Sky War Soul

Chapter 1691 are you worthy of her?

Chu Yun frowned and glanced at the four people in front of him.

They are not very old, they are all about their own age, but Zunwen is a little more than themselves, which is understandable, because they have been cultivating in the world of Emperor Huang battle since they were young, so they enjoy more resources than themselves.

The point is, what can you do with these people, even if they are all disguised as monsters?

If the identity has not been exposed, we can still do something.

Once the identity is exposed, I'm afraid my life will be gone.

The key point is to look at their eyes, one by one, very determined, as if life and death are beyond the matter.

Their eyes were hot, looking at Chu Yun, as if they wanted him to make a decision soon.

Recumbent groove.

Is it so fierce?

"Wait a minute, uncle Tang, you let me refresh my mind!"

Chu Yun closed his eyes and thought quickly.

The old father-in-law's meaning is to let himself lead these four devils to stir up the situation behind the devils outside the country. The bigger the trouble, the better. The key is the identity of the devils. They want to explore their identity, but they can't realize it.

In particular, I have a magic heart.

What is the devil's heart among foreign demons?

If calculated according to the blood, Chu Yun's evil heart is the top noble blood!

Perhaps it originated from the Shentu people.

Because Shen turbo, the old man, has a natural sense of familiarity with his own blood.

Well, even if all these are prerequisites.

Have you considered my safety?

What will I do if I am found by the Lords of the evil spirits from other countries?

"Wait for me here first, and come back soon."

Chu Yun frowned. He decided to go to the imperial palace.

I want to ask my father-in-law what it means.

Let yourself die?

Of course, he certainly wasn't questioning.

It's confusion.

"Good, captain."

"We'll wait for you."

Four people nodded, eyes flashed a hot color.

They have heard about Chu Yun's reputation and know that his strength is very strong. Although there are not many Zunwen comprehended by him now, it's only a matter of time to surpass him. It's not a problem at all.

It's a great honor to fight with Chu Yun!

Chu Yun rushed all the way to the imperial palace. Because of his special identity, no bodyguard stopped him all the way.

"Father in law, I don't understand..."

When Chu Yun saw Tang Chongzhen, he was puzzled.

All of us are smart people. Of course, we don't need to say something too clearly. It's like Chu Yun. He will never ask directly why he sent me to die.

It's a different way.

"I've never used it, but how does my father-in-law see through my alien identity?"

Chu Yun asked in a roundabout way.

Of course, his meaning is obvious.

You can see through, and so can the giants of foreign demons.

You let me go deep into the enemy's rear. Isn't that death?

Tang Chongzhen said expressionless, "I don't see it, but speculate that your past actions are very suspicious. For example, the broken arm of an evil devil, Liu Rulong, was killed, including how to cheat Shen turbo. As long as these clues are gathered together, it's easy to guess your identity as an evil body!"

Chu Yun was shocked.

It never occurred to him that he did not see it, but speculated.

Does this mean that no one can tell his identity?

"Don't be complacent. For those foreign demons with more than forty-five venerable lines, if they infuse the evil Qi into your body to explore carefully, they will find you have problems within ten breath!"

"There are two kinds of souls in your body, so Wu soul can coexist with other demons, but this is also a disadvantage. Twin soul is a very old magic of heaven and earth. You can learn it. It's amazing!"

Tang Chongzhen said lightly.

"Twin soul, the magic of heaven and earth?"

Chu Yun is surprised. What is the magic of heaven and earth?

"The magic of heaven and earth is rare. This is a new level. It has been handed down from ancient times and absorbed the sun and moon of heaven and earth. For example, legendary combat skills, which are just created by people, are far from comparable with magic! Can you understand my explanation? "

There are no waves in the voice of Tang Chongzhen. In fact, others have known these things for a long time.

However, Chu Yun came from the Taiqian area and knew little about many things.

So, I want to explain it to him bit by bit.

"The original name of soul drawing is twin soul, and it's still in the world of magic!"

Chu Yun is excited. Along the way, the twin soul doesn't know how much he has helped.

At the beginning, Daoxin planted demons. In the second soul, he planted the seeds of demonic Qi and watered them with spirit Qi to make himself strong.

Later, after absorbing enough magic Qi, all of a sudden, the magic seed changes and becomes the magic heart.

Heretics, that's it.

"Is that man-made war skill and secret method only legendary?"

Chu Yun Xuan thought of the nine changes of evil spirits and the technique of controlling body with golden veins.

So tough, just legendary?

