Sky War Soul

Chapter 1700 desperate

This kind of bearing is not pretended.

Only when we are in a noble position for a long time, can we release this pressure instinctively.

There's a saying. Habit is nature.

When the identity of the above people has been talking for many years, just like the young master in front of him, any look and action can make people feel the sincere fear, which keeps shaking in the bottom of their hearts.

"My Lord, I'm the elder in the spirit killing demon palace. I'm in charge of all affairs in the absence of the palace leader."

An old man stood up, his eyes swept over Chu Yun, and his eyes flashed a deep fear.

Previously, the oppression brought by Shentu's truth was enough. Unexpectedly, the young master in front of him was even more terrifying.

What's the day today? How come so many masters have gathered here?

Is it difficult? Are you all thinking of the palace master?

Or are they interested in the fat meat of the ghost killing palace?

In the thirty-two devil's palace, the ghost killing devil's palace has a very important position. All these reasons lie in that black prison devil's sword!

With the black prison magic sword, Shen Turing can even compare with the top giants. Isn't that terrible?

The black prison sword is the treasure of the ghost killing palace. Only the palace master has the right to control it.

It is because of this that so many strong people want to kill the demon palace.


Chu Yun glanced up and down at the elder, contemptuous at the bottom of his eyes, but shocked at the bottom of his heart.

He is in the middle of at least forty lines of veneration and forty-five lines of veneration.

The real strong!

It's the strongest person I've met, except for Shin turbo!

After all, the eldest elder is the strongest one except the palace master. He must not let him see any flaws.

The four devils behind them, feeling the breath of the elder, also jumped in their hearts,

it's terrible!

Maybe a yawn from the other side can make all these people die.

Such a strong man can't really provoke!

The elder was swept by chuyun's eyes. His heart beat faster and he was nervous instinctively.

This young master is much better than Shentu's real words when he only talks about the oppression of the devil's heart. Shentu's real words are the nephew of Shentu's clan head. Is it possible that this young master in front of him has a higher position than him?

Straight line young master.

The son of the patriarch?

At the bottom of the elder's heart, all kinds of ideas flashed in a flash.

Then he took a deep breath, his hands trembling, and said, "it's me, my Lord."

Such a big shelf, such a light tone, such a look of arrogance.

It's over.

Nine times out of ten, it's really the son of some patriarch!

The eldest elder comes from the Gongye family. He is a noble class and has a devil's heart. However, his status is far from reaching the level of communication with the real young master.

The reason why Chu Yun is the heir of the patriarch is because of the contrast with Shentu's truth.

Shentu's truth, but only the son of the patriarch's younger brother, has such a terrible devil heart.

The young master in front of him is even stronger than him, and more terrifying than his evil heart.

Who else could it be?

"Well, take me first to have a rest."

Chu Yun said lightly.

The elder froze for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "Sir, this is the case. Previously, Shen Tu said the truth. The truth is that the young master came half an hour before you. He lived in the ghost killing palace and ordered us not to enter. Look..."

He is still very cunning. There is no matter what Shentu's truth says and orders them not to enter.

The reason is that I want to try out the identity of the young master in front of me.

See how he will react when he hears Shentu's truth.

If he is stunned, surprised, shocked or even scared, it means that his identity is far inferior to Shentu's truth.

On the contrary, if he doesn't feel anything about it at all, it means he's totally dismissive.

He doesn't take Shentu's truth seriously.

After that, the elder raised his eyes and carefully observed Chu Yun.

But in fact, he was wearing a helmet and could not see the true look at all, but he could get his emotions from some of his micro movements and tone.

When Chu Yun heard the four words "Shentu's true words", his mood did not stir at all. Instead, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Shentu's true words, Shentu's family, haven't heard of them!"

Tone, tone, very overbearing.

Who are you?

I haven't heard of you at all.

Is there anything more shocking than this tone?

The elder shivered. He didn't know Shentu's truth. There was only one result.

Shentu's truth is too low for him to know.

It's that simple!

For a moment, the elder thought a lot about it in his mind. He dared not slighted it. He quickly ordered other demons to report Shentu's truth. Both sides could not stir up their own troubles, so he asked them to solve it by themselves.

After a while, Shen Tu's expression was ugly and came out of it.

As a matter of fact, he had already noticed Chu Yun's heart beating violently. It was like a huge drum ringing in his ear, which made him feel very uncomfortable all over. Because the other side crushed him in an all-round way, his heart would not be comfortable.

