Sky War Soul

Chapter 1564, my Lord, you want to

In a flash, the broken arm noticed something wrong.

It's clear that I have murderous intention in mind, but why is his murderous intention stronger than mine?

Wait, what's going on?

However, Chu Yun didn't give him any time to think. All the magic Qi injected into his body began to hang in an instant, breaking all the meridians and inches in his body.

This scene came so suddenly that it was almost too late to make any response, and all the vitality was directly cut off.

"You You... "

If the broken arm has eyes, then it must be able to blow up the eyes at the moment.

In a flash, the other side strangled all of his channels and completely cut off the vitality, even if he wanted to recover.

Why did he

Are you aware of your killing intention?

There was still a breath left of the broken arm, and he just wanted to ask why.

Chu Yun smiled quietly, his body shape gradually changed, revealing his own appearance.

"Yes It's you! "

Seeing Chu Yun's face with broken arms, endless anger surged into his heart.

It could be him!

Previously, the guy who escaped from his own hands!

How did he come back?

Moreover, he was able to disguise himself as an alien demon, and he was able to have a heart beating violently.

I hate it!

"From the beginning, I made up my mind to kill you. I'm glad I did it. It's really dangerous to break into the dragon pond and tiger cave alone, but the ultimate winner is me! Do you know that you are so stupid that you can't cover up the murders. Even if I am really a noble among foreign demons, you can't come to an end! "

Chu Yun drew a hint of sarcasm from the corner of his mouth and looked down at the broken arm.

"I Unwilling to... "

The voice of the broken arm was hoarse, and he fell to the ground. His body turned into black fog and broke away completely.

At that time, even a few Leng Yu, who had not been able to be killed by the supremacy of Sanwen title, died completely in Chu Yun's hands today.

As soon as Chu Yun's eyes brightened, he quickly changed back to the form of the strange devil body. He opened his mouth and took a breath. He inhaled all the evil Qi emitted by the broken arm into his mouth and nose. He was refining it with the devil's heart at a high speed.

He sat cross legged on the ground, looking surprised.

The evil spirit of Leng Yu is too exaggerated.

After all, his body is the magic Lord with three lines!

Although the loss of strength is severe now, it is also equivalent to a seal of the Lord!

This kind of gluttonous meal can not be enjoyed all the time!

However, after refining only a small part of it, Chu Yun realized that the evil spirit had absorbed too much in recent days, which had caused a great burden on the evil mind.

However, Chu Yun can only store this evil spirit in the second soul, and slowly refine it from the evil heart.

Anyway, it's not urgent. It's still early.

It's almost noon to count the fingers.

I think they should all come to the vicinity of the giant axe world and wait for their signals.


Chu Yun flexed his fingers and a magic spirit broke through the hall and flew into the sky.

It's a sign of attack.



Many titles outside the world of the axe saw this scene and looked at each other. No one moved.

"Chu Yun asked us to kill him."

Zhen Xiao is dissatisfied. Do these people believe in Chu Yun?

Those who came from the dawn star domain said: "we can kill them first, but if the devil is still dead, we will not waste a little time there!"

"Why are you so cowardly?"

Zhen Xiao is a little annoyed. It's really offensive to do so.

Soon, someone said: "what does this have to do with cowardice? You should know that the broken arm can break away from the shackles of secret patterns in three days. That is to say, if he is not dead, now he has broken away from the shackles. What else do we rush in for? Isn't that the act of looking for death? "

"We can do everything for the dawn Star Kingdom, but not for nothing. It has nothing to do with fear or cowardice!"

Another title said the sovereign.

"Well, I won't argue with you. Anyway, Chu Yun has sent out a signal that we can kill directly! No more bullshit, let's go! "

Zhen Xiao is too lazy to deal with them. He is really tired.


After the voice falls, Zhen Xiao rushes in first.

Other people saw it, but also followed in silence.

Those from the dawn star domain are all hidden behind, either intentionally or unintentionally.

In this way, even if you really encounter the birth of a broken arm, you can tear the space in a very short time and escape from the world of axe.

Zhen Xiao naturally sees these at the bottom of his eyes, but he is extremely disdainful about it, and even the corner of his mouth raises a cold smile.

This time, he saw these people's faces thoroughly.

I'm so arrogant in my daily life. When I meet something, I'm not immediately counseled?

Anyway, I'm not afraid.

Chu Yun is in an extremely dangerous situation. He has never been afraid of it. Why should I be afraid?

After entering the world of giant axe, it is supposed to pass through a thick magic gas barrier, but now Zhen Xiao finds that the magic gas barrier has become extremely weak, about a third of the previous thickness.

He was surprised by the change.

So, what's going on?

Is it hard? Is it related to Chu Yun?

After breaking into the world of axe, Zhen Xiaoyi saw several demon lords guarding the hall at a glance, and they also found the traces of the people. They couldn't help but stand up and roar angrily: "it's also a human cultivator, it's time to kill! It's time to kill! "

Say, these titles demon Zun rushes into the main hall quickly, want to ask to break arm to hand.

According to the time, the man with broken arms should break the shackles completely, right?

The next thing, is not sweeping all the way?

These people cultivators are all looking for death!

However, when they rushed to the front of the main hall, they were stopped by the Lord Bafeng.

"What are you doing, so flustered?"

The Lord Bafeng frowned and stopped them directly. He couldn't help but shout: "Your Excellency is cultivating in it. If you disturb him, can you afford this responsibility?"

Those nicknames are slandered in the heart of the demon Lords. Aren't you more able to lick them than we are? What can be arrogant.

But they still respectfully said, "outside, those Terran cultivators have killed!"

"Well? Well scar forget pain? "

Bafeng devil Zun stood up and sneered: "they really want to die. I don't know if adults are in there. Once adults do, they want the whole body to be extravagant!"

"Then, would you like to inform the adults?"

Those nicknames are looking at Bafeng. It's urgent. What's the use of saying it.

Those Terran cultivators will be killed soon!

In this way, the evil Lord Ba Feng also made a mistake. Previously, the adult said that no matter what happened or what voice he heard, he must not go in and disturb him.

For Chu Yun's words, he is naturally obedient. After all, he will rely on Chu Yun to make his position rise.

At present, these cultivators are about to attack, which is really helpless.

"Don't worry, you will stay in the hall. They dare not kill easily!"

Ba Feng's spirit flashed through his eyes. Only with a bad brain can he go out to fight.

Anyway, because of the adults, these people are absolutely afraid to act recklessly.

Well, let's spend it like this!

Many titles came to the edge of the hall, ten thousand meters away, but suddenly stopped and hesitated.

Zhen Xiao is a little angry and turns around and says, "what are you afraid of? Since Chu Yun has sent out a signal, it means that he has dealt with the demon and broken his arm. Do you believe him?"

"Don't you think it's very strange? He's just the supreme flying fairyland. Even if he can pretend to be an evil demon outside the country, it's impossible for him to make any contribution. You expect him to kill the broken arm. Isn't that bullshit?"

The titles of those early morning star regions are a little hesitant, and their eyes are cloudy and clear.

When they came here, they murmured again.

In any case, I don't believe that Chu Yun can do it.

"I don't want to talk nonsense to you. Since you dare not step here, let me go in first. I'll see if the broken arm is still there! Within ten thousand meters? Ha ha, if he really unties the seal, from the moment we enter this giant axe world, he will fall into his hunting range, will we wait until now? "

Zhen Xiao sneers and rushes into it.

The second ink pool followed in.

Although he doesn't believe that Chu Yun can handle the broken arm, he is not afraid of it. Why should he worry?

Then, it's Mo Xing.

Double lion elder.

Su Ming.

Many titles from the starry field of the night appendix killed to the main hall. Only a few people were left, all from the starry field of the morning sun.

"We don't need to worry. Anyway, we're not as good as the number of stars in the night circle. We'd better let them go and explore. After we're sure there's no danger, we'll follow them in."

The title said that, as it should be.

Everyone else nodded in recognition.

"Damn, how dare they kill them?"

Those nicknamed devil lords see this behind the scenes, and their pupils contract violently.

Aren't they afraid of adults coming out and killing?

The Lord Bafeng felt the approach of many breath and hurriedly paced back and forth.

"Adult, adult, you should come out quickly."

Bafeng was so worried that his brow was tightly wrinkled.


Suddenly, the door opened.

Chu Yun walked out slowly.

Seeing this behind the scenes, Lord Bafeng suddenly brightened up and rushed up excitedly: "big My Lord, are all the things in it over? "

"It's over."

Chuyun smiled and his eyes fell on Bafeng devil Zun again. He waved and said, "come."

Bafeng is very happy. He thinks that Chu Yun is going to give him some reward, so he hastens to join him.

Chu Yun slowly put out his hand. His sharp fingers pierced Bafeng's belly inch by inch and went deep into it.

"Er, my Lord, you want to..."

Bafeng's pupil shrank, but he didn't dare to move.

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