Sky War Soul

Chapter 1714 gap generation

In the following time, the Emperor Huang battle world sent out an army again to attack the nearby tianqin demon palace. It was still very fierce. Everywhere it went, it was invincible and invincible, as if no one could stop them.

Even the reputation of Emperor Huang battle has spread among the demons outside the country.

It's worthy of endless starry sky, the first World War!

This momentum alone is irresistible.

As for the letter, it was also successfully sent to the elder through the inner hand. When the elder saw the letter, he was so angry that he shivered all over his body and beat the palace hundreds of miles around into nothingness.

No one knows why.

In a word, elder Taishang has been out of charge for a long time, but no one dares to ignore his existence.

For so many years, elder Taishang's remaining power is still there. Even today's patriarch, Shentu mu, should be respectful in front of him, for fear of making him unhappy.

In a word, elder Taishang is another terrorist force in Shentu family.

"Uncle, here What the hell is going on? "

Next to the old man, that is, the demon who sent the letter, he hurriedly fell on his knees in panic and did not dare to get up.

He had no idea what the contents of the letter were.

All he knew was that Tang Chongzhen asked him to send it by roll call.

He is very afraid. What should he do if there are some wonderful things hidden in this letter?

I don't think I'll lose my life because of this, do I?

"Damn it, damn it!"

Elder Taishang was furious, his face was almost twisted together, and his turbid pupils were full of murders: "do they think that when I am old, I can be reckless and disorderly? Shentu Bo is the pride of our Shentu family. Isn't it good for him to lead our group? Seize power! Seize power! In order to seize power, everything can be done! This is not to put the development of our Shentu family into consideration! "

The man listened and thought something was wrong.

It seems that I'm not talking about myself?

He raised his head and said cautiously, "don't be angry. Don't be angry!"

"Is your body damaged by anger? They wish I had died earlier! "

Elder Taishang's eyes are very deep, and his fists are clenched. He only feels an unstoppable anger rising from the bottom of his heart, just like the eruption of a volcano, which would like to submerge the whole world.


When the devil heard the words, his eyes couldn't help being surprised.

He bowed his head and kept speculating about the contents of the letter. In combination with the angry look of the elder, and the old patriarch he mentioned, the contents must be about Shentu, bogunshentu and Shumu.

In fact, the Shentu family was confused about the sudden rise of Shentu.

Because Shentu Bo is so excellent, most of the people in the group are very satisfied with him, and of course some people are not happy with him, such as his sons.

Shentu Bo's excellent performance makes his sons totally unable to see the hope of taking over the shift. It just feels like a long and endless waiting. Even if they become dead bones later, they may not be able to be the head of Shentu family.

Therefore, in this case, Shentu will join hands with several other brothers to make a thorough plan.

Shentu Bo is cautious and suspicious. It's not easy to frame him.

But Shen Tu Mu and others, after all, are the closest beings around him. They can always be found as long as they are diligent in finding opportunities.

So, Shentu Bo has won.

"Grandfather, what's the matter?"

"Grandpa, what's the matter?"


Soon, there were many powerful Shentu people coming from all directions.

They gathered in front of the elder Taishang, and there were many surprises on their faces. They didn't know what happened and why they made the old ancestor angry like this.

The position of elder Taishang in the family is very detached.

Looking at the demon lord gathered in all directions, the elder said with a sneer: "what I'm going to say next may be quite shocking. I shouldn't have said it, but after all, it's related to the rise and fall of Shentu family. Even if it's not the right time, I have to say it!"

All the demons stared. They were all subordinated to the supreme elder. Their status and status were extraordinary in the family. They all belonged to the core members of Shentu family. Any one of them could stand up and stamp their feet. Their positions could shake three times.

"Grandpa, did you know anything? Don't worry, just say it! "

"Yes, we are loyal to our family for generations. What else can I be afraid of?"

"Say, ancestor, we will all stand by your side!"


Those demons are very calm.

Since even the elder Taishang said so, what he would say next must be very shocking. Otherwise, he would never express such grief.

