Sky War Soul

1722 can I not go?

"Do you have a soul searching method? What can I do with all this nonsense? "

When Chu Yun heard this, he was relieved.

"However, soul searching is not omnipotent. I can detect what he has been thinking in recent days, but I can't read all his thoughts. I'm afraid it's only when his attainments reach the peak."

Stone broke the sky and smiled, reaching out to grasp in the void. Under the light flow, he could clearly see a ray of residual thoughts being held by him, flashing back and forth in the light emitted from the palm, like a firefly caught in a cage, which could not fly out.

Then, stone closed his eyes and began to read the memory in his mind.

In recent hours, Shentu Zhenxiang's thinking is very single. He is Shentu Zhenyan's younger brother, Shentu Pi's son.

It can be felt that he is very worried that the so-called "Shentu cloud" will be found first by the elder's whole family, so that his whole family will not be able to revenge.

In addition, the reason why he hurried is that Gongye family found a relic, which may contain a half step magic method. Under the pressure of Shentu and Baili, Gongye family had no choice but to publish the relic and invite Tianjiao of the three families to enter.

Since we all want to get that half step magic method, it depends on our ability!

Whoever can find it is his.

Therefore, they will go to the ruins one by one.

The goal is to find a half step magic way!

When Shi breaks the sky to retell all this to Chu Yun, his eyes flash with an unbelievable light, and he can't help but say: "in the ruins, there is a half step magic method?"

He knows, of course, how good a half step is!

There are no more than ten half step magic tricks in the sky!

Seeing Chu Yun's mind, Shi dashed the sky and said, "why, you can't think?"

"I have no reason to miss such an opportunity."

Chu Yun smiled: "you read from Shen Tu's memory that Baili Fusu is the son of the head of Baili clan, and it's one of the most popular Tianjiao to go to this time. But I can beat him in the same realm, and I will continue to strengthen my fighting power after I display the form of different demons..."


Stone sky hesitated for a moment and said: "you are wanted by Shentu people now. If you go to fight for the relics, you will be immediately targeted. Don't you worry?"

"What's to worry about? The relics are the territory of Gongye people. Gongye people have a better relationship with Taishang elders. On the contrary, they are very indifferent to Shentu animal husbandry. I'm in their territory. They will never wait for me to be captured by Shentu animal husbandry. In addition, with my ability, they can come here. Don't worry."

"Besides, how can I not go to such relics?"

After Chu Yun has an idea, he will not change his mind easily.

His eyes were firm and his heart was burning.

This is a half step trick!

Now there is a chance for competition, so we can't miss it.


Stone was stunned for a while, then sighed: "you are alone, but you are in danger. I will go with you. You let me stay in the cloud. I have a way to escape from the sky at a critical moment!"

"That would be good."

Chu Yun is not an indecisive person. He has seen through the fact that great opportunities are often accompanied by dangers.

This path of cultivation itself is full of thorns and thorns. If you want to reach the other side easily, it's just a dream.

Chu Yun turns around and explains his ideas to the four people and the great sage Mutu. They all support him.

"Uncle, you can go at ease. We are moving around the night circle. Don't worry about us."

"Chu Yun, take the first!"

Mutu's face was solemn.

"Don't worry, I'm very lucky."

Although there are many dangers to go, Chu Yun still talks and laughs without any nervousness.

After the separation of the two sides, Chu Yun put the stone into the cloud world, showing the strange devil body, and drove towards the destination by his direction.

According to Shen Tu's memory of Zhenxiang, the distance is not far. Because the time is coming, Chu Yun speeds up all the way and rushes frantically, marking a black light in the starry sky, which is fleeting.

"Eh, how do I feel? You are different from the original? The change is not small, and the breath is stronger. "

Stone's face was surprised.

"When it gets stronger, it will naturally improve!"

Chu Yun spreads his wings and roams in the starry sky. He sees one big and one small position passing by before his eyes. He is quite ambitious to rise in his chest.

Half an hour later, Chu Yun came to the sphere of influence of Gongye.

Because of his fierce heart, many demons looked at him all the way, shaking with fear, and no one dared to approach.

"How could it be so strong?"

One of the demons asked in a daze. All the other demons beside him were dazed and confused.

"It gives us a feeling that he is much more powerful than those young masters in front. Even Baili Fusu is somewhat inferior to him Am I dreaming? Who is he? "

Most of the devil's hearts are full of fear.

