Sky War Soul

Chapter 1737 painting girls


The spear was pulled out inch by inch. The thick black mist was boiling. It made a sound of cooing. After listening, it was deafening. It felt black in front of me. I dare not raise my head because of this smell.

Elder Taishang has protective equipment on his hand. Even so, he is still hissed and hissed by the power above. The rising black evil spirit makes elder Taishang's expression slightly distorted.

It's an extreme pain.

But elder Taishang didn't hesitate at all. He forced his arms and pulled them out.


With the spear coming out of Shentu BA's belly, a flash of pure light suddenly appeared in Shentu BA's pupil, which made the whole prison tremble! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'm finally free! "

His excitement is beyond words.


It's so much fun!

Elder Taishang looked at the ancient spirit soldier. The spirit soldier was only the last breath. Now, after being drawn out, it naturally becomes dark and has no luster.


The long gun smashed and fell to the ground.

"Now, you are free."

Elder Taishang raised his head and said with some expectation, "I will give you the key to the pagoda and cave of the painting girl. Don't linger for too long. Now you should keep your affairs strictly secret. When will you have 50 holy lines, it will be the time for me to compete with Shentu Mu!"

This kind of thing can't be revealed.

Otherwise, Shen Tu Mu will not wait for Shen Tu Ba to re cultivate to the level of 50 holy lines!

"Of course I know."

Shen Tu Ba grinned and opened his hand: "key, take it!"

Elder Taishang sighed. At the beginning, he regarded Shentu Bo as his son. So when Shentu Bo sealed the painting girl, only two keys remained, one in his own hand and one in elder Taishang's.

He did it out of trust in himself.

I didn't expect that I would hand over the key to Shentu Ba!

It's a small black stone. It looks very ordinary. It doesn't give out much breath at all.

When Shentu Ba saw the pebble, there was a flash of greed in his pupils.

This is it!

This is what I want!

After you get the key, you can enter the pagoda and cave, and you can see the girl you dream of painting!

"I want to tell you that it was a complete mistake for you to choose Shentu Bo! Only I, Shentu Ba, is your good match! Ha ha ha ha, you finally fall into my hands! "

Shentu Ba laughed for a while. Suddenly, his expression changed. He stumbled and almost fell down.

"You are too weak now. You'd better recover for a while and then go to the pagoda Cave..."

Of course, elder Taishang knows his mind. It's good for him to say so.

"Well, I'll go back to her when my body functions recover!"

Shen Tuba also knows his current situation. He didn't want to spend his time in a dull way until he met again so long ago.

If the body can't bear it, how can it?



There are two days to go before Tianjiao.

The Shentu people are preparing nervously, which shows how much they attach importance to the war.

Because they had to prepare for the battle of Tianjiao, they were much more relaxed about Chu Yun's care.

Chu Yun had already followed Shentu Mu back to the real place where Shentu people lived.

Near the endless starry sky, there are three places outside the world, full of chaos.

The three ethnic groups of foreign demons occupy three places outside the country and breed, which is the old nest.

"Brother Yun, this is the origin of our Shentu family. The origin is called Tianting outside the country."

Shen Tu Mu casually introduced Chu Yun and said, "you can go around, as long as some forbidden areas don't touch them, there's no problem!"

After dropping this sentence, Shen Tu Mu went to prepare for the next battle of Tianjiao.

For Chu Yun, he was relieved, but not to the point of complete trust.

The reason why it was brought to the outer heaven is that there are many powerful breath here, which can be detected at the first time no matter what changes he has.

In other words, Shentu is not afraid of Chu Yun's escape.

Chu Yun has no choice but to run and can't run away. He can only turn around.

This extraterritorial court is really big enough. Judging from Chu Yun's understanding, it is at least the same size as the world of Emperor Huang's battle.

This is called extraterritorial Tianting. Is it hard to leave the endless starry sky?

Chu Yun, with such curiosity, went around.

No matter where he went, no one stopped him.

In this way, Chu Yun went around and came to a tall tower.

At first glance, this tower is familiar with, similar to, but different from, the Jiufang purgatory tower.

Just then, Tallinn said, "go and have a look!"

Chu Yun nods. Although he doesn't know why taling wants to see it, he is also idle anyway. It's better to explore it and see if he can find anything.

