Sky War Soul

Chapter 1450 has a trap

"Where is the lost temple?"

Seeing that Lin Yan is so taboo about Mo Shen's appearance, Chu Yun cannot help but move.

It's hard not to be a lost temple. What's the secret?

Lin Yan sighed and said: "there are many reasons why the lost temple is the first forbidden area in our ancient world. Of course, the most well-known one is that it is said that an empire once fell down there. The Empire didn't know what power it died of. In a word, there are only a pile of ruins left. Among these ruins, there are many ghost slaves who eat human blood, the strongest even There is a supreme realm! "

"Because there are many variables in it and the environment is very complex, we went to the palace of the longevity emperor several times without success, and slowly no one left."

Lin Yan looks serious: "it can only be said that it is very dangerous!"

"What's the number of the strongest ghosts in it?"

Chu Yun frowns slightly. If there are too many flying fairylands, it's hard for him to deal with them.

Three or five of them can be rolled over all the way by the force of terror, but if they are ten or twenty?

Although he is strong and able to fight over the ranks, he is not invincible!

Ghosts, demons, demons, and these horrible ghosts.

Together, the head will be big!

"There are so many enemies that we didn't expect, perhaps far beyond the limits we could deal with."

Hansi is very wise in these matters. After all, he is the youngest Regent. He has his own opinions on many things. Although Chu Yun is very strong, he is obviously dying after all!

"Don't worry, we'd better go ahead. If there is any change, I have a way."

Chuyun laughs. After he has cast his own devils, he is completely the same as the devils outside the country.

Even if there is a devil in front of him, he will think he is his own man.

He can turn himself into a demon and explore in the lost temple.

Trust them, and never doubt too much.

"Go! Brother Yun has said that there is nothing to be afraid of? "

He Liancheng laughs, and his eyes are shining.

Lin Yan also clapped his palm and said, "yes, our brothers like to kill a blood path from adversity. The more it is, the more exciting it is!"

"You guys, be careful."

Lin Hongyi repeatedly told him that if it wasn't for the palace of longevity, he would like to fight with the demon family himself.

How did the title of the palace of longevity come from?

It was Lin fan who fought with the demon clan in those days, and killed it himself!

Can the descendants of Lin Fan insult these four words?

"Dad, don't worry about it. Stay in the hall of longevity. All the operations here can't be separated from your decision. As for the others, just give them to us."

Lin Yan smiled, then his eyes twinkled: "to tell you the truth, I went to the lost temple once, but I was scared to pee my pants on the periphery, and climbed back in a gray way. Now I think of it, I will feel ashamed and flustered."

"Let's go. I'll take out the ghost who scared you to pee in your pants!"

Chu Yun laughs and the atmosphere is very happy.

Four people, together with the stone, rushed to the lost temple.

Along the way, there were people who fled everywhere. Their faces were full of fear and they fled aimlessly.

Some of them didn't witness the massacre in person. They just heard that there were demon clans in some places, which scared countless people to escape, and they were displaced everywhere. At one glance, they were full of sorrow.

Several people saw it, and they were tacitly silent.

Why are these tragedies caused?

It's not all because of the damn demon clan!

The more they witnessed this, the more violent the killing in their chest became. At the end of the day, they could hardly bear it.

"According to this situation, the war will start in three years!"

Chuyun's voice is calm and his eyes are cold.

His anger was about to erupt like a volcano.

Further forward, the closer to the lost temple, the more you can see the depression of the city.

There are several cities where all the people have run away. Only some old people who can't run are still sitting at the door. They look nostalgic in their eyes. They are old and have no strength to run. It's better to sit here and witness the changes of the city. Finally, they die quietly and be the last witness of the city.

How about the demons? How about the demons outside the country?

We are all buried in the neck of the loess, will be afraid of these?

It's just a death!

There are also three or three or two old people together, talking and laughing.

The wrinkles on their faces seem to be lighter.

After a lifetime of hard work, we are finally free from death. We are not afraid of death. What are we afraid of?

These old people are just the most open-minded and cheerful existence.

After crossing these cities, hundreds of kilometers away, there are several bloody cities, giving off a gloomy atmosphere, scarlet everywhere, even the earth is completely soaked.

But in these cities, there is not even a corpse, only blood.

As several people have seen such means, they know that it is the evil spirits outside the country who want to sacrifice their flesh and blood.

