Sky War Soul

Chapter 1789 seven killings

Tang Li suddenly suffered from this attack. He felt as if he had been hit hard in his chest. He felt a sharp pain of ten thousand insects biting his heart, which made his mouth bleed.

Wuhun, it's broken!

Of course, the so-called breaking is not the root cause of the broken soul, but a serious injury. It can be recovered in half a month at most.

Even so, it was a very heavy blow to Tang Li's self-confidence.

The other side's realm is clearly also fifty lines of respect. Why is the real combat power so much higher than yourself?

Totally incomprehensible!

With one strike, you can smash your soul. Even Tang Chongzhen, who is as strong as the first man in the sky, can't do this.

This kind of combat power is completely beyond all the categories we know!

Tang Li stepped back tens of steps in a row, her pupils were full of uncertainty.

Next, how to fight?

"You are the demon clan giant who challenges us in battle?"

Tang Li seemed to think of something suddenly, and couldn't help roaring.

Very afraid.

He knew that he was not much worse than himself, but he was directly cut off when he touched those chaotic characters.

Just the breath from the void can hurt a giant with 50 lines of veneration. We can imagine how powerful this existing warrior is.

"Yes, it's me."

The young man smiled quietly. He seemed to appreciate Tang Li's fear in his pupils.

Tang Li's pupil contracts violently. What he thinks instinctively is to remind Chu Yun to run.

Now Chu Yun is just outside the ice ruins. If the demon giant wants to fight Chu Yun, he can easily be captured and killed.

Even if he dies here, it doesn't matter. But Chu Yun is different. He is the hope of the future of the human race. He is very hopeful to break through the 50 lines of veneration, so he can't have anything!

"You're scared and anxious. Are you worried about the kid outside?"

The young man saw Tang Li's worry at a glance. He couldn't help laughing and said: "he is Chu Yun, right? In recent years, Chu Yun of the Taiqian war world has gained great popularity. It can be said that the first pride of your people is not too much. You are worried about him and even your own life. It's really interesting! "

Tang Li closed his eyes. He knew that there were too many things in his eyes. Although it was only a micro expression, there seemed to be no secret in front of the demon giant.

Seeing Tang Li's move, the young man couldn't help laughing: "don't you think you are hiding your ears and stealing your bells? This look is really ridiculous!"

Tang Li's body trembled slightly. He was not afraid to die, but he hoped Chu Yun would live.

"I will not kill you, because I want to fight with Tang Chongzhen!"

With his hands on his back, the young man proudly said, "you know, I am a man against my fate. Looking at the four stars, I am the only one who can transcend the reincarnation of life and death, keep my consciousness never die out, and only I can reach a higher level! So I don't really care about you, Tang Li or Tang Chongzhen, but Tang Chongzhen seems to have found something out, so I'd like to fight with him to see how far he has reached. "

Tang Li was very nervous. If elder brother came to fight with him, what would be the final result?

Also It's hard to win, isn't it?

The presence of this young man in front of us is so terrible that one finger can break his own soul, which even big brother can't do!

"According to the speed of his coming here, it should appear here within ten minutes."

Every word and every word of the youth is accompanied by absolute confidence. His tone is very domineering, as if the sky and the earth are exclusive. This temperament even transcends the existence of giants and sublimates to another realm of terror.

Sure enough, ten breath has not passed, a phantom figure standing in the sky.

His whole body was covered by chaos, and he could not see the real appearance clearly.

But the domineering spirit emanating from the body can not be ignored.

"Tang Chongzhen, here you are."

The young man was talking in a way that people came from before. He shook his head and sighed, "do you know why I insist on fighting with you? Because I see what I'm after from you. We are all on the same road, but I'm a few steps ahead of you! "

Tang Chongzhen's figure walked out of the void and looked at the youth with cold eyes.

This is a completely strange face, which seems to have never appeared in my mind. Judging from my experience for so many years, this young man is definitely only twelve or thirteen years old. He is not changing his body shape and age, but really only so old!

However, he has the strength and thinking that are not compatible with his own appearance.

As you can imagine, he occupied the body of others!

This is an old monster who has lived for many years!

"Tang Chongzhen, I had a hand with your father at that time, and I didn't realize it at that time. Now time flies, and it has become a contest between me and you. Tut, come on, let me defeat you!"

The young man hooked his fingers. He had no respect for Tang Chongzhen. He looked like he was talking to the younger generation.

