Sky War Soul

Chapter 1396 seize the storm and overthrow it

"This... What is this? "

Because Chu Yun took out the egg fried rice, so people are very looking forward to the things in his bottle.

Even at the bottom of my heart, I was eager to try.

It seems that the whole body is dark, like the wine made of plums. If you look at it carefully, it doesn't look like it.

There are bubbles in it. What is it?

Chuyun grins. Previously, he found many materials in the back kitchen. When they are combined, they can make happy water in the fat house.

last time in the world, the method of making Cola is no longer a secret. If you are interested, you can even drink at home, but the taste can not be the same as the coke produced by the company, but it can reach seven or eight of the taste similarity.

Sugar, carbonated water, caramel, phosphoric acid, caffeine, plus some special materials, such as wild peas, ginger, Mimosa, orange leaves, coca leaves, cinnamon and vanilla skin, which are all available in the kitchen of zuimengge.

And Chu Yun's approach is simple.

First rely on these things to make the original pulp of coke, and then add carbonated water, it's done.

As for the original pulp, Chu Yun made a big barrel at one time.

Carbonated water is easier to make, water and baking soda to finish.

Chu Yun took out the cup, poured a small cup for several people and smiled: "taste it, you will know."

Li Yaoxing was eager to try. He took the cup and took a sip.

The first feeling.


As he was tasting slowly, the tip of his tongue seemed to be paralyzed.

He could feel clearly how the liquid exploded in his mouth.

Scalp tingling!

Cool to the heart!

Chu Yun was afraid that he was not strong enough, so he added some ice cubes.


After swallowing the coke, Li Yaoxing trembled and his eyes showed satisfaction: "it's good to drink. It's not wine or juice. It's What is this? "

"Fat Coke. "

Chuyun smiled. He wanted to say "happy water in fat house", but the name was obviously not easy to remember.

"Coke? Good! Splendid! Did you make it yourself? Why drink, can be so happy, why in the end? What's more, is it wine or juice? Why is it not like anything? "

Li Yaoxing was a little excited and kept asking.

"Let me have a taste!"

Stone and Mutu are also anxious. They reach for the cup and lift their necks to dry.


They took a breath of cool air, only felt a cold water with paralysis drilling into the throat, the whole tongue is numb.





What a pleasure!

The ink pool and the ink yuan also extended their hands: "childe Chu, can you give us Have a drink? "

Chu Yun reached out and said, "please."

After drinking the coke, they had a clear vision, as if they had just woken up.

"Good to drink."

"No, good drink is not enough to describe!"

Two people are deeply immersed in it.

Chu Yun reached out from the space ring and brought out several buckets of coke with ice. He put them on the table and smiled, "what do you think, if you take them for sale, how much are they worth?"

A few people saw this. They were busy taking a bucket and pouring it into their mouths.

Gudu gudu.


Cool scalp tingling!

Cool goosebumps are up!

"Drink way is about to cut off gas, stone breaks a talent to raise a head, wiped wipe a mouth way:" in my opinion, a cup of coke should sell a super pill

"Yes, this Coke, if you really take it for sale, I'm afraid it can match the value of Qiongjiang jade dew! "

Mutu also cut in a serious look.

"However, this cola formula is very common, without spiritual connotation. If it is sold, will it suffer losses?"

Ink pool hesitated for a moment, which seemed to be a problem.

Others are similar to wine, juice, and Ganquan jade dew. They contain rich aura. Besides enjoying the taste, they also have practical benefits.

"You don't understand that. Do they care about the promotion of aura for the supreme and the title? What they want is taste! Pure taste! In my opinion, there are at least ten super pills for a coke! "

Li Yaoxing slapped the table and said excitedly, "don't say ten. Even if there are twenty, there will be an endless stream of titles."

Mo yuan nodded, deeply touched: "yes, I want to have another drink now. I can pay as much as I want!"

After hearing the comments of these people, Chu Yun's confidence in his eyes was more and more flickering, and he couldn't help but smile: "the Zhen family wants to play yangmou with us, let's eat this dumb loss, it's a dream! I Chu Yun will tell them that I don't need to follow their original way of business, but also can bring the drunken dream pavilion to a new height! "

"Next, brother, what are you going to do? It's true that fried rice with eggs and coke can attract a large number of guests, but they may not last for a long time. No matter how delicious they are, they can't eat every day! "

Li Yaoxing looks at Chu Yun. This boy can often bring miracles. It's a habit for people to get used to.

"More than that, of course!"

