Sky War Soul

Chapter 1405 good story! Sweep the court!

Most of the cultivators in Xingyun city are attracted to the past by the operation of Xingyun tower. It can be said that Zhen Shijie is really competent. Ordinary people dare to do this, but he dare.

You should know that it's really a loss and unbearable to mobilize all kinds of resources to hold such a banquet according to the difficulties faced by the Zhen family today.

Even if it's in its heyday, so many restaurants are declining. At this time, they still stand up to hold a banquet. If they can't succeed, Zhen Shijie can't escape this responsibility.

He knows all this and is still willing to gamble!

If you don't succeed, you will succeed.

If not, Zhen's restaurants will only be under the impact, and the business will be more and more depressed.

At present, the effect is very good.

Zhen Yulan sits in the family and listens to the subpoena.

When she learned Zhen Shijie's method, her brow could not help frowning.

To be honest, she doesn't like such vulgar means very much. It's just vulgar.

But we have to admit that only by this magic move can we grab enough attention from the hands of zuimengge!

"When has our Zhen family fallen to this level?"

When Zhen Yulan thought of these things, she felt a little sad. She simply closed her eyes and stopped thinking.

In the ranks of chamber of Commerce, tavern and gold selling grottoes, the former Zhen family is unique. No force can compete with them. Thanks to their vision in those days, they have to build the zuimengge, the No.1 gold selling Grottoes in the starry night circle, at all costs.

At that time, in order to achieve this goal, the whole Zhen family was almost hollowed out and had to go out to borrow money. Several times, it was hard work to survive.

However, the investment has received the due return, and the return is not small.

After the formation of the drunken dream Pavilion, it immediately attracted the pursuit of countless practitioners, especially the flying fairyland supremacy and the title supremacy. They like to regard the drunken dream Pavilion as a place where they have nothing to do for fun in normal times, and there is the first sale of the golden grottoes, which makes the business more and more prosperous.

But now, alas.

Everything is a thing of the past.

"Master, according to your orders, all our chambers of Commerce no longer do business with zuimengge, but they forcibly introduce several trade lines from the Li family to develop The development is very good... "

Someone below, go on.

"Well, I don't want to hear that."

Zhen Yulan waved her hand impatiently and shook her head. "I heard that the drunken dream Pavilion seems to have a way to deal with it today? Tell me, what are they going to do? This move of the nebula building is quite ingenious, though Although I am extremely disrespectful, but the effect is very significant, which is obvious. If zuimengge doesn't know it and wants to fight back, it's likely to hit his head and break his blood... "

I heard that they are going to have a book talk


When Zhen Yulan heard the words, a smile of disdain appeared on her elegant face.


Do you want to pull back a game in this way?

If you have a crazy party here, you are just a storyteller. You can see at a glance which is better.

Is chuyun's brain confused?

At this time, it's clear that we just need to do nothing. It's safe to pass these days.

But he wants to resist and do some storytelling. Isn't that death seeking!

"I have to admit that there is a good cook and a good counselor in the drunken dream Pavilion, but if they put all their hopes on Chu Yun and on unrealistic illusions, then we can never really threaten the status of the screening family in a lifetime!"

Zhen Yulan admired the cook of zuimengge and the people who planned the rules and regulations.

But that doesn't mean that they can run rampant!

Even if you are a crazy beast, you will also hit your head!

"Continue to send people to stare at the door of zuimengge. I just want to see them. How can I fall into the abyss step by step!"

In the beautiful eyes of Zhen Yulan, the light is shining again.

Seeing him rise high, seeing him feast guests Naturally, I have to see his tall buildings collapse with my own eyes!



In the drunken dream Pavilion, there are not many guests today.

Apart from the dozens of flying fairyland dignitaries who come frequently, there are few guests below nirvana.

In this regard, Quan Lekang is not worried at all, but busy with the arrangement.

In the hall, all tables and chairs are arranged in order, and a huge platform is erected in front of it, on which a curtain is drawn.

When the time comes, Cheng Yun will speak after the curtain.

With her beautiful voice like a lark, and her passionate story, she can absolutely conquer all the people present!

Including those titles!

Quan Lekang firmly believes in this!

