Sky War Soul

Chapter 1762 this siege

This complicated secret pattern is different from all the secret patterns he has seen. With his vision and insight, he can't recognize the origin of this secret pattern, which makes him excited.

Nine out of ten, the secret lines that you can't even see are the real entrance to the ancient ruins!

I didn't expect that the entrance would be hidden at the foot of the mountain. If I hadn't taken one hand before, I would not have noticed the felicity here.

I have to say, it's really lucky!


Chu Yun was surprised and a little unbelievable.

I just casually say that there are really ancient ruins under here?

Would you like to buy Shentu animal husbandry cheaply?

"Is that it?"

Asked Shentu muqiang, holding back his excitement.


Chu Yun was silent for a while, then he hurriedly showed his excitement and said in a high voice: "it's here, it's here! At the beginning, I remember such a secret pattern. I will never forget its shape! "

"Good, good!"

Shen Tu Mu looks up at Chu Yun, and raises a bright smile at the corner of his mouth. He says, "stay as far away as you can from the battle to be fought. I will protect you from the attack of thunder with magic Qi!"

This time, he was very satisfied.

Chu Yun brought him here and found the entrance to the ancient ruins.

This alone is a great achievement!

Chu Yun nodded and was about to fly away. Suddenly, Shen Tu Mu's eyes became cold and fierce. He pointed back and formed a black magic sword. He stabbed Chu Yun's back with the force of thunder.


The void is easily pierced, even the speed of sound can not match this move.

Bridge and river.

Shen Tu Mu's ruthlessness is obvious!

Shentupi saw this, and he couldn't help but feel a joy.

It seems that eldest brother is still that eldest brother and has never changed. Since we have found ancient relics, it is useless to keep Shen Tuyun. It's better to kill him directly!

For Shen Tu Yun's talent, Shen Tu Mu has some fear in his heart.

What if he grows up later and threatens his position?

Kill directly, it's over!

At this moment, Chu Yun raised infinite fear in his heart, and his whole body was completely tense and trembling.

Is that what it's like to die?


A steady beam of light from the sky stabbed, colliding with the black magic sword created by Shen Tu mu. The void was torn by Sheng Sheng for hundreds of meters, and the two breath counteracted each other.


Shen Tu Mu's pupil suddenly shrinks, which is the existence of at least fifty venerable lines that can easily destroy him.

Who on earth will stand up at this time?

Chu Yun escapes from the dead and staggers in the void. Seeing the steady figure in front of him, he is completely relaxed.

It's Tang Chongzhen!

Grandma, I'm saved!

I know your mother's Shen Tu mu.

Do you want to kill me?

If it wasn't for my great fortune, I might have died this time!

Tang Chongzhen reached out his hand, held Chu Yun up, and whispered, "thanks for holding on so long, I will let you leave here without face, and then I will give it to us!"

Chu Yun nodded weakly, then appeared faceless, with his eyes to show him all peace of mind.

Shen Tu Mu clenched his fists, flashed the extreme ferocity in his pupils, rolled his throat, and burst out: "Shen Tu Yun, how can you collude with the people to frame us?"

In the void, three empty shadows emerge silently.

Tang Li, the second largest star in the sky.

The head of an ancient clan, a general.

Zuochi, the patriarch of Zuoshi ancient people.

These three people are all famous super giants. Shen Tu Mu has dealt with them many times, and naturally knows how terrible their combat power is.

In addition to them, there was a handsome but low-key man who stood on the void like that, without saying a word, as if there was no such person at all.


The most powerful son of Tang Chongzhen, a wumaniac who only knew how to cultivate.

Add him in, and Tang Chongzhen has no face.

Six Super giants with 50 patterns?

Shen Tu Mu's mood, from great joy to great sorrow, rose and fell sharply, not to mention how angry he was.

You Shen Tu Yun, you collude with the human race!

Chu Yun turned around and pointed at Shentu mu. He said angrily, "go to NIMA. When you die, I will use your head as a nightpot!"

He really hated Shentu mu, but he did not come up with a vocabulary after racking his brains. He could only use the most vulgar words to humiliate Shentu Mu's nerves.

Shen Tu Mu's eyes jumped and his fists were slightly clenched.

With his accomplishment, it's impossible to be irritated by these words.

He is thinking about how to get through this.

It's really hard!

Six giants with 50 patterns!

This is to eat their own weaknesses!

Shen Tu Yun, you've been dead ten thousand times. You don't have enough!

Faceless with Chu cloud, continuous move and dodge, soon came to the outside of the storm and thunder area.

