Sky War Soul

Chapter 1599 defeat elder martial brother Chen

Chen Yeyu's spirit is very terrible. The ten grade wolf is standing on the ground. Every time he claps it, it will cause the world to shake and hum.

Chu Yun's face was expressionless, but there was no pause in his hand.

The war was raging.

You come and I go.


The sound of the violent explosion almost broke the eardrum, and the wind billowed and shocked the deaf.

Every time they collided, the void burst and broke.

The waves that are simply transmitted can hurl people out. Even if their strength is a little weaker, they can't stand around.

The disciples on the warship were all stunned.

Every time they collided, they would make a sound of horror.

It's hard to imagine.

This unknown guy can really fight with elder martial brother Chen!

How does this work?


I can't think of it at all!

They are just like two giant beasts, rolling against each other and crashing against each other. The billows rise up one by one, and the clouds are scattered.

This scene, let a person see, the mood is extremely complex.

"Who is he?"

This is a question in the mind of all disciples.

On weekdays, I never heard of him.

Actually in the trial practice, it's amazing!

"I don't believe it. See how long you can hold on!"

Chen Yeyu took a step, the earth was trampled hard shaking, raised his hand to Chu cloud, the surface of the palm has a raging flow of violent atmosphere, let people retreat.

Chu Yun was fearless and turned back.

"The hand of the cloud!"

The irresistible force surged out, and the momentum reached its peak in a flash. It collided with Chen Yeyu's strike, and the deafening sound filled all over the place. The surrounding void suddenly collapsed, visible to the naked eye.

Chu Yun has a long breath and a torrent of blood, which is the capital he has been fighting for a long time.

The whole body is stormy. It's like a strong wind.

Surging like a dragon, just to Yang.

Chen Yeyu was more frightened in the Vietnam War.

For those who are strong in physical training, durability is a very important factor, especially when they are fighting with the strong in the realm. If they do their best in the first place, the strength will inevitably weaken after a long time. No matter how strong the muscles are, they will also get tired. It's normal for them to rise and fall.

But half an hour later, the opponent's combat power not only did not weaken at all, but also became more and more powerful.

What's going on?

It's hard, but the other side hasn't put all the effort into it?

Chen Yeyu was shocked. Naturally, he didn't exert all his efforts. But he always thought that he didn't need to exert all his efforts to deal with each other. He was just a nobody. If he had to fight with all his efforts, wouldn't it be funny to say that?

But I didn't expect that if I didn't do my best!

The situation on the scene is gradually falling into the hands of the other side.

No, I will lose if I go on like this!

A flash of anger flashed in Chen Yeyu's eyes and roared in his mouth, "secret method, wolf head and Eagle gu!"

Behind him, the shadow of a giant wolf suddenly rises, which is more than 100 meters high, overlooking the heaven and earth, standing tall and proud of the sky. Four wolf claws are as thick as pillars, clinging to the ground.


Chen Yeyu's pupils completely turn into green Wolf's eyes, a roar, frighten all living beings.

Then, at the neck next to the wolf's head, a hawk's head came out again. His eyes were fierce and his pupils were full of endless murderous colors, as if he wanted to tear everything apart.

Seeing this, Chu Yun had a cold expression. A knife and a sword appeared in his hands.

Shuiyue sword and Dongtian sword are in hand.



"Isn't he a physical strength builder? How can there be swords? "

"I don't understand."

"Do you want to make a fuss, or do you think you will lose? It doesn't matter anymore?"

"If you look after the wolf and the eagle, you will surely lose!"


Although the disciples on the warship were shocked, they couldn't help laughing after seeing Chu Yunshi displaying his sword.

Isn't that funny?

What do you do to sacrifice a pair of swords as a strong body builder?

But Chen Yeyu dare not despise it.

He was able to feel the onslaught of repression.

In this case, the surrounding mountains are all cracked, and there is a constant eruption of karst from the cracks, just like the eruption of a volcano, with great momentum.

Under the impact of this kind of breath, even standing is not stable.

"No matter who you are, I have to beat you! This first place is only mine! "

Chen Yeyu left this sentence, and his body rushed out like lightning. The wolf headed eagle Gu provided him with a terrifying force. He could almost sweep across the sky and earth, and his claws could be poked out. The void was torn and his spirit was squeezed.

Chu Yun raised his hand and cut out a sword Qi. He wanted to test the power of Chen Yeyu. However, under the fist of the opponent, the sword Qi melted quickly, just like the snow in the sun.

Chu Yun's heart is almost clear.

"The first move of Dayan sword skill, Aya chop!"

