Sky War Soul

Chapter 1707 says kill, kill

"Rather leave?"

"Palace master?"


All eyes, all focus on the people who come in.

Their pupils contracted violently, apparently not expecting this to happen.

Completely, unbelievably.

Ning Jiangli is still on the battlefield. Why did he suddenly return here? What's going on here?

Can't she? She realized this early and then made a response?

I saw Ning Jiangli holding a sword with strong magic spirit, and came in slowly. Mei Mou swept through the crowd. When it was the seventh elder's turn, I could see that he was shaking all over, and he was about to become a sieve.

Finally, meimou falls on Shentu's truth and listens to ningjiangli saying, "it's a great ambition to calculate me behind my back. Fortunately, Shentu Yun and I worked together to grasp the evidence of your rebellion. You are not afraid of death if you divulge military information to Lingchen Xingyu on the battlefield!"

"Black prison sword!"

Chu Yun's pupils contracted suddenly when he saw the magic sword.

At the beginning, taling just swallowed a part of the black prison devil's sword, and got a horrible promotion. He was full of evil Qi, like a magic soldier.

Now, I finally see the body of the black prison sword!

Chu Yun is excited. Taling is even more excited than him!

"That's it! I want this sword! I'll swallow him! "

Taling's voice, full of Chu Yun's consciousness, seemed extremely excited.

Chu Yun frowned and whispered, "be honest, what's the use of your urging me? I'm not strong enough for others. If I go up, I'll die!"

Being scolded by Chu Yun, talingcai calms down for a short time.

But she really wants to devour the black prison sword!

That feeling is beyond description.

Ning will walk away from the front, showing her perfect body, especially her long legs. It's even more thrilling. She carries the black prison magic sword, and her eyes are full of cold murders, as if gathering some strength.

The elder smiled bitterly, stooped and kept in front of the door.

This time, the main palace opened to kill!

I have to say, it's brave!

He advised several times, but he didn't.

If so, what else can I say?

If you want to do it, do it!

In any case, no one can hold these things. When the family blames them, the palace leader will surely carry them by himself.

Shentu was stunned for several seconds. Then he was shocked and gave orders to other demons: "destroy the crystal! Hands on! Hurry up! "

This time, he was really flustered.

He didn't expect that Ning Jiangli would join hands with Shen Tuyun.

Are they crazy?

And what if they find evidence?

At most half an hour, the order of the family will come. At that time, Ning Jiangli will be expelled directly, and she who loses all authority will not be the leader of the ghost killing palace. At that time, who can stop her when she takes over smoothly?

But is it crazy that Ning will leave?

What does he want to do with the black prison sword?


Ning Jiangli holds the black prison sword and makes a stroke in the void.

For a moment, everything seemed to be in silence.

I saw the empty and silent broken, the head of Shentu's truth flew high, fell on the top of the hall, and then fell down.

He is a little unbelievable, rather than dare to fight against himself?

"Damn woman, are you crazy? You dare to kill me, believe it or not... "

The mouth of Shentu's truth is still one and one, and the anger on his face has not yet subsided.

However, rather than talk nonsense with him, he raised his hand, and the head of Shentu's truth burst.

Although Shentu Zhenyan's identity is terrible, he has only three lines of respect after all. For Ning Jiangli, killing him without even moving his fingers is really very simple and easy.

It all happened so fast.

Shen Tu's truth has brought three more than 40 lines of Buddha's image. They are still in a state of stupidity and have not yet responded.

What's the situation?

Who can tell me what's going on?

Is it true that the young master is dead?

Killed by Ning Jiangli?

Why dare she kill the young master? The appointment from the family is coming. She will soon be removed from the position of Lord of the demon palace. No one has moved her position for so many years. That's the last face of everyone.

At this time, the war will start, and we can't care too much.

However, what I didn't expect was that Ning Jiangli would be killed on the spot!

Am I dreaming?

"It's better to leave. If you kill the honest young master, you will die!"

Three evil masters with more than 40 holy lines roared loudly and joined hands to kill Ning Jiangli.

Rather, he swept away from meimou and said quietly, "you are really stupid. I really think that I can't detect these things behind you. The rules are the rules. If you leak the military information to the enemy, you will be beheaded. Don't you take it as one thing! Ah? "


Black prison sword, once again across the void.

Ning will disappear from the figure and fight with the three demons.

Chuyun gulps down a mouthful of saliva, which NIMA is too exciting!

So many strong men are fighting in front of us!

They can crush themselves to death if they let out a little wave of anger!

