Sky War Soul

Chapter 161 location of sword grave

Chu Yun takes up the black devils and looks around. Most of the Aoyun sect is trampled by the black devils. There is a scene of ruins around.

In a moment, Chu Yun had a feeling that when a person's strength reaches a certain level, it can really decide the life and death of the clan.

Just like the yuhuangzong and Zhongzong on Yuhuang Island, they are powerful and boundless, but they are not killed by the monsters in the sea at last?

Today's Aoyun sect is also manipulated by its own black devils, killing all the elders and core disciples. Even the patriarch Wang Yun has died.

There are so many people with swords in Chu Yun's heart. The world is a jungle. If Wang Yun has enough fighting power, I'm afraid his first thing to do is to kill the tiandaozong first!

The whole Aoyun sect was in chaos. All the elders fell down and the core disciples died. The rest of the external disciples had already escaped.

Chu Yun easily found the treasure house of aoyunzong, only to see the chaos here, and even some fighting traces.

"Don't rob, we'll all be done if we don't leave!"

"Ha ha, if I don't rob, it's up to you."

"Yes, why don't we rob it!"

As soon as he got close to the treasure house, Chu Yun heard a noise coming from it. He didn't need to think about it. A group of disciples must be fighting for something in the treasure house.

In their opinion, aoyunzong is going to be destroyed anyway, and it has already lost its rules. The treasures in the treasure house can be taken as much as they can, and those that can't be taken can't be left to others.

"Do you stop for me? Just now I saw the patriarch killed with my own eyes. You are still arguing about some pills. Is life important or something important?"

There was a roar.

"Cao, it's so righteous. Don't rob me!"

Soon the treasure house was in chaos again.

Chu Yun walked in with his cold face and his eyes swept through.

I saw more than ten disciples standing in the treasure house. These disciples were entangled with each other in twos and threes, obviously fighting for something.

Their strength is not weak, they all have the cultivation of Qi environment. They should be the core disciples of Aoyun sect.

Although the light of black devil killed hundreds of core disciples in the past, it is inevitable that there are still some missing fish. These disciples want to escape, but they don't give up many treasures in the treasure house. Therefore, under the balance of advantages and disadvantages, they come here first to get something and then run.

"Everyone, give me something to put down!"

Chu Yun's tone is cold and gives orders.

"Cao, who are you, understand the rules?"

"Let the senior brothers finish the selection first, and then leave some soup for you!"

"Don't get in the way of him. Can I believe I killed you?"

These disciples are very irascible. Maybe it's because aoyunzong is about to be destroyed, which shows the dark side of their hearts.

They didn't know who Chu Yun was. They thought Chu Yun was a younger martial brother who wanted to come and get something.

Chu Yun smiled coldly, raised his hand and shot out a strong aura, which ran through the head of the most ferocious disciple.

"He wants to die!"

"How dare you do it!"

Those disciples were immediately angry. Their previous disputes were just not close. After all, they were all brothers of the same master. They had a good relationship at ordinary times, and could not be said to kill people.

I didn't expect that a stupid young man burst in here and killed people without saying a word. There is no rule!

"This kid is a stranger. I don't know which corner he came out of. Kill him to avoid future troubles!"

"Yes, it doesn't matter if we divide the treasures here equally, but this boy must die. He killed senior brother Liu!"

"We have to kill this kid before the monster comes. There's no time."

Several core disciples of aoyunzong immediately reached an agreement with their eyes. Their faces were covered with cold and ferocious smiles, and they approached chuyun in a murderous manner.

Only one disciple was trembling, his face was as white as paper, his pupils were full of panic.

This disciple was the one who said that he saw the patriarch killed with his own eyes.

Just because he saw Wang Yun killed, he was able to recognize that Chu Yun was the boy standing on the top of the monster, that is, he ordered the monster to kill the patriarch.

This kid, absolutely a devil!

His legs softened and he kept moving out.

Chu Yun noticed this scene, but he just smiled quietly and didn't care.


The other disciples looked ferocious and rushed towards Chu Yun.

They have evolved the spirit of martial arts. They have been killed by all kinds of dazzling means. In such a huge treasure house, they are shining brightly by all kinds of lights.

Chu Yun smiled, and even stood still, letting many spirits, such as swords, spears, swords, halberds and so on, chop himself.


The sound of the explosion was loud and powerful. Chu Yun was unharmed by so many weapons.

The long sword just scratched the skin.

