Sky War Soul

Chapter 175 four clans

Xiao Tianchen is still in a state of panic. Obviously, he wants to continue shouting abuse. Ye Xuan's face is cold. He raises his finger and shouts, "shut up!"


Xiao Tianchen is still angry. Hearing Ye Xuan dare to scold him like this, his heart suddenly surges up with uncontrollable anger.

Ye Xuan looks at Xiao Tianchen coldly. There is a strong warning in her beautiful eyes, which means that she has an absolute foundation and absolute means.

So, she doesn't care about Xiao Tianchen's idea at all.

Xiao Tianchen suddenly woke up as if he had been poured from the top of his head with ice water. He realized just now how terrible the woman was in front of him.

Ye xuanke has no illusions about her fighting power or her family background. What she is most proud of is that she has no advantage in front of her. No matter who you provoke, you can't provoke Ye Xuan!

Chu Yun stood by with no expression. He saw Xiao Tianchen's arrogance. He even wanted to sacrifice the black devil and kill him on the spot.

Xiao Tianchen's words have touched his bottom line, which is absolutely unbearable!

"This is tiandaozong. It's not the place where the three shaos of your Xiao family behave wildly. This time it's just a warning. If there's another time, I'll kill you directly! "

Ye Xuan's face is surprisingly cold, like an iceberg that will never melt. She is extremely tough on Xiao Tianchen's tone, and there is no room for negotiation.

Although Xiao Tianchen was not angry, he still restrained the anger. He raised his head and looked at Chu Yun deeply. He said angrily, "OK, good, Chu Yun, I remember you. I'll give you back double what you brought me today! "

After saying this, Xiao Tianchen turned around and left without turning back.


The huge bubbles in the sky smashed the black hole completely, and the void restored a peaceful scene again.

It's just that the black hole is still a mess.

The whole challenge arena is completely transformed into nothingness. Instead, it is a pit with a depth of up to 100 meters. The broken void cracks are slowly returning to their original state, and the terror is gradually disappearing.

"Unexpectedly, all of them attracted the master's help!"

"The strength of the two of them is terrible."

"If it wasn't for the patriarch, I'm afraid the whole clan would be destroyed."

"As soon as I think of the scene, I feel numb."

Many disciples stood in the distance and sighed.

They are very grateful that if the patriarch did not appear in time, they would be shattered into nothingness by that terrible force together with them.

"Then Who won the contest? "

All of a sudden, a disciple asked for doubts.

"Nonsense, it must be Chu Yun who won. Don't you see that Xiao Tianchen's kid only insisted for half a day and couldn't help taking Bi Ning Qiu Lu to recover his injury? In terms of long-term combat, ten Xiao Tianchen are not necessarily comparable to Chu Yun! "

In his view, Xiao Tianchen was not as good as Chu Yun.

"Yes, at last Xiao Tianchen was scared to lose his fighting ability. I think elder martial brother Chu is better."

Some of the other disciples nodded to agree with the demon night.

In terms of performance, Chu Yun is indeed better than Xiao Tianchen. Although the result is a draw, everyone agrees with Chu Yun very much.

"Lord, I have something to say to you."

Chu Yun turned to look at Ye Xuan, his face expressionless.

Ye Xuan nods. She has guessed about what Chu Yun wants to say.

When they came to a forest where there was no one under them, Chu Yun said directly, "master, please tell me what the background of Xiao Tianchen is."

Ye Xuan had expected that Chu Yun would ask such a question for a long time. He sighed and shook his head and said, "I shouldn't have told you these things, but since you asked, I'll tell you..."

"The land of Taiqian is vast and boundless, but after countless years of evolution, it is divided into five regions: Northern Xinjiang, Western wasteland, South China Sea, Dongzhou and central region."

"What do you think are the top forces in the central region?"

Ye Xuan asked.

"Are they super large ones?"

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed. In his cognition, super block should be the top force in the whole central region.

"It's not right, either. Super block is indeed the top power in the Middle Kingdom, but there are four clans standing above the super block! These four clans have their own small world, and their leaders are called emperors respectively! "

"Emperor Tang, Emperor ye, Emperor Xiao and Emperor Yu!"

"This is the top four clans in the Middle Kingdom. They are in charge of everything in the Middle Kingdom. Most of the super large clans have their shadow behind them."

While ye Xuan is talking, Mei Mou looks at Chu Yun, as if to see his reaction.

“…… "

Chu Yun's face is expressionless. No one knows what he is thinking at the moment.

Even the super bulk, behind the four clans are the shadow, you can imagine their real strength to what extent.

The whole central region, hundreds of millions of miles away, countless countries, tens of thousands of doors.

