Sky War Soul

Chapter 1593 the place of trial

"Come here!"

Chu Yun raised his hand and took a picture of the flame giant's huge body and put it in his hand: "say, where is this place!"

The flame giant said a lot. Chu Yun didn't understand any of them, but he was obviously begging for mercy.

"No eyes, die!"

Chu Yun snorted coldly. He was very depressed at first. Now he just spilled all the anger.


One finger pricks out, the sword Qi is extremely swift and violent, in an instant, it penetrates the head of the flame giant.

The flame of the flame giant's body went down, turning into stone, and scattered on the ground.

Chu Yun snorted coldly, turned around and continued to rush towards the sky.

In other words, the flame giant should have the supreme strength of fairyland, indicating that this place should not be an ordinary small world and should not be underestimated.

No matter what, it has nothing to do with myself.

Let's get out of here first.

However, when Chu cloud was about to burst out of the star dome, the whole void suddenly became unreal at the speed visible to the naked eye, and then a transparent barrier was created to directly block the void.

Not only the top of the head, but also all sides were stopped by the transparent barrier.

Chu Yun is surprised, some are inconceivable.

As a master level figure of the secret pattern array, he just reaches out and feels that the transparent barrier is not simple. It is definitely set by the strong master of the secret pattern array. It is impossible to break it forcibly in his current state.

If you calm down to analyze, it will take at least one day and one night to break!

How can a formation appear suddenly?

Who did it come from?

When Chu Yun frowned and thought about this, he saw a warship suddenly fall from the sky in the distance.

Chu Yun is startled. He quickly hides in the clouds, concentrates on calming his breath, and suppresses his breath to the lowest level.

This warship is very gorgeous, showing an endless horror. Any secret pattern depicted on it has the level of legendary secret pattern. It comes across from the void, and really breaks the sky and breaks the sky!

"What a magnificent warship!"

Chu Yun thought about it.

It's much better than Li Qingfu's warship.

Who is it?

On the warship, a middle-aged man floats up, looks at hundreds of young disciples on the deck, and shouts: "this is a trial practice for you. At last, only one person can pass the customs. Remember, no one can kill each other. If anyone violates the rules, I will kill him on the spot!"

When he spoke, his voice was like a billow, and the whole space was buzzing.

"What a strong breath!"

Chu Yun's pupils contract suddenly. The middle-aged man's breath is really horrible. As you can imagine, he must be a super strong man.

He frowned and hid deeper.

Listen to them. It's not like they're here to hunt for themselves. It's like what kind of practice do they take part in?

It's really a coincidence that I started to practice when I wanted to go out, and then locked myself in?

Chu Yun instinctively wants to go out and explain the origin to these people, but then he thinks that he can't rush out to expose the target in such a hurry without distinguishing whether the enemy is a friend. This place is blocked, which means that he shouldn't call the ground insensitive every day. Even if they kill himself here, no one will know.

"What should I do then, waiting quietly until the end of their trial?"

Chu Yun's eyebrows are locked. If the strength of the other side is not much worse than his own, he has already gone out in a big way. How can he hide like this?

But in fact, the middle-aged man who wants to run over himself is not so different from running over an ant.

In this case, Chu Yun dare not gamble his life.

"It's obviously not good to keep waiting. I don't have so much time to spend. If I destroy this array, it will take about a day. As long as I'm not disturbed, I can go out in a day..."

Chu Yun thought like this, but how to avoid the spiritual exploration of the middle-aged man is a difficult thing.

"Don't try to hide and win, wait for others to work hard. Your time is only three days. If you can't decide the winner in three days, everyone will roll back to this mountain, and I will see you fight with my own eyes!"

The middle-aged man was obviously very strict. After drinking, all the disciples were shivering.

"Yes! Lord! "

With a big wave of his hand, the middle-aged man said, "well, I'll scatter you all around the world randomly. Don't try to hide. I hope to see the real strong one, the super strong one who can kill the god Buddha and destroy the Buddha!"

With that, he raised his hand to take a picture on the deck, and the terrible wave swept the bodies of many disciples and flew to all directions.

"Brush! Brush! Brush! "

The streamer is all over the sky, a little fleeting.

After all this, the middle-aged man snorted: "a group of little bunnies!"

Then he went into the cabin.

"I got involved in a trial practice of a clan by mistake. It's true I don't know what to say... "

Chu Yun just wants to smile bitterly. He has enough luck.