"Thank you very much. I remember that there is a rather complicated secret pattern at the bottom of the mountain. It may be related to ancient relics!"

Chu Yun said that he was just trying to fool Shentu, but he didn't expect that there was a lot of trouble under the mountain.

No face silent, smell voice is also slightly nod, then turn around to drill into it.

Chu cloud changes the appearance of the body, opens the cloud world, and lets the stone break the sky to come out of it.

"I'm suffocating your brother Shi!"

Stone broke the sky to shout two tone, then pick eyebrow way: "boy you can, unexpectedly psychological quality is so strong, this all can bluff past, really can!"

One and a half hours.

Chu Yun took Shentu Mu and Shentu pi to wander in the area. They passed through the eye of the wind and thunderstorm areas, which made their demonic Qi consumption very intense. In addition, the demonic Qi consumed in this area could not be recovered, so it was a great help.

"Do you think it's easy?"

Chu Yunbai has a look at the stone, and he knows how to speak cool words here.

If Tang Chongzhen hadn't arrived in time, my life would have gone in!

This insidious and cunning Shen Tu Mu is really on guard everywhere!

"Anyway, your task is finished. If Shentu Mu and Shentu PI were killed here today, at least 30% of the credit should be on you?"

Stone breaks the sky to wink, smile a way: "after this matter, strike while the iron is hot, let your old father-in-law marry you two, live a period of free and happy life, afraid to give a fairy all not change!"

Chu Yun sneered twice and said, "are you saying irony? What's more, are you urging me to find the part of evil spirit? So that I can kill the evil head as soon as possible, so that I can save TianChao girl, right? "

After Shi Shatian is seen through his mind, he feels his nose awkwardly.

Chu Yun waved: "I don't need you to rush me, I know it in my heart! In the past, when I was too dry, I always thought that the supremacy of the title was heaven, and my vision was very narrow. I always looked at the world with what I thought. But now it's different. I'm afraid that the strength of my own body would not be weak if I stepped on the evil head. If I don't have full assurance, I really dare not do it! "

"When is it going to be like this?"

Stone sky deeply sighed, in fact, he is a guy with no ambition, but he is more playful. Now he has a happy life with Zhen Yulan and Zhen Wei, not to mention how barbarian.

If it was not for this matter, I would have been in seclusion for a long time.

"Eternal battle!"

Chu Yunyang looks up at the frozen breath in the void. It's unbelievable that he can't escape even a tiny thing.

There are such arrays to restrict Shentu Mu and Shentu PI. I'm afraid they can't fly even if they are flying!

Just don't know, this battle will last for several days!


When Chu Yun was distracted, there was a sudden breath of terror sweeping all over the sky, only to see a tens of thousands of meters wide opening torn above the void, and there were thunder pouring into it.

Even though the storm and thunder area here is a Jedi, under the super giants of 50 venerable patterns, they can't help whining.

The strength of their joint fight is far beyond the capacity of a war community. If it is not suppressed by the eternal array, it is afraid that the war community can not resist their all-out attack.

"Fight, it's on!"

Although Chu Yun could not see the real situation of the battle, he had some expectations in his heart.

Shentu Mu and Shentu PI were consumed violently. No matter what kind of backhand they had in the war, they would surely lose!

Just, I don't know how long it will take to lose.

This may be a long process!



It's all possible.

Chu Yun is bored and sits down cross legged. He begins to understand the sixth Zunwen.

Anyway, the battle of Tianjiao is over. I have to improve my level quickly to keep up with the increasingly fierce war.

If Shentu Mu and Shentu PI die, the demons outside the country will surely fall into chaos.

Often at this time, a group of heroes together!

Anything is possible!

If you don't improve your combat power quickly, you can only become cannon fodder in the end!

In addition to the realm of ascension, there are also the golden vessels and the nine changes of evil spirits.

These two half steps are the key to improving your own strength.

Every day, the eye of the wind and the thunder area in the storm and thunder area are weakening, as if the power has been forcibly removed.

From inside, the sound of explosion is often heard.

In order to Chu Yun also heard a few anti - deafening screams.

In a word, I haven't heard the sound.

So that for three months, the fight continued!

Crazy fight, fight!

The void is broken. The world of fierce wind war has been on the verge of collapse for several times. If it was not as fierce as the eternal battle, it would have been a dust of this star field long ago and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

Tang Chongzhen and them still didn't get out of the storm and thunder area.

In fact, today's storm and thunder regions have already been broken down, energy exhausted, and all the mottled and terrifying cloud robbing eyes have been broken up, leaving only the occasional flickering arc in the void, even the seal of the supreme one can't die.

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