The sword is sharp, and it just marks a white mark on the skin.


All kinds of weapons and moves failed to hurt Chu Yun in a real sense.


"Am I dazzled?"

"This boy, how can he still live?"

Those disciples who did it were all stupid. They had never seen anyone who could survive such a dense attack.

"Is this guy human?"

The first disciple took a breath of cold air. His words expressed everyone's heart.

Is this guy still human?

"You've had enough. It's my turn!"

The smile on chuyun's face is extremely cold, and his eyes are full of disdainful light.


Out of the hole!

In the huge treasure house, there were several bleak cries, and then there was silence.

The disciple who escaped from the treasure house before nearly fell to the ground with soft legs after hearing the scream. He took a deep breath, stood up, calmed himself, and fled shivering away.

Along the way, there were ruins and corpses everywhere, which almost broke his mind.

"Devil, what a devil!"

The disciple kept repeating this sentence in his mouth.

Chu Yun searched the treasure house thoroughly and collected two precious martial arts, two precious pills and three thousand year old miraculous medicines.

What's left is all sorts of things. Chu Yun can't see them at all.

Later, Chu Yun looks for Wang Yun's and He Jun's space rings. There are some inventory in them, but at best they can only be said to be ordinary. There is nothing Chu Yun can see.

"Bronze spoon!"

Chu Yun was holding a piece of debris in his fingers, and his eyes were shining with excitement.

I have worked hard to find three bronze spoons!

Chu Yun calmed down, took out two pieces of his body and the white token. When the three bronze spoons were put together, they gave out a fierce light. After the light disappeared, there was only one rusty key left. It must be the body of the bronze key.

After the rusty bronze spoon and the token were put together, a white light suddenly burst out on the token, and the white light was projected on the void, forming a very magical map.

Chu Yun knew that the token was the thing that recorded the map of sword tomb, so when he saw the map appeared, he immediately moved his eyes to the top and carefully identified it.

"The location recorded above..."

Chu Yun frowned. In order to integrate into the world faster in his childhood, he often read some books such as the brief history of the mainland and the map of the mainland, so he also remembered some special places in the Taiqian continent.

If it's expected that it's right, the sword grave should be in the middle of the dead Mountain Cemetery.

Dead mountain is an extremely mysterious place in the central region. I don't know how many years it has existed. It's a low mountain with a dead spirit. It's called dead mountain.

There are various kinds of corpses piled up in the mountains. The whole dead Mountain Cemetery has been surrounded by a strong Yin Qi for many years, and there is no sunshine at all.

There are few rumors about the dead mountain and the disordered cemetery, because few people go to the disordered cemetery to explore.

Because the Yin Qi is too heavy, you can't distinguish the direction in it at all, and there is no treasure in it, so as time goes by, few martial artists are willing to explore.

It would be interesting if the sword grave is in the depth of the dead mountain's disordered grave!

Chu Yun sighs a long time, it seems that he has to go to the dead Mountain Cemetery in any case.


The white light is fleeting and vanishing.

Then the white token began to melt, like ice and snow meeting the sun, gradually turning into water mist, disappearing without a trace.

Chu Yun put the bronze spoon into the space ring and left aoyunzong quickly.


The news of aoyunzong's being destroyed spread rapidly in the whole area at an incredible speed.

After hearing the news, all the clans were shocked.

Aoyunzong is the most hopeful to compete for the middle class in this qualifying match. How could he be killed at this juncture?

Moreover, the door was closed so fast that even a little information had not come out before.

According to the disciples who escaped from Aoyun sect, it is a dark stone statue with a height of 100 meters, killing all the core disciples of their sect, together with the eldest elder He Jun, the patriarch Wang Yun and all the rest of the elders, all of them fell down, and there is no life left!

It's a one-sided massacre. No one can resist the black stone statue. Whoever goes up there is a dead end.

There are also a few core disciples who escaped by chance. They said frankly that shortly before the battle, the patriarch had just passed the pass, and he was promoted to the Xuanwu realm through the pass.

But even so, they didn't survive under the monster's hand!

All the clans are shocked again!

When Wang Yunda reached Xuanwu, he couldn't stop the black stone statue!

What does this mean?

This represents that all the inferior clans, when they meet the black stone statue, can't have a bit of counter attack!

Even those who are strong in Xuanwu are not rivals. If those who are strong in Zhenwu go up, don't they deliver vegetables?

For a time, the nearby clans were in danger.

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