He closed his breath, moved slowly, and swept away into the distance.

He had no sense of security near the ship.

That middle-aged man is too strong.

How strong is it?

Chu Yun can't estimate.

Because he's seen one seal at most!

There is no doubt that this middle-aged man is much better than a grain seal!


Without taking a few steps, there was a sound of collision in the distance. Only two disciples collided and killed each other.

And the area they fought in was just on their way.

"Well, it's really a narrow path for my enemies to meet you!"

"Today, if I don't find your teeth everywhere, I won't be Xiao!"

The two disciples were furious and collided fiercely, releasing their spirit to the fullest.

Chu Yun is a little surprised. These two disciples are very strong. If they are placed in the night circle, they are at least Duan Zehua's level!

If you don't count yourself in, they both have the ability to compete for the first pride in the night sky!

Seeing this, Chu Yun was surprised.

What is the existence of this gate?

Can any two disciples be so strong?

It's unbelievable.

Chu Yun frowned and walked in along this road. It's a rolling mountain. He can hide on the top of the most edge of the mountain and secretly crack the secret pattern array. But if he doesn't take this road, he needs to take a long detour.

Chu Yun didn't want to be in it, let alone detour.

So he picked up his speed and dashed hard ahead.

Anyway, you are fighting fiercely. I'm passing by. Isn't it too much?

You beat you. I'm on my way!

You don't know who I am anyway.

With this mentality, Chu Yun rushed to the past.

The battle between the two disciples was very fierce. Although Chu Yun was detected, no one cared about him.

We are fighting. If you ask for trouble, we don't mind killing you first.

In this way, Chu Yun skirted the fighting place and stepped into the mountains.

The melt was rolling under his feet, and there was a heat wave rushing up to the sky, which made him tense all over, and he did not dare to relax at all.

No one knows how high the temperature of the melt is. If you drop it carelessly, you may have to melt half of your body!

When Chu Yun walked into the mountains, a figure sprang up from the ground, a whip was raised in his hand, and swept towards his neck, trying to limit it.

Chuyun's pupil flashed a fine light. Unexpectedly, this man was lying on the ground directly. It was really insidious!


Chu Yun reached out with one hand, grasped the whip, and then suddenly pulled it. The horrible force pulled the figure over. Chu Yun flashed across the figure and cut a palm knife at the back of his neck.

The disciple was silent and fainted.

Chu Yun picked him up, threw him away, and hung him on the branch above.

So as not to be swallowed up by the fluffy slurry below.

Since the other side didn't kill, I didn't have to do too much.

In the end, it is necessary to keep a line.

"It's a little tender to ambush me."

Chuyun sneered, and immediately picked up the speed, heading for the mountains.

However, he didn't go far. Another figure rushed out and shouted: "it's bad luck to meet me, Han lie!"

This is a young man with a naked body. When he saw Chu Yun, he rushed up without saying a word. He raised his hand and put it on Chu Yun's chest. In this way, he was filled with unparalleled power, which made the surrounding vigorous wind howling and the heaven and earth shaking.

"The one who exercises and is strong?"

Chu Yun eyebrows a pick, since the other side wants to take the initiative to challenge, then he has to fight!

In a flash, he also printed the past with his palm.

The two palms are close together, seemingly simple, but in fact, the undercurrent surges.


With a loud bang, the young men were shaken out and smashed into the rocks, forming a man-made cave in the middle of the mountain.

I don't have breath for a long time. I'm afraid I'm faint.

Chu Yun looks up at the highest mountain ahead.

As long as you can climb up, you can hide and attack the array.

There is a long distance from the warship here. As long as you don't make too much noise, the middle-aged man who wants to come to the warship won't notice him.

Unless he's bored and psychic.

There's no way.

I can't hide. I can't hide!

If that is the case, I can only blame myself for my bad life, no one.

But as long as he doesn't search by spirit, he has a chance!

With great effort, Chu Yun finally got close to the highest mountain. Chu Yun didn't think much. After plundering it, he suddenly landed on the highest rock on the mountain top. He wanted to occupy the favorable terrain quickly, and then he began to break through the formation, but he didn't think

He was embarrassed by the scene.

I saw myself standing on the highest stone, surrounded by a dozen disciples.

They seem to be confronting each other.

And I just landed in the middle of them.

A group of people, big eyes and small eyes.

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