Sky War Soul

Chapter 1519 removal of slag

Cheng bining may be able to hold back from asking these questions, but Yi Li can't hold back. She steps forward and rushes to Chu Yun's side. Xiumei raises her eyebrows. Mei Mou is not good at grasping Chu Yun's collar. She says angrily, "you're too heartless. As long as sister Zixian has been away, you're hooked by other fox spirits. You..."

Chu Yun looks a little embarrassed. He had known for a long time that he would take a rest and come out again.

Just as he was struggling to figure out how to make a fool of the past, Yi Li pulled away his collar, and then the wounds inside came out, shocking.

Large areas of skin are burnt and festered, and even bones can be seen in some places. The key is not just one place.

Yi Li is stunned. She tears Chu Yun's upper body with her hands. She sees all scars. After seeing it, her scalp is numb and her pupils contract violently.

Not only she, but also the people around her took a breath of cool air and their expressions were very shocking.

"Here What's going on? "

Yi Li reaches for those wounds and tears are coming out.

Too hard!

How could it hurt like this?

Luanlai monk's eyelids leaped wildly. He came forward and injected Buddhist light into the wound. He wanted to make Chu Yun's wound heal quickly. However, after a moment, he stepped back two steps and looked down, only to see that his palm was festering.

I just use the Buddha light to inject it and want to cure Chu Yun. Unexpectedly, I was backfired by this breath.

It's hard to imagine how cruel it is!

"This is This is the power of heaven! Chu Yun, did you fight with heaven? "

After entering Foshan, luanlai monk's experience increased a lot. What others could not recognize, he could recognize clearly.

"The way of heaven?"

"Is this the power of heaven?"

"Hiss, it's incredible!"

"Too vicious!"


All the strong people around were shocked and looked at each other, then they felt that they had wronged Chu Yun.

The reason why he is so weak is the result of this injury, not indulgence in it.

It seems that all of us blame him.

Yi Li lowers his head in shame and mumbles, "Chu Yun, I'm sorry, I I just care about you so much, that's what I do... "

Then she raised her head and said nervously, "you must be in pain? I... I have pills here. Take them quickly. Maybe you can relieve the pain! "

Chu Yun is a little silly. He hasn't explained this yet. How could it be that this matter has passed?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Then I'll try my best to think about the reason for my fart!


Chu Yun climbed up along the pole, gently pulled up his collar, sighed, and said, "I didn't want you to worry about it, but since you all saw it, I have nothing to hide. I was offended by heaven's way before, and he punished me, and I carried it by force. I hurt him for several days, but heaven's way continued to engage me, and I put nine treasures in my university The temple was born in front of you and attracted you. I want to show the power of encircling and killing. I don't want to lose everything with you. I can only hide in the small world. Unexpectedly, the heavenly way directly drops the distraction and comes to the small world to kill me... "

At that moment, his expression became extremely melancholy.

The look in the eyes makes countless women fragile.

"Why did I spend three whole days in the small world? That's because I was separated from Anqing in fighting against Tiandao together. This injury is the best proof! "

Chu Yun suddenly tore his coat to pieces, revealing the scars inside.

Even the flying fairyland supremacy, who has been fighting all day, has been shocked by this scene.

It's terrible!

How can he be as good as anyone with such a serious injury?

If you change to yourself, I'm afraid you've already been seriously injured and dying. You can't even move, can you?

Is chuyun's body iron?

Of course, there are some flying fairyland supremacy, and other thoughts arise in my heart.

It's said that this treasure will be born in half an hour.

At that time, if you fight for it, the chances of success will obviously increase.

Moreover, Chu Yun is seriously injured, which will be a great opportunity. After his injury, his combat power is certainly not as good as before. How can we fly to fairyland supremacy and rush to snatch more? Although most people have no harvest, there will always be someone to snatch it.

What if I'm lucky?

Chu Yun's eyes swept around him, and he saw that some of the nobles were still murderous. He could not help but see a cruel color in his eyes.

These guys who are not afraid of death, don't they really hear their own subtext? I can defeat even heaven's separation, I'm not afraid of heaven's punishment, and I can't kill you even if it's difficult?

However, this group of brainless guys always think they can pick up a big bargain, but they are totally looking for their own way!

Do you think I dare not kill you?

Killing you is indeed a retrogression to the strength of Taiqian, but why should I care about this?

What's the relationship with me?

