Sky War Soul

Chapter 1731 psychological game

Chu Yun's tone, full of light irony, that kind of feeling, is like a high-ranking person looking down at the ants on the ground, whether mentally or spiritually, are full of absolute contempt.


What a pity!

After hearing this, Shen Tu said with a smile, "it's you who are dying. Now that you are in our hands, do you want to leave here alive? Your mind is ridiculous. Do you think uncle will let you go? He will crush your body and soul, and the soul will be destroyed, and you will never be born again! "

Shen Tu PI frowned slightly and said, "Shen Tu Yun, what do you want to say?"

He is suspicious by nature. It seems that he has a plan in mind according to the look of the other party. This is not right.

This kid, where's the bottom line?

This has all fallen into their own hands, not kneeling down to beg for mercy, even dare to open their mouth to mock themselves.


I see you are the one who is dying!

Although we know that there is no room for the other side to overturn the offer, Shen Tupi still wants to understand all this. What do you think is the matter when we are dying? What proof do you have?

"Father, what are you doing with so much nonsense? It's just mystifying!"

Shen Tu's real mark suddenly pointed out, poking Chu Yun's belly out of a blood hole, and then he said with a wild laugh, "see, I can make you die with one finger at will. It's so easy for me to crush you if I want to!"

Nima, just say it and do it?

Chu Yun scolded Shentu zhenchen from the bottom of his heart, which means all the 18 generations from the top to the bottom.

Although the finger was painful, his face was expressionless, and even his brow was not wrinkled.

If so, it will be considered inferior!

"Even if you fall into your hands, you dare not kill me! What do you think father hasn't come back for so many years? You know, he's going to succeed. As long as he succeeds, he'll come back and kill all of you. One won't stay! "

Chu Yun's eyes were grim. When he spoke, he injected the pressure brought by the devil's heart into his voice. The two people listened to him for a while.

The old man is still alive!

After a long delay, Shentu PI suddenly stepped forward, reached for Chu Yun's neck and said, "you mean, Shentu Bo is still alive?"

"You're afraid."

Chu Yun's eyes were fixed on Shentu PI, the third giant of Shentu family. Even if it was placed in the whole boundless starry sky, it was well-known. Countless powerful people had heard of his fierce name and had personally captured many battles!

But at this moment, a little fear flashed in Shen Tupi's eyes.

It's not a fake, it's a real fear!

Although very fast, although a little fleeting, but this fear is real!

Chu Yun saw it.

Shentupi was a little annoyed and could not help swearing: "you are looking for death! Do you think I dare not kill you? "

"Come on! Come on! "

Chu Yun's face was full of ridicule, but in fact, he was a little confused.

He guessed that shentupi was not a reckless man, but a cunning one. He could never take risks, so he would not be angry no matter how excited he was.

But guess to guess, Chu cloud how much or some fear.

What should he do if he goes mad and makes a move without warning?

Shentupi gnawed his teeth, but he was afraid.

Chu Yun is not afraid of death. He must rely on something, but why?

I don't understand!

But is that the end of it?

That's not good either. He'll think I'm egging on!

How can I say that?

"What's the matter?"

At this time, a majestic voice suddenly came from the outside, the breath was horrible, the whole hall shocked by the devil's heart was crumbling, even stronger than Chu Yun.

Shen Tu Mu!

Chu Yun's pupil suddenly shrank. With this breath alone, there is no need to guess. It must be Shentu Mu!

Finally, I will meet the Lord!

For Shentu mu, Chu Yun once dreamed of meeting with him many times in his heart. Of course, most of them were joking. Who would want to meet with the first giant of Shentu? Unless it's not killing!

But unexpectedly, this scene has come true!

Shen Tu Mu came from the outside. He was expressionless and had a strong breath. He was the most powerful demon he had ever seen. No one could match him.

Chu Yun looks at Shentu mu, and Shentu Mu looks at Chu Yun as well.

"Shentu cloud?"

Shen Tu Mu looked at Chu Yun, then said lightly: "my father told me that if he could have another son, he must be named Shen Tu Yun! So when I heard your name, I wrote 70-80% of your identity letter. When I personally felt your magic heart beating, it became more intense. You are my brother indeed! "

After hearing this, Chu Yun was surprised.

Is it so clever?

The name that I chose casually was exactly what Shen turbo wanted to choose for his youngest son. No wonder he originally reported the name as haibolu. Shentu Expo is so happy.

"I just want to know how my father is doing now. As his eldest son, I think I have the right to know all this."

Instead of being aggressive, Shen Tu Mu talked to Chu Yun calmly about these things.

For Shentu Bo's sudden madness, in fact, most of the foreign demons have a clear idea about it. The normal position changes. After all, Shentu Bo was so dazzling at that time. How could it be so easy to sit in the position of patriarch after him?

Just because there is no evidence, no one cares about it except the elder.

But Shen Tu Mu cares about it!

The plan of that year was foolproof, so he was so unbridled.

But all this is based on the fact that shin is dead.

Now you suddenly tell me that Shen turbo is not only alive, but also alive. He may even come back at any time.

How can Shen Tu Mu feel at ease?

"Do you just want to consolidate your ruling position? It's very important for you whether your father is dead or not. You know this and I know this, so you won't kill me immediately because you are afraid! Like shentupi, you are afraid of your father's coming back! Nine changes of evil spirits, only the amazing father can create it, you can't, you can't

Chuyun's mouth flashed a cold smile. From the original uneasiness to the unbridled behind, it was clear that he had completely entered the state.

Now that you are in a state, you should put yourself into this identity and hypnotize yourself as much as possible.

Only in this way can we not show our flaws.

Sure enough, under Chu Yun's almost supernatural acting skills, Shen Tu Mu and cunning Shen Tu PI were all cheated in the past.

Shen Tu Mu frowned slightly and said in a cold voice, "I'm still standing here chatting with you because I'm still in love with my brother. I don't want you to die, but you should know that I don't have to get what I want from your mouth. For example, the art of soul searching, I can read the memory from your soul completely..."

"Come on, please!"

Chu Yun put out his hand, and did not worry at all. Instead, he said with a smile, "since I dare to come here, don't I have any preparation? My father has set up a forbidden art in my mind. As long as you dare to search my memory, the forbidden art will burst completely and devour you! "

"No way, there is no such secret skill!"

Shentupi sneered, jumped up abruptly, pointed to chuyun and said, "big brother, this kid is lying! We are standing on the top of the boundless starry sky. Where have we heard of such secret arts that can backfire? It's a real joke to say such a thing! "

Even Shen Tu PI, who has always been cautious, suddenly burst into emotion. We can imagine how unreliable Chu yunsa's lies are.

"Lying trough, boy, what do you say is not good, but to tell such a lie! To be honest, brother Shi has been flying in the sky for so many years, but he has never heard of it. It can backfire on other people's soul searching skills! "

Stone broke the sky a while speechless, said this kind of words, is not exposed?

"No, if I say yes, I will. I can go back round!"

Chu Yun's eyes are firm, and he communicates with his mind.

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