Sky War Soul

Chapter 1551 surprise! Elder arm!

"It's the latest move I've learned. It can integrate sword and sword. I didn't expect such a terrible power to bloom in the battle As for why can we kill the fiend, I think it's just luck? "

Chuyun laughs. It's on the battlefield. He doesn't want to be too arrogant.

In a word, we should leave some mystery.

Although we haven't found any clue about those guys in the dawn star region, we should always be on guard.

When people are outside, try not to expose all the cards.

If a person has no card, there will be no threat.

So Chu Yun doesn't intend to show his strongest side. Let them guess. It's better to be afraid, so as not to provoke himself at will.

"Brother Zhen Xiao, you can see that I can protect myself in this battlefield. You don't care about me. Go to fight!"

Chu Yun waved his hand and drew a smile from the corner of his mouth.

Zhen Xiao hesitates for a moment. It's true. Chu Yun doesn't need to protect himself at all.

It seems that he killed the old devil without any effort.

How can we protect ourselves from such forces?

So Zhen Xiao let go and turned to kill in the huge palace.

The other six nicknames are in a fierce battle. The demonic spirit is surging and surging. They fight with the people's nicknames. They shuttle back and forth. The wave of the spirit is surging towards the four sides, which is extremely shocking.

On top of the high-end combat power, it is obvious that foreign demons have fallen.

Chu Yun glanced across the field, as if there were no rivals to choose from. He shook his head and took the initiative to sweep towards the palace.

There should be some valuable things in these palaces of foreign demons, right?

First come, first served.

Besides, he has some other ideas.

The whole world of the giant axe is full of strong demonic Qi, which is not good for other cultivators. However, they can absorb the demonic Qi like fish in water, so as to enhance the strength of their different demons.

There are so many magic Qi here, not to mention that all of them are absorbed clean. Even if only a part of them are absorbed, it's very horrible!

Zhen Xiao in the distance has rushed into the hall first.

In front of him, there are many terrified demons. Looking at Zhen Xiao, he is helpless for a while and doesn't know what to do.

Zhen Xiao will not be polite naturally. He snorts coldly and waves his arms to sweep out. The demons are all squeezed into flesh and mud by the storm.

"It's really a weapon in the battlefield!"

Chu Yun said sincerely, no wonder that Zhen Xiao's fame in the starry field at night is so loud, and the demons who simply died under his hands have reached a terrible number, right?

A dozen people were killed and injured simply by sweeping out with one arm.

It's so devastating.

"Stop him! Stop him! "

"Never let him in!"

"Kill! Kill him! "


There was chaos in front of the palace. Many evil masters knew that they would die in Zhen Xiao's hands if they rushed out. They were still brave enough to rush out.

Although they were afraid, they had a stronger belief in support, as if they were injected with endless courage and killed them forcibly.

Zhen Xiao has rich experience and can't help but move in his heart.

Why do they work so hard? Is there any precious treasure in it?

Even if so many lives of the demon master are saved, they should be guarded?

Thinking of this, Zhen Xiao is more energetic.

The world of the giant axe fell into the hands of these foreign demons for a long time. In these years, no one knows what the world of the giant axe has become and what treasures they have found here.

"Get out of here!"

Zhen Xiaobang has a drink. It's like thunder coming. The sound wave visible to the naked eye rushes out and sweeps away the front.

But he also stepped into the palace. He didn't know which way to go. A huge hand came out of the palace, easily tearing the space, and grabbed Zhen Xiao in his hand.

This hand appears very suddenly, which is unexpected.

Zhen Xiao also instinctively froze for a moment, then gnashed his teeth, trying to get out of this huge hand.

He thought, relying on his own strength and physique, he could easily break free from the shackles, but who could have expected that he failed to get out of the giant hand several times in a row, but he became more and more trapped.


The voice of toothache came out. Zhen Xiao's stone armor was breaking inch by inch. The bone in his body was squeezed by unprecedented force, almost changing its shape.

Zhen Xiao's pupil contracts violently. This power is so fierce. What is it?


The hall in front of us collapsed completely and turned into ruins.

A complete Arm Floats in the void, about 100 meters long. It's bronze in the whole body. The bulging muscles are very scary. There's a light magic spirit around. Any hit can break the space.

Zhen Xiao is held in his hand, unable to escape at all.

"Gaga Gaga, a group of ants dare to disturb our adults to rest, dead! All must die! "

That arm sends out strange smile, let a person sound, gooseflesh rises all over one's body, sink into endless fear completely.

His breath is very horrible, even beyond the level of the general title demon.

