Sky War Soul

Chapter 1857 bought two masters

Chu Yun was a little embarrassed. He took a look at those powerful immortals who were locked by the light wall. Except for a double headed wolf who wanted to kill himself, only the guy who claimed to be the elder of Zhou family was his enemy.

At present, the premise is that this week's three elders know that Zhou Chongxiao's intelligence is related to himself.

"Young man, it's just a choice. Hurry up. I'm sure you already know how to choose. "

The auctioneer urged Chu Yun at his side. Hearing his words, Chu Yun took a deep breath, took out two Yuan Li Dan from the space ring, and said, "I'm going to buy slaves. Can you recommend two people with high accomplishments?"

"Haha, it's simple!"

The auctioneer said, reaching for the void, and the white hand seemed to break the space. From his elbow, it seemed to break out of the air.

This is his right hand into the void, this means let chuyun see a hot eye!

Then, he took back his arm, but when he took it back, two figures fell in front of Chu Yun.

A man and a woman, a man about twenty years old, handsome, but his face full of horror.

The woman is a beautiful woman who looks about 30 years old. She looks embarrassed. Like the young man, her face is full of horror.

"You Who are you? "

The beautiful woman asked the auctioneer tremblingly.

Just now she was clearly bound in the light wall, and could not move at all in that place.

But all of a sudden, she felt a strong force on her body. Before she could react, she came to Chu Yun's face.

The young man did not speak, but the horror in his eyes lingered.

Before they walked in the desert, they were defeated by the sand soldier, then surrounded by the gang wind. They thought they would die under the gang wind, but they came to a strange place.

Here, they are confined to the light wall, and the immortal power inside them is suppressed, just like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Now suddenly, they are detained by others for no reason. How can they not have waves in their hearts?

The beautiful woman is waiting for the auctioneer to answer her question, but the auctioneer ignores him. Instead, she introduces them to Chu Yun: "these two people are the fifth level accomplishments of the immortals. At present, they are the strongest ones here."

Chu Yun took a look at the beautiful women and young people. The strong of the fifth level of the immortals is definitely the existence of the hegemonic side outside. However, he felt deeply that they were bought and sold at will like livestock in this secret place.

But now is not the time to feel, Chu asked: "if I buy them, their strength will be suppressed?"

"No," said the auctioneer


Chu Yun did not hesitate to hand the two Yuan Li Dan to the auctioneer.

At this time, the young man and the beautiful woman at the fifth level of the celestial being realized that they had been sold as goods!


Where is the strong immortal who is not respected?

Now she is bought and sold at will. Even though she is frightened, she cannot help being angry: "who are you? Are you not afraid to trade us as slaves today? "

"Shut up!"

The auctioneer glared at the beautiful woman and said, "do you want to threaten me with your own family power like them? Can you bear the anger of your family? Is it necessary to add a sentence to kill my nine families? "

After getting angry, the auctioneer looked scornful in his eyes, and said, "the sold livestock should have the consciousness of being a commodity. If I hear a threat in your mouth again, I don't mind really destroying your whole family!"

The beautiful woman's face changed greatly. She said angrily, "you Who are you? "

She dare not threaten the auctioneer in front of her with her own background, at least she can't threaten the auctioneer until she has made clear the background of the other party!

There is great power in this world, which can kill the whole family with a ray of blood. Although the immortals are strong, looking at the whole fairyland, those who really stand at the top of the pyramid can blow countless immortals to death in one breath.

"You can call me an auctioneer!"

The auctioneer didn't say his name, and his voice fell. He reached out and pointed to the beautiful woman's forehead. He didn't touch her skin, but there was a red blood trickle from her forehead.

At this moment, the beautiful woman's face changed greatly, her face became distorted, and she fell on the ground convulsively.

The essence of this life is bound with a spirit, which is connected with her mind. As long as the auctioneer slightly crushes the blood drop in front of her, she will die on the spot.

What kind of means is this?

Draw a person's life essence blood directly from the human body, this kind of means can be said to be against the sky!

After the auctioneer took out this drop of Bensheng blood essence, he flicked it gently towards Chu Yun. Bensheng blood essence turned into a stream of blood mist, pouring into his mind from the pores of Chu Yun. For a moment, Chu Yun only felt that he had a mysterious connection with this beautