Sky War Soul

Chapter 1468 palace confrontation! Sword come!

Zhen Yulan and Li Yaoxing know that this is xuexiong's routine, but they don't break it.

"Your Majesty, I have a very important thing to report to you. Now the battle of hunting demons is in full swing. Tianjiao, the flying fairyland of our whole night circle, is fighting against the demons outside the world. It can be said that this has reached an important moment related to the face dignity of the night circle. The goal of all of us should be to unite and drive the demons out together..."

Zhen Yulan stood out, his voice mixed with a wave of indignation.

She was really angry.

Duan Zehua died.

She devoted too much effort to Duan Zehua, because the Zhen family was originally weak compared with the other two families. Although she had money, she didn't have enough Tianjiao to support the scene. She finally cultivated Duan Zehua. He was also ambitious enough to become the first Tianjiao in the night circle. He was not only proficient in swordsmanship, but also inherited his own efforts.

In this era, Duan Zehua is the most dazzling existence.

Call it Almighty Tianjiao, not too much!

No matter in Taicang battle field or in the night circle, Tianjiao can compare with him.

It's too exaggerated to say that it's the hope of the rise of the Zhen family, but if Duan Zehua can follow the established route, he will definitely become the title supremacy in the future, or even reach the level of Taicang four supremacies.

If the Zhen family gave such a dazzling title, it would be able to beat the Li family and the Mo family at one stroke.

But who would have thought that Duan Zehua, who made the Zhen family pay a lot of cultivation resources, was regarded as the first title of the supreme Duan Zehua in the future too Cang war world, and unexpectedly fell!

He was not killed by foreign demons.

It's Chu Yun!

This made Zhen Yulan extremely angry.

Xuexiong listened quietly to see what Zhen Yulan wanted to say.

These are the foreshadowing, which is also a consistent pattern.

How can I accentuate the tone of the back if I don't pave so much?

Sure enough, Zhen Yulan's voice began to get excited: "and at such a critical moment, there are some Tianjiao who are full of internal fighting. He has the strength not to vent to the foreign demons, but to fight with his own people!"

"Mr. Zhen, who are you talking about?"

Li Yaoxing's eyes narrowed. In fact, he could think of Duan Zehua's death in his heart.

Even if besieged by a large number of foreign demons and with Duan's strength, he can still escape from Shengtian. After all, he has the supreme puppet of fairyland as a substitute, and can use many means of escape at any time when necessary.

It's not easy for foreign demons to kill Duan Zehua.

So who else?

Among the many Tianjiao who participated in the battle of demon hunting, the only one with such strength is Chu Yun!

"Who else can it be!"

Zhen Yulan's voice rose again. She reached out and took out a silver mirror. Her elegant face was a little ferocious: "look, this is the last image that Duan Zehua lost before he died, because he has recorded these jade pendants. Who killed him? I have evidence here. I can't run away if I want to!"

In the silver mirror, only Duan Zehua's perspective is recorded.

"Magic, divine power!"

After a roar, Li Yaoxing and xuexiong listen, their looks suddenly change.

With their current strength, they can easily distinguish whose voice it is.

Chu Yun!

This is Chu Yun!

Although the sound can be fake, the hum of vocal cord vibration can not be fake!

It's impossible for them to cheat by fraud.

So they know that this is Chu Yun!

Then, Duan Zehua was surrounded by endless strength in the dark. Then came a blow. The sky was broken, the earth collapsed, and it was devastated. There was no way to resist this move.

Not to mention Duan Zehua, even xuexiong and Li Yaoxing, the two titles of supremacy, were shocked by this move.

At last, Duan Zehua didn't even scream, so he turned into flying ash and completely annihilated.

The picture blurs in an instant.

Segment, only so short a few rest time, but Duan Zehua's silent fear before his death, vividly recorded.

"Here It's iron evidence, iron fact! Li Yaoxing, no matter how sophisticated you are, you can't deny that Chu Yun killed Duan Zehua! He doesn't care about justice. Even in the face of the invasion of foreign demons, he still needs to fight inside. What else do you want to say? "

Zhen Yulan's body trembled and his lips were as white as paper.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

Chu Yun not only killed Duan Zehua, but also cut off the rise of the whole Zhen family!

The whole Zhen family, not a few people really inherit their own line coupling skills, but an outsider Duan Zehua, who has learned the best.

No wonder she's so angry.

Blood male eyebrows frown.

Seriously, it's a bit of a hassle.

Chu Yun, Li Yaoxing's brother, how far is the relationship? After winning the drunken dream Pavilion, Li Yaoxing directly gave it to Chu Yun. In such a large industry, he said that he would give it to others if he gave it to others, even if his own son was not so close, right?

Besides, Chu Yun has other identities.

