Sky War Soul

Chapter 1765 the crumbling circle

"Shen Tu Mu and Shen Tu PI are in trouble. Shouldn't they be beheaded?"

Before long Qi spoke, Chu Yun took the lead and said with a light smile, "I think you have seen the ferocity of foreign demons. They are the inferior race wandering among the stars. I think no matter who they are, they want to get rid of them quickly."

Longqi looks at chuyun and gives him a look of appreciation.

Good return!

Sometimes, we should have such arrogance.

In the past, when the hermit and jiujianxian were away, Longqi supported by himself and often had to face such provocations and doubts. However, he could not fight back. After all, he was acting as the eldest brother. A little excessive behavior would be said to be abuse of power.

Therefore, in the years ahead of Longqi, we had a very difficult time.

Now, with the presence of Chu Yun, the identity of the recluse returns.

He alone can block many provocations for himself.

"Here, it's not your turn to talk, is it? Boy? "

The monk's eyes were cold. He wanted to sneer at Dragon riding. Unexpectedly, the hermit was so ungrateful that he dared to stand up to respond to his provocation. Did he really think he was a character?

Although in the dome temple, everyone's identity is almost the same, but in the face of Chu Yun, the monk still has a sense of superiority.

After all, today's hermits are too weak.

It's obvious that he didn't succeed for long.

In the face of him, the attitude of his friends will naturally be arrogant.

"How much better do you think you can be than others if you can sit here and have equal status?"

The witch giggled, and then said, "it seems that these years are gone. You have expanded a lot."

The monk's eyes were cold, and he didn't take this sentence.

"It's really a long-lasting war for foreign demons to invade our endless starry sky, but now we have an absolute advantage in the war. If it doesn't last more than a hundred years, the battle will be over!"

The Dragon rides light opening, does not have any directivity and the pertinence.

The blood devil smelt the words and frowned slightly.

But he didn't say much.

"What the hermit said before was quite right. For example, the existence of foreign demons should be eliminated and no breathing space should be left for them. Unfortunately, this battle happened in your endless starry sky. We are not strong enough and have enough heart to fight against it."

Wandering soul of the Yin said, finally also can not stop a burst of strange smile, listen to the heart of the cold.

"Looking at the past hundred years, this should be the most complete gathering By the way, is the clown still missing? "

The previously silent animal suddenly opened his mouth, and his eyes were obviously mixed with strong curiosity.

"Give up, I'll pinch my fingers, the clown won't like you!"

The monk sneered and choked.

The beast didn't care about this, but his eyes were cold and said, "if you don't want to die, just shut up your mouth and don't think I can't find your real body!"

The blood devil raised his eyebrows and said back.

Since Chu Yun said a word before, he stayed there and looked on coldly.

It can be seen that all these beings in the field come from four different stars.

I come from the sky with dragon.

Blood devil and Xiangshi come from a starry sky.

The Witch and the beast come from a starry sky.

As for wandering soul, it should be a single star.

They had no deep feelings for each other for a long time. Their words were full of provocations, as if they were choosing to test. They had everything between them, but no sincerity.

You know, sitting here is the best of the four stars!

Each of them has 50 holy lines!

It's interesting to watch them wrestle with each other and calculate back and forth.

Finally, Longqi reached out his fingers and knocked on the bronze table top, making a sound of "dudududu".

All kinds of arguments suddenly stopped, and all eyes turned to Longqi, as if to see what he was going to say.

"Over the years, the four stars have forgotten the taste of cooperation, haven't they? This time, foreign demons are weak. Under the attack of our endless starry sky, we can only protect ourselves. It's better for our four starry sky to join hands to eliminate the scourge of foreign demons! "

"If we don't belong to our own race, our hearts will be different. What's the matter between us? It's our own business. How can we allow foreign demons to covet? What do you think of closing the door and dealing with your own affairs after eliminating them? "

Longqi's words are heartfelt.

If the presence of so many giants, whose mind is the most pure, then it is him.

He has no ambition!

Although he has been an agent for so many years, he has never done anything to his advantage.

