among monsters, blood is the most precious!

Even those monsters with ancient blood, such as the five ancient generals, have to lower the real dragon's head!

The monkey king has only one eighth of the ancient blood. He can bear not to kneel. He has exhausted all his strength.

"Let go, my second brother!"

Three thousand angry roaring, Longwei drinking, endless crazy sand flying, sweeping the sky.


The monkey quickly let go of his hands. His pupils stared at him in fear, and his Adam's apple kept moving.

What to say?

What to do?

His brain is blank.

"What kind of breath is it!"

"Damn it, what's coming?"


In the depth of wuyiao mountains, there were several shocking shouts, and then several figures rushed out.

These figures are all beasts who occupy the mountain as the king.

When they saw 3000, their legs were soft and almost scared to pee.

Real dragon!

Real dragon!

The real dragon, which disappeared for many years, appears today!

Dasheng stepped back a few steps. Seeing that the time was almost the same, he quickly scolded: "you TianChao are really deceiving people. My brother and I just want to join in, and even come up and humiliate us! Hum! Don't argue with this steamed bread. Let's go, brother! "

With that, the great saint turned and left.

Three thousand also put away Longwei, want to follow behind.



"Please stay!"


Several animal worshippers spoke in unison.

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