"Shentu Bo is the child I watched growing up. He is the super arrogance of Shentu family, which is hard to meet in ten thousand years. During his years in office, Shentu family has developed rapidly, and all of us have seen it. However, more than twenty thousand years ago, he suddenly went mad, touched the transmission array without any sign, and didn't know where to go. There has been no news for so many years..."

Elder Taishang's face was cold. When he spoke, his body was shaking involuntarily. Obviously, such news had a great impact on him.

That kid named shentuyun must be Shentu Bo's little son!

The letter he gave roughly recorded the last three changes of the nine changes of evil spirits!

The whole endless starry sky, apart from Shentu Bo, absolutely no other foreign demons can learn the complete nine changes of demons, even Shentu mu.

The Shentu people were hit by the loss of a half step skill.

In the past, it was the treasure of Shentu family!

Since this kid can give it, it means that Shentu Bo is not dead, he is still alive!

As for why he didn't come back, there must be a special reason. Anyway, there must be a strong sense of conspiracy in this matter.

In the past, although elder Taishang suspected Shentu mu, he could not find any evidence, so he could not be investigated at all.

But in fact, for so many years, the supreme elder has never given up pursuing.

It's a pity that there is no news.

Just when he was in despair and wanted to let go of all these things, suddenly a letter came to mobilize all the emotions in his body!

Hearing elder Taishang's inexplicable mention of Shentu Bo, all the demons were shocked at the same place, without words for a long time.

Why do you say Shentu Bo?

The elders have disappeared for more than 20000 years!

It's hard to be successful. Is there any news from the old clan leader?

Many of them were excited at the moment.

If there were such news, it would be explosive!

The elder paused and said, "I know what you want to hear from me. I don't know if Shen turbo is still alive, but he has a little son who wrote me a letter with nine changes of evil spirits that have been lost for a long time. I can be sure that this is definitely the nine changes of evil spirits of Shen turbo!"


All the demons showed their shocked faces in a moment.

Shen turbo has a little son who is proficient in the nine changes of evil spirits?

This, what does this mean?

Shen turbo is not dead!

Of course, at this time, I dare not say anything too firmly.

No one knows if Shen turbo is dead.

But at least one thing!

The inheritance of nine changes of evil spirits has not been cut off!

"So, then, ancestor, what about the boy?"

The devil is so excited that he rubs his hands.

Yes, he wrote to you, didn't he? What about others?

"I don't know where other people are. This letter was sent to me after many twists and turns. In addition to the nine changes of evil spirits to prove his identity, there is this sentence on the letter!"

At this point, the pupils of elder Taishang are completely cold.

Can't hide the anger, almost out of thin!

Every time he thought about it, he wanted to vent.

Damn it!

Damn it!

You want to kill him?

What do you mean?

Why did you kill him?

Now you are the chief of the clan. Even if Shentu Bo comes back, you will not be able to shake your foundation. If you don't have a ghost in your heart, why do you want to kill him? Are you cutting the grass and covering up the facts?

You say that you have nothing to do with Shentu Bo's sudden madness, and you put off inheriting the position of patriarch for 500 years. Isn't that just to show your loyalty?


When Shen turbo's youngest son comes back, you want to commit suicide without telling us?


How cruel!

"What's the point?"

"Let's talk about it. What is it?"

"Since he is Shen turbo's youngest son, that is our nephew's generation, we will take good care of him!"

"What is it?"


The words of elder Taishang caused a great stir again.

I saw elder Taishang close his eyes and take a deep breath. He was still thinking about whether this should be said or not.

It's not a joke, just say it.

If you say it, it means that you have a complete break with Shentu mu.

But even if it doesn't break, the gap is growing.

Now, after all, it's a time of great war, and I'm sure my words will touch the interests of many people. For the Shentu people, is it a good thing or a bad thing?

These things could have been compromised!

After all, there are nine changes in Shentu cloud!

If you don't ask, you will kill him directly. Isn't it too heartless?

What are you trying to cover up?

To cover up and frame up his father?

Just as the elder opened his mouth and wanted to speak out, there was a magnificent voice in the sky, which sounded like thunder in the whole void.

"Grandpa, wait!"

It's the head of Shentu clan, Shentu Mu!

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