But Chu Yun still pretends to be indifferent. How can he advise him as Laozi?

No, absolutely not!

So Chu Yun witnessed a fierce battle at close range.

In fact, he couldn't see anything.

The gap between realms is too big. He can only feel the turbulent flow in the space.

With the naked eye?

This level of strong, how can we see clearly with the naked eye!

After a long time of incense, Ning will leave and fall on the ground, with three scars on his body, and he is constantly dripping blood.


At the corner of her mouth, she raised a curve.

The black prison sword in his hand has become more gloomy and full of magic.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

Three corpses suddenly fell from the void, which seemed very sad. It was the three evil Lords.

At their throats, they all have a penetrating sword wound, which seems to be blocked by the black prison sword!

There was also a sound of fighting outside. The elder killed a dozen other followers of Shentu Zhenyan, all of whom were demon lords with twenty or thirty holy lines. With his ability, it was not a trouble to clean up.

Ning will leave to stand straight and walk a few steps towards Chu Yun. There is a smile in Mei Mou: "happy cooperation."

Chu Yun raised the note in his hand and said with a smile, "your words are beautiful."

Rather will leave smile, but said a word on the contrary: "not your face beautiful."

Chu Yun was embarrassed for a while. He dared to say anything.

Previously, Ning will leave when he comes to the Chu Cloud Gate, he called for him to fight together.

Chu Yun refused.

Ning will leave the situation and throw a note through the door.

Chu Yun picked up the note, just looked at it, and decided to do it.

Ning Jiangli said his plan simply and clearly. He just asked Chu Yun to record the evidence and testify for her. The next thing will be done by her alone.

Then, the only way to go to the battlefield is to be separated from the magic Qi.

She and the elder have always been in the ghost killing palace, never leaving.

Sure enough, Shentu sincerely wants to open a breakthrough from the seven elders. Before the family order comes, he first subdues the seven elders. As long as Ning is going to be removed, he is ready to command the spirit and kill the demon palace immediately with the prestige of the seven elders.

Plan, very simple.

But this time, it failed.

Chu Yun broke into it and recorded the conversations in crystal.

But Shentu's truth is still not afraid. The family order will arrive soon. Even if he has evidence, what can he do? It's better not to say that she would rather leave and dare to kill herself. Even if she really dare to, she would like to drive back from the battlefield to kill the demon palace for more than half an hour!

As for Shen Tuyun?

What kind of storm can arise from the strength of two venerable patterns?

I never thought that Ning would be ready to die. Holding the black prison sword, he killed him directly.

Two words don't say, one sword kills!

Shentu truth, the son of Shentu PI, was beheaded on the spot! Miserable!

The other three more than 40 immortal figures also died under her black prison magic sword.

"Want to occupy my soul, kill the demon palace, dream."

Ning Jiang is a little white, obviously weak, but this doesn't affect her flirting with Chu Yun: "you also see that all the people who plot to kill the demon Palace by soul have not come to a good end. Did you say before that you want to sit in the position of the palace master?"

"Yes, I said."

Chu Yun did not ask at all. He raised his eyebrows coldly.

"Simple, be my man, isn't the ghost killing palace yours?"

Rather will leave to walk forward, hand out to pick up Chu cloud chin, speech quite frivolous.

Seeing this, the elder coughed, reached out and pulled the seven elders out of the palace.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault!"

After the seven elders left the palace, they cried loudly and knelt down in front of the elder

"We all know that it's all in the plan of the palace master. You've done it right."

The elder smiled and patted the seven elder on the shoulder, then turned and left.

There are only seven elders left. They look astonished.

"You killed them like this. How are you going to do when the order of the family comes?"

Chu Yun is quiet on the surface, but in reality he is cool.

To kill with a knife is to be happy!

If in the front battlefield, a hundred Laozi can't kill a more than 40 holy lines demon Buddha when they are stacked together!

But now?


Three more than 40 lines of the devil, killed on the spot!

In addition, there are many followers of the twenty or thirty lines and Shentu's truth!

It's so cool!

This credit, the sea has gone!

This is the second time for Chu Yun to think that being an undercover is so exciting.

"What else can I do? He was recorded by you. Even if I killed him on the spot, I can't give any reason! Even shentupi can only stare, because rules are rules! "

Rather will leave this, despise.

Her acting style is like this, careless, say kill kill!

Whoever you are.

"Ning Jiangli, the appointment from the family has come, but he still hasn't come out and kneel to greet?"

Just then, there was a rude voice outside.

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