But at the end of the day, he's just an arm.

It's just one arm, it's tough to this point.

If the noumenon exists, it must not go against the sky?

Chu Yun's pupil shrank. Seeing that Zhen Xiao was in trouble, he rushed forward without any hesitation. Suddenly, the water moon sword in his hand was cut out, and he burst out and shouted: "the fourth type of Dayan sword technique, the heaven sword!"


A stream of light in front of the complete row, extremely bright, as across the sky cold light.

Invincible, go ahead!

The arm was slightly surprised, and then he said with a big smile: "even the boy whose title has not reached the highest level, dare to be arrogant in front of me. Since you can't wait to come and die, the adult will satisfy you!"

After the voice fell, a hundred meters of huge arms swept across the sky, with a huge voice, destroying the sky.

Only the transmitted wave can blow the flying fairyland into powder.

There is no way. In front of the real strong, there is no sense of existence.

It's a mole ant, but it's almost the same.


Chopping Sky Sword slashed through the waves, hit the hard arm, and made a dull roar.

Just a white mark, not really hurt him!

"Well? It's interesting! "

The arm clicks, smashing Zhen Xiao's rock armor, and the stone from the source of Wu soul into nothingness.

As for Zhen Xiao, the bones of his legs were smashed and he was thrown to the ground.

Although the sharp pain came, Zhen Xiao clenched his teeth and didn't make a sound.

He took a deep breath and knew that he could not act rashly with his injuries.

The more you move, the more you affect the injury.

He quickly felt out the pill and put it into the mouth. Then he took the aura and recovered as much as possible.

"What monster is this arm?"

Many titles are supreme, and all the pupils flash the color of astonishment.

Zhen Xiao's strength can't be clearer. How could they be crushed in both legs?

Difficult not to become, this arm is a line of Title The existence of the supreme level?

Su Ming shuddered all over. He clenched his fists. He was furious. In addition to his anger, he was also mixed with fear. Instinctively, he felt that he wanted to escape for thousands of miles without any courage to face each other.

Although this kind of emotion appears in oneself is very shameful, but fear can't be restrained.

"Damn, I'm the first general of the imperial empire!"

Su Ming clenches his teeth and forcibly controls his body so as not to escape.

"Is that afraid? Ha ha ha ha ha ha, the title of the two star regions is the most powerful. That's all! "

Seeing this behind the scenes, the nicknamed demon lord on the opposite side couldn't help laughing: "this arm is the arm of our soul killing the second elder of the demon palace. It has been sealed in the world of giant axe for more than ten thousand years. We tried our best to untie the seal. We wanted to launch a counter attack on you, but you came to us!"

"To die, to die!"

"You will be buried here today!"

"None of them can run away!"


These nicknamed monsters are going to be arrogant to the sky, and their eyes are flashing with the color of bloodthirsty. They are really suffocating these years. They have been guarding the giant axe world and can't leave. Even if they want to invade the star domain, they can only stay here and guard the altar.

Now, the altar has finally accumulated enough strength to break the seal!

The second elder's arm has already been born with his own consciousness, waking up from a deep sleep.


There is no pardon for killing!

Seeing that Chu Yun was in the middle of a bitter battle, ink pool held the Dharma sword and his eyes flashed with anger. He first danced out a gorgeous sword light to beat back the nickname of the Lord in front of him, and then burst out in his mouth and said: "secret technique, star burst sword Qi!"

He and Mo Xing originally went to the big stone world to kill the ghost people. When they arrived, they found that it was empty, even without any ghost.

Without hesitation, the two quickly followed.

As for elder Shuangshi, there is no news, and I don't know what the situation is.


Ink pool turns around and splits out with a sword. The sword has a faint purple breath. It explodes in the void, like a thunder, causing a violent shock.

The sword Qi is rampant. It's cut off and suddenly it's on the arm.

After this blow, it just scratched a blood mark on the surface of the arm. It's not injury at all. It's healed in the blink of an eye.

"So terrible?"

When ink pool saw this behind the scenes, it was shocked.

Previously, this attack was a more powerful move of his. I didn't expect that he even hurt the other side.

How strong is this arm?

At the moment of wandering in the ink pool, the marquis in front of him raised his hand to condense the evil spirit into a black spear, which penetrated the shoulder blades of the ink pool.


Spear, through.

Blood is dripping.

Ink pool gnashed his teeth, but he also reacted quickly. He suddenly twisted his body, smashed the spear with the huge force from his arm, and then put the French sword into the chest of the nicknamed devil.

This is a life fighting method. No one can get it right.

"How cruel!"

The fiend

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