As long as I'm strong enough, that's enough.

Chu Yun put on a new coat and straightened out his collar. His eyes were sharp as hawks and falcons.

He even made up his mind that if these flying fairyland lords dare to continue to fight, he would kill them all without hesitation!

Although the yangmou of the heavenly way is aimed at me, I don't feel panic at all.

On the contrary, I am indifferent.

Finally, it's half an hour.

Qi Qi, the nine treasures, exudes brilliant brilliance, which is even more rich than before. He rushes into the sky and gathers into a colorful rainbow. He has a strong aura, which makes his heart beat hard.

This moment, finally!

Chu Yun didn't go to take those treasures, but looked straight at the twenty flying fairyland lords in front of him and said, "you, anyone who wants to come up and rob, just do it, I'm here, waiting for you."

Cheng bining wanted to get out of the ring quickly, but Chu Yun stopped him.

Her eyes flashed a helpless, the bottom of her heart was very clear. Chu Yun was upset, and she was going to kill again.

In fact, these could have been avoided.

But Chu Yun doesn't care about it at all.

In his words, how about killing?

Those flying fairyland dignitaries look at each other. It's impossible for them to snatch heavy treasure from each other. Chu Yun defeated Fang Han, the Taoist Lord, with one move. Where can they compare with Han?

Even in terms of number of people, there is no advantage!

Previously, more than 40 fairyland masters were once absorbed into the painting, but now they have not come out.

Chu Yun's means are really too much.

"Chu Yun, you are challenging us all! If you have the ability to compel others not to fight, you will fight us alone. If you win, we will bow down and never stay here. If you lose, it means that you have no ability to protect so many treasures, so you should give them to us! "

There was a supreme one who was drinking loudly. He roared loudly, agitated the public's mood, and backed away, afraid that Chu Yun would target himself first.

Mixing in the crowd gave him courage.

If you stand up and let him say these words in front of Chu Yun, even if you lend him some courage, you dare not.

How shameless!

When they heard this, they couldn't help looking sideways.

How could you say such a shameless thing?

How did your mother give you birth?

Recumbent groove.

A man lives a face, a tree a skin.

You have no face or skin!

Knowing that Chu Yun was seriously injured, he still had to deal with one another with so many people, and he was not allowed to fight. What kind of shameless way can he say that?


I've learned a lot today!

Some of the flying fairyland's most ashamed faces turned red and waved their hands repeatedly to show that they had quit and would never mix with them.

In any case, I am shameful!

Your words, let me lose my face directly!

In the blink of an eye, only half of the twenty fairyland lords are still standing there.

Their eyes are full of evil, their eyes are fixed on the colorful red light rushing up to the sky, and their hearts are full of hot emotions.

Nine legendary soldiers.

How many people can't see it in their lives.

Today, however, I am met by myself.

If you don't fight hard, you'll be in regret all your life, right?

Even if we give our lives

Wait a minute, so many people together, I should not be so unlucky, I lost my life, right?

Definitely not.

At this time, the picture in the sky suddenly tears, and more than 40 restricted flying fairyland lords rush out of it, gnashing their teeth, hoping to cut Chu cloud to pieces.

"I actually took us into the painting for three days. Chu Yun, I'm going to kill you!"

"Chu Yun, you will surely die!"

"Our anger will pour out and cover you! Bury you! "



How could there be the shadow of treasure when these lords were so angry and locked in the painting for so long?

Originally, he came here for chongbao. Unexpectedly, Chu Yun came here to do everything he could, which made people hate to rip him apart.

"Wait, these treasures seem to have just been born!"

Suddenly, one of the flying fairyland's supreme masters was stunned. He reached out his hand and pointed at Chu Yun's back. Some surprised shouted: "look, look, these treasures are still there, they are still there! Ha ha ha ha ha! "

"Heaven help me too!"


These supreme men trembled with excitement, their fists could not help clenching, and their breath was eager.

Chu Yun looked at the scene coldly.

In fact, he did it on purpose.

Deliberately release these supremacies, is to see how many people have an evil mind.

If they have self-knowledge and are like Fang Han, they will never be hard for them.

But if they still don't know themselves, don't leave any of them, and leave all their lives!

It's also time to clean up a wave of scum.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: Happy New Year! I use update to accompany you across the New Year! The next month will continue to erupt, and the next month's flowers will be scheduled in advance~

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