Storytelling, in this world of entertainment, also accounts for a large proportion.

Some strong people usually fight everywhere. In their spare time, they like to close their eyes, offer a pot of tea, and then listen to the storyteller quietly.

There is no limit to human imagination, so most of these stories are made up.

For those who are strong, whether they make up or not is easy to hear.

But they don't interrupt.

If we really want to be critical, we can't have any stories in our ears at all, so we can't ask too much, just listen to them.

There used to be dozens of storytellers in the drunken dream Pavilion. They were enshrined in the drunken dream Pavilion on weekdays, including food and all cultivation resources. They didn't need to do anything on weekdays. They just locked themselves in their study and pondered over interesting stories.

Because of this, the drunken dream pavilion has gathered many guests who love to hear stories.

This is also a way to improve the cohesion of guests.

Because a story can only be told in a few months, many years.

Once they listen, the guests don't want to leave for another place, just want to hear the story all the time.

"Why, boss Quan, did zuimengge find a new storyteller?"

A supreme man came up with a smile: "it's still the same, a coke, a plate of fried chicken."

Quan Lekang smiles: "yes, today's storyteller, the story is absolutely novel. It's guaranteed to be a brand new content that you've never heard before. Even if you look at nine days and ten places, you can't find similar types!"

Later, Quan Lekang turned to look at the many guests in the hall and said with a bright smile: "you are really lucky today. You can listen to this story carefully from the beginning. To be honest, those who did not come can only say that they are short-sighted, pitiful and pathetic!"


Hearing Quan Lekang's words like this, all the top powers below show their interesting colors.

In their opinion, the taste of the drunken dream Pavilion is really unique, but it also has disadvantages.

Too little fun.

Listen to ditty as well as ditty.

Many times, I will feel bored after all.

It's a pity that there is only good taste and no good music.

"Boss Quan, the party over the nebula building has begun. There are many cultivators pouring into it. Their number has reached an unprecedented level. At least two or three thousand people, a batch of Geisha, are coming from other star regions. It is obvious that they are going to fight us to the end..."

Soon, someone came in to report.

Quan Lekang grinned and waved: "we don't need to report this little thing to me, we don't need to care about others, we just need to be ourselves. Because the next time, it's just our personal show! "

The servant nodded and left.

Seeing that the time is almost the same, Quan Lekang waved and said with great confidence: "welcome to the drunken dream Pavilion today. In the past, we did have some shortcomings that would be criticized, but from today on, these shortcomings will never exist!"

Hearing this, all of the following dignitaries show their interest.

Drunk dream Pavilion, what will it do?

Some of them have always wanted to go to the nebula tower to watch the activity, but due to their identity and face, they can only stay here.

In my mind, I always feel that I will not lose.

"Then, let's start!"

Quan Lekang said this and went back to the background.

All the lights in the hall were extinguished in an instant. Only a white light was cast on the high platform. A slim figure could be seen sitting there with a clear voice. He said softly, "today I want to tell you a new story. The story is called" breaking through the sky! "

"Tut, what a bully's name!"

"Breaking the sky, isn't it breaking the sky? Breaking the way of heaven

"Hahaha, interesting!"

"I have been intrigued by success."


When they heard the name, all the great ones smiled.

It seems that the story is very appetizing.

In addition, the storyteller's voice is very attractive.

"This is a world of fighting spirit. There is no gorgeous magic. There are only fighting spirit that has been bred to the top!"

"Fighting power, three stages..."


Cheng Yun's voice is very full, and his mood is mixed with various changes. In addition, there is no light in the whole audience. All of us are concentrated and feel that our thoughts are converging little by little.

The world in the story, like a beautiful picture, is slowly unfolding in front of us.

At first, people just thought it was a good story.

Later, people began to think it was a good story.

At last, all the pupils contracted and the people were short of breath.


Cow b!

Cow B is fried!

How could there be such a good story?

Is the boss of zuimengge the devil?

How does he know what we want, what we want, and what we want to play?

He is the Ascaris in our stomach!

All our thoughts can't escape his eyes.

The whole venue was silent.

Whether it's flying fairyland or title, they all close up all their overflowing breath and listen to the story carefully.

Their ears are up, even if they miss half a word!

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