Sky War Soul

Chapter 17 provocation in front of the clan

Hong'an city is located at the border of the great Xia state. It is not far from tiandaozong outside the country. It only takes two days to drive.

Along the way, Jing ran kept telling Chu Yun about the information of tiandaozong.

In the land of Taiqian, zongmen are the most important. There are countless zongmen.

The hierarchy of clans is very strict, which is divided into four levels: lower level, middle level, upper level and super large.

Tiandao sect is the strongest sect near Daxia country. Its comprehensive strength is in the lower class, and it can rank in the upper class.

The so-called Kingdom, to put it bluntly, is just a vassal of some sects, and its status is not high.

In this continent, the real powerful ones are those super bulks with numerous vassals. All of them have inherited the huge things for thousands of years, with deep deposits and numerous powerful ones. Any disciple who comes out has the power to destroy the kingdom!

"Is the Tiandao sect, which countless talents are scrambling to squeeze in, just inferior?"

Chu Yun took a breath of cold air. Until now, he really realized that the land was too dry.

"Only through continuous cultivation and broadening of vision can we know the boundlessness of the world and the insignificance of individuals. In the case of the central region of the land of Taiqian, the position of tiandaozong in the central region is not even a root hair, let alone the whole land of Taiqian? "

Jingran's face was expressionless. They learned these things only after they entered the clan gate.

The Taiqian continent is divided into five regions. The central region is just one of them, not the largest.

"When you step into the real martial realm, you will have the qualification to create a clan. Of course, it's just a lower clan."

"Our Lord founded the Tiandao sect seven years ago, and gradually developed the Tiandao sect to its present position, and the state of the Lord itself has also reached ten levels of Zhenwu state. Once we break through again and win the Xuanwu realm, the patriarch can lead us to become a middle-level clan! Most importantly, the patriarch is less than 30 years old, and she is the most famous Tianjiao in the whole central region! "

Jingran said here, beautiful eyes full of infinite worship.

Rao Xu and Shu Yuan are both serious. Obviously, they also respect the Lord of tiandaozong.

If Chu Yun had thought about it, Tiandao sect was only established seven years ago, and it was ranked in the upper part of the lower class sect. It had a reputation outside, but it was still a potential stock.

Chu Hongfei and Chu Mo are both blushing and breathless. Obviously, they are very excited when they first receive such knowledge.

Two days later, after a long journey, six people finally arrived at a rolling mountain in the evening.

This magnificent mountain range, called the trapped dragon mountain range, is a rare blessed place with rich spirit.

In order to take over this place, it took a lot of effort.

Tiandaozong is located in the rolling Kunlong mountains, built on the mountain.

In the center, there is a mountain rising from the sky, like a spear piercing the sky.

The surrounding peaks, like vines, twist around the most central peak to form an arch.

At the entrance of the mountain range, there is a huge gate made of copper and iron. There are three characters of "tiandaozong" on the top, which are vigorous and vigorous.

In front of the mountain gate, many disciples came in and out.

"I think at this time, many talents from all over the world have gathered here. You must remember that there are people outside and there are days outside. You must keep a low profile in the clan! "

Jing ran ordered the three.

Chu Hongfei and Chu Mo both nodded hurriedly. They all knew themselves very well.

Huang level Wupin Wuhun doesn't even have the qualification to come in at all. If it's not for Chu Yun's blessing, they won't want to enter the tiandaozong all their lives.

Therefore, Jingran's words are more to Chu Yun's ears.

Chu Yun hears the words and smiles with indifference.

He has never been good-natured. If someone really bothers him, he will never show mercy.

Jingran got off his horse and walked towards the Mountain Gate with several people.

"Oh, isn't this younger martial sister Jingran?"

A hoarse voice sounded, obviously ill intentioned.

Chu Yun frowned and looked back. He saw that the man was a tall and handsome man, but his eyes were cold, which made him feel uncomfortable.

He swaggered over and was standing in front of six people.

Behind him, followed by three teenagers.

The three young men, all of them proud, seemed to be despised by everyone, and their nostrils were eager to be carried to the sky.

After seeing the man, Rao Xu and Shuyao fart didn't dare to put one. They quickly lowered their heads and shrank in the back.

Jingran's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her face was cold: "Su Ying, what do you mean?"

"Younger martial sister Jingran, my su Ying has no idea about your mind. You don't need to be clear and pretend to be confused."

The man who is called Su Ying has a sinister smile on his mouth and doesn't mean to give way.

Jing Ran's eyes flashed a little disgust quickly, but she was more restrained and said in a cold voice: "Su Ying, if you continue to block the way, don't blame me for being rude."

Su Ying was not afraid at all. He had an indifferent smile on his face. His eyes moved away, and he looked at the three men of Chu Yun wantonly for a while. He couldn't help but sneer and say, "younger martial sister Jingran, are you going to take these garbage back for a job?"

Before the voice fell, Su Ying raised his hand, pointed to Chu Yun and said, "four levels of Qi training, which is a little bit more competent. What are the other two, eh? It seems that you don't attach any importance to the examination of zongmen. "

Chu Hongfei and Chumo were obviously angry and blushed, but when they thought of their talent, they had no choice but to lower their heads.

They have only five yellow level spirits, and their realm is only two levels of Qi cultivation. They are ridiculed by people, and there is no way.

Before Jingran could speak, chuyun smiled quietly and raised his eyebrows. "Brother Su Ying, do you think we are rubbish? What talent have you brought in?"

Su Ying was surprised. He didn't expect that Chu Yun would dare to answer back.

However, it's not surprising that every time tiandaozong recruits disciples, there will be many people from all over the world who think they have outstanding talent, and they will be arrogant and no one will pay attention to them. But it wasn't long before we entered the tiandaozong, we had to be more obedient and obedient.

Su Ying shouldered his hands and said proudly, "the three of them have seven yellow level spirits, and all of them have reached the four levels of Qi training."

Voice down, the three young people are all chest, arrogant very.

Su Ying looks at Jing ran proudly. He wants to read the emotions of shock, surprise and admiration from Jing Ran's pretty face.

But he was soon disappointed.

Jingran was expressionless and had no mood swings.

Not only she, but also Rao Xu and Shu Yuan have an embarrassed smile on their faces. What they want to say is not easy to say.

The three disciples, all of whom are of yellow level and seven grades, can attract talents of this level, which shows that Su Ying does have some means.

As always, Jing ran would be surprised.

But now

Chu Hongfei and Chumo are just counting.

But Chu Yun is different. He has the spirit of the Yellow level and nine grades. He has strong fighting power and is a rare talent in one hundred years!

After seeing Chu Yun's talent, there are only three yellow level seven level spirits in Jingran's heart. They can't make any waves.

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed and he said quietly, "since you are confident in them, let's have a fight."

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