Sky War Soul

Chapter 1403 helpless! The sword is on the wrong side!

The transformation and reopening of drunken dream Pavilion soon spread all over the night.

When you heard the news, your first impression was unbelievable.

Drunken dream Pavilion is a rare cash cow of Zhen family. How could they easily release it? Later, it was learned that the source of all this was the banquet held in the imperial court of the Shang Dynasty. On the banquet, Chu Yun fought against Duan Zehua, and the third war was completely crushed!

And Zhen Yulan and Li Yaoxing are making a big bet to show their confidence.

Zhen Yulan gambles Duan Zehua to win. The gamble is the drunken dream pavilion that the Zhen family is proud of.

Li Yaoxing wins at chuyun. The bet is Chongyang island that the Zhen family has always wanted.

This bet is of great significance. Whoever can win it will lead half the way in the battle among the three families.

Whether it's zuimengge or Chongyang Island, it's enough to shake the foundation.

Finally, Chu won.

Li Yaoxing also won.

Drunk dream Pavilion lost to the Li family, and Li Yaoxing did not greedy, backhanded it to Chu Yun.

That is to say, now the industry of zuimengge has been used by Chu Yun.

According to his ability, it was impossible to protect the stupendous things like zuimengge. However, the royal family and the Li family's presence made zuimengge indestructible. No one dared to provoke zuimengge under such circumstances.

What's more surprising is that the drunken dream Pavilion, which was supposed to be in decline, is now full of great vitality.

Li Yaoxing killed hundreds of people in the drunken dream Pavilion by extremely bloody means, and set up a lower horse power. Then he began a thorough reform. Talking about the drunken dream Pavilion today, what he talked about was not how beautiful geisha is, how mellow drunken incense is, but how good coke is, how good mutton soup is, how good egg fried rice is, and how delicious those new cuisines are

Nobody thought that the drastic reform of zuimengge had succeeded!

The number of cultivators going forward has not decreased, but increased at a terrifying rate.

In the past, none of the Zhen family's proud contacts were broken, but they were more frequent.

Those so-called black cards bind the hearts of all the Lords.

They used to come once a month, even if it was good, but now they come five times a week!

Under the title of supremacy, there are more and more ordinary fairyland supremacy.

Nowadays, the consumption of zuimengge is more terrible than before, but no one thinks it's not worth it.

On the contrary, they think that this is the real value for money, this is the real enjoyment!

What's all those things you used to eat?

Here and then, ten, ten, one hundred.

There are practitioners who come all the way to Taicang battle world just to taste a legendary coke.

Where did they drink this stuff?

As long as people who have tasted it, they all praise each other. Even some practitioners are totally addicted to it. They live directly in the drunken dream Pavilion, just to drink a coke every day.

This is the brilliance of Chu Yun.

Hunger marketing makes these cultivators itch in their hearts as if they are caught by their appetites.

Soon, the customers of other restaurants in Xingyun city began to be attracted by the rumor of zuimengge. They came here with a try and taste the delicious food in the rumor, but unexpectedly, just one mouthful made them completely on a road not to return!



"Compared with the past, the number of customers in weiyuange has decreased by two-thirds."

"It's the same with Huanyu building. Half of the guests are directly missing!"

"We haven't had a guest in the whole three days on the Four Seas building, and the guys are bored to fall asleep!"


News like this is constantly coming to Zhen Yulan's ears.

Zhen Yulan's face is expressionless. She is waiting for Zhang Xin's reply.

All these restaurants under the name of Zhen family have begun to copy the system of zuimengge, such as what to do with the card, what discount, what discount, what lottery It has to be said that there are some effects in this way, but it's hard to draw a tiger's skin and a bone. Even if you draw a gourd and a ladle, there will be different places.

Zhen family does not understand that what they lack is the core competitiveness compared with zuimengge!

What is core competitiveness?

It's those new cuisines that have never been developed!

"If it goes on like this, the income of our Zhen family from the restaurant will be reduced by more than half!"

Below kneeling a row of bosses, they are all the people of the Zhen family, scattered out to run the major restaurants.

Today, their tone is extremely sour.

As the owners of all the big restaurants, they all see the sharp drop in income and the sharp decrease in the number of customers.

If we can't think of a solution, it's really over.

If it goes on like this, within three months, all the customers in the restaurant will be robbed by zuimengge, which is the same as a heavy fist for Zhen family and can't breathe for a long time.

Of course, the root cause of the injury is still secondary. What is really unacceptable is the problem of face.