As for what enriches the private purse, it does not exist at all.

He tried his best to maintain the fragile circle of dome party, but his efforts did not pay off. The relationship was still on the verge of collapse. He had done his best, but his growing ambition could not be suppressed.

Longqi's combat power is not much better than other code giants.

So, what the boss can hold, he can't hold!

But he is definitely a qualified agent boss!

After hearing Longqi's words, the other giants were silent.

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and only thought it was ridiculous.

Didn't you shout the most before? Voice's almost raising the roof?

How now, one by one do not speak?

Isn't this a kind of irony?

The reason why foreign demons are called this name is that they are far away from the four stars. They don't belong to any of the stars, but they have the strength comparable to other stars. Just like locusts, they invade this or that star all day long.

But no one is really willing to unite against them.

So that for so many years, the strength of foreign demons has not been weakened, but is still rising. If not for this time, Chu Yun discovered Shentu Bo first, and then tricked Shentu Mu and Shentu PI, even though the war still has no advantage.

It can be said that today's advantages are hard won, and the endless stars have earned their lives.

Now, Longqi proposed that the four stars work together to cut the grass and root, but they did not get any response.

Because the current situation is very clear, the other three stars are reluctant to interfere, why?

Because it's you, not us, who are attacked by foreign demons!

Why should we get involved at this time?

Help you endless starry sky. Apart from some useless false names, what else can we get?

No interest.

If we let go and let you fight with the foreign demons, it will really serve our interests.

When you are weak in the endless starry sky, I'm afraid you will be divided by us!

After a long time, the monk grinned and said, "as the wandering soul said before, we are willing to fight, but now foreign demons depend on your endless starry sky, which makes us very difficult! It's beyond reach! "

Blood devil nodded, meaning very clear.

The meaning of a monk is what I mean.

The wandering soul did not speak again.

However, both the monster and the beast are indifferent to each other.

The dragon horse sighed a little.

It seems that the dome Shenzhou has reached the last step.

Even if they are forced to maintain the non collapse, but also adhere to a hundred years at most!

A hundred years later, it will collapse.

He didn't expect the other three stars to help him. The previous question was just a test to see how they responded to it. However, in the end, he was very disappointed.

In the eyes of ordinary strong people, the dome party represents the top of a group of stars, and what they can get into this circle is unimaginable in their life.

But how could it be so beautiful?

This is not where it used to be.

The dome party ended in a strange atmosphere.

In the past, Longqi never made a similar request. Today, they suddenly opened their mouth, which really made them unexpected.

No matter who it is, there is a steelyard in the bottom of my heart.

With their refusal of Longqi's proposal, the significance of the existence of the whole dome Shenzhou has been dead.

It only takes one chance, and it will collapse completely!

So after they go back this time, they should find a way.

Chu Yun smiled bitterly and spread out his hands and said, "you've thought of it for a long time, haven't you?"

Longqi nodded, his eyes were full of reluctance: "when the boss was still there, our relationship was like brothers. No matter who happened to each other, others would help without hesitation. With the disappearance of the boss, all these changed. Although I was the acting boss, I never really convinced them!"

"It's none of your business. If someone else acts as the agent boss, the dome Shenzhou will only collapse faster!"

Chu Yun shrugged. If he hadn't noticed this for the first time, he felt incredible this time. He didn't expect that the giants among the four stars had such a deep defense, even the most basic trust.

After defeating the foreign demons, we still have to face the threat of the other three stars?

Longqi sighed and said: "I think the eldest brother, once he was sitting in my position, without saying a word, can release the incomparable threat of terror. His combat power far exceeds US, reaching another level, and everyone is convinced of him!"

"Another level, 51 venerable lines?"

Chu Yun was shocked when he heard the words.

This is what he said when he was coaxing Shentu to herd.

Fifty lines of veneration are the limits of the giants in the stars.

Is there 51 venerable lines on it?

Or, beyond this level, will you be promoted to another level?

Since the leader of the dome Shenzhou is so strong, why does he suddenly disappear?

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