Don't say that I stand in front of you personally, even if I look at you from a distance, I can feel the great pressure coming from you. If I walk in front of you, I can't even lift my head if I can't suppress it?

"No? Baili Fusu is one of the best people in his family. Even Baili Fusu can't match him. Who else can he be? "

"I don't know. Anyway, it's none of our business."

"I've never seen such a horrible existence before. Today I'm really experienced."

"It seems that Baili and Shentu both attach great importance to this half step method."

"This line is not empty, this line is not empty."


Chu Yun came to the designated plane along the way. Originally, it was a battle area of the people's race, called Luoxue battle area. However, it was occupied more than 20000 years ago. Because of its excellent geographical location, it has become the sphere of influence of the people's government.

There are many powerful men stationed here.

The remains were found half a month ago.

However, it was inadvertently disclosed.

Due to the joint pressure of Shentu and Baili, Gongye is helpless. In order to avoid large-scale disputes, they can only take out the relics and let the three families send excellent Tianjiao to explore.

Under the rules, everyone competes peacefully.

Only in this way can unnecessary casualties be avoided.

Chu cloud comes to the world of snowfall. It gives him the feeling of cold here.

Of course, in the current state of chuyun, there is no such emotion as cold. It's just that there's a snow covered area, and the ground is covered with a snow pile of more than ten meters high. Looking around, there's heavy snow everywhere.

From the visual sense, it's very cold!

As for the ruins, they are located on the highest mountain in the world of snowstorm!

This mountain, named Cangtian snow mountain, is very simple and domineering.

The top of Cangtian snow mountain is a huge flat top. Dozens of demons stand there and stare at a deep pit in front of them.

From this deep pit, it sends out the ancient and deep breath, which makes people fascinated.

There's a half step magic in it!

Can not let a person move?

Except for the strong ones who maintain the order of the public smelters, the rest are Tianjiao who come from all sides.

It's not easy to explore the remains. The depth of magic heart vibration must reach a certain value!

Only in this way can one be qualified to enter.

How is the value evaluated?


In other words, only the most direct young master of the three families can enter it!

Moreover, it is lower than the five venerable patterns.

There must be such a rule, otherwise what kind of competition is it?

If the strong were sent out, would they not be crushed directly?

Rules, there must be!

It's a time of war. This matter must not be fought vigorously, which will affect morale. So it's better to let the younger generation's lineal Tianjiao come to fight for it. It's called a trial.

After Chu Yun fell on the top of the mountain, his eyes swept the whole field.

Obviously, Chu Yun became the focus in a flash because of the sound of his heart shaking.

Tianjiao, the demon family, seems to be here. There is a flash of surprise in her eyes. Of course, she is also shocked.

Who is he?

How come I've never seen it before?

The devil's heart is so terrible that it is even more noticeable than the hundred Li Fu Su who came first.

Baili Fusu stood in the distance and looked at Chu Yun. There was a slight surprise in his eyes. Tianjiao, one of the three ethnic groups, almost knew him, but he never remembered such a person.

Who is he?

On the influence of devil's heart, it's more terrible than yourself!

Of course, Baili Fusu doesn't care.

Because in his opinion, after reaching a certain level, there is no distinction between high and low status. For example, the difference in status between the two bosses with assets of 10 billion and 11 billion is very small, which can be said to be completely ignored.

So, he doesn't care about the identity of the other party.

He only cares about the strength of the war.

His fighting power seems to be less powerful than he imagined.

The reverence pattern should be at the level of three or four.

In addition to Baili Fusu, there are many Tianjiao staring at chuyun, and there are many complex lights flashing in the bottom of their eyes.

Several Tianjiao of the Shentu people are all shocked.

Others don't know, but they do.

Even if I don't know, I guess it's coming!

Is he Shen Tuyun?

The youngest son of the old patriarch just appeared a while ago.

Nobody knows what he's going to do.

Is the old clan leader still alive?

It's him who makes the relationship between the two Shentu clans fall into a freezing point!

It's him. There are many secrets in him.

Although there is not a complete war between the two veins, it is not far from that day.

Chu Yun's eyes swept around him, and he couldn't help laughing. He was extremely arrogant and said: "you must be guessing my identity, right? My name is Shen Tu Yun. Don't be confused. You will understand me soon! "

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