Sky War Soul

Chapter 1548 I'sll take care of you

If this is true, I'm afraid Zhen Xiao will spit blood angrily.

"Well? Appreciate each other with your brother? So that's what it's like to be in love? It's not bad, but in these years, my mother and I have had a lot of trouble. Since she has someone she likes, I think she will be very happy. "

When Zhen Xiao heard this, his eyes flashed with joy.

They don't worry too much about it.

"Well, in fact, your mother is not very happy, but very angry."

Chu Yun, embarrassed, said to himself from the bottom of his heart.

This kind of words, of course, can not be said.

"By the way, who is your brother? You're so extraordinary, you want to come to your brother, is also a Tianjiao

Zhen Xiao's eyes sparkled with brilliant light, and he was very concerned about it.

It's true that he hasn't been back in a hundred years.

In the past hundred years, he only met Zhen Wei on both sides, and even in his memory, he was a little vague.

There is no way. Zhen Xiao has a heavy responsibility. He has been patrolling in the night circle.

It's such a big area. If you stay in each place for a few days, plus the road, a year will pass.

Sometimes, there will be fierce battles.

Sometimes you can win, sometimes you are seriously injured even if you win, and you need to heal quietly.

It can be said that Zhen Xiao has been in a very busy state all these years. His name is the supreme realm, which is completely spelled out with blood!

Under him, I don't know how many devil's corpses have been poured.

It's not Liu Rulong, the elder of the two lions, but Zhen Xiao who the devil lords hate most!

Even xuexiong once said that Zhen Xiao is the most qualified to compete for the title of the next Holy stripe!

Hearing Zhen Xiao's question, Chu Yun only felt very difficult.

How to answer?

Can you tell him directly: "he's your father"?

This It's really embarrassing.

Chu Yun thought for a while and replied cautiously: "he is the most dazzling existence in the whole night circle. Although he has not yet entered the status of Title supremacy, even his majesty xuexiong may not be his opponent once he is promoted! Just his character, a little It's a little shameless and lecherous. It's really a big problem! "

"Hahaha, what is that?"

Zhen Xiaoyi waved, but he didn't care about it at all.

Although he hasn't contacted Zhen Wei for a long time, he is very clear about the character of the girl. Once he decides something, ten cows can't come back.

So, as long as she likes, even the poor ordinary people, there will be no obstacles.

Everything, as long as she is happy.

In other words, my father ignored her so much that I couldn't interfere in the matter of emotion.

Zhen Xiao seems to be in a big mood, opens the conversation box, and keeps saying: "although I don't know much about these things, I may not have too much right to speak, but I am very clear that it's normal for a man to be romantic. As long as he lives up to the only one and can always be good to her, that's enough. What do you say?"

Chu Yun wants to be crazy.

I can't answer you.

What should I say?

What can I say?

You need to know whether it's your father or your father who soaked your adopted daughter. Can you still be so calm?

It's nothing to be romantic with men. NIMA, he's not romantic outside, but at home Romantic!

Although I am a brother with stone and he saved my life, I really want to hammer him hard!

It's scum!

"Well, brother Chu seems to disagree with me?"

Zhen Xiao asked.

"Identification, when Of course. "

Chu Yun wants to cry without tears.

Zhen Xiao continued to talk for a long time. Besides, he had already regarded the man as his future son-in-law. He also said that if he dared to treat him only badly in the future, he would teach him a lesson and beat him to find teeth all over the place.

Chu Yun is really very reluctant to maintain the smile on his face.

He has worked hard to keep up.

But there was still a twitch in the cheek.

Please, Zhen Xiao.

Stop making me laugh!

I'm afraid I really can't hold on!

What else do you want to do.

How dare you beat your father?

Can you push a little bit harder?

Somehow, the harder Zhen Xiaoyue said it, the harder Chu Yun felt.

The key is not to laugh.

"Don't talk nonsense. The world of the axe is ahead!"

Just as Zhen Xiao was talking, Huo Qing's voice suddenly came from the front.

Huo Qing's voice was low. It was obvious that the war was about to begin.

Chu Yun and Zhen Xiao put away all their emotions and looked up at the giant axe world in the stars in the distance.

It can be seen that the whole planet is surrounded by black gas, which seems to be evil gas. There are many negative emotions in it, such as violence, hatred, hatred Let people instinctively feel some disgust, cover their noses and want to stay away.

It's like a dump. No one wants to get close to it. This is the cultivator's response to the evil Qi instinct.

