Sky War Soul

Chapter 1841 the hand of the God tree of Hong Meng

Although the God tree of Hongmeng hid in his body, he said that with him, the woman in front of him could not kill himself, which must be true.

But to chuyun's surprise, the beautiful woman in front of her was also a mysterious beast!

If you only look at her present form, and don't have Hongmeng God tree to explain it, you can't see that she is also a xuanming!

Just now, Chu Yun was still wondering where he had offended this woman. The explanation of Hongmeng divine tree made him realize it!

No wonder she wants to kill herself, no wonder she will directly catch xuanxiaozhan!

She's going to kill herself now, no blame.

After all, it's their own contract with their children that makes them their favorite.

Think about it in a different way. If your child is captured by someone and becomes a war favorite

Chu Yun's mood suddenly became depressed at this moment.

Xuanxiaozhan has his mother to help him, but what about himself?

At the beginning, the herdsman of Chu was taken away by the man of the fairyland. At that time, he destroyed the hearts of the nine ethnic groups of that man. However, he was not strong enough. At last, he could only watch the herdsman of Chu leave with him.

This is the biggest disgrace of his life. Even his children have no way to protect them. What is the qualification to say with a thick face not to be dominated by the immortal of the fairyland?

Now I come to the fairyland with full of anger, but I have no clue about the Chu shepherd.

In the vast fairyland and the vast sea of people, why is it difficult to find Chu herding?

"Herding Are you ok? "

Chu Yun looks up at the sky and mumbles to himself.

The luxuriant branches and leaves blocked his sight, and he could not see the stars in the sky.

His worry about Chu Muzhi is hard to express.

Destiny always likes to play tricks on people. Mingming has become the strongest in the world. Mingming has stood on the top of the mountain. The loneliness on the top of the mountain makes him sad, but he has met a strong enemy from the fairyland.

Immortal, how big a word, now I also came to the immortal world, but where is the man who captured Chu shepherd?

"Mu Zhi, wait for me. I won't let you stay there too long. I will find you in a short time!"

Even if the trees without the moon block his sight, they can't block his resolute heart. Chu Muzhi must be found back. The enemy must be killed!

At this moment, the fierce murderous spirit broke out from him. The strong murderous spirit swept around him, but he was blocked by an invisible wall one meter away from his body.

The beautiful woman felt the emotional change of Chu Yun, and her heart was full of awe.

She thinks that Chu Yun's intention is to kill her. At least for now, she is his enemy.

But for a moment, her eyebrows were locked. She had locked the space around Chu Yun and formed an invisible cage.

But the man didn't seem to feel the slightest crisis in front of her. Although his murderous intention was revealed, his expression was disappointed. She understood that murderous intention was not aimed at her.

But no matter who he is aiming at, under the threat of his own death, he is still distracted, thinking of killing another person, which is not reassuring himself!

At that moment, a little anger gradually appeared between her eyebrows. At this moment, she slowly extended her right hand. The white and slender fingers were shining in the night. The palm of her hand was aimed at Chu Yun.

Around Chu Yun, she has already set up a space shackle. In this space shackle, Chu Yun's life and death are controlled by her.

Her movements are very gentle, and her open fingers clench gently to control the space that trapped Chu Yun.

However, with her actions, Chu Yun still did not respond.

The space around Chu Yun was almost distorted, but he didn't feel it.

"Dare to wander?"

The cold voice, like the coming of winter, makes chuyun feel cold.

He came out of his mind, a pair of dark eyes quietly annotated her.

The other side's face has recovered calm, but Chu Yun feels the surging waves under the calm.


At this moment, Chu Yun responds. From the beginning to the end, she is under the control of the other party. She wants to kill herself easily!

There must be resistance!

Just after the thought came up, Chu Yun found that the immortal power in his body could not work, his shoulders were injured, and the power remaining in his body blocked his whole body meridians!


At the same time, a soft drink came out of her mouth, and the word "death" fell, and the pressure in the space around Chu Yun suddenly increased. The increased pressure at that moment seemed to squeeze him into meat sauce.

"Hey, boy, I'm here to help you!"

The voice of the sacred tree of Hongmeng responds in Chu Yun's mind at the right time, and a mysterious gas suddenly flows into his body from his second spirit and spreads all over his body.

At this moment, Chu Yun felt that all the pressure exerted on him had disappeared, and there was no discomfort except that his body could not move, his shoulders were still aching.


See Chu cloud still intact standing in place, adult xuanming beast slightly frown.

Her fist was just pinched, and she continued to manipulate the pressure to attack Chu Yun.

