Sky War Soul

Chapter 1832 killing the giant bear

The huge eyes of the copper plate of the giant bear stare at Chu Yun. They thought that they could almost catch a kid of level six, but they didn't expect that they would suffer such a big loss under this kid's hands!

The wound on his body is not very painful, but for him, it is a shame!


The giant bear is very angry. The cultivation of the ten levels of immortal in the hall can hurt a human boy who has lowered his three or four realms!

This is a question that has never been thought of!

"Boy, you pissed me off!"

The voice of the giant bear is cold, and the words seem to be filled with thunders, which is breathtaking.

But in a flash, with its voice falling down, and its body as the center, there is really an arc. Look carefully, it is some very small lightning, but it is growing from small to large!

"In my territory, you are the first one who dares to hurt me like this. Today I want you to look good!"

At this moment, the giant bear was fighting fiercely. One of his fur was tied up like a steel needle. His eyes bigger than the millstone exploded two flashes of lightning. He killed Chu Yun with the force of lightning!


The lightning attack speed is very fast, and instantly kill Chu Yun!

The giant bear is completely angry. He decides to deal with the wounded human!

However, Chu Yun has already made preparations.

Just after a fight, he knew that the giant bear was a grumpy man and would not let himself go easily.

At the same time, I will not let the giant bear go easily.

The beast of the tenth level of human beings and immortals is the best sharpening stone you can find.

Today, Chu Yun wants to temper himself with this giant bear!

When those two electric lights came to his side, Chu Yun, who had been standing there without moving, suddenly moved.

Steal the leg of heaven God, claiming to be able to escape from any pursuit of the strong under the heaven immortal.

He used it in an instant, leaving only a shadow in place, and then it completely disappeared from the giant bear's eyes.

At least, the eyes of the giant bear can't catch the track of Chu Yun!

In the moment after Chu Yun dodged, the two lightning also fell on the original standing position of Chu Yun at this moment. The lightning landed, and the huge power broke out, making a loud noise, almost breaking the earth down!

After this attack, Chu Yun stood in a different place. In his eyes, he was full of fighting spirit, but his mouth was full of sarcasm. He said, "stupid bear, use all your moves, let me see your strength!"

The giant bear didn't care if he didn't succeed, but he was still very angry.

Stupid bear!

Is the name "stupid bear" what this little human can call?

"Damn boy, do you really think that was my real attack just now? You haven't seen my real attack! "

The low and repressed roar shows the rage of the giant bear at this moment.

And that's not the real attack. For him, it's just a way to express his anger. However, if he changes this way, he will definitely be killed on the spot!

"Oh? Then attack me with all your strength! "

While talking, Chu Yun moved again.

His body shape is fast and slow, occasionally leaving the giant bear a track to catch, so that the giant bear will not give up the idea of attacking him at the same time of rage.

Sure enough, the giant bear who was not hit almost went away. His eyes, the size of a millstone, stared at the flashing track of Chu Yun and roared: "carving insects and small skills! Do you dare to use this slow body method in front of me? Die for me! "

When the voice falls, the giant bear suddenly raises his left palm, which covers the sky and blocks out the sun, and pats it hard to the left!

The palm did not arrive, but with a very strong momentum. It can also be seen that there is an arc around the left palm of the giant bear, which is awesome and awe inspiring, making people dare not look at it directly.

With this clap, Chu Yun's speed accelerated abruptly. The body method track that was intentionally left for giant bear to catch suddenly became perfect.


Unable to see the location of Chu Yun, giant bear's eyes were full of doubts.

However, as the existence of the tenth level of human immortals, it also has its own dignity. Although Chu Yun can't be caught any more, how can he admit this?

At the moment, he is only relying on his intuition.

It believes that Chu Yun is on his left side, so when the left palm is facing his left side, his right foot is also stepping on the left side.

Step by step.

It shows that it despises chuyun and shows its own strength. It seems that killing chuyun is as simple as killing a fly and an ant.

However, with the giant bear's action, the space around him seems to be torn. The twisted time and space and the lightning around the giant bear seem to make his surroundings a wall of iron, not giving Chu Yun a chance to get close to him!

"Ha ha, stupid bear, you don't have a long memory!"

Chu Yun knows how fast the leg is.

In response to the giant bear's move, it was a startling sword, which was slashed from the left!

Cut the sky with a sword!

What about thunder and lightning?

How about pulling the mountain?

I have a move to kill the sky!

In a flash, the sword ran through 3000 meters, breaking through the copper wall and iron wall formed by lightning, and only heard a light sound of "poo Yi", a broad bear's paw suddenly fell off, fell into the lightning purgatory, and was burnt!


