Sky War Soul

Chapter 1716 second advice

After receiving the reply, Tang Zixian told Chu Yun all about it.

Hearing this, Chu Yun sneered and said, "do you want to set up a white wolf with empty hands and let me take the initiative to catch the net?"? What else do you say, lead that line of people to join in Shentu Bo's command and say such words to deceive ghosts? Interesting, interesting! At this time, I'm sure I can't show up. To be honest, a fool will show up! "

After that, he sent a message to Tang Zixian: "don't pay attention to it, don't reply to it. It's them, not us, who should be worried now."

After all this, Chu Yun lies in the war cultivation hall, takes a short rest, and then continues to practice.

In this period of time, he hardly had a rest, and he was constantly cultivating and strengthening every day.

There's no way. The whole boundless sky is too vast. I'm just a little bit of super arrogance. There is still a long way to go in the future. If I can reach those strong people at the present level, I'm afraid I will die miserably.

As a recluse, Chu Yun knows how much he has to bear.

No way, just keep trying.

"Well? There seems to be a riot outside? "

Although Chu Yun was in Zhan Xiudian, he always left a trace of spirit in the outside world. Now when he realized this, he quickly turned over and went back to his room.

"Where is Chu Yun? Let him get out of here! Why kill my brother? Come out, give me an account! Otherwise, I will level the whole tour hall! Raze to the ground! "

I saw a young man in armor standing in the sky outside.

His body was covered with blood, and his murderous spirit was torrential. He seemed to have just come down from the battlefield, and somehow he turned to Taiqian. Was this to provoke himself or simply show his prestige?

"Spirit dust star domain?"

Cheng bining is the first one to walk out of the parade hall and look at the man above the void. He frowns slightly and says, "who is your brother? He said it was killed by Chu Yun. Is there any evidence?"? Even if you come from Lingchen Xingyu, our tour hall is not easy to bully! "

Behind the youth stood two expressionless generals, both of whom exuded a very horrible atmosphere.

"Oh, you said no? Even if Chu Yun's identity is different now, everything must be reasonable, right? He killed my brother. It can't be settled in this way. You let him out, and I will confront him personally! "

The young man knew that Chu Yun must not be in the parade hall now. He had just become Tang Chongzhen's son-in-law. At this time, he was probably still cultivating in the world of Emperor Huang battle.

If Chu Yun is here, give him a few more courage, and dare not come up and shout directly.

Chu Yun's strength can't match him, but his status can kill his whole family!

No, the whole universe!

The whole Lingchen star region can't compare with Chu Yun's casual words!

The heart of youth is like a mirror.

But that didn't stop him from coming here.

I can't provoke you, Chu Yun. Can I still provoke the patrol hall?

Can't you provoke too much trouble?

Can't you stir up the night circle?

The young man and these two generals, who had just stepped off the battlefield and lost a battle, were very angry. Their anger could be said to be nowhere to vent. They were eager to find a place to vent.

Just after passing through the night circle, all kinds of thoughts come into being.

Whether song zeliu died in the hands of Chu Yun or not is not clear to him, but he thinks it's possible. After all, song zeliu died in the boundary of Taiqian. It's very likely that he was killed by Chu Yun when he went to fight for the relics that day.

In this way, time can be right.

Is it really to avenge song zeliu?

It's a joke.

I'm just taking my way out of it.

The patrol hall is the power of Chu Yun.

And Chu Yun is now the uncle of emperor Yuzhan.

What can I do better than find a tour hall to vent?

After a great show of power, even after you go back, you have the capital to boast.

Young people think very simply.

However, he didn't expect that Chu Yun was now in the tour hall, and just after the cultivation, he was looking for someone to practice.

"Oh, you let me out, don't you?"

Chu Yun walked out of the parade hall, his body roared like a wave, and he himself stepped into the void, stood in front of the youth, looked at each other up and down: "song zeliu, is your brother?"

How is it possible?

Young people are shocked and pale.

Isn't Chu Yun in the world of emperor Yuzhan?

How could it be in the parade hall?

It's impossible. He didn't go out with the army. He should have stayed in the world of Emperor Huang battle.

When did he come back?

Damn it!

Damn it!

How dare I challenge you if I know you are on the tour hall?

For a moment, the young man was in a panic and trembled, unable to say a word.

Heaven is up, I just want to play the prestige!

It's over.

What should I do now?

The young man felt his legs as if they were sifting grains. He was shaking all over, and could not even say a complete word.

On realm, he refined four holy lines, more than Chu cloud.