Zuimengge has been exported and changed into a new business. Why hasn't the business become worse, but it is getting better and better?

This is absolutely unacceptable for the Zhen family.

"The most important thing in a restaurant is the taste. If the taste is not as good as others, what should I do?"

Zhen Yulan's beautiful eyes swept the whole audience, with a touch of cold in her voice.

"If the taste is not as good as others, what should I do I, I don't know what to do... "

A young man kneeling on the ground was at a loss, with a loss in his eyes, as if he didn't know how to answer.


Zhen Yulan's face was very disappointed. She opened her mouth gently, only to see that the young man's body began to disintegrate without any sign, and even without a scream, it completely turned into nothingness.

When others saw this, they couldn't help but take a breath of air conditioning and kowtow.

Zhen Yulan only felt disappointed. These young people were all arranged in the tavern by the powerful people within the family, and they may not have much ability. However, in the past, the tavern of Zhen family had an unshakable position in the world of Taicang war, so they only need not make mistakes to manage the tavern better and better.

But now, with the output of the drunken dream Pavilion, various kinds of pressures come one after another, and the problem of these young people's incompetence is magnified infinitely. They have no independent ability to deal with the current situation.

The only one said, "Granny, I know what you mean. Since the taste is not as good as that of others, then we should take the wrong path and enhance the competitiveness of other aspects. Although the taste of zuimengge is incomparable, it is not absolutely perfect. They also have weaknesses, such as geisha!"

After hearing this, Zhen Yulan's face was relieved.

She looked at the young man, his name floating in her mind.

Zhen Shijie.

He is a direct son of the Zhen family. Different from the common dandy disciples, he is very capable. He was responsible for going to taiqianjie to attract Tianjiao some days ago.

"You are right. Although no one can match the taste of zuimengge, Li Yaoxing killed all the famous Geisha in the past. It's not easy to find the number one that everyone likes in a short time. They need a buffer period of at least a few months, and you can seize the buffer period and attack their weakness severely!"

When Zhen Yulan said that, she was a little tired.

The Zhen family is really short of Tianjiao.

It is not only Tianjiao in cultivation, but also too few in all walks of life.

Although there is money and cultivation resources that everyone envies, Tianjiao is too few.

The number of Tianjiao is not enough, which means that there are not many people who can be on their own and share their worries.

It's a matter of depth. It's not urgent in a short time.

"Geisha! Storyteller! Piano music! The so-called sword goes in the wrong direction. That's all! Granny, I see. Please give me full responsibility for this matter. I will give them a hard blow in their weakness! "

Zhen Shijie's eyes brightened and he continued to kowtow.

Zhen Yulan nodded and signaled that he would take the matter to him.

Zhen Shijie stood up, clenched his fists, excited.

He could not wait to do a big job.



The same problem, Zhen can realize, Chu Yun can realize naturally.

He is very clear that currently there are too few entertainment projects in zuimengge. Although the geisha transferred from xianranju has exquisite looks, it is still not as good as those first cards, but it is not easy to hold a first card.

In restaurants, geisha is second only to taste.

Sometimes, it's even more important than taste!

With more and more guests, these geisha bodies are a bit unbearable.

However, all the guests are dignified and can't be offended. Even if the body can't bear it, they can only face the guests with a stiff head.

In this way, the quality will naturally decline a lot, and those guests will naturally have a lot of dissatisfaction.

Chu Yun ordered people to search for geisha in the star region in advance, but it was far from enough to hydrolyze their thirst. How to solve the current situation is the biggest problem.

"Childe, the sisters are very tired recently. The guests are like wolves and tigers. They are very healthy I can't eat it... "

Several Geisha, with a pitiful look, knelt down in front of Chu Yun.

"Apart from drinking, singing, shoulder pinching and feet pinching, what other entertainment items are there in the drunken dream pavilion? You don't need to put in too much energy, the kind that guests can meet. "

Chuyun asked with a smile.

The first geisha has a beautiful voice like a lark.

She hesitated and said, "I heard before that there are many storytellers in the drunken dream Pavilion. They say that the content of the book is very attractive, which can make many strong people applaud. Unfortunately, all the storytellers have been killed, and they will not come for a while... "


Chu Yun's eyes flashed with the light, then he said with the a smile: "what else should I be? Why didn't you say it earlier? If I had said it earlier, I would not have been guilty of it! "

The beautiful eyes of geisha are full of hope: "son, do you know how to talk?"

"I'll just say it once, you remember."

Chu Yun closed his eyes, pondered for a while, and said, "the power of fighting, three sections..."

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