As for the seals to be broken, I don't know if they are to suppress the elders, but in a word, they must be stopped.

"Over these cities, a hundred kilometers ahead is the lost temple! The lost temple is located on a deserted plain, full of dilapidated buildings. It's more than half buried by the yellow sand. It's said that there are many treasures under the yellow sand, so many people have had opportunities there. It's hard to recognize whether they are true or not, but there are so many ghosts and slaves there, so much that their scalp is numb! "

Lin Yan has known about these things, so he took the initiative to give directions to several people.

For several people, a hundred kilometer journey is almost a cup of tea.

Looking at the dark plain in front of him, Chu Yun could not help but show his thoughts.

Step forward, step into the area of the lost temple, but there seems to be an energy barrier within half a meter in front of you, which isolates the inner part from the outer part. The wind is howling inside, and waves of yellow sand are rolling up. The sky is very dark, but the outside is sunny, blue sky and white clouds are clean.

"This barrier is a kind of restriction to the ghosts and slaves in it. Although they are terrible, they can't step out of it all their lives. It's like being cursed. They are totally trapped in it."

Lin Yan sighed and said, "don't look at the calm inside. As long as you step through this barrier, hundreds of ghosts and slaves will be swarming around, crying for your blood. This has become their usual trick. They are specialized in killing those who come here for the first time!"

Said, Lin Yan a step out, into the barrier.

In an instant, I saw hundreds of ugly black monsters rushing out of the yellow sand, shouting loudly, opening their arms and rushing towards Lin Yan in the sky.

The quantity is so large that people's scalp will explode.

These monsters, all human shapes, but four feet on the ground.

They are very thin, completely skin and bone, black, thin and small, with extremely terrifying power.

They opened their mouths, and there were three rows of teeth, arranged in order, which gave out a cold, dark light.

As for the palms, they are also sharp claws.

If you are attacked by them, you will be bitten to death!

Lin Yan suddenly released a strong flame all over his body, just like wearing a flame made holy garment to set him off.

All the ghosts and slaves who jumped up made shrieks and turned into flying ash in a flash.

The strength of these ghost slaves is the lowest, almost equal to the human sages who create the environment.

To Lin Yan, no matter how much they come, they are also cannon fodder.

"That's it."

Lin Yan spread out his hands and then said with a wry smile, "I was not afraid of anything. I was scared by the endless ghosts when I came here. That kind of fear can't be described in words. In a word, it's the scalp explosion!"

Several people also stepped in, similarly, hundreds of ghost slaves rushed at them.

These ghost slaves have lax eyes and saliva in their mouths. They have no consciousness at all. It's only the instinct of hunting.

With a wave of Chu Yun's hand, all the ghosts and slaves rushed to him turned into flying ash and disappeared without trace.

"There is a strong smell of blood in the air. I think it's the foreign demons who are here to sacrifice with the blood and flesh of the living people, just like before."

Chuyun's voice was very calm. After all, he had seen such a scene before, so there was no disturbance in his heart.

Only kill.

Full of killing intention.

Do not you take our people as livestock to kill the foreign demons?

OK, I'll give you ten times more feedback!


In chuyun's huge drink, several people fly towards the inner part of the lost temple, naturally Lin Yan leads the way.

"Brother Shi always feels that something is wrong here."

The stone breaks the sky to slightly frown, that kind of feeling cannot say at all, is like floating in the bottom of my heart a kind of instinctive premonition.

Chu Yun's heart is full of awe, and stone will never shoot without a purpose. There must be a basis for his saying so.

Therefore, Chu Yun has more vigilance in his heart.

As the ruins in the distance appeared more and more in front of him, Chu Yun frowned slightly, and his uneasy mood became more and more intense.

Instinctively, he stopped and calculated it with the skill of deduction. Although it was not accurate, it was able to calculate something a little.

The next second, however, his pupils contracted violently.

Because he did, a very dangerous result.

There is no specific picture, only one idea.


Very dangerous!

Never take the next step!

The ruins in front of us are in front of us. This is a very large hall, which can be accessed by pushing the door.

The sense of danger became clearer.

Stone broke the sky and stopped. His expression was a little gloomy.

"Brother Yun, what's the matter?"

The other three were all confused. They didn't understand why Chu Yun suddenly stopped.

They didn't feel anything, they didn't feel anything.


Chu Yun's expression suddenly changed, shouting.

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