He is the first in the competition of the night circle and a candidate in the field of Emperor Huang's battle.

Although he is now in the shackles of heaven and has a bleak future, after all, he has these identities, and he has to respect him. Who could have expected that he would really enter the world of Emperor Huang's battle in the future and stand on his head?

But Zhen Yulan has to take her face into account.

After all, Zhen Yulan is the latest rising family and the target of xuexiong. The Mohist family and the Li family are too strong. It's the emperor's skill to weigh the balance between them.

In addition, Duan Zehua is the pride of the night circle. Now he is killed by Chu Yun, no matter what.

A real headache!

Simply, Xue Xiong raised his head directly and said to Li Yaoxing, "Li Aiqing, you have heard what Zhen Aiqing said. If all these are true, what should you do? As Chu Yun's elder brother, these things must be explained clearly! In the face of the invasion of the ghost killing palace, we are in a weak position. Chu Yun is still fighting inside. Isn't that to let the evil spirits from other countries enter

In the face of such a question from xuexiong, Li Yaoxing was obviously ready.

He said straightforwardly, "Your Majesty, I think it's necessary for me to clarify the question of the head of the screening family. It's obviously not wise to continue fighting in this period. But if Duan Zehua comes to provoke Chu Yun, should Chu Yun be killed?"

"That shouldn't be killed!"

Zhen Yulan was so angry that he began to be unreasonable.

Xuexiong frowned and ignored Zhen Yulan, but continued, "do you mean Duan Zehua takes the initiative to find Chu Yun's trouble?"

"I'm very sorry for Duan Zehua's accident, but I have to make it clear that there will be no misunderstanding. I dare to ask the head of the Zhen family where is Duan Zehua's accident?"

Li Yaoxing's eyes are sharp. Since he wants to fight back, he will never leave any room.

"Too dry..."

Zhen Yulan didn't think too much. When she blurted out, it immediately meant something was wrong.

Why is taiqianjie in taiqianjie?

With so many high-level faces, Duan Zehua has gone to Taiqian. What's his plan?

If he and Chu Yun don't have a personal feud, it's OK, but everyone knows that Duan Zehua is so upset about Chu Yun's snatching of his first day's pride and fame that he even incited Liu Liu to oppose Chu Yun. In private, he has said many times that he wants to kill Chu Yun so as to maintain his identity.

In this case, what is the purpose of his going too far?

It's clear.

The blood male eyebrows are tight and wrinkled.

He is not stupid, Duan Zehua's careful thinking that he can see through directly.

If so, is Duan Zehua willing to take revenge first?

So, Chu Yun will be angry and fight?

"Even if he goes to Taiqian, what can he do? Maybe it's just a coincidence. Taiqian is also one of the high places. What's the problem with him going there to find the devil master?"

Zhen Yulan continues to make trouble.

Women are not good at reasoning, even at the level of the title supremacy.

But in fact, when she said such a sentence, she had already fallen into inferior position.

We haven't made it clear yet, so you're not going to fight yourself?


When Zhen Yulan saw the blood male's eyes, she immediately realized that she was wrong.

"If Chu Yun wanted to kill Duan Zehua, he would not have kept his sword when he was at the banquet. But in fact, Chu Yun has the ability to easily kill Duan Zehua, just like the picture on the silver mirror, in one move and in a second. "

"I have the strength, but I never give him a shot. Why? Because in chuyun's eyes, Duan Zehua is not worthy to be his opponent at all! If you don't believe me, you can look at the demon hunting list outside. Who is the first! "

Li Yaoxing's counterattack was well founded.

"The first is Chu Yun! And nearly a third ahead of Duan Zehua! Under such circumstances, is it necessary for him to take the initiative to find Duan Zehua's trouble? Because Duan Zehua is not as good as him. He can't take any interest in people who are not as good as himself! Then again, in this case, who is most likely to lose his head? "

"Chu Yun has no reason to kill Duan Zehua."

"Duan Zehua has the reason to kill Chu Yun!"

"That's enough!"

Li Yaoxing's words are full of energy and lingering sound.

The tongue is full of spring thunder, and the words are every inch.

Zhen Yulan was said to be speechless and couldn't find any way to argue.

She was angry, but she didn't know where to start.

Xuexiong also sighed. In fact, what Li Yaoxing said is right. In all likelihood, what he analyzed is the truth!

Duan Zehua saw that the ranking was not guaranteed, and new hatred and old hatred poured into his heart, which made him behave irrationally. However, because of the big gap in strength, he was killed by Chu Yun!

"Your Majesty, the sword is like a dragon..."

"Get out of the way, I want to see your majesty!"

Hu Yutang's announcement was roughly interrupted, and a haggard figure stepped in, furious.

Blood male's eyes narrowed.

It's coming again.

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