Sky War Soul

1596 a fat man with a mean mouth

Originally, Chu Yun thought to himself, just follow this Mo Xiao and fight with them at the top of the mountain. If he can defeat other disciples, the first place should start steadily.

"By the way, don't laugh, our senior brother Chen, seems to be very strong?"

Chu Yun continued to follow his words.

"Senior brother Chen? You mean Chen Yeyu. He's really terrible. He's a strong athlete! It's said that he is the strongest in the clan. In fact, it's true. After all, the elder martial brother is so evil that we didn't count him when we calculated the ranking. "

Mo smiled and sighed: "I suggest you stay away from elder martial brother Chen. He is a strong body builder, and his fist falls on you, for fear of breaking your bones!"

"Chen Yeyu, if it's the most powerful of all, then I don't need to worry at all!"

Chu Yun draws a smile from the corner of his mouth.

I've dealt with Chen Yeyu before. Although the opponent's fighting power is very strong, it's not difficult to defeat him if I use the sword seal.

After defeating him, who else can compete with himself for this place?

Mo smiled, clapped Chu Yun on the shoulder, and said, "since we belong to the kind of life, we should have awareness. I don't think you want to compete for the ranking, do you? I said, wash and sleep! "

After a pause, don't laugh and say, "I'll teach you a way. When you do, you must hold your head and let their fists fall on you. As long as your head is not hit, it's basically a skin injury. It's OK!"

Chu Yun coughed twice and said, "it seems that you are very experienced?"

"Of course, if you are used to being beaten, you must sum up some experience. Otherwise, don't you want to be beaten for nothing?"

Don't laugh at the righteous words on your face.

"Then you didn't want to fight back?"

Chu Yun glances up and down at Mo Xiao. He is obviously naive. This kind of person is often bullied most in the clan. Because of his cowardly nature, he dare not fight back after being bullied, so he will develop some escape character over time.

It is obviously very difficult for him to fight back.

Because it has been written into the bone.

"Fight back? Why should we fight back? It's also very good. If we fight back, we will only attract more fierce fighting! "

Don't laugh to mention these, obviously there is no color of shame, but feel justified.

Later, he also persuaded Chu Yun: "you must not fight back, otherwise the end will be very miserable, then don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Chu Yun sighed and said nothing more, quietly waiting for the third day.

Fortunately, the three days passed safely. Occasionally, some disciples fought hard outside the cave, and they were silent. No one found them.

On the third day, after noon, the majestic voice of the patriarch suddenly sounded, which rang through the whole lava world: "all the disciples who have not been eliminated, roll to the mountains for me, and there are so many people left who live in vain!"

"Let's go."

Mo Xiao walks out of the cave, shrinks his neck and says, "you little body, hide behind me when you are beaten. I have a lot of meat. I can carry some for you..."

Chu Yun smiles and nods.

Anyway, don't laugh at this man.

This time, I want to protect him from being beaten!

When they were on their way, they met a disciple. Seeing Mo Xiao, the disciple couldn't help laughing and said: "fat man..."

Before he finished, don't smile and turn around and scold: "I can lose weight. If you don't need to change your body shape, can you grow tall? Even if you jump up, you can only hit me in the knee, right

Chuyun's eyes gaped.

That disciple is very short, not much taller than Zhao tiehammer, and very thin. Standing in front of Mo Xiao, he is really like a dwarf.

After hearing this, the disciple growled, pointed to Mo's nose and scolded: "waste, what do you say you need to hide for three days? In the end, you have to be beaten obediently? Or beaten in front of the public! What do you think you're trying to do? It's not good to be beaten secretly in private. I'm ashamed of you because I have to be ashamed in front of everyone! "

Don't laugh to hear these words, and don't get angry. Instead, he said: "so, we are all the same people. We can't get the first place. We should all be beaten together. Do you mean that we are both rubbish?"


The disciple's expression was twisted and furious.

Chu Yun stood by and looked at her tongue.

Recumbent groove.

Brother, where's your courage to mock others?

He now knows why it's easy to be beaten.

You're so cheap. Who don't you beat?

"I will beat you up! Hammer your face! "

The disciple was shaking all over with anger and hurried towards the mountain.

Mo Xiao stood on tiptoe and looked at it for a while. Then he whispered, "this guy must have stopped us in front. Let's take a detour to avoid being blocked by him. This kid will report that he is very bad!"

Chu Yun's eyes are strange. Are you bad?

