Sky War Soul

Chapter 1800 killing the emperor?

In recent years, when he left the Taiqian war area and wanted to join the Emperor Huang war area, he was rejected by Tang Chongzhen. However, he had to worship in the war area of Yinian, which was equal to that he was accepted by the generals.

Otherwise, he is afraid that he still has nowhere to go, and can only roam outside.

But instead of thanking the generals, he always felt that the other side often laughed at himself secretly, so he always held a grudge.

This time, with one hand clasped on the forehead of the general, the satisfaction in the heart of the dream light smoke cannot be described with words.

General, at the end of the day, are you still going to die in my hands?

If so, let me send you to the West!

The general's eyes were fixed on mengqingyan. He was really angry. He didn't recognize the beast. In the end, he would bite him back.

"Even if I die, you won't live long. I'm down here waiting for you..."

The generals grinned, as if they had belittled life and death.

When things come to an end, they are not afraid at all, but calm.

Unfortunately, I can't see the end of the war.

Human race, we must win!

The general closed his eyes and waited for the result of his dream.

It's not that he didn't want to resist, it's really because the previous palm, in fact, had smashed all the remaining forces in his body, his head was dizzy, his eyes were full of stars, and he couldn't say it was hard.

In this case, it is extravagant to say a complete paragraph.

Fight back?

What kind of counterattack?

Dream light smoke eyes sweep around, only to see the patrol hall is about to be captured by their own army, the massacre is still continuing, the four star alliance is clearly about to be unable to resist, at most one day, the Taiqian war world will be completely occupied.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The dream light smoke raises the arms, the mood deeply falls into it, cannot extricate oneself.

Taiqian war world was the place where he came from. Because of the battle with TianChao girl, Taiqian war world fell into ruins. In those days, mengqingyan abandoned here and left. Now, he didn't expect to come back again.

This kind of mood is really wonderful!

"Dream light smoke, you and I have worked together to calculate the evil thoughts. Unexpectedly, you sent someone to reincarnate me? When you get to the back, you have to do it yourself. Tut, it's really bothering you! "

Zhu Fu Si sneered and walked slowly.

In her beautiful eyes, there was a constant chill of killing.

At the beginning, she and mengqingyan were allies. They had a common purpose, that is, to kill TianChao girl, so as to stop the destruction of the Taiqian war. After that, mengqingyan wanted to kill her several times together, so as to eliminate future troubles.

Before I woke up, if it wasn't for Chu Yun to stand in front of me, I was afraid that the dream of light smoke would have been successful.

So Zhu Fu Si is very hateful to dream light smoke after awakening his memory.

To the point of immortality!

"Oh? After TianChao, do you want to think about it? "

Dream light smoke sees Zhu Fu Si to come, don't feel surprised, show a sneer instead: "you don't need to be so anxious, wait for me to kill the general first, then deal with you!"

Zhu Fu Si gave a cold snort, and suddenly put out his hand, killing towards the dream.

"Your state is so weak, and I don't know who gave you the courage to give me a hand!"

Dream light smoke lightly claps out, shakes Zhu Fu Si forcibly to fly out, then reaches out for a finger, stabs the general's eyebrow and heart fiercely, wants to hit his forehead through, completely extinguishes the soul.

The general's mouth was full of bitterness and laughter. After so many years of crossing the endless starry sky, he finally left in such a way of death. It's really funny to say that.

However, just then, a figure walked out of the tour hall.

It's the painting girl.

Her eyes are indifferent. After sweeping the whole stage, she finally falls on the dream light smoke.

In an instant, the dream light smoke felt the gaze of this vision, and was stiff all over, with a sudden cold sweat flowing out of his forehead.

It's like being stared at by a ferocious beast. The other person doesn't need to release any breath at all. Just that kind of eyes can make the dream smoke fall like an ice cave and make his hands and feet soft.

Who is it?

Why is it so horrible?

Dream light smoke bit by bit turned his head, his eyes finally fell on the girl's face, suddenly felt a sharp breath stabbed into his eyes, hurt him on the spot roar, trembling all over, just as the soul suddenly had two sharp stabs injected, pain through the heart.

It's just a look at it, that's how it is.

Even in the face of adults, there is no such exaggeration!

Who is she?

Dream light smoke this move, can't fall down again.

He looked at the girl in horror. His feet were rooting. No matter how hard he tried, he could not move a bit.

What should I do?

What can I do?

What am I going to do?