The two generals behind him are all the existence of the seven lines of veneration. They should not be afraid of Chu Yun at all.

But what they are afraid of is not the state of Chu Yun, but the identity of Chu Yun!

He was Tang Chongzhen's son-in-law. In the trial, he defeated Zuowen, Jiangye and other super Tianjiao in succession, and finally won the first place with extremely exaggerated results.

As long as there is no accident, as Chu Yun, he can be promoted easily.

There must be no problem in becoming a giant in the future.

However, Lingchen Xingyu can only rank in a dozen now. Due to the lack of high-end combat power, they have less and less discourse power. They have their own demands on the world of Emperor Huang battle. They are looking forward to being pulled up. They certainly dare not really offend chuyun.

This time, he just wanted to come over to vent his anger. Instead, he met such a thing.

What to do?

"Are you song zeliu's brother? What's the name? "

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows, but he didn't care about the other side at all.

Today, there are several terror troops stationed in the patrol hall, all of which have more than 40 holy lines. They are sent by the Emperor Huang battle world to help Chu Yun guard the Taiqian world.

Even if a devil's palace is too dry to attack, it may not come down!

It's just a spirit dust star field. It's not on the heart at all.

"Uncle, do you need our help? This kind of person, don't need to leave any face for him at all, cut off his hands and feet, and let him go. "

In the tour hall, a strong man spoke to Chu Yun, and his voice was very respectful.

Chu Yun smiled and replied, "why kill a chicken with a ox knife? You don't need to fight. Let me meet him! "

"My name is Song Ci, Chu Yun. You can tell me the truth. My brother song zeliu, did you kill me?"

Song Ci is still cold on the surface, but in fact, his heart is about to cry. The reason why he asked is to find a step for himself.

After all, previously, he was arrogant and said that Chu Yun killed his brother.

Now I ask you if you killed it.

As long as you say no, I'll take advantage of the slope to ease the contradiction and get back together.

Between us, it's as if nothing has happened.


Both sides have face. They can come to Taiwan, right?

All these are the thoughts of Song Ci.

However, Chu Yun did not play according to the routine: "song zeliu, yes, I killed it! He took the initiative to find death. He wanted to attack me in disguise. I saw through him and killed him! Why, didn't you say you wanted to avenge him? "

Hearing the words in front, Song Ci is directly stupid.


Shall I call you your ancestor?

How can you be so straight?

You can even say that you didn't kill it, or that you didn't have to answer.

You admit it. What do I do?

This is not even a step. I'm not going to keep it!

But when he heard the latter, he was excited.

"I see! I've been hoodwinked by villains before. It turns out that song zeliu attacked you first! In this way, everything makes sense! I said, how can I get to know my brother as you? It turns out that it's like this. OK, OK, nothing to say. I'm here to compensate him for his mistake. He attacked you by surprise. He's wrong. Now he's in the middle of war. When the war is over, I'll offer a gift and apologize to you! "

Song Ci's mind is very lively. He doesn't want to die.

As for face?

Doute is dying. What face do you need!

Chuyun's eyes gaped.

Can there be such a shameless person?

What a sight!

In order to excuse yourself, you can say everything. Your brother died in my hand. You have to say it's his fault. How can you be so shameless?

Admire, sincerely admire!

Even the two generals behind Song Ci were stunned.

In this case, the reversal is too fast, right?

Before Chu Yun could speak, Song said with a righteous face: "Chu Yun, brother and you are so familiar at first sight. As for my brother, Ma De, don't mention it! He's a disgrace to our family. You can only say that he deserves it if you kill him well! Even if you don't kill me, I'll clean the door later! "

Seeing that the other side is so shameless, Chu Yun really doesn't know how to answer.

I said, can you have some face?

You are so polite. How can I kill you?

Don't reach out to smile.

Chu Yun was very depressed. He thought someone would come to him and finally he could fight happily. He wanted to see how much he had improved these days and whether he could fight beyond the level.

I didn't expect that when the other party saw him, he even counseled.

No shame.

What a shame.

Song Xiyue said that he was more excited, so he almost hugged Chu Yun and called him brother.

Chu Yun waved impatiently and said, "I know you song family. I must be upset. If you want to kill me, I will only give you four words. I will accompany you at any time!"

This sentence is tantamount to highlighting the contradictions.

I killed song zeliu.

Do you want revenge?

"Dare not, how dare you? If anyone dares to ask you for trouble, I will be the first one in Songci to forgive him! I don't even recognize my father! "

Song Ci's eyes are excited and his chest is thumping.

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