Although the world is respectful of martial arts, the real Tianjiao is very busy. Who has the leisure to bully you?

Moreover, feitianzong is the first gate in the world of Tianguang war. It's not uncommon for them to enter it. They are very clear about their future. They can't delay in these small things, so they practice hard every day.

It's reasonable to say that if you don't laugh at being honest and don't take the initiative to cause trouble, no one will bully him every day, right?

This is also a question that Chu Yun has been thinking about.

Other people are arrogant. Why should they aim at you?

Why are you so proud?

Now, he understands.

Your mouth is so cheap. It's a treat not to kill you!

But Chu Yun didn't say anything, so he had to follow Mo Xiao to make a detour.

After seven or eight turns, he finally reached the mountain. Looking from a distance, the former disciple was standing on his only way, with an angry look.

Don't laugh, laugh and shout: "Xiaodou bag, I'm here. You said you didn't stop me even after you used so much energy. How about you? You're not angry?"

The disciple in the distance was trembling with rage and his face was iron green.

But in front of the patriarch, he didn't dare to be rude. He could only shout out: "fat man, wait for me later! I have to beat you to find teeth all over the place! "

Don't laugh and don't panic at all. Erect a middle finger. It's very natural and unrestrained.

If he didn't have to be beaten later, Chu Yun would be overwhelmed by his gesture.

I saw the Lord standing on the warship, and his whole body was full of air, which was extraordinary.

Although he deliberately astringed his breath, the continuous air flow from his whole body was still shivering in the void, which made people feel that there was a huge stone in his heart and he could not breathe at all.

Chu Yun's eyes swept around. There were about 30 more disciples left. Of course, most of them were those who lived in a muddle. They didn't dare to fight with others. They had to hide to increase their chances of survival.

Of course, Mo Xiao is the most!

I need my disciple to look at Mo with a smile and a look of contempt in his eyes. Obviously, I've been familiar with his style for a long time.

Three more days?

What's the point?

Anyway, I'm going to be beaten soon!

Chen Yeyu walked up the mountain with awe inspiring spirit. His eyes swept over the people, and then he smiled: "in these three days, there are more than 30 disciples who have been defeated by me. I thought that there were not many disciples who survived, but I didn't expect that there are so many left!"

Each disciple participating in the trial will bring a piece of crystal. If he encounters strength or damage beyond his tolerance range, the crystal will be activated to block a fatal blow.

When the crystal is consumed, it will become dim, which means that the qualification for trial is lost.

"Nei, elder martial brother Chen has defeated so many disciples!"

"It's incredible."

"In the absence of senior brother Chen, he is the best!"

"Not bad!"


Those disciples, all whispered, with admiration in their eyes.

Chen Yeyu's eyes suddenly fell on Chu Yun. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet each other here.

In a flash, he judged that Chu Yun was the only one among so many disciples left in the audience who could pose a threat to himself.

The patriarch snorted coldly and said, "next, the disciples who have not yet won the battle will concentrate on the top of the mountain and start the scuffle! In the end, there can only be one winner! "

As soon as he said this, many disciples all clenched their fists.

Before they came here, they thought about such rules. Some disciples even reached an agreement in private. At last, they beat elder martial brother Chen together. If he remains invincible, no one else could win the first place at all!

If he fails, it is possible for everyone!

At least seven or eight disciples released their spirits and killed Chen Yeyu as the words of the patriarch fell.

"Howling moon wolf!"

Chen Yeyu's figure suddenly expanded, reaching three meters in a flash, growing hair all over his body, and his palms became sharp. He never feared: "come on, come on!"

He fell on all fours and rushed to one of the disciples at a high speed. No one saw how he made his move, but he just hit him across the sky. The disciple screamed loudly and was hit thousands of miles away and hit the rock hard.

A white light broke out all over the body. This is a crystal protecting body.

It means that he has lost.

With one stroke, one of the disciples was defeated. The audience was very excited.

The patriarch also nodded slightly, obviously very satisfied with Chen Yeyu's performance.

This time, if there is no accident, Chen Yeyu should take the first place.

I mainly investigated the two disciples who made the fastest progress.

See who can fall on the head.

"Tut Tut, if I want to have the strength of elder martial brother Chen, how can I fear others?"

Mo Xiao lies on the ground and displays the broken lizard spirit. It is completely integrated with the ground. It looks like there is a huge stone on the ground, which is hard to notice.


A sword light came to him. It hurt so much that he didn't grin and grin, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Because the little disciple is looking for him.

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