Sky War Soul

Chapter 1754 fast acting

If you have a good guess, it's impossible to pass on the nine devils easily to others in terms of Shen turbo's character of being mean, ungrateful, selfish and suspicious.

Looking at the whole Shentu family, who has really learned all the nine changes of evil spirits?


At the beginning of their own, but Shen Tu Bo proud of the eldest son, the result?

Isn't he as secretive?

Elder Taishang, who is Shen turbo's uncle, has watched him grow up. Moreover, it is a very firm relationship to stand on the United Front with him all the time.

So what?

Has elder Taishang learned all the nine changes of evil spirits?

At the beginning, Chu Yun depicted the simple lines of nine changes of evil spirits on the letter and gave them to the elder Taishang.

Elder Taishang didn't show this letter to Shentu mu.

Therefore, although Shentu Mu heard from elder Taishang about this, he was not sure.

At this critical juncture, if Shen Tu Yun really didn't learn all evil spirits and nine changes, how could he fight against Tang Haoran?

Don't look down on half a step!

If the strength gap is not big, you can easily turn the table with half step magic!

Although Shen Tuyun was able to crush each other with his previous strength, now Tang Haoran has used a half step method, which makes the battle interesting.

After all, can we win?

"Die for me!"

Tang Haoran's eyes are scarlet, his fighting power is soaring and his means are very horrible. He repeatedly punched his fist with golden flame. His body is like being penetrated by the spirit of a dragon. The whole body is like a giant dragon, which can't be said to be shocked.

Therefore, this move is called dragon shaped fist!

One of the three half step magic tricks in the world of Emperor Huang battle!

Fortunately, Chu Yun didn't play too much. With his previous performance, if he can't breathe after being hit by the other side's half step magic, it's too fake. There should be a buffering process.

And this process is the process from taking advantage to losing advantage.

"Kill! Real dragon wags its tail! The Dragon travels thousands of miles! "

Tang Haoran's body is covered by the spirit of the dragon. His eyes are cold, and each fist drives a wave of terror. I wish I could smash this void completely. Under the shock of his fist's power, all Tianjiao's looks are pale and incomparable, as if I didn't expect this move would be so powerful.

"Unexpectedly Is it so horrible? "

There are many Tianjiao's eyes staring at the demons outside the country. They feel like they have been held in their heart by a giant hand. They can't say it's hard. Even breathing becomes very difficult. They are not rivals at all.

From the beginning to the end, by the continuous rolling!

Is this the power of half step magic?

Before, I didn't know half step magic could be so strong.

But now, when Tang Haoran shows the dragon shaped fist, they know it.

In front of the half step magic method, ordinary Tianjiao has only to be beaten!

"With this ability, you want to defeat me. Is it too easy for you to think?"

Chu Yun's eyes flickered with cold murders, and then his back wings flashed wildly. With his strong body, he rushed straight forward. The bone spur on the back of his hand suddenly grew longer and stabbed Tang Haoran's eyebrow with extreme precision.

Tang Haoran sneers, raises his hand and grabs the bone stab. He grabs the bone stab completely in his hand. Then the next second, his hand suddenly erupts with terrifying force and breaks the bone stab with a snap.

Chu Yun is suffering from pain. He takes a few steps back in a row. His eyes are cold.

"All dragons face the sky!"

Tang Haoran roared and punched again.

There are countless waves attached to this fist. In a word, it completely covers the whole world, and there is no blank area at all.

Soon, the first dragon head appeared in the void.

Then, two, three!

With only a few breaths at most, the number of faucets has soared to thousands!

And then, tens of thousands!

There is no end to it.

Just like the big rivers and rivers, no one can find a way to solve them.

Chu Yun is a little surprised at the bottom of his heart. If he had some acting elements in the past, he really didn't have many solutions to this fight. After all, some of his signature fighting skills can't be used, or they will instantly identify themselves.

It's really a bit tricky to break this move if you can't use those skills.

It has to be said that Tang Haoran's war power is very terrifying.

After merging two generations of memories, his combat effectiveness has been extraordinary.

Of course, there must be some gap between ourselves.

Since he can't defeat the opponent's stormy waves directly with his fierce fighting skills, Chu Yun can only take back his impetuous mind and look at all these calmly, and want to break the situation with wisdom.

It's not difficult to see through the shortcomings and flaws of Tang Haoran's move with Chu cloud's insight after merging the hermit's blood.

But it will take time.


Chu Yun's figure flashed, leaping out of the virtual shadows of many faucets, dodging several times in a row, leaving dozens of residual shadows.

