Sky War Soul

Chapter 1718 bailifu

What's more, it's not ordinary foreign demons. The heartbeat is like the sound of thunder. It makes people's eardrums hum. It seems that they have met a strong enemy.

But Chu Yun is not nervous, but excited.

It's interesting to deal with super Tianjiao!

I used to be in the ancient ruins of Liancheng, in the jiuxuan pagoda, and in the realm of emperor huangzhan. All of them are the strongest Tianjiao in the same realm. No matter Lei Yiming, Sinan, Zuowen or Jiangye, they all have a very horrible reputation.

However, in the end, I still press all of them to win the championship.

Against foreign demons, naturally, we should also choose real Tianjiao!

But he didn't forget himself. Everything depends on the strength of the opponent. If it is beyond his expectation, he can only call for the support of the strong who are too dry in the first time, or he will be killed every minute!

"How can you walk so fast?"

"Grandma, it took a long time to find you!"


At this time, Mutu and Dasheng came from the night circle and chased Chu Yun.

"Why are you two here?"

Chu Yun returned to his body and couldn't help but stare.

Now they have only two holy lines. They didn't plan to bring them together.

Besides, aren't they practicing in the parade hall?

When they left, they did not wake up from their practice.

Didn't expect to catch up all the way?

"Our brothers have been locked in a long time. Anyway, you are wandering around. Why don't you take us with you? Let's open our eyes and see how huge the sky is! "

The saint grinned, and there was some excitement in his words. It was a longing for the unknown.

Mutu is OK. When he was in the twelve celestial realms, he had experienced wars in the endless starry sky. At that time, although he was the king of the sky, he was actually just standing on his own in a corner. It seemed that he was forced to occupy the position everywhere, but in fact, he was scared by the abyss position of that year, and his soul was almost gone.

Just because he has experienced the cruel jungle law in the endless starry sky, Mutu is not as excited as the great sage, just curious about how big the endless starry sky is? How strong is the world of Emperor Huang battle?

"Come on, come on."

Chu Yun touched his nose and felt helpless.

The foreign demons on the opposite side are already near here.

Chu Yun's eyes saw through the void and saw the body shape of the other side from afar.

He is handsome in appearance, more than three meters tall in body shape, and his skin is white. The noble demeanor radiated from his hands and feet symbolizes his terrorist identity. It should be no different from Shentu's leaf falling from the devil's heart.

Chu Yun was shocked at the bottom of his heart. Such a devil's heart seems to be possessed by the direct descendants of the three families!

Fortunately, the strength of the other side did not reach the point of thorough rolling.


The other side obviously also found Chu cloud's breath and looked this way across the sky.

His eyes are as fierce as hawks and falcons. Although they are more than ten kilometers apart, Chu Yun only feels that two dazzling beams pierce deeply into his soul. It's unbelievable that just one eye has such power.

"Oh, is there a human pride?"

The devil picked up his eyebrows, then the figure swept and flew up.

He is only single, but he is not afraid of the number of people on Chu Yun's side. It seems that he is the dominant one.

As for why he thought Chu Yun would be the pride of the human race, it was very simple.

It's not arrogance to be able to remain invincible under the pressure of his eyes?

"Hundred Li Fu Su."

The demon Buddha came forward, only a hundred meters away from Chu Yun. He spoke lightly.

Obviously, he's introducing himself.


Chuyun grins, the other side is so simple and direct, it is really to appetite.

"Baili Fusu, it's a good name, but it's a pity..."

Chu Yun sighed and shook his head.

"What a pity?"

Baili Fusu's face is expressionless.

"Isn't it a pity that such a name with artistic conception falls on you, a foreign demon?"

Chu Yun sneered and said this without hesitation.

It means a lot.

In fact, Baili Fusu is very strong, giving Chu Yun a strong sense of threat.

That's what makes him excited.

It's interesting to fight against the strong.

"You seem to have a strong prejudice against our foreign demons?"

Baili Fusu was full of faint black air, and his eyes had never changed from beginning to end. Even if Chu Yungang had just insulted him, it was like a little episode that he didn't pay attention to.

"Prejudice? Do you need to be biased against your foreign demons? There is no root, no coming, no history of the inferior race that integrates all the negative emotions; since its birth, it has only known killing, violence, cunning, and it is not too much to use any words to describe you. "

Chu Yun's eyes are cold and light.


In Chu Yun's words, Mutu felt more or less uncomfortable, so he coughed twice to show Chu Yun's mercy.

From the perspective of genetics, the demons are not as good as the foreign demons!