The painting girl looks at the dream light smoke with her head askew. There are not too many complicated emotions in her eyes, but only simple curiosity.

"Who are you?"

The curiosity in the eyes of the painting girl gradually converged. She found the situation around her now. Even though she was slow, she knew what she was facing now.

Although in her eyes, Taiqian war world is similar to other war world, she does not have much nostalgia and sense of belonging.

But after all, after a few years here, I have met many new friends.

Now, these people want to take over here.

In this way, girls can't bear to draw.

It's too dry to be captured.

Otherwise, where should I go next?

Continue to wander?

That kind of lonely life, no sense of belonging, painting girls are very annoying.

In simple terms, although he didn't have much consciousness of guarding here, he had the instinct of not willing to continue wandering.

"You Who are you? "

Dream light smoke pupil flashed the meaning of panic, the breath that this woman sends out all over is too horrible, even more terrible than adults, what's going on?

Why is there something more terrible than adults in the endless starry sky?

Who is she?

The painting girl thought for a moment and said, "you want to occupy this place, right? No, I won't let you succeed. I like too much fighting. No one can take this place! "

After that, I saw the girl suddenly put out her hand and drew a line in the void.

In the next moment, the void made a loud and loud sound, and a sharp breath suddenly shot out. There was no sign at all. It suddenly pierced the heart of the dream.

"Ho ho..."

Dream light smoke continuous inverted air conditioning, pupil sharp contraction, always can not believe everything in front of us.

How could I be killed like this?

I Not willing!

Dream light smoke convulsed all over, finally fell to the ground head-on, splashing a piece of dust.

He had the first state of beheading, which forced the generals into a desperate situation. However, under the girl painter's hands, he could not even hold on to one move and died on the spot.

"Death Dead? "

Zhu felt it was just like a dream. It was unimaginable.

Why is this dead?

I don't know if I have any reaction. Is it the end of my dream?

Zhu Fu Si looks at the girl with complicated eyes. She only knows that the other side is terrible, but she doesn't expect to be so strong.

If she is here, do you need to be afraid of the demon clan?

Painting a girl alone is worth a hundred million soldiers and horses!


After killing the light smoke of dream, the girl raised her head and saw dozens of evil creatures coming to this side. They were so fierce that it was hard to parry.

Zhu Fu Si stepped back and was about to make a move. Suddenly, the girl reached out and drew a beam of light in the void. There was nothing strange about it. The beam of light shot out suddenly. In the void, she made a continuous turn and "poof" several times, penetrating the bodies of all evil creatures.

Next second, dozens of evil creatures fell to the ground, convulsing.

In a few seconds, he died.

Too Is it too strong?

It was not only Zhu Fusi, but also the general on the ground who was almost in a coma.

Where is the place where girls are fighting? It's clearly killing!

In the battlefield, who can resist her blow?

Painting girl walked forward, her speed is not fast, every step on the ground, as if there is a lotus province to carry out defense.

Lotus grows with every step.

Both sides of the battlefield are fighting fiercely, but with the girl coming, everyone stops, the pupils are shrinking, looking at her, the body is slightly trembling, I can't believe the scene in front of me.

Is she able to hold the whole venue by herself?

Those demon clans are shivering.

How can there be such a strong man?

Why didn't you feel it before?

I knew that Taiqian war world still existed. We farted!

Surrender early.

Painting girl across tens of thousands of miles of battlefield, her speed is not fast, but no one dares to breathe.

In the eyes of all kinds of astonishment, the painting girl points to a little in the void.

All of a sudden, a giant animal with a height of several kilometers suddenly formed and stood tall.

After it came out, it roared angrily in its mouth, swept across with one palm, grabbed dozens of demon families in the palm, kneaded and exploded into blood fog, and sent out.

The giant beast jumped up and down and slaughtered the demon clan.

The situation on the battlefield is directly reversed.

The four great stars of the human race are all looking at the painting girl with awe.

To that extent, it's like facing God.

Who can be so strong?

In addition to the painting girl, who else can lightly kill many demon families?


I don't know which demon clan is the first to return to the gods and roar.

Then, a large number of demon clans seemed to be ordered. They all reacted from the stupefied gods and ran desperately towards the outside of Taiqian battle field, for fear that they would run a little slower, and even their lives would not exist.

It's terrible.

How could there be such a horrible guy?

One after another, the demons began to flee from the Taiqian war.

Many human giants look at the front in a dazed way. This Is it all over?

The war that was about to lose was so easy to finish now. How could it be so unreal

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