Those faucets defeated the shadow, but they never hit Chu Yun's body.

Under the acceleration of his wings, his speed is too fast to be seen clearly by the naked eye.

"Brush! Brush! Brush! "

Every flicker can span ten thousand meters. You can't even see his figure clearly.

"Why so fast?"

Looking at each other at night and Zuo Wen, we can see the horror of Shen Tu Yun.

If you don't say anything else, just talk about the speed. Who in the whole audience can keep up?

In a word, I can't keep up with you.

Tang Zixian's eyebrows are locked. She knows that her younger brother is in trouble. After all, Shen Tuyun is the strongest one in the fence among foreign demons. What kind of mind does his father want him to take?

If you want to attack the director with his short, why do you have to let Tang Haoran go up and directly let him face Shentu cloud at night? But if it is forced to touch to the end, it is not.

In the end, what kind of mind?

It's really elusive.

Chu Yun's figure moves fast and dodges Tang Haoran's attack. He even begins to sneer: "is this your so-called half step magic? It really disappoints me. I can't even keep up with my speed. Why dare you challenge me?"

Tang Haoran's face is expressionless. If he were someone else, he might have been angry in the face of Chu Yun's provocation. But he didn't have it. His mind is always calm, and he can't let go of any chance to overturn.

Even if the situation is not good now, it doesn't matter. The war between Tianjiao and Tianjiao is only in such a moment.

As long as you let me seize the flaw of this moment, I will let you defeat undoubtedly!

It's that simple!

"Good, good..."

In fact, Chu Yun has been observing Tang Haoran in the dark all the time. After feeling his calm temperament, he can't help but smile, which is very gratifying.

Don't be arrogant or impetuous. Even if you fall into adversity, you don't have hysteria.

Few Tianjiao can do this.

They boast that they are arrogant. If they are inferior to each other, they will feel humiliated. So the mental state is extremely unstable, shouting and shouting, and I wish I could fight with each other.

This is inferior in itself, and it's not good at all!

For example, Tang Haoran is now full of temperament.

He has all the factors to be a giant!

"This war should be the beginning of transformation for him!"

Chu Yun thought about it.

After hundreds of dodges, Chu Yun saw that Tang Haoran was not strong enough, even his movement speed slowed down a little, and his body seemed a little heavy.

And his aura, also in intense consumption, there is little left.

Now, it's just the end of the tether!

Chu Yun's mouth is full of smiles. Tang Haoran is really cunning. He looks so weak that he looks very smart. If he doesn't have terrorist insight, he will be cheated.

It's a little bit of an ability!

Chu Yun knows that he has not been cheated, but he must pretend to be cheated!

If you don't give yourself a chance, how can you lose the battle?

"Are you out of strength? Half step magic is in your hands, just like a sword falling into the hands of a pig murderer. You can't use it at all. Why don't you teach me and let me carry it forward? "

Chu Yun laughs, his words are full of contempt, obviously he doesn't put Tang Haoran in the eye.

Many Tianjiao cheered at the evil spirits outside the country.

In the past, the attack of half step magic method was indeed swift and violent. For a while, Chu Yun was suppressed and couldn't lift his head. However, the other side really didn't know how to save energy. Now it's obvious that there isn't much spirit to spend.

Isn't it dying?

Shen Tu Mu nodded slightly. Although Shen Tu Yun didn't learn the half step skill, he still avoided Tang Haoran's fiercest time with his own horrible speed. Next, if there is no accident, he should take over the battle.

"Die for me!"

Chuyun chuckles and raises his hand.

At the bottom of his heart, he thought like this: boy, I've given you enough opportunities. I hope you don't let me down. At least you have to give me some tough moves, or I can't pretend.

Seeing Chu cloud kill, Tang Haoran's eyes show a touch of panic.

Good acting.

Chu Yun continues to kill.

Just when the move has been completed and can't retreat, Tang Haoran's face suddenly turns ferocious and roars: "damn you!"

In the next moment, his body erupted with infinite aura, which was even stronger than the previous peak period.

This second, all Tianjiao were stunned, because none of them noticed where his aura came from.

What's the situation?

Didn't his previous aura run out when he used half step magic?

Why can we release such a terrible aura at this moment?

Is it difficult that he pretends everything that happened before?

Chu Yun's pupil shrank and roared: "good boy, you dare to plot against me!"

He knew that it was time to play fast.

If the performance is not good, Shen Tu Mu will definitely be suspicious!

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