There are several breath in the dark, staring at Chu Yun all the time.

Seeing him walking towards that tall tower, the breath turned away.


There is nothing beautiful about this tower, and there is only one way out.

Just wait outside, because he will come out. If he keeps going in, he will be inferior.

The order given by the patriarch is to stare in the dark and never let him find out.

Chu Yun walked into the tower and found that it was really empty and there was nothing in it.

How could there be a tower here?

Chu Yun is not clear.

However, Tallinn felt some different breath, she said: "you continue to walk forward, climb to the top of this tower, I feel that the breath there is the most intense, you go to see what is there!"

Chu Yun spread out his hands and said, "the smell of tracking me outside is gone. Obviously, it's not a forbidden area here. Otherwise, they won't wait for me to come in!"

"Let you in and go in. There's so much nonsense."

Taling didn't say a good word.

Lying groove, now it's so crazy.

Chu Yun didn't care about her and climbed to the top.

He walked very slowly. Instead of using magic Qi, he walked and watched.

It took half an hour to reach the top.

The top is very small, only a hundred meters long and wide, after all, the more upward the smaller the spire.

Still empty, nothing.

But in front of the wall actually sunken into a piece, although it is very subtle, but Chu cloud still detected.

"Don't you have that stone? Try it on it!"

Taling urged.

Chu Yun also thinks it's strange. The whole wall is very flat, but there is a dent. It looks exactly like the black stone Shen turbo gave him. Is it a coincidence?

His heart couldn't help but get hot.

Maybe this is a treasure house of Shentu Bo?

Because there is no key to open, the other demons don't know what is hidden here.

Now that I've run into it, I have to try it!

At the beginning of this black stone, Chu Yun did not give Ning Jiangli a look.

Ning will only take a look at Chu Yun and understand that he should return human feelings, so he sent Chu Yun out of the ghost killing palace.

As for the black stone, it has always been on him.

Chu Yun closed his eyes and felt for a long time. After he was sure that there was no demon's gaze around him, he felt out the black stone and put it on the groove.


With a slight sound, the black stone is stuck in the groove and fits perfectly.

Chu Yun was shocked, and the secret way was so.


Next second, a strong light swallowed him up, making his figure disappear in place.

Those demon lords outside have never forgotten to follow Chu Yun, but his breath is always in the black tower, obviously wandering around inside.

"It's so boring. What's good in this empty Black Tower?"

those spirits can't stop Tucao.



When Chu Yun opened his eyes again, he found that he was in a fairyland on earth, with birds singing and flowers fragrance, green mountains and waters, which seemed very peaceful and made people feel peaceful from the heart.

It's hard to imagine that there is such a space in the outer heaven where chaos and magic are everywhere!

"Tu Bo Shen, are you back?"

There was a woman's voice coming out of it. It was very nice.

Chu Yun was startled, and his face suddenly rose with awe.

There are people here!

No, there are demons!

She takes Shentu Bo's stone and breaks into it. She must regard herself as Shentu Bo. If she finds out that she is not, she will be in danger?

I didn't even tell Shen Tu Mu about the black stone.

If Shen Tu Mu knew it, all his efforts would be in vain.

Damn it, you shouldn't be cheap!

Seeing that Chu Yun could not escape, he could only go forward with a stiff head: "I'm not Shen Tu Bo!"

"Who are you?"

From the wooden house in the forest ahead, a woman walked out quickly. Her face was originally hung with a thick joy, but now it is disappearing little by little. Looking at Chu Yun, she was shocked.

"The key here is only available to shin turbo. How could you come?"

That woman's life is very beautiful, weak, looking at Chu Yun's eyes, it's very scared.

Chu Yun glanced up and down at the woman and said, "who are you?"

He found that there was no evil spirit in the woman.

She's not an alien demon?

"Me? My name is painting. Everyone calls me painting girl! "

When the woman spoke, she raised her hand. Chu Yun saw that the two hands were very delicate and beautiful, which was the most suitable hand for drawing.

"If I think it's right, are you Shen turbo's woman? I am his son, Shen Tu Yun! "

Chu Yun's face was expressionless. When he said these things, he also said a few words in the bottom of his heart.

No, I still can't get used to it.

But I can't. I have to say that at this time.

There must be some secrets here.

Since I'm here, I can't miss it.

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