"It's not the case. The war skills and secret techniques created by people for the day after tomorrow are the best to reach the level of half step magic, such as the golden vein bullying technique you cultivate!"

Tang Chongzhen's eyes are very horrible. He can see all the secrets of Chu Yun at a glance.

The golden vein dominates the body. The meridians increase and become golden.

It's easy to see.

"Half a step."

Chu YunRuo has thought about it. He has made great strides from legendary combat techniques to half step magic techniques.

It is not to say that if we surpass the legendary fighting skills, we will be able to achieve the half step magic.

Only the truly powerful fighting skills and secret methods can be achieved!

"But I still don't understand. What's the point of my father-in-law letting me go deep into the enemy's rear? It's better to let me be on the front battlefield, such as the Lingyu army. I'm fully qualified to join it! "

Chu Yun frowned slightly, but he still resisted the order.

The real nine dead life.

He's not afraid, he just doesn't think it makes sense.

Tang Chongzhen is not impatient. His eyes are still calm. He says one by one, "Chu Yun, you have fear in your heart."

"I didn't."

Chu Yun quickly shook his head.

Joking, how can I be afraid?

How much have I experienced along the way? How much did you suffer?

I can't be afraid of anyone!

"You are afraid! It's normal that you don't have to run away from your emotions. "

Tang Chongzhen's voice was calm, and then he said, "your reason, your instinct and your wisdom will force you to avoid this unfavorable choice. Although you can control your instinct a lot of times, most of the time, you are drifting with the tide!"! You are the inheritor of the hermit's blood. You have the most intelligent mind in the world, but you should learn to control him, not be controlled by him! "

He took a step forward, and then said, "your instinct tells you that it's not good, so you will resist. If it's simple and beneficial to you, reason will force you to agree immediately."


Chu Yun wants to stop talking. He really wants to deny it.

But these are real things.

He felt it.

Before, there had never been such a thing.

This has been the case since I awakened the blood of the hermit.

This is a good thing.

Most of the time, it's a good thing.

But sometimes, you can't do everything according to reason.

Human beings have emotions, but also need impulse!

Is it wrong?

Some things, even if they are wrong, are not to stick to the end?

If a person, all things remain rational, even some of their own insistence is not, then what is the difference between him and a body?

The reason why Tang Chongzhen ordered Chu Yun to go deep into the enemy's rear was to help him overcome and then control.

"The hermit's low-key wisdom and terror calculation, jiujianxian's natural and unrestrained, unrestrained and unruly, Longqi's calm and magnanimous, resolute loyalty, these are the things that our blood gives us, the pride and glory deeply branded in our bones!"

"We should not only learn to enjoy, but also learn to control!"

"Only in this way can we truly become a giant standing on a high place!"

Tang Chongzhen sighed. He has a lot to learn.

For Tang Chongzhen's words, Chu Yun's mind took only one second, and a dozen kinds of refutation words floated up.

It is the instinct of reason that prevails.

He clenched his teeth to death before forcing himself not to say it.

"Do you know that the heterodemons are all a group of very poor people. They are born without martial spirits and are despised by people. Once they become heterodemons, it's hard to be rational. If they can be consistent, there may not be one in a hundred people! The number of monsters is very small, and there are fewer monsters that can control themselves! "

"After so many years of collecting, Emperor Yuzhan found four people. Now I will give them all to you!"

"They adore you so much that they even regard you as an idol. I hope you don't let him down!"

Tang Chongzhen's eyes gradually sharpened. Chu Yun's dependence on instinct was too strong. He had to help him turn it around.

Otherwise, Chu Yun will never reach the peak.

This remark moved him a little.

But not enough.

Chu Yun's instinct is very strong.

"Do you know..."

Tang Chongzhen changed his tone, as if he was remembering, and said slowly, "in those days, Zixian and Haoran all had 40 holy lines. It can be said that in another hundred years, they would become the first and second giants of the endless starry sky. They really took my place, but they died and died in the war with foreign demons!"

Hearing this, Chu Yun suddenly smothers.

Chu Yun never inquired about Zixian's last life.

Now listening to Tang Chongzhen, his heart is very complex.

"In that war, they were deeply besieged and clearly had many chances to escape, but they chose to stay and fight with foreign demons! They know it's a battle to die! They knew it was a desperate battle! They know... "

"That war, a pair of my children, one after another fell!"

"Did you know that Zixian, your woman, knew that she would die and never escaped?"

"You're still wondering how dangerous this war is."

"Ridiculous reason, ridiculous instinct."

"Are you worthy of her!"

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