Sky War Soul

Chapter 1364 solicitation of screeners

For nothing else, only because this young man is from Taicang war world, and is one of the three most famous families in Taicang war world!

The three families of Taicang war world are well known.

The strength is strong and incomparable. If you stamp your foot, the whole battle field will be shaken.

Li family!

The most famous person is Li Yaoxing!

Among the four Taicang masters, the oldest one is the leader of the Li family.

Zhen family!

Zhen Yulan, the head of the Zhen family, is also the founder of the line puppet technique. The method of controlling the couple is almost superb.

The family has amazing financial resources and many powerful puppets. No one is willing to provoke them.

Mohist school!

The head of the Mohist family is called Moyuan. He is a rising star. No matter in the three families or the four taicangs, his qualification is not so old.

But their terror cannot be underestimated.

It's said that the sword technique inherited by Mohist school was learned by watching the sun, the moon and the stars. It has been tens of thousands of years so far.

It is known as the first sword technique in Taicang battle field, and has never wavered.

This is the three families of Taicang war!

Taicang four, three of them occupy three seats.

There is also an emperor who is the largest ancient country in the Taicang war world. His surname is blood, and his single name is male!

Xuexiong, the emperor of shangzhao Empire, is also the most powerful man.

Shangzhao empire is a powerful ancient country that has been passed on for tens of thousands of years. It is also the most terrifying power in the Taicang war world. The three major families and various clans sound awesome, right? In fact, they all existed on the basis of the Empire of the Shang Dynasty and belonged to the subordinate.

Xuexiong is a king of Ming Dynasty. The way to govern the country is as quick as thunder. He is vigorous and resolute.

At first, when they took office, several senior civil servants wanted to join hands to put pressure. However, xuexiong was not afraid to directly subvert the tradition, killing hundreds of civil servants in a row. The killing was bloody and dark.

All those who flatter and flatter, and those who are crafty, are killed and uprooted.

What about families that have been passed on for thousands of years? What if the forces behind are intertwined?

I said kill you, then kill you!

Because of these things, there was a bloodbath in the whole shangzhao empire.

For hundreds of days, after killing tens of thousands of people, xuexiong finally stopped.

This time, the ministers were silent and did not dare to surpass any more.

From now on, xuexiong said nothing, and no one dare to act recklessly by virtue of his qualification.

And they became the four gods of Taicang.

The young man in front of my son is from the very rich Zhen family.

The reason why they come here is that the Zhen family often selects some talented and horrible cultivators from other higher planes, and then lets them test them. If anyone can achieve the goal, they can join the Zhen family.

Taicang war world, one of the three families of Zhen family, has abundant financial resources and all kinds of cultivation resources.

If anyone can join Zhen's family, he will not have to worry about the rest of his life.

It can be said that this is a very big chance.

When the young man came to the boundary of Taiqian, he inquired about it at will and learned that there were several Tianjiao in yaochisheng.

Therefore, he went directly to the Imperial Palace and asked Fang Wujing to select a few Tianjiao for him.

He didn't say what to do.

"Your Majesty, here comes Chu Yun."

Gong Gao's voice sounded outside the palace.

Fang Wujing said with a happy look: "childe, this Chu cloud is the top Tianjiao in our holy land of yaochi and even in the kingdom of Taiqian. No one can compare with him..."

Chu Yun, with his head held high, walked in quickly, and then saluted: "I have seen your majesty!"

He raised his head, glanced at the young man, and felt a slight movement in his heart.

This young man has a horrible smell.


There must be a peak of nirvana.

What really shocked Chu Yun was not his realm, but his spirit released from his actions.

Fang Wujing is the son of the emperor of Kowloon, isn't he very temperament? But in front of the young man, there was still a feeling of being oppressed, as if the aura was directly covered, and he could not show his momentum at all.

This is enough to show that the young man is not a small man, and his insight is much better than that of Fang Wujing.

"Release the spirit."

The young man, with his hands on his back, looked at Chu Yun and nine princesses lightly.


Chu Yun picks his eyebrows. What does this young man mean? Let him release his soul.

Fang Wujing hurriedly explained: "this is the son from Taicang war world, from the Zhen family, one of the three families!"

The meaning is very clear. This man is not small. Don't mess with him if you can.

Fang Wujing knows that Chu Yun is unruly and unruly. He immediately winks at him, asking him not to give him more or less face, and not to make himself too difficult.

Chu Yun sighed and nodded.

Zhen family?

It seems that the stone has broken the sky That... Is the woman from Zhen's family?

It seems to be the miss of the Zhen family. Zhen Wei.

There are Zhen Yulan and Zhen Wei's grandmother, who were also given by stone to

Anyway, it's a mess.

However, since Fang Wujing insists, he should give him the face.