Shentu's truth feels that he can't hold his face. I'll come first, and you'll come after him. What do you mean?

Want to compete with me here?

There are so many demon palaces. If you don't go, you have to fight with me for the ghost killing demon palace.

What are you going to do with me?

Shentu doesn't know who the other side is, but he can tell from the beating voice of the devil's heart that his identity must be more noble than his own and that he must be the son of the patriarch.

Only the direct young master can have such a breath.

However, when he came out of the ghost killing palace, he was a little stunned.

Who is this man in front of you?

The pressure of breath is so intense, but I can't recognize his identity completely.

In other words, I have never seen him!

There is a familiar feeling between the two magic hearts.

Soon, the truth of Shentu recognized that he was definitely the young master of Shentu family.

The eldest uncle's son knows a lot of things himself, but why doesn't he have any information from the young master in front of him?

It's as if he came out of nowhere.

"You are, who?"

Shentu's words frowned, but his tone was a little weak.

No way. The devil's heart is here. He can't be strong if he wants to be strong.

Chu Yun's body, more than five meters high, looked at him lightly.

In fact, Chu Yun is a little confused.

Shentu, who is NIMA?

I've never heard of it. What can I do? Isn't it a very important person? I didn't recognize it. Doesn't matter? I'm not going to show a flaw, am I?

In this way, I fell into an awkward silence.

Chu Yun looks back at Rong Hao behind him.

It means that you should tell me who he is.

Before I came back, I didn't read their information at all.

Ronghao stepped forward and did not hide his voice. "Master, Shentu's truth, Shentu Pi's third son, Shentu Mu's nephew," Lang said

Shentu Pi is the father of Shentu's truth.

Shentu Mu is the head of Shentu and the eldest son of Shentu Bo!

There are five sons in total on the surface.

Shentu Mu is the eldest, and Shentu Pi is the second.

Because Shentu PI knew that he had no hope of competing for the position of patriarch, he stood on Shentu Mu's side and helped him clear many obstacles. So when Shentu Mu became patriarch, he took good care of Shentu PI.

It can only be said that Rong Hao is also a second Leng.

The ghost killing palace really needs to be investigated. It's under the control of Shentu people.

When you are here, even if you call Shentu Pi's name directly, even Shentu Mu dare to call it, which is equivalent to calling the emperor's name taboo. Who gives NIMA courage?

You are lucky not to be killed by random sticks!

All the demons, for a moment, were in a state of stupor.

Recumbent groove.

Is this NIMA going to turn over?

Do you dare to call even the name of the patriarch?

You're just a little attendant, not even the devil's heart. Who allows you to be so arrogant?

Do you think your life is too long?

Feeling all the people's eyes, Chu Yun knew it was a bit tricky.

Ronghao, can't you send me a message?

I have to say this in public. It's to bake me on the fire!

What to do?

Chu Yun turned around, still pretending to be indifferent on the surface, as if all this was not worth mentioning to him.

But in fact, his back was all wet.

We all have to account for one carelessness here.

Can you be careful!

However, since the words have been exported, they cannot be recovered at all.

Feel the eyes of many demons, which are mixed with horror, shock, and a trace of disbelief.

They're still there, guessing who they are.

Chu Yun's thinking is running at full speed, and the wisdom of the hermit is reflected incisively and vividly in this moment.

Shentu mu, the son of Shentu Bo.

It's estimated that Shen turbo suddenly went mad, and he deserves his credit.

It can be said that Shentu Mu overthrows Shentu Bo and becomes the patriarch.

At this time, I have to ride a tiger.

It is necessary to say an identity that all of them can identify with, and those previously said words can come back as round as possible.

What do you say?

Say I am the son of Shentu mu, one of the young masters of Shentu family?

No, if I am really Shen Tu Mu's son, how can the people around me call my father's name?

Isn't it dying?

Is it hard not to kill him in public and save the situation according to one of the following crimes?

Not either.

In this way, Shen Tu Mu's son can't pretend.

It's totally wrong!

What to do?

In Chu Yun's helmet, the cold sweat drips continuously, and the hands behind his back are trembling.

The real desperate situation.

The eyes of many demon lords also began to question from the initial respect.

Rong Hao realized that he had said something wrong. He only felt black in front of him. He wished he could have a few mouths at once.

Before the brain, instinct came out.

If you go deep into the tiger's den and say anything wrong, you may kill everyone!

I damn it!

I should kill!

Why am I so stupid?

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