Sky War Soul

Chapter 138. One of them is bad

Huo Hongchang sent lightning beads to everyone, even the great sage did not fall.

Chu Yun carefully looked at the blue lightning bead in his hand. It was very round. After touching it, he could clearly feel the fine current.

"If you are struck by lightning, don't panic. Hold the lightning bead in your hand and it will actively release the energy breath to protect you from lightning!"

Huo Hongchang's long story is short, which shows his anxiety at the bottom of his heart.


Huo Hongchang leads the way in front of him. It's not the first time for him to come here, so he naturally memorizes the location of the thundering abyss.

After crossing the medicine field, I went to the front for about a kilometer, only to see the sky darkened, and the rain became bigger. With a deafening roar of thunder, the whole world was bright and dark, which seemed very unreal.

In the distance, at the end of the plain, there is a canyon. The entrance of the canyon is black, like a giant animal's open mouth.

Inside the canyon, there are endless flashes of lightning, crackling, shining like daylight.

As soon as you get close to the entrance of the canyon, you can feel the thunderbolt overflowing. That force is enough to push people out.

Huo Hongchang frowned and stared at the inside of the canyon. He couldn't help saying, "what a strong thunder breath, it's so much stronger than those I came to. Can't it be that the power of thunder will continue to increase? "

Gong Yanjie and he used to stand outside the canyon, looking at the thunder snake lightning that kept coming and going inside, his heart couldn't help being scared.

If this kind of thunder and lightning split on the body, I'm afraid that the martial artists in the real martial arts can't bear it, right?

It seems that if you want to pass safely, you have to rely on Lightning beads.

Chu Yun looked at the continuous electric snake inside, his heart moved slightly. No wonder it is called the abyss. The thunder and lightning in the valley is not acceptable to ordinary martial artists.

Taohuan covers her mouth and is shocked. Can lightning beads really stop such fierce thunder?

"If you regret it now, you will have time."

Huo Hongchang saw the hesitation in the eyes of several people. He had made up his mind. Even if everyone didn't go in, he would go in and find out for himself.

"What to do, elder Gong?"

He used to be worried in his eyes. In case of anything, his life would be gone.

Under the cover of thunder, it's better than Huo Hongchang to just barely protect himself, not to protect others. If you want to live, you can only rely on yourself, and then pray that the lightning rod can support the past safely.

Gong Yanjie turned to look at Chu Yun and said, "go in, of course! What the hell are you afraid of with lightning beads? "

"It's thundering all the time, and your sight will be blocked. You must keep up with me. Don't lose it!"

Huo Hongchang said in a deep voice. Then he grabbed the lightning bead and rushed into the canyon with his fearless face.

"Elder Huo, wait for us!"

Gong Yanjie and he are used to it. They are surprised. They don't want to do anything. They quickly follow him.

"You are ahead."

Chu Yun is very careful to let taohuan walk in front, because the safest position in a team is undoubtedly the middle, and the most dangerous is the front and the back.

Chu Yun takes the initiative to ask Tao Huan to walk behind him. Even if he encounters any unexpected danger, he can protect Tao Huan from being hurt.

The great sage scratched his head and walked at the back.

"Well, you must keep up with me."

Peach Huan forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart, and her body leaped into the canyon.

Chu Yun has a smile on his face. He is in a very calm mood without any disturbance.

There are so many big storms and waves. This little thing is nothing at all.


Just entering the canyon, there were seven or eight thunders that cut through the sky, just like a pillar of light falling from the sky. They were so fierce that the oppressors could not breathe.

"Don't panic, lightning beads will protect us!"

Huo Hongchang is not afraid. He walks in the front with his head held high.

Gong Yanjie was frightened. His heart couldn't help mentioning his voice and eyes. Seeing the thunder, a blue light shield suddenly appeared around his body, blocking the thunder outside.


The thunder and lightning broke, and countless small thunder snakes walked in the upper reaches of the blue light cover, shocking.

Gong Yanjie's legs were soft. He closed his eyes tightly and didn't open them. After a few seconds, he just raised his head and found that the blue light shield had blocked all the thunder and lightning outside. He was very brave.

"It seems that this lightning avoiding bead has a good effect."

Gong Yanjie breathed a sigh of relief. The valley is only a kilometer long, and it will pass through in a short time.

It's absolutely safe to be protected by lightning beads.

Huo Hongchang walked in the front, just like a guiding light. Several people behind him followed him closely and dared not leave too far away.


Huo Hongchang's Crystal hanging around his waist suddenly hummed. He picked up the crystal with his eyebrows. After careful consideration, he replied in a low voice, "what's the matter with Lao Qin?"

