Sky War Soul

Chapter 1775 beheading

As the heritage blood of the dome Shenzhou hermit, Chu Yun of course knows what the two words "clown" mean. Isn't one of the code inheritance clowns?

In the past, I also took over the tasks she released.

Go to the ghost killing palace and steal the master's Close fitting belly pocket!

"Clown, you mean her?"

Chu Yun is a little stunned, unbelievable.

Is it Zhu Fusi?

No, she should be talking about the queen of TianChao!

Is it true that queen TianChao was also one of the codes?


Is the clown her?

"Of course, she is. Although I haven't seen her real face, I can see from her body and breath that she is definitely a clown! My judgment can't be wrong, I can't recognize her identity! "

Ning Jiangli appears a little excited. She rushes forward and pours the spirit into Zhu Fusi's body.

After a long time, she frowned and said: "memory is completely sealed, and there is no way to find it. What's the matter?"

Zhu Fuci was a little confused. He didn't understand why he was so excited to leave.


What do you mean, talking about yourself?

How do you sound familiar?

But I can't remember where I heard it.

"Her memory is completely sealed. Only by killing the evil thoughts separated from her can she regain her consciousness, so she should not understand what you are talking about now."

Chu Yun explains the evil head and the evil breath to Ning Jiangli.

"Well, I see."

Rather will leave to nod, in facial expression flashed a tiny surprise.

So it is, lose the original memory?

"What is the strength of the evil spirit? Just kill him, you can destroy the head of evil thoughts

Rather, he didn't care.

After all, with her strength, I don't care about that at all.

Chu Yun's eyes brightened and he couldn't help saying, "if not, would you do me a favor? I joined hands with her to bring out the evil spirit. How about you kill it? "

"Why, do you want me to help her?"

Rather will leave sniff, in beautiful Mou flashed a sneer, way: "originally you steal my belly pocket, is also her task?"? Do you think I can help her with my relationship? "

With Chu Yun's understanding of taling, of course, he knew that she was speaking hard for a long time, which finally moved her.

"Well, I'll help her, but when she recovers, I'll get back!"

It's better to hum from Leng.

"Well, as long as you can help her to retrieve her memory, she will do as you like!"

Chuyun was very happy. If he could help, it would be much easier.

No one knows what the evil spirit is now. It is impossible for him to commit danger by himself when his combat power has not been improved.

Now it's much easier if you'd rather help.

"It can't be too late, we'll start early!"

Chu Yun rubbed his hands and was very excited.

"Younger martial brother, can I go out?"

Although Zhu Fusi didn't know what happened, it was not difficult to understand her cleverness. It seemed that someone was chasing after him. Chu Yun hid himself in the cloud to protect himself.

But now the woman named Ning Jiangli in front of her says she wants to help herself.

This means that you can leave the cloud!

"Yes, elder martial sister, we can go out!"

Chuyun smiled and reached out to grasp Zhu Fusi's hand. He tore the void and walked out.

Inside the main hall, many strong people are sitting in it and keeping their eyes closed. When they feel the breath of Ning Jiangli, they suddenly open their tiger eyes. Their eyes are full of strong vigilance.

"Come quickly, uncle!"

"The witch is awake?"

"You dare to come out and die!"


Those strong people all stare at Ning Jiangli. Now in their eyes, Ning Jiangli's breath has returned to the most horrible level. It's not so easy to defeat. In addition, my uncle is so close to her, which is dangerous.

What should she do if she hijacks her uncle?

Chu Yun waved his hand and sighed, "you don't need to be so nervous. She and I are old friends. Besides, she is not a foreign evil spirit. All these are misunderstandings!"

The strong ones were shocked, only feeling that this was a little funny.

She is the leader of the ghost killing palace. She has the identity of an evil demon outside the country. Can she still be fake?

Ning will leave cold hum a, raise palm, see among them ascend a touch of rich spirit.


"How could she have the aura?"

"It is impossible for foreign demons to use their aura."

"What's the matter?"


The pupils of those who are strong contract violently and do not know how to explain the scene in front of them.

Ning will play a ring finger, Reiki quickly changed into magic Qi, and then with the speed of the naked eye, it changed into Reiki again, which is an amazing way to switch back and forth.

In this way, these strong people have completely eliminated their doubts.