The left palm was cut off, and a shrill scream came from the mouth of the giant bear.

Just now, the right palm was cut off by this move. Now the other side uses the same move, and he also gets the move again. The left palm was cut off!

The most important thing is that the area surrounded by thunder and lightning arranged by myself didn't hit the other side when I stepped on it recklessly!

Intuition doesn't work!

The giant bear is furious, just being hit by himself and wounded by himself. How could progress be so fast?

It's not a few rounds of fighting with myself, but it seems that I've changed a person. The fighting power has increased beyond my imagination!

"Stupid bear, eat me again!" With the whine of the giant bear, Chu Yun's voice rings again in his ear.

Hearing this, the giant bear suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart.

I don't see him, I only hear him.

However, the speed of sound propagation can't match his moving speed at all!

"Damn it! There's a kind of fight with me! "

The giant bear roared. He couldn't take care of the pain on his hands. He pushed his legs on the ground and jumped thirty feet high. Since the ground is not safe, he dodged the strange attack of the other side by jumping!

But just when the giant bear jumped up, on the ground directly below him, he suddenly raised a sharp blade to the sky, breaking the sky!

Time goes back!

From bottom to top, the blade is incomparable.

The lightning around the giant bear was cut off by every one of them!

Not good!

Feeling the danger coming from his crotch, his face changed greatly.

The speed of that unparalleled blade is extremely fast. If it is hit, and you don't say that you will be split in two, even if you are not killed, you will certainly die!

What a sinister boy!

Giant bear dare not hold big, that huge body in the critical moment even shrink into a ball, such as a ball, in the air roll quickly.

At the same time, it also tried its best to arrange thunder and lightning from the body surface, just like a little sun emitting white light!

From jumping up to hugging your legs and curling up to hum a circle, it's almost done at the same time!

However, time has been cut back to kill, no match blade and giant bear's body collide together, splashing blood!


It hurts!

But more humiliating!

"I want you dead!"

At this moment, the giant bear's mind to kill Chu Yun has been extinguished, and his mind to belittle Chu Yun has been put away. At this time, it has placed Chu Yun at the same level as himself, or even higher!

If you are careless, you may be killed by the human boy in front of you!

"Thunders strike 30000 Li to wipe out the bad people in the world!"

In the fury, thunder rolled.

The giant bear seems to be a ball of lightning, with all the strength of the whole body, with the fastest speed, with the most outrageous force, rushing to the ground Chu Yun!

"Ha ha, just in time!"

Seeing the white ball formed by the lightning on the sky killing himself, Chu Yun laughed, his body shape did not dodge, but his fists were tightly pinched, waiting for the arrival of the giant bear!

When the body shape of the giant bear was killed, Chu Yun waved his fist, and in a moment, all around the place, the space was shaking rapidly, as if the road was baked in summer, so that others could not see him!


"Eight square fist!"

The roar of the giant bear.

Chu Yun's call.

The two are mixed together, and collide at the same time. The violent energy is suddenly released at this moment, making a huge noise!




Both of them, with their own ultimate attack, immediately formed two huge awns, but also with smoke and dust, obscured the eyes of onlookers, so that people can not see the situation inside!


Not far away, Liu chengyigan and others looked at the center of Chu Yun's battle with the giant bear. They changed color one after another, and couldn't help worrying.

"Here Captain here... "

"Boss Liu, will the captain be ok?"

"How powerful! I can't believe that the captain can fight with the giant bear of the immortal level 10 to such an extent! "

"After all, the giant bear is at the 10th level of Renxian. Can the captain really kill the giant bear?"


Although Liu Cheng can see the progress of Chu Yun and Ju Xiong's hand in hand, he can't see the smoke and dust of the war center at the moment.

After all

After all, that giant bear is the tenth level of human beings!

Just one step away, you can step into the realm of immortals!

Although chuyun has made rapid progress, there is still a gap between chuyun and the powerful giant bear.

If Chu Yun still chooses to attack the giant bear in the same way as before, he may be able to defeat it, but he will fight hard

"The captain won't explain it here, will he?"

Suddenly, a mercenary said in an uncertain voice.

He was the first to ask that, and what other mercenaries wanted to ask.

Liu Cheng glared at the mercenary and said angrily, "shut up, fool!"

The mercenary was killed and dare not talk.

Other mercenaries who wanted to speak were silent at this time.

"The captain will not die in the hands of this stupid bear, will not!"

Seeing the silence of all the people, Liu Cheng's worry in his eyes flashed away and turned to be hard!

Although he was telling people, he never had such an idea in his mind

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