It's easy to kill Chu Yun, who is at level 7 of a human being, with her strength at Level 3.

But now under her pressure, Chu Yun, who was supposed to be crushed to death, did not suffer any harm. He was still standing in place, intact.

"What's the matter?"

She frowned, her right hand gradually retracted, looked at Chu Yun, said indifferently, "it's interesting. It seems that you have some secrets I don't know. "

Chu Yun's cultivation has no secret in her eyes. The cultivation of the seventh level of human immortals is penetrated by her.

It's almost like stepping on an ant to kill a person at level seven.

But now the other side in their own attack, there is no response!

If he had not pierced his shoulders before, he would not have been injured at all.

At the moment, Chu Yun heard the beautiful woman's words, his eyes narrowed, his eyes fixed on her, and said, "you must kill me?"

"What do you think?" she asked

Chu Yun is silent.


In the beautiful woman's xuanxiaozhan, anxious "squeak" of the call up.

It can't speak human language. At this time, it's anxious and uneasy. He waves his claws at Chu Yun with all his strength, but his expressive ability is not clear, so that Chu Yun doesn't know what it's expressing.

It is actually telling Chu Yun to run.

But the contractual relationship between the two was blocked by the golden light on its surface, which made Chu Yun unable to understand what it said.

"Little war, be quiet."

The woman gently stroked xuanxiaozhan's head without touching its hair. In the golden light, she was not willing to touch it.

Jin mang is the forbidden system to isolate the contractual relationship between Chu Yun and xuanxiaozhan. If this forbidden system is broken, he can kill xuanxiaozhan with one idea.

Even if not executed, the other side can also threaten her with the life of xuanxiaozhan, which will tie her hands and feet.

She will not let any chance that may threaten xuanxiaozhan.

Xuanxiaozhan is not quiet at this time, at least it is not quiet at this time.

It knows that Chu Yun did not regard it as a real war pet and would not hurt it.

It's much better to fall into the hands of Chu Yun than to rise and fall in the hands of Zhou Yu or Bai Yuxiao.

At this time, it even hopes that Chu Yun can leave safely, and even hopes to go with him.

Only by following Chu Yun, can he leave the boring moon less forest and see the magnificent world outside.

It's protesting, but Chu Yun doesn't understand.

The beautiful woman did not hear as well, its protest did not have any effect.

"You make me curious. What kind of medicine did you give to my little war? Let it help you talk now?"

The beautiful woman asked slowly, her voice was very quiet, her eyebrows were also stretched out, a picture of iceberg beauty.

Hearing the beautiful woman's words, Chu Yun said with a smile: "medicine? No, no, No. "

"If not, why let Xiaozhan speak for you? Now that I've cut you off from it, you shouldn't be able to manipulate the little war anymore. "

Beautiful woman said, beautiful eyes are more and more curious about Chu Yun.

At the same time, there are some past events in my mind.

She used to be a free beast, living in the extremely cold area of Xuanzhou, the snow field and ice field.

At that time, she was a first-class cultivation of immortals. A beautiful girl met her in the snow and ice field. At that time, she didn't learn how to change the human shape. She seized her, forced her to sign a contract and taught her how to change into a human.

At that time, she thought that she would become the tool of the girl and be manipulated to death by the other side.

But later in the war together, she always hid behind the girl. Any danger was solved by the girl alone.

Even if she was in danger, the girl saved her from it.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't help the girl. Instead, the girl helped her tirelessly.

Later she asked the girl why she had to sign a contract with her since she was not allowed to fight. The girl told her that she just felt lonely all the way and wanted to find a living creature to go with her.

A living creature can be a person, a monster, or a ghost. She just wants to talk to one person to fill in what she doesn't want to say to others.

From then on, the girl became the most admired human. Later, when she went to another place, it was inconvenient to take her, so she got rid of the contract, gave her freedom, and handed her a six level immortal method.

Depending on the six immortals method, she can cultivate to the third level of immortals, and will be stronger in the future.

And she didn't give the girl any help.

She, just as a talk object, accompanied the girl through a boring journey.

That girl is Tian Aoxue.

Xuanzhou Tianjia is the most outstanding genius ever.

Although he had the humiliation history of being forced to sign a contract, he was not really humiliated.

If xuanxiaozhan could meet tianaoxue's master, she would not interfere at all.

But there are only a few people with the same temperament as tianaoxue.

More people regard these monsters as war pets. Many people seize the characteristics of xuanming god beast that only recognizes the Lord once in their life and try their best to catch a xuanming god beast that has not recognized the Lord.

I don't know

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