Although I don't know how she agglomerates the evil spirit, it is impossible that she can freely transform the evil spirit and the spirit spirit!

"Well, all of you get out of here!"

Chu Yun waved his hand to show these strong men to retreat.

When they saw that Chu Yun did not have any danger, they nodded and retreated.

"Younger martial brother, what am I going to do next?"

Zhu Fu Si is a little nervous. Her state is not in line with here.

"You don't need to do too many things. Just eat, drink and sleep here every day. The enemy will naturally follow your breath and come here."

Chuyun smiled and let her relax.

"Oh, yes."

Zhu Fu Si nodded her head. She didn't know the real inside story, but Chu Yun was her little younger martial brother, so it's worth believing.

In the next few days, Zhu Fusi lived in the tour hall. Chu Yun believed that once her identity was revealed, it would be revealed. At that time, the breath of the evil head would surely come.

After all, they can't wait to kill each other.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

Chuyun's realm, successfully achieved the supreme title of ten patterns.

He followed the great sage in the night and learned close combat for three years. He didn't hide his secrets. He took all his precious fighting skills out for the great sage to choose from and study at will.

And the saint is not polite. He will learn what he teaches.

Anyway, it's a deal. It's a normal exchange.

So, his promotion is very fast.

But in these three years, no suspicious people came to trouble, which made Chu Yun some unexpected.

How can you bear the evil breath?

Or is the environment right here?

After hesitating for a long time, Chu Yun thought that he should try another place.

For example, by the underground palace of huitiandaozong.

I can't. I'll destroy the seal of the golden pot. Since you don't appear, I'll destroy the whole head of the evil idea directly, and make you completely scared!

Let's go.

Chu Yun, Zhu Fusi and Ning Jiangli are going to tiandaozong in Taiqian.

To be on the safe side, he also brought two strong men with forty-five lines of respect.

Of course, there is no longer a saying about Taiqian. The barrier between Taiqian and Taiqian is no longer there. They are also converging. There will be no quarrel between them.

This is a good thing for the whole Taiqian war world!

Tiandao sect.

Since ye Xuan's death, this place has been in decline. It used to be a top sect. Now, only a few decades have passed, and almost all the strong ones have run away. Only some old disciples are still holding on.

They don't know that ye Xuan is dead, so they still insist.

Chu Yun has nothing to say about it.

Ye Xuan is the incarnation of heaven. When she truly awakens her memory, the so-called memory belonging to Ye Xuan will no longer exist.

Shouldn't heaven separate us from each other?

In the ancient bronze temple, Dongming and Ximing are still there.

When they saw Zhu Fu Si's return, they trembled suddenly, knelt on one knee and said, "I've seen adults!"

Of course, I was kneeling down to Zhu Fusi.

But now Zhu Fusi's memory hasn't recovered, so he's at a loss.

These two beasts, which are as high as 100 meters, startle her.

"What are these two monsters? It looks so horrible. It's just a statue. I didn't expect to be able to move! "

Zhu Fu's beautiful eyes flashed a touch of astonishment. Some of them were afraid to hide behind Chu Yun. Jiao Sheng said, "you can protect me, younger martial brother!"

Chu Yun's helplessness on this face, knowing that she has some elements of performance in it, but this look is really more lovable, and people can't stop rising a desire for protection.

Dongming and Ximing are silent. Of course, they know that their master has not completely recovered his consciousness, but there must be some etiquette.

Chu Yun raised his head and asked, "has anyone been here in these years?"

They all shook their heads and said, "no one has come, only our brother is here, and no one has touched anything inside!"

Chu Yun nodded and said, "well, in that case, I'll go in and have a look!"

After that, Dongming and Ximing joined hands to open the bronze gate.

Chu Yun walked into it, looking at the still familiar golden pot, and his eyes flashed a cold color.

It's not easy to kill the evil head that is sealed in it.

But this time, Youning will come with her. If she attacks, she may kill the evil thoughts. After all, the combat power of more than 40 Zun patterns is not covered!

"Try it first!"

Chu Yun goes forward, uncovers the golden pot, and frowns slightly at the floating head of Zhu Fu Si.

"Let me!"

I saw Ning would put out his hand to sacrifice the black prison magic sword, and the magic spirit rose. A cold color flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she said one by one: "secret skill, the magic sword of the great wish of all heaven, beheads the God! Kill! "

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