But all these things are in the charge of the four clans.

They are at the pinnacle of power!

The more Chu Yun thought about it, the tighter his brow was. Previously, the Lord seemed to say that Xiao Tianchen was the third young master of the Xiao family.

If the Xiao clan is so horrible, how can they fight against it?

"Do you want to kill Xiao Tianchen?"

Ye Xuan suddenly shows her eyebrows and obviously sees through Chu Yun's real idea.

"Yes, I just want to kill him! I don't care that he can remember me and fight me, but he shouldn't have said anything threatening my family! "

Chu Yun's pupils glittered with endless murders, and he said his heart without any disguise.

Ye Xuan is silent for a while, as if thinking about something.

After a while, she volunteered, "if you really want to kill Xiao Tianchen, I have a way."

Chu Yun's eyes brightened, and hurriedly asked, "Lord, please say!"

"Do you remember what Tang Zixian said to you before leaving? Did she ask you to help her find something?"

Ye Xuan seems to know everything.

"That's right, that's what it says."

Chu Yun suddenly had an idea in his mind. Why did Xiao Tianchen leave his family and come here? Was it because of that?

"Tang Zixian has concerns now. He is afraid of implicating you. So he dare not tell you the truth before the matter is solved."

"In fact, no matter Tang Zixian or Xiao Tianchen, they are all in a common spirit soldier named Jiufang purgatory tower, which is also their purpose."

With a wave of his hand, ye Xuan arranged a transparent sound barrier around him. Now no one can hear their conversation.

"Nine square purgatory tower? Ling soldier? "

Chu Yun is very surprised. Of course, he knows what the spirit soldier is. The Trident in the demon night's hand is the precious spirit soldier.

"This spirit soldier is a Holy Spirit soldier in the ancient times. It was made by the joint efforts of ten masters who shocked the world. At the moment of refining, Jiufang purgatory tower generated its own consciousness. It was unwilling to be bound forever. While it was not paying attention, it broke the heart of ten master of feathered environment refining tools, making them all fall down. "

"But Jiufang purgatory tower is only a Holy Spirit soldier after all. Without its master, it can never play its real power. So in the next thousands of years, it has found five masters. Because those master of eclosion environment refining poured all his life's learning into the refining of Jiufang purgatory tower, so the knowledge of Jiufang purgatory tower is very rich, and its power is infinite, so every time it helps the master to become a strong, immortal legend! "

Hearing this, Chu Yun interrupts Ye Xuan's words: "since it is not willing to be bound by those weapon refining masters, why does it help others?"

"It's not the same. The refining masters of yuhuajing refine Jiufang purgatory tower in order to use it to suppress the demon ancestors. Once the crackdown is successful, it will always be lonely and live for a long time! If Jiufang purgatory tower doesn't produce its own consciousness, it's OK. After all, it's just a dead thing, but it has consciousness and resistance. It doesn't want to be lonely forever or stay in one place forever, so it instinctively resists. "

"The ten masters of feathered environment refining are pitiful. Just after the refining was successful, they were in a weak state, and they were all killed by the Jiufang refining tower!"

"The fifth master of Jiufang purgatory tower is ambitious. He was born in the Middle Kingdom. Although his strength has reached its peak, he is not satisfied. He wants to bless his descendants. Five hundred years ago, he was alone and challenged the four clans. He fought alone against the four emperors. He wanted to replace them and dominate the whole central region... "

When ye Xuan said that, he not only sighed.

If it wasn't ambition that killed him, by virtue of the Jiufang purgatory tower, he would definitely be able to make a name in the history of the dry land!

"And the result?"

Chu Yun can't wait to find out the result.

"What else will happen? No matter how strong you are, you can't make it! The man was defeated by the four clans. He didn't want the Holy Spirit soldier to fall into the hands of his opponents. Before he died, he was extremely unwilling to send the nine Fang purgatory tower away. In the next five hundred years, the nine square purgatory tower seemed to disappear without any news. The four clans sent countless disciples to look around, but there was no harvest... "

"Now, Tang Zixian is the only one who knows the exact whereabouts of Jiufang purgatory tower. As long as you can help her find the Jiufang purgatory tower, even if you directly propose to the Tang family, the Tang Emperor will not hesitate to agree! "

Ye xuanmei looks at Chu Yun's pupil, as if she wants to see something in his eyes.

Chu Yun's face flashed a flash of consternation when he heard it.

As long as we find the Jiufang purgatory tower, we can propose to the Tang family?

He didn't think about it.

"Not only that, but even if you kill Xiao Tianchen, the Tang family will protect you!"

Ye Xuan said, "this is the way I think for you!"

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