Sky War Soul

Chapter 1400 shock! Surprise everyone!

"Black card? Good! My master! You can only say what you want and how many coins you need. You don't need to talk about the rest of the nonsense! "

Obviously, the eyes of the moon's supreme Rowe were excited.

How many years, I finally can find my favorite drink!

In the past, there was no other liquor to drink. Now, this kind of thing called "cola" can instantly make you full of energy, just like pouring water into the roof.

From the beginning, what is drunk in the fragrance, has long been thrown out of the sky by him.

He began to feel that he had lived in vain for so many years.

The taste of this coke, completely kill the drunk fragrance!

"Black card, as the most noble card here, is only entitled to be dealt with by the supreme title, and the conditions are also very harsh. You must come here to spend more than 50 times a year, or you will be disqualified from the black card. However, if you have the black card, you can enjoy unlimited food and beverage supply, and there are various discounts."

"The most important thing is that the number of black cards is limited. If you are late, there will be no more..."

Quan Lekang deliberately bought a pass. Chu Yun taught him all these scripts, so that he could lift the appetite of the guests to the greatest extent.

The moon frowned slightly and was a little impatient, but when he thought that he would come many times later, he also endured.

"If you want to apply for a black card, you must first hand in a legendary pill as the card fee."

"Although it's expensive, it's definitely worth it, because we..."

Quan Lekang hesitated for fear that the price of the moon would be too high.

However, this is the price set by Chu Yun, and he has no right to ask.

"Legendary pill?"

As soon as he raised his eyebrows, the supreme Luowei of the moon of the dead put out his hand without hesitation. There was a shining treasure pill lying on it: "this is a legendary pill. It's called Tongtian refining pill. After taking it, it will go through four stages: refining Qi, refining Qi, refining spirit, refining spirit to return to emptiness, and refining the combination of emptiness. If it can reach the last level, it will be of great benefit to cultivation!"

"Of course, not every cultivator can reach the last level, so the more Tianjiao takes it, the more effective it will be!"

"Heaven connecting elixir!"

Seeing this pill, Quan Lekang was shocked.

As the boss of xianranju, he is also used to the storm. Of course, he knows the value of this pill in his heart.

It's reasonable not to be so appalled.

But can we not be shocked?

Just the money for the black card is worth a legendary pill!

Even the former drunken dream Pavilion dare not be so dark!


Black, of course!

Is there anything darker than this?

, however, Kwan Lok Kang is only willing to breathe in the bottom of his heart.

"Hurry up and give me the black card!"

"Then, give me coke!" growled in a low voice! More coke! "

"Xiaoju, go to help Lord Luo handle the black card!"

Quan Lekang put away the pills and said to the maid beside him.

The maid nodded, relieved, and hurried out of the box.

With a more brilliant smile on his face, Quan Lekang stepped forward and raised his hand to light a note in the air, only to see the light curtain appear.

Above the light curtain, there are all kinds of dishes, as if they are near at hand.

Chu Yun's order is to follow the iPad of the last world, so that the guests can see the appearance of each dish more clearly and intuitively. The so-called dishes with complete color, fragrance and taste are just the appearance, which is enough to make people appetite.

Although the moon of the underworld Lord Rowe is well-informed, he has never experienced such a way of ordering.

In the past, it used to be a thick menu.

"The updated dishes here must satisfy Lord Luo. How can we do without food and drink?"

Quan Lekang was more and more excited when he looked at the surprise on his face.

All the previous tensions are gone now, and some are only full of confidence.

"This, this, and this, please give me a copy."

Luo Cheng, the supreme emperor of the moon of the dead, ordered many dishes at one go, all of which were attractive food, such as Dongpo elbow, boiled beef, spicy chicken, crucian carp in milk soup, etc. because he had never tried before, he was very interested in them.

"Lord Luo, I don't need to recommend some food to match with coke?"

Quan laughs.

The moon nodded. "Say."

"It's called fried chicken. It's Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It's a perfect match with coke!"

Quan Lekang stretched out his hand and drew several times on the light curtain, pointing to a picture.

"Come on, listen to you!"

The emperor of the moon can't wait. After the transformation of the drunken dream Pavilion, it is quite different from the past. Will it be better or worse?

"As for pastry, I recommend a cage of crab soup bag. For main food, fried rice with eggs is one of our signboards..."

Quan Lekang was obviously very interested in seeing the supreme Luowei of mingmingmingyue. He couldn't help but start to introduce him.

At one breath, he was recommended dozens of delicacies.