Chu Yun's figure swoops forward and disappears in a blink of an eye. The next second, the ghost of his figure appears behind Chen Yeyu. His sword stabs his soft rib almost at the same time.

He was as silent as an assassin, and even cheated all the disciples who watched the battle.

"What about people?"

"How did it disappear in a flash?"

"Just here!"

"You Look, people are here! "


Those disciples' eyes were shocked. Chu Yun did not know when he ran behind Chen Yeyu. It was really like a ghost, which was incomprehensible.

Chen Yeyu was obviously aware of the danger from behind. He was covered with cold hair, and his eyes were very angry. He shouted: "break it for me!"


The tail behind him, like a whip, smashes the void, suddenly rolls around Chu Yun's waist, and drives him out completely. In the next moment, Chen Yeyu falls on Chu Yun with one arm through the void, like a dragon, and smashes him into the ground.


With a loud noise, Chu Yun fell deeply into the huge pit.

Around him, there is a raging force that is pounding every inch of his skin. This is the power attached to the wolf head and the eagle.

Chu Yun's sinews soared. He raised his hand and clapped the ground. He jumped up from the deep pit and said, "the fifth move of Dayan sword technique, the seal of sword God!"


There were two gentle sounds. The water moon sword and the cave Heaven Sword were integrated into Chu Yun's body in a moment. He felt fierce and light sword all over his body. Every inch of his skin was full of profound sword moves, as if there were countless illusions on him, showing in all directions.

On the warship, many disciples were surprised to see this scene and couldn't believe it.

As the saying goes, the layman watches the bustle while the layman watches the doorway.

Among them, there are many people whose spirits are swords and swords, so they know very well how difficult it is to reach his realm.

It is impossible for many Tianjiao who has been immersed in kendo for hundreds of years to climb to this level.

In theory, this is a miracle at all!

"I will win!"

Chen Yelu roars, claws out, and the spirit rises in an instant. He breaks the void again. The wolf headed eagle Gu behind him roars even more. It seems that he wants to smash all the opponents in front.

At the top of chuyun's fist, there is a sword seal that bursts out of light. Without hesitation, it collides with Chen Yeyu's fist. In a flash, the air roars. Chen Yeyu's huge strength is suddenly stagnated, and he is stifled back.


The two figures flashed and the strong light exploded.

Chu Yun had a bloody paw mark on his chest, and he bit his teeth slightly.

And Chen Yeyu, the whole arm soft down, pupil flashed a touch of unexpected shock.

"How How could it be? "

Chen Yeyu, as crazy as the general, with his fingers at the shoulders of the continuous point dozens of times, all the big holes will be sealed.

He noticed that there was sword Qi and sword Qi drilling towards his internal organs, and the previous collision was the carrier.

The sword seal of Chu Yun, along with his fist into the meridians, and along the meridians left to the four limbs, if he really got it, I'm afraid that his viscera would be crushed into blood!

"Well, you're just wasting your energy!"

Chu Yun smiled faintly and said: "the Qi of sword will gradually tear your meridians, inch by inch, and finally pour into your heart. At that time, the immortals can't save you!"

Endless terror, full of Chen Yeyu's mind.

His pupils contract violently and he shivers all over.

No one knows better than him!

It's not a joke!

This is true!

All the disciples on the warship were shocked.

What's the situation?

Why not fight?

Did you decide the winner?

"Tick, tick."

Chu Yun's chest wound is very fierce. A large piece of flesh and blood has been torn and bone can be seen. If you look carefully, you can even see the beating heart inside, which is beating strongly.

Obviously, Chu Yun was seriously injured.

But elder martial brother Chen looks like he is just paralyzed. Isn't he scared like this?

You can see that elder martial brother Chen has the upper hand!

"Chen Yeyu, you fool, why hasn't it been so long? What are you eating? I can't wait! "

A loud roar, only to see the emperor flying out of the cabin, the face of a curse.

In the bottom of his heart, he has acquiesced that Chen Yeyu won the first prize.

When he went up to the deck and looked down, he saw a complex and unwilling smile on Chen Yeyu's face. He said hoarsely, "I lost."

In the next moment, the white light bloomed, symbolizing that the crystal on his body was completely broken.

Chen Yeyu!


"What's the matter?"

The Lord frowned, and his eyes fell on Chen Yeyu's opponent.

This kid, didn't he beat Su Shuai?

He, unexpectedly won Chen Yeyu?

"NIMA, it's not easy to win..."

Chu Yun's figure stumbled and nearly fell down. He took out the ointment and applied it on the wound for a while. The cool feeling from the wound made his head slightly awake.

Just now, if I didn't hide fast, my heart would burst!

It's really worthy of being the super Tianjiao of Tianguang war!

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