"You haven't led the disciples into the thundering abyss, have you? In such a short time, you can't catch up with me if you want to... "

Old Qin's voice was a little anxious.

Huo Hongchang's heart thumped and his face changed. What's wrong?

He forced himself to resist the shock in his heart and reluctantly smiled: "we just arrived at the entrance of the canyon, but we haven't come in yet. What's the matter?"

"Well, that's good. I'll tell you, one of the six lightning beads I gave you is bad. I've made ten lightning avoiding beads. Only five of them have an effect. The rest five are all waste products. I was so anxious that I took six to you before I could pay attention. Fortunately, I reminded you in time. Otherwise, things would be unthinkable... "

With a sigh of relief, Qin reached out to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

Huo Hongchang's face suddenly turned ugly. Of the six lightning beads, one was a waste?

Damn, how could this happen at this juncture!

Huo Hongchang looks back suddenly. At this moment, he has walked more than 200 meters away. The thundersnake roars in the sky and the lightning is dazzling. It's too late to go out.

Whose is bad, whose is bad?

Huo Hongchang forces himself to calm down. The more this happens, the less he can panic.

He took a deep breath, glanced at four people and a monkey, and finally stayed on Chu Yun.

There is a layer of transparent blue light cover beside others, but Chu Yun doesn't!

He took taohuan's hand, talking and laughing, and didn't realize that his lightning bead was bad.

The thick and thin thunder of the bucket fell fiercely on Chu Yun's head, but because he was too close to Tao Huan, the thunder was blocked by the lightning bead of Tao Huan.

This is equal to two people sharing a lightning avoiding bead, which is absolutely impossible!

If it goes on like this, when the lightning bead can't bear it, Chu Yun and Tao Huan will be blown into coke by the roaring thunder snake.

Huo Hongchang is very upset. How could this happen?

Now we have to make a choice!

With the deepening of the canyon, the power of lightning will only become stronger and stronger. It is only a matter of reluctance to protect one person, let alone two people?

Huo Hongchang was very helpless. He was kind to Chu Yun. After all, he gave him a hidden dragon pill that he had been longing for for for many years.

No one wants to see such a thing happen, but since it has happened, in order to minimize the loss, Huo Hongchang can only choose to publish it.

"Chu Yun, I just got a message Your Lightning avoiding bead is bad! "

Huo Hong clenched his teeth slightly.


Chu Yun was so shocked that he couldn't help looking up, only to find that he didn't have a blue mask on his head.

Thunder and lightning keep falling and roaring, and the desire of ferocity and terror will tear itself to pieces.

But these thunders are all blocked by the light shield on the top of taohuan's head. Now they share a lightning avoiding bead with taohuan.

Chu Yun's pupil contracts violently. Some don't think of it: "why is this so?"

Almost half the way into the canyon, I suddenly told myself that there was something wrong with the lightning bead.

What should I do?

It's not a good way to move on or to go back.

Huo Hongchang, with a bitter face, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, it's my negligence..."

Tao Huanmei's eyes were shocked, but she quickly responded, pointing to the top of her head: "if elder martial brother Chu's lightning arrester doesn't work, please use it with me..."

"No, the lightning power here is extremely strong. A lightning avoidance bead can only protect one person at most. If two people share, they will be torn up by lightning before they go out. "

Huo Hongchang is very guilty. Chu Yun is tied up by himself.

With the sound of Huo Hongchang falling, a huge electric snake suddenly fell in the sky, roaring and roaring on the top of Chu cloud.


The blue light mask is crumbling, which seems to verify Huo Hongchang's words.

Seeing this behind the scenes, Chu Yun is very clear-minded. He can't stay in Tao Huan's mask any longer. That will only harm her.

Can you leave the mask, and how can you bear the thunderbolt here with your body and soul?

"Hahahaha! Chu Yun, weren't you arrogant before? Retribution, that's retribution! "

After a brief silence, Gong Yanjie suddenly cried out. He reached out to Chu Yun and laughed loudly: "you are going to die here, understand? You are going to die here soon!"

Chu Yun frowned, thinking quickly in his heart.

If there is no lightning bead to protect, how long can I support myself under the lightning bombardment, and whether I can support myself to run out of the canyon.

Everything is unknown.


Dozens of thunder lights fell at the same time, which cracked the blue light cover on taohuan's head. The energy breath desperately wanted to get in from the gap and completely destroyed the light cover formed by lightning beads.

"Chu Yun, if you don't get out, younger martial sister Tao will be killed by you."

He used to be proud of himself.

Chu Yun knows that this is the truth.

Now that it's over, we can only find our own way.

Chu Yun turned to look at the great sage and whispered, "great sage, you will try your best to sprint and send me forward for a distance. The rest is up to me."

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