Chu Yun also felt disgusted.

But at the same time, I feel very kind.

After all, he has two souls.

"The most foreign demons that can live here are the realm of the devil. Don't think about it. Just kill them with me!"

Huo Qing's eyes are cold, clearly separated by millions of miles, and he releases all kinds of waves, just as he keeps shuttling in the space, rushing hard.

The other titles are supreme, and they all show their own magic power.

"Little brother chuyun, we can talk better. Then you will follow me. I will try my best to protect you! In your present state, I'm afraid that you'll suffer too much from the words of the Lord

Zhen Xiao suddenly hears.

After hearing this, Chu Yun was a little surprised.

He said he wanted to protect himself because he could talk.

You should know that facing the fiend Lord, there is no advantage of crushing. Both sides are equal to equal strength. In this case, you should be divided to protect others. If you are a little careless, you will even take your own life!

Chu Yun was very moved by Zhen Xiao's integrity.

And he is the voice over, in order to be afraid of others to hear, will play heart to heart look down on themselves.

It's thoughtful.

It's unbelievable that his mind will be so delicate.

"Don't worry, brother Zhen Xiao, I will live well."

At the same time, Chu Yun expressed a reassuring smile.

"Poof! Puff! Puff! "

Many titles pass through the barrier of evil Qi and descend towards the world of axe.


Chu Yun takes a deep breath, inhales the rich magic gas into his mouth and nose, and begins refining with the second soul. It feels extremely comfortable, as if he is immersed in the hot spring, and all the functions in his body are constantly improving.

"Be careful not to take too much magic Qi, it will cause great load on your heart!"

Zhen Xiao, who was on the other side, quickly opened his mouth to remind Chu Yun.


Chuyun was enjoying himself. When he heard that, he quickly shut up.

He found that he was a little too unscrupulous, for fear that other people would not know that he was sucking magic gas.

But it's a pity that such a strong evil spirit can't be absorbed properly.

Although he would like to stay here, but in order not to let others doubt, can only follow the rush down together.

After crossing the strong evil gas barrier, what you see is a huge axe statue, which is ten thousand meters tall, standing on top of the sky. It emits strong evil gas and has the charm of suppressing the heaven and the earth. It is powerful and domineering.

Now Chu Yun knows why it's called the world of the axe.

"This huge axe, which was erected here in the ancient times, has been measured by great power. It's more than 1300m high, and it's extremely dangerous, but no one knows its origin. The reason why it's called the world of the huge axe is because of the reason why it..."

Zhen Xiao explains these studies to Chu Yun.

"There are invaders!"

"It's the right people to kill!"

"Kill! Kill them all! "

"Report to your excellency!"


Just after people broke through the evil spirit, a series of roars were heard below, which were obviously found by those foreign demons.


More than ten foreign demons rushed up and killed several people.


Huo Qing, the leader of the group, was naturally dismissive.

He turned his hands to cover the clouds and rain, raised his hands to blow out the strong aura, which was like a giant hand to suppress heaven and earth. He actually shocked more than ten foreign demons to death in the void, completely turning them into blood mud.

More than ten demons are vulnerable at all.

This is the supremacy of the title!

Only by calling the devil can we fight.

"All down!"

A burst of drink, sounded from the underground palace, saw one of them slowly walk out of the cold eyes of the nickname devil, the body is at least ten meters high, the strong evil spirit around, just like the fog around, set off his breath of extraordinary horror.

In his pupil, the murderous machine that spurts thin releases incisively and vividly.

"How about the night circle and the morning circle? In the view of my soul killing demon palace, even if the ants are held together, they are still ants! Since you dare to invade here today, I will kill you all and chop them into meat mud to feed the dog! "

When the nicknamed devil Buddha spoke, he spewed out strong magic light from his mouth.

He suddenly put out his hand. A thousand long spear ran through the heaven and earth, and he assassinated people.

Huo Qing grinned and roared like thunder: "this guy, it's mine!"

With that, he quickened his pace and grabbed at the spear.

Soon, from all directions, out of a number of nicknames.

One by one, standing on the sky, with ferocious expression and covetous eyes.

Look at the quantity. It's not much. It's seven.

In total, chuyun's side still has an advantage in number of people.

"Don't worry, I will protect you in the battle..."

Zhen Xiaozheng wants to talk to Chu Yun. He turns around and sees that there is no one left.

Chu Yun offered his sword and walked with thunder. He killed a demon lord.

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