Sky War Soul

Chapter 1757 gale field

"Now... Now? "

Left red startled, said: "now the battle of Tianjiao outside is still going on. If we leave, who is responsible for the next round with them?"

"Don't worry about this, I have my own way!" Tang Chongzhen nodded

Seeing Tang Chongzhen, other giants nodded.

After all, he said there was a way. That's really a way!

"Please give us ten rest to prepare!"

Zuochi's eyes are firm with the generals.

"Well, you go!"

Tang Chongzhen allowed them to know the importance of the war, so they had to be prepared.

After ten rest, the generals and zuochidu brought the spirit soldiers and elixir they could bring.

This war is bound to be vigorous!


Tang Chongzhen is expressionless. He is the first to lead the way.

The rest of the super giants, closely behind, are inseparable.

As for the world of war here, Tang Chongzhen left a separation. When he came, he would fight with Baili Qinglong and gongyehun. In any case, as long as they didn't do it, it was almost impossible to see that it was a separation.

In the current situation of Baili Qinglong and gongyehun, unless they are really crazy, they will take the initiative.

As for the battle of Tang Zixian, why hasn't it been over?

Just want her to attract the attention of Baili green dragon and Gongye soul.


The five yuan magic beads in Tang Zixian's hands glitter with brilliant brilliance.

Before, it was a magic pearl of three elements, heaven, earth and man.

Now, it's the five yuan magic bead, the heaven, earth and man magic immortal!

Top ten of heaven level, mutate the spirit of martial arts!

How tough, how tough!


Fazhu smashes into the air and flies out of Baili. His body is actually scarred. When he flies out, he directly bursts into blood fog and dies completely.

Seeing this, the hundred Li Blue Dragon roared angrily in his throat, and his eyes were full of pain.

Of course, most of them suffer for the lost three magic palaces!

He didn't really feel much about Baili's reckless death.

It's just that these three magic palaces are really important!

Tang Zixian put up the offensive, fixed his eyes on the sky, and sighed at the bottom of his heart.

Father, everything I can do has been done. Next, it's up to you.

Although I don't know what plan you have, you must succeed!

Tang Chongzhen walked to the edge of the challenge arena expressionless, with his hands on his back, and looked at the green dragon in the distance.

The hundred Li green dragon gnawed his teeth and said, "OK, I'm willing to gamble and defeat. Now it's yours!"

After saying this, he clenched his fists and left angrily.

Although we have known that this may be the final result for a long time, we still can't accept it when it happens.

"Tang Chongzhen" stood in the same place, smiled quietly, and did not speak.

He's just separated.

If Baili green dragon and gongyehun are bold enough to explore with evil spirit, they will be able to realize that today's Chongzhen of Tang Dynasty is not the real one.

In their minds, how could this be done?

Baili Qinglong has just lost three magic palaces, so it's impossible to probe the truth of "Tang Chongzhen". It's just like provocation!

And gongyehun, all his attention is focused on the battle between gongyelian and Jiangye in the night. How can he care about other things?

The hundred Li family lost!

The Shentu family lost!

They paid the price of three or four magic palaces!

If you can win, you can come to the top of the three families directly!

Succeed in surpassing Shentu and Baili!

All this is what Gongye soul wants!

However, it's not easy to win the last battle. Although the night is not as good as Tang Zixian and Tang Haoran, it's not a soft persimmon. Gongye Lianxin is still young after all and may lack some combat experience.

Gongye Lian walks up to the challenge arena and looks at the general in the opposite direction. He can't help but smile coldly.

The failure of Shen Tu Yun and Bai Li's frivolity didn't hit him, but gave him endless courage.


Because their opponents are very weak!


In the past, he was definitely the most famous among the Tianjiao.

But the existence of Tang Zixian, Tang Haoran and Chu Yun made his reputation extremely gloomy!

As for Zuo Wen, although he is also very strong, he has not even got the quota for the final battle!

"Later, you will die miserably!"

Gongye Lian sneers and starts to provoke.

He will be expressionless at night. He knows that the other side is very strong and that the pressure he is facing is very heavy.

Tang Zixian and Tang Haoran both won. How can they not win in this situation?

If you don't win, it's a shame even if you survive. Then you will die in the challenge arena!

Now, of course, it's not that far away.

Because the fight has not yet begun!

Everything is possible!

"I'll take your head off easily and make your death safe and painless!"

Gongye Lianxin himself is young and frivolous. He can't help roaring and takes the initiative to rush to the night.

The night will be expressionless, secretly running their own soul, the voice mixed with a roaring wave: "want to kill me, dream!"

Two people's figure fiercely stands together.




There are endless waves of wind blowing up and crashing into each other!

Two figures from the initial collision, is unreserved desperately!

Gongye Lianxin wants to win, so as to prove that he is the only one among the demons outside the country to win. As long as he can win this battle, his prestige within the ethnic group will reach a peak!

Will win the night!

After all, Zhuyu is in front of us. We can never drag the human race behind us!

The most important thing is that this war is not for others, but for ourselves!

In order to be a member of the ancient clan!

I failed, but the lost star domain comes from the ancient clan of Jiangshi!

If the ancient clan of Zuoshi is divided into star regions, it will be overtaken by the ancient clan of Zuoshi!

So, no matter what!

Tang Zixian wins, Tang Haoran wins. If I lose at night, what will they think of me?

It doesn't matter if I die, but I can't shame the family!

For their own dignity, for the glory of the family!

I will win!

Huge fingerprints rise up.

Colorful light, emitting a strong atmosphere.

Neither of the two figures is willing to withdraw, as if to withdraw one step, both are failures!

This battle, from the beginning directly into the white hot stage!

More violent than the previous one!

"Hiss, it's not as weak as the legendary chicken!"

"Don't look down on him!"

"It's not easy for Lianxin to win!"


Tianjiao, a demon from other countries, frowned slightly.

I've lost two games. If I lose this one, I'll lose all three. How humiliating is that?

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