The next second, the Supreme Soul suddenly rises, mysterious, ancient, arrogant, domineering The ten golden lights, twining around the whole body, are extremely brilliant in the palace.


The young man was shocked and took a breath of cold air. He didn't pay much attention to Chu Yun, but his heart was a little proud.

However, he was completely shocked when he saw the spirit of heaven's top ten martial arts.

This kind of place can give birth to the super Tianjiao of the top ten products?

Before the young people had a reaction, the nine princesses also sacrificed their spirits.

A pen fell into her hands, made of Jasper. It's very delicate. It's a warm jade pen.

"And Another day's ten products? "

The young man only felt his brain buzzing, and his eyes blacked.

What's the joke? It's too dry. In a palace, there are two perfect spirits of heaven level and ten level?

How can it be so horrible?

Chu Yun and nine princesses jointly release the spirit of martial arts. The spirit of two Heaven level ten grade martial arts is like a brilliant sun, showing its own color.

The young man thought highly of himself. He had seen many big scenes, but he still couldn't understand the scene.

"Just Just these two, do you have anything else? "

The young man turned his head abruptly, with some fanaticism under his eyes.

Hahaha, if I can bring these two Tianjiao back to Zhen's family, it's a great achievement!

"No No...... "

Fang Wujing's forehead was sweating. He thought it was not enough.

He is respectful to the young man because he can't afford to provoke the Zhen family behind him.

If the Zhen family gets angry and sends a person with the title of supremacy, it can raze the holy land of yaochi.

What he didn't know was that all his worries were in vain, because the Zhen family had been killed by Chu Yun.

"Enough Enough! "

The young man smiled brightly, then said in a relaxed voice, "I'm Zhen Shijie, from the Zhen family. As for the reputation of the Zhen family, don't you need me to elaborate? One of the three families in Taicang war world is also the place with the most financial resources. The famous drunken dream Pavilion is opened by our Zhen family! And our Zhen family is famous for the way of controlling the couple in the war world. They are so powerful that they can speak for three days and three nights... "

He didn't elaborate, but he said it again, as if he intended to show off.

"I'm Zhen Shijie, the young master of the Zhen family. The reason why I came here is to find some good Tianjiao to take back and give you a chance to join the Zhen family! As long as your performance can pass the test of our Zhen family, we will be the people of our Zhen family from now on, enjoying the same treatment as the internal Tianjiao. From then on, we will not worry about all kinds of cultivation resources, which are all covered by us! "

"Our Zhen family and its subordinates have two clans. They can be in the top ten in the Taicang war world. As long as you are qualified to join the Zhen family, I will take out some extra places in the clans for you. You should have many relatives and friends, right? Together, this is my Zhen Shijie's guarantee for you! "

At this point, Zhen Shijie's face flashed with pride.

The strong Zhen family is his foundation!

Hearing this, Fang Wujing quickly flashed a touch of excitement.

Unexpectedly, you can join the Zhen family directly?

If it were someone else, he might not have faith.

But for nine princesses and Chu Yun, he has no doubt.

If the nine princesses can join the Zhen family smoothly and play an important role by their talent, then the help to the holy land of yaochi will be very significant.

It can be said that holding Zhen's thigh can walk horizontally in the whole dry area.

That's how horrible it is.

Therefore, Fang Wujing looked at Princess nine with eager eyes, hoping that she would agree.

Nine princess a Leng, immediately the bottom of the heart into a tangle.

Although she is very capable and talented, she didn't make decisions by herself since she was a child. Her father Fang Wujing made decisions for her.

This time, facing the choice, she did not know how to do well for a while.

But under, nine princesses can only raise head, looking at Chu cloud.

She hoped that Chu Yun could make a choice, so that she would follow him unconditionally.

Chu Yun frowns slightly. Zhen Shijie wants to take him to Zhen's home in Taicang war world?

To tell you the truth, although Chu Yun wanted to go to Taicang war, he was not interested in this kind of solicitation at all.

What if your Zhen family is one of the three families?

Even Li Yaoxing, the most honorable of Xingyao, is my brother. What are the advantages of your Zhen family compared with Li family?

Instead of joining your Zhen family, why not join the Li family?

Anyway, I have no reason to agree.

Zhen Shijie carries his hands and smiles around his mouth.

He believed that they would not refuse.

For nothing else, the Zhen family is like a chance to climb a branch and become a Phoenix. Who will let it go?

As long as you are not a fool, you will seize the opportunity in your hand.

So, he's waiting.

Waiting for a reply from both.

Especially, this woman.

Zhen Shijie fell in love with it and admired it very much.

Even he began to imagine how he could easily take her down.

At this time, Chu Yun said quietly: "Zhen family, I No interest! "

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: for flowers!

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