Demons are a branch created by the combination of foreign demons and other species. They are despised by foreign demons and despised by their mother families. They roam in the endless starry sky in normal times, most of them are happy to occupy the space.

Chu Yun scolds the demons outside the country, but it is hearty.

But Mutu didn't feel comfortable. Didn't he scold me?

Who did I provoke?

"Ha ha, you're right. It's also your people's inherent impression of our foreign demons."

Bai Lifu Su raised her eyebrows and smiled on her handsome face: "but in fact, over the past few tens of thousands of years, our foreign demons have been evolving, and we are good at learning, which is similar to yours. You can see that all the real nobles inside the foreign demons are human faces, and most of the foreign demons will turn into human beings. This is the conclusion we have drawn after years of study. "

"The appearance of human beings seems to be able to resonate with this starry sky in a special way, which is more suitable for survival and reproduction, as well as absorption of magic Qi and cultivation."

"If you know us well enough, you will find that our internal system is also gradually established, just as your people have come from the barbarian period, so do we. When you develop a little earlier than us, you look down on us and think we are barbarians, which is ridiculous. "

Baili Fusu has his own views on these aspects.

The four devils, as well as the great sage Mutu and the stone breaking the sky, all looked at each other.

This guy has a good command of speech. He is much better than those foreign demons who only know how to fight and kill.

But can this change the nature?

Foreign demons are invaders. They are engaged in an all-round war with human beings. They also occupy a good part of the boundless starry sky, with a menacing appearance.

The human race and foreign demons are mortal enemies!

"Well, I don't want to talk to you so much. You are very nice to be able to bear the gaze of my eyes, but I don't have much time to play with you now. If you don't want to die, go back to one side! "

Baili Fusu seems elegant, but in fact, it still shows a sense of arrogance.

He thinks he doesn't need to use other foreign demons. In fact, they are all the same.

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I really want to fight with you. No, I want to kill you!"

"I knew you wouldn't give up. Let's go!"

Baili Fusu beckoned and her eyes were calm.

That means that he wants everyone to fight against himself.

Chu Yun was angry and smiled: "you don't know, is this kind of words usually said by me? You dare to be more crazy than me. You want to die! "

Baili Fusu smiled and didn't speak. He hooked his finger to Chu Yun and motioned for him to move.

Chu Yun launched the war force, three twisted profound lines emerged in the top of his head, sending out a wave of terror, representing the supreme realm of his three lines title.

"Oh, the triple seal is supreme?"

Seeing this scene, Baili Fusu shook his head and said, "well, since you are the only one fighting with me and I don't take advantage of you, I will deal with you in the realm of three stripes. I hope you don't lose too fast, which will only make me very disappointed!"

When the voice fell, Baili Fusu's eyes were suddenly cold, and three black lines appeared on his head. His momentum was better than Chu Yun's.

"All back."

Chu Yun had a drink, and the Supreme Soul of war was floating behind him. Two holes in his body erupted deafening waves at the same time. When the energy flowed through the golden meridians in his body, it was surprisingly fast!

At that moment, the two half step magic methods of nine changes of evil spirits and the golden vein bullying reached a delicate balance. They kept improving each other and achieved the effect of one plus one over two. Without any ambiguity, they seemed to be perfect match by nature.

Chu Yun sensed this, and could not help but give a light "eh".

If we explore the origin, it is actually easy to understand.

Nine changes of evil spirits, in fact, are nine holes in the body, just like nine powerful engines that will never stop, running all the time, bringing endless power and inexhaustible power to the body.

The golden vein technique is to strengthen the meridians of the body, spread all over the four limbs and bones, so as to speed up the movement and circulation of the aura. It originally takes ten seconds to move the aura of the whole body. After the enhancement, it will take five seconds, three seconds or even one second, which is equivalent to ten times of the efficiency. It's very scary!

One is to continuously enhance the concentration of spirit and magic Qi, the other is to speed up the operation power of the whole body meridians.

When these two half steps are combined, it's a perfect match!

This is something Chu Yun never thought of!

Chuyun's heart is full of joy. It's really wonderful!

Under the operation of the two half step magic methods, Chu Yun's insipid fist actually caused a strong distortion of the void, which was very terrifying and filled the sky with rage, and shrouded the death of Baili Fusu in the center.

Baili Fusu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that chuyun's fist would have such an effect.

He is the Tianjiao of the hundred Li nationality. He has also made friends with many super Tianjiao. No one can achieve the current momentum of Chu Yun. This is not flattery, but it's really here!

He drew a smile from the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, they didn't let themselves down!

In this context, how can people who have no strength go around shouting?

The more arrogant, the more arrogant.


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