Of course, the moon of the underworld's supreme Luowei didn't refuse to accept it.

"OK, just a moment, please!"

Quan Lekang bowed and went down happily.

That's great.

I didn't expect that just a cup of coke could conquer the title supremacy with such tricky taste.

If wait for other big meal to come up, still can't startle his eyeball?

At the bottom of Quan Lekang's heart, there is a sense of happiness.

It's more challenging to work in zuimengge than in xianranju.

In a moment, all kinds of big meals were served and round tables were filled.

Looking at the steaming dishes, Rowe lowered his head and sniffed. He was intoxicated.

It's really fragrant.

He took a bucket of coke in front of him, gudu gudu took a big mouthful first, then exhaled a breath of cool air, very satisfied.

This is a drink!

It's too far to be drunk.

After drinking coke to taste drunk fragrance, it is just like chewing wax, no meaning at all.

He picked up chopsticks and took a piece of Dongpo's elbow skin. It was crystal clear on the surface and stewed with dozens of herbs. The taste was much better than that of the last world.

Chu Yun tasted many miraculous medicines, and his mouth was numb. Only in this way could he find out the miraculous medicine that could replace onion, ginger, garlic, thirteen spices, cumin pepper, pepper, salt and pepper, as well as all kinds of ingredients.

In ancient times, Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs, but now, chuyun tasted all kinds of herbs.

But the result is obvious.

To replace the seasoning of the last world with the panacea, the taste is not only good at a level?

Put the skin into the mouth, the feeling of instant melting makes Rowe tremble.

Not at all!

He repressed his excitement, brought a crispy fried chicken and put it into his mouth.

Crispy outside and tender inside.


It's so delicious!

Finally, he could not control himself, no longer reserved, grabbed a fried chicken leg to the golden color, and began to bite.

Take a few bites, then pour in a cold coke.

Don't change for a fairy!



In the hall.

Several spies looked at each other and a bad feeling rose in their hearts.

There are several people around. After tasting the coke, they all make intoxicated sounds.

It's like the first time a country bumpkin has had a big meal.

This What's the situation?

They all looked at each other in bewilderment.

As for the previous use of light curtain to order dishes, it's really a stroke of genius, but it's too wasteful to use it here. After learning a trick secretly and using it in several restaurants of Zhen's family, you will surely get good results.

The name of the first woman is Zhang Xin.

Her job is to be a cook.

In fact, he is a very well-known cook of the Zhen family, and his ability is not as bad as that of the ghost chef Jiang Yun.

However, she has always been responsible for the diet of Zhen's family, and has never appeared in the public, so this trip allows her to come here, which is safe enough not to worry about being recognized.

"In my opinion, they make a lot of gimmicks, but in the final analysis, it's not the taste of the dishes?"

Zhang Xin sneered and said with some disdain: "in the past, under the leadership of ghost chef Jiang Yun, every cook in zuimengge had a good cooking skill. Many titles came from other star regions just to taste their good dishes. Now, they kill all the core cooks. Only some people who don't know anything are temporarily transferred from xianranju to cook Can we solve the current problem? "

"You can rest assured that no matter how good their gimmicks are, no one will come as long as the food tastes bad."

"Whether it's listening to music, drinking tea, entertaining, or drinking, isn't it all based on dishes?"

All the other spies nodded at the news, just like this.

The dishes are not good, and zuimengge still can't go on.

Many customers are old customers of hundreds or even thousands of years. Are their tastes so easy to change?

Unless you put out dishes, can cry ghosts and gods!

Hahaha, how could it be?

After a while, all kinds of food were brought up.

First of all, a coke was placed in front of several people.

"Sniff, this kind of stuff is black. It's probably the wine made by various kinds of miraculous drugs. At first sight, the process is not refined and rigorous. The color is so deep. I don't know what kind of winemaker brewed it. If we choose a family, this kind of winemaker will get out soon!"

After a look, Zhang Xin's face was full of disdain.

Other spies nodded.

As for the customers on the other tables, they were all full of praise, saying that this life was rare and this trip was not empty. Even more, they started directly to ask for more coke to drink.

My God, are there so many buns?

Haven't they tasted the brand liquor of zuimengge, zuilinxiang?

If I had tasted it, I would not have been so ignorant.

Zhang Xin snorted coldly. Out of duty, she had to taste anything that was hard to drink.

Only to see her extremely dislike of the cup up, frown hard.

Then I opened my mouth and took a sip.

It's really just a little bit.

In an instant, his face solidified.

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