Chu Yun raised his mouth confidently: "I have a clear and grand blueprint in my mind. Next, brother, you give an order to boss Quan to come here with all the cooks, geisha, pastry makers and brewers of xianranju. Of course, these are not enough. Let him go on to other high positions to solicit. However, with the size of xianranju, we can live safely In the last few months, there should be no problem. "


Li Yaoxing didn't have any nonsense. He directly invited Li Zeng to send messages to the ancient world.



Quan Lekang is sitting in Xianran's house. Thanks to Li Yaoxing's visit a few days ago, Xianran's house has become more and more popular. Most of the high-level faces in the starry field at night often come to Xianran's house to visit. His increasing income makes him very satisfied.

Of course, all this benefits from the master and Chu Yun.

Just then, a golden envelope came and landed in front of him.

Quan Lekang jumped up with a shock in his face.

He could recognize that the letter had the owner's mark on it.

Quan Lekang opened it with excitement. Just looking at the first few lines, he almost fainted with excitement.

"Now that zuimengge has been taken over by brother chuyun, you will immediately bring all the staff of Xianran residence to zuimengge to assist its development, and then send people to several nearby star regions to recruit Geisha, cooks and winemakers, so as to give you a day to prepare."

It was Li Yaoxing who signed.

"God, master, this is..."

Quan Lekang's legs were soft, and he knelt down on the ground directly. He was excited and even cried.

Actually let oneself go to drunk dream pavilion to help management and development.

This is a chance to rise to the sky step by step!

No matter how xianranju develops, it's the end. There's no more potential to explore.

However, the drunken dream Pavilion is different.

Zuimengge is the first gold selling cave in the starry night circle. Its geographical position is very dominant. It is the richest Nebula city in the imperial kingdom of Taicang war.

It can be said that the drunken dream Pavilion is a feature of Taicang war.

Quan Lekang did not hesitate to call all the people together and announce the matter.

Hearing the boss say that, those people are also bright in front of their eyes.


"Is it true?"



The cooks, their excited faces trembled.

They all thought they could go further, but unfortunately they never had a chance.

The gap between xianranju and jiumengge is mainly reflected in people and resources. As for cooks, geishas, pastry makers and winemakers, there is no difference. For example, if we take the Qiongjiang Yulu from xianranju to jiumengge, it will still sell well, but the platform is inferior to other people, which naturally limits its development.

Now, the opportunity is in front of us.

"Xianranju has concentrated the efforts of our ancestors, so we can't give up on it. Quanyou, you stay here and keep xianranju closed for three months, until when you can recruit enough people and when you can reopen!"

"Quan Ning, you go to other star regions and recruit the top cooks, bakers, brewers and geisha at any cost. Geisha can appropriately ask for some other ethnic and exotic customs. Remember, this matter is very important and must be handled properly for me!"

Quan you and Quan Ning are both brother of Quan Lekang.

At the moment, he looked so serious and nodded: "we remember."

"The rest of you, get ready and go to Taicang war with me!"

"Our future is in the drunken dream Pavilion!"

"From today on, we will support the first gold cave in the night sky!"

Quan Lekang repressed the excitement and his face was shaking.

I'm so happy.



"My Lord, is that really enough?"

Zhen Yulan lies on her side on a gilded bed, kneeling in front of an old man and growling, "Li Yaoxing is provoking Zhen's family. He even allows Jiang to them All killed, he Where does he come from, is he not afraid that our Zhen family and Li family will fight in an all-round way? "

Zhen Yulan frowned slightly and said, "of course, he's not afraid. I just got the news. Li Yaoxing didn't know how to prolong his life for more than one hundred years. Now he's in his prime and his combat power is at its peak. Do you want to fight with him?"

The old man was shocked and lost his color: "how could it be that the last time I saw him, I could clearly realize that he had not much money to live, and that he had two years to live Over the years, he has tried his best to prolong his life. How can he suddenly extend his life by more than 100 years? "

Zhen Yulan snapped: "I told you at the beginning that only the ghost chef Jiang Yun was allowed to leave. The others are still the same. You really have the guts to play a trick of hundreds of people threatening me. You are obviously beating Li Yaoxing! Who gave you courage? "

old man's face was red, and he knelt down and kowtow: "the owner, the old slave is also for our sake. Once they join us in other industries, we will create another" dream Pavilion "in less than ten years, so that we can avoid loss as much as possible.

"Don't give me any bullshit, you will undoubtedly aggravate the contradiction between our two families! Take the feather of a chicken as an arrow. I would have killed you if I hadn't thought about your hard work over the years

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