"Big brother, be careful, he is very strong..."

Tang Li stepped back two steps. Blood was seeping from the corners of her mouth.

That blow just now has already made him extremely painful. He can't afford to fight any more.

Tang Chongzhen nodded and held out a powerful dragon riding gun. He looked at the youth across the air: "I don't care whether you say it is true or not. Since you dare to challenge the dignity of our people, you will surely pay a price!"

"Come on."

In the eyes of the youth, there was a flash of eagerness.

This is different from the previous fight with Tang Li. He was totally one-sided to crush Tang Li.

Just a finger poke out, you can smash each other's soul inch, not crush what?

But to Tang Chongzhen, this is not the same.

because Tang Chongzhen's way is exactly the same as him. Why is

exactly the same?

That is to say, their understanding of the future road is almost the same in fact, just the difference between the early and late.

So young people in the bottom of their hearts, there will be a feeling of empathy.

Just because of the race, we must defeat Tang Chongzhen if we want to occupy the sky.

So, no choice!

"Come on!"

The boy hooked his finger to let Tang Chongzhen take the initiative.

There was no expression on Tang Chongzhen's face, but his wrist suddenly turned over, and Ling lie was assassinated by the Dragon riding gun. The mighty attack directly turned into a pillar of light, destroying the world.

The strong one with fifty lines of veneration is so horrible.


The void is pierced with a clear sound of tearing.

Young people for Tang Chongzhen, can not be as casual as before, the body jumped up, the corners of the mouth with a light smile.

The two figures suddenly collided.

Tang Li's body was suddenly thrown out by the transmitted waves. There seems to be no resistance in front of this huge force. After several turns, he fell to the ground, with several bloodstains on his face.

"Big brother's war power has improved so much over the years?"

Seeing that Tang Chongzhen was able to come and go back with the youth, Tang Li's pupil contracted again like a needle.

In the past, big brother's fighting power did not reach such a level at all, so it can be said that he will surely lose to the young master.

But now, something has changed.

Elder brother's combat power has increased so much.

As for the existence standing on the top, they are on a road of cutting through thorns. Without previous demonstration, they can only rely on themselves. Every subtle discovery can make them completely changed.

Why did Tang Chongzhen's combat power rise so fast?

Because he has a new discovery.

With it, the fighting power will soar.

As we said before, he and the youth are actually the same kind of people.

It's just that there are some gaps in the progress of exploration.

Seeing the fierce battle between the eldest brother and the young man, Tang Li took a deep breath and hurried towards the ruins of the ice field.

I can't stay here.

Of course, he is not afraid of death.

He just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to take Chu Yun away.

He has been defeated. If the eldest brother has also been defeated, is not Chu Yun bound to die?

"What's the situation, uncle?"

Seeing Tang Li walk out of the ice ruins, he looks very embarrassed with blood on his lips. Chu Yun is a little unbelievable.

Is the breath inside so powerful?

Tang Li wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth and said anxiously, "the situation is very bad. Do you remember the demon giant who fought against Taiqian on the day of your wedding? It's him in there! His combat power is really too terrible. One strike smashes my soul. I am far from his opponent! "

Chu Yun was shocked and couldn't believe it.

So tough?

Tangli, the second largest star in the sky!

Even he felt that he was far inferior to the other side. Would Tang Chongzhen be the opponent?

"I know what you're worried about. Elder brother's combat power has improved a lot during this period of time. He won't lose in the battle with him, but no one is sure what the final result will be. So I want you to leave soon. I'll take you away!"

Tang Li is a little anxious. Everyone knows what the purpose of this young man is.

Occupy the whole sky?

Such ambition is indeed terrible.

Chu Yun's face is a little complicated, and he can go anywhere. If Tang Chongzhen is invincible, it can be said that the end of the human race in the sky is imminent.

As long as he wants, he can destroy the human race anytime and anywhere.

Who can stand on his own when he is so powerful that he can build his invincible position?

Even if you run, where can you run?

"Second uncle, you just said that my father-in-law's combat power has improved a lot? There's no need to escape. Who says he'll lose? "

There is no expression on Chu Yun's face. He is confident in Tang Chongzhen.

He represents, but the backbone of the endless starry human race!

If even he is defeated, can the human race with endless stars still see hope?

Tang Li struggled and said, "what you think is clear and clear to me, but you need to know that if you are willing to leave, our people may still have the last glimmer of hope. The sky is so big that he may not be able to find it

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