Sky War Soul

Chapter 158 black devils ravage aoyunzong

Chu Yun hurried all the way to the hanggong palace and looked at the magnificent palace. He smiled quietly and walked forward.

Yu Hang was sitting in the open space in front of the palace. The stone table in front of him was full of delicious food, but he didn't have any appetite. He just kept drinking.

Seeing Chu Yun coming, Yu Hang's expression suddenly turned pale. Immediately, he clenched his teeth, smashed his glass and growled, "Chu Yun, are you ready to die?"

"No, I just think it's too wasteful for you to occupy the number of seed players. Let's give it to me."

Chuyun's mouth is smiling. He knows Yuhang's situation at the moment. Because of this, he is not in a hurry. If I don't do anything, your psychological defense line will collapse naturally.

"The number of seed players is given to me by the patriarch himself. How can you take it?"

Yu Hang's expression is gloomy. He always has a good face. Unexpectedly, Chu Yun came directly to ask for the number of seed players today, which left him in a dilemma for a while.

Give it to me, I am totally disgraced in tiandaozong. The image that I have worked hard for so many years suddenly collapses.

Don't give it. Chu Yun's easy killing of many disciples of Hanbing sect is just ahead of him. He dare not commit any danger with his own courage.

"You dream!"

Yu Hang was furious and reached out to lift the stone table. All kinds of delicacies and jade dishes on it were smashed. All kinds of precious food and delicacies were sprinkled all over the ground.

"You don't want to get the seeders unless you kill me!"

Yu Hang's eyes were fixed on Chu Yun, and his chest heaved violently.

He was unwilling to hand over the number of seed players.

Being replaced by Chu Yun and going to the sun sect is an intolerable humiliation for the airline. Unexpectedly, Chu Yun is making a comeback today. Zhang Kou is to seize his place.

What a bully! What a bully!

On the realm, although he is higher than Chu Yun, but on the real strength, he can't catch up with Chu Yun even if he claps his horse.

This is the difference in combat power!

"Well, since you are not going to let it out, it seems that I can only kill you first..."

Chu Yun slightly pondered and immediately raised his head with a smile on his lips. It seemed to him that it didn't matter whether he killed or not.

Yu Hang was full of energy and his pupils contracted sharply: "you can't kill me. You know how powerful my family is. If I want to, I can kill you with my family's power anytime and anywhere!"

In the face of Chu Yun's sudden appearance, Yu Hang was completely afraid.

Nowadays, he is not proud of the first core disciple?

Compared with the way we used to have noses in the sky and no one put them in our eyes, it's really different!

In the face of Yu Hang's threat, Chu Yun is unmoved, holding the Dongtian Dao in his hand, sending out a mysterious and cold breath.


With a wave of Chu Yun's hand, the Dongtian sword chopped out a sharp piece of pitching, and hissed Yu Hang's bun off, revealing his pale scalp.

"Wait Wait! "

Yu Hang was paralyzed and knelt on the ground with a thumping voice. His expression was extremely frightened: "don't kill me. I'm willing to give you this place. I'm willing to give up the identity of seed player! Please don't kill me! "

Yuhang, once glorious and respected by all, is now begging for mercy in front of chuyun like a dog.

The facts are impermanent indeed!

A few months ago, Yu wanted to threaten Chu Yun to hand over the platform. Unexpectedly, a few months later, the situation completely changed, Yu Hang has no qualification to be Chu Yun's opponent.

"If you didn't take the initiative to look for my trouble, I would not have thought of replacing you as a seed player."

Chu Yun smiled quietly and left a word.

After saying this, Chu Yun put away the Dongtian Dao and twisted himself to leave.

Yu Hang's face is pale. He kneels on the ground and can't get up for half a day.

His body has not been able to use any strength, and there is only one thought left in his mind: it's over, it's really over! The matter of voluntarily handing over the number of seed players will spread quickly to the whole tiandaozong like a whirlwind. Who will be convinced of himself at that time?

If that's the case, what's the point?

Chu Yun is in a good mood. He doesn't use any means. Yu Hang obediently takes the initiative.

There is no problem on his side. The rest depends on Tang Haoran. If he can persuade Ye Xuan, it is almost certain that he will become a seed player.

After this, Chu Yun did not rest. He took a horse and drove out of tiandaozong.

He is going to aoyunzong to snatch the bronze spoon from he Jun.

It is not wise to challenge the whole clan with one's own power, but Chu Yun has his own way!

If you don't want to expose it, you can manipulate the black devil to rob everything you need.

With the defense and attack that the black devil can surpass the real martial realm and compare with the strong ones in the Xuanwu realm, even if you step on the whole aoyunzong, there is no problem!

Aoyunzong now has no strong one in Xuanwu.

Even if he Jun and the patriarch Wang Yun put their hands together, it would never be the opponent of the black devil.


Chu Yun waved his whip, and the horse galloped on the vast plain, and hurried to aoyunzong.

The distance between tiandaozong and aoyunzong is not very far. If you drive your horse, you can get there in an hour.

An hour passed quickly. Chu Yun tied up his horse, stood in the distance, looked at the Mountain Gate of aoyunzong, and thought to himself.

It must be made clear that He Jun is not in the clan at this time. If he is not, there is no need for him to make a fuss.

Coincidentally, He Jun and an old man walked into aoyunzong side by side when Chu Yun was thinking. The two rows of disciples immediately saluted respectfully.

"How are you, elder!"

"I have seen the elder!"

He Jun snorted. He shouldered his hands and his face was full of pride. He didn't seem to bother to talk to these disciples.

The old man beside him obviously has a high status. He is eager to communicate with he Jun.

"Is there any news? What did you find out? "

He Jun asked impatiently.

"I found out that song Chengjiang didn't collect tiancang Jue after shooting it, but gave it to a boy. That kid doesn't know what's coming from. Anyway, he's very powerful. I asked the servants in the box to draw an image of that kid...... "

The old man felt a picture from his arms and opened it to He Jun's eyes.

He Jun frowned, looked at the picture above, and said thoughtfully: "this boy, I always think where I have seen it, so familiar with it. But... Where is it? "

"I was found out."

Chu Yun frowns tightly and has some accidents.

"I remember!"

He Jun suddenly murmured, clenched his fist and said: "Chu Yun of tiandaozong is that kid. I have several connections with him. When I went to Yuhuang island at the beginning, I felt that he was familiar, but I didn't think of him at that time! "

"Chu Yun, who recently slaughtered seven or eight people of hanbingzong?"

The old man's expression changed quickly, and he shook his head: "you must think twice before you go. Chu Yun's combat power is very terrible. There is a disciple of Zhenwu quadruple in hanbingzong who died in Chu Yun's hands."

"So what? I'm not going to crush him!"

He Jun has a gloomy smile on his face and can't help but reach out and lick his scarlet lips.

After finding the goal, it's much easier.

"There must be pieces of this bronze spoon on him. If I catch this boy, the number of pieces of bronze spoon on me will be two!"

For this news, He Jun is very excited. He seems to have seen Chu Yun's appearance of being trampled by himself.

"Black devil, go!"

Chu Yun takes a deep breath, quietly releases the black devil, and then urges the method of controlling the couple to control the black devil to rush towards the Mountain Gate of aoyunzong fiercely.

The sudden appearance of the 100 meter huge black stone image shocked the disciples of Aoyun sect. Without any hesitation, they fled into the sect like a lost dog.


The black devil kicked aoyunzong's Mountain Gate to pieces. It radiated dark light all over its body, as if it could not get into the valley of aoyunzong.


A large number of houses were trampled to pieces, and the black devil's voice continued to roar, like a rampaging tank, which smashed all the mountains and houses of aoyunzong.

"What kind of monster is this?"

He Jun and the elder turn their heads to see the black devil, and their pupils contract violently. How could they not expect such a terrible monster to appear suddenly.

"What else can I do with all this nonsense? Go straight up and stop it!"

The old man roared and ordered Ao yunzong's disciples to rush up and attack the black devil with various means.

The gorgeous light is shining, all kinds of different spirits give out different breath and surround the black devil.


There was a shrill sound, and the disciples were frightened to find that their all-out efforts had no effect on the black devil.

The black devil is hard like a rare material that can't be penetrated. No matter it's the spirit, martial arts or the body, it can't break through its defense at all!

"Beast, seek death!"

He Jun rose from the ground, his eyes flashed cold, and suddenly he put out his hand and clapped it on the black devil's chest.

It was so powerful and quick that ordinary people couldn't react at all.


A slight sound sounded, and the black devil almost fell down, but at the same time, his strong defense also shook back part of the attack. The blood oozed from the mouth of the tiger in the shaking hand of He Jun, and the whole arm was too numb to use any strength.

"This beast is not a monster, it is controlled by someone!"

It's just a contact. He Jun knows the reality of the black devil. He is sure that someone nearby must be manipulating all this.

"What is it? I just want your life!"

Chu Yun hid behind a boulder, clenched his fists, and tried his best to control the black devil with his spirit.

The black devil also lived up to the expectations of the people. After he Jun was forced out with a fist, he stepped back and forth in the Aoyun clan and killed wantonly.

He Jun's body is very sensitive and constantly dodges the black devil's attack. Now it's obvious that He Jun can't understand the cloud. In the struggle with the black devil, it's dangerous.


He Jun is being hit by the black devil's sudden blow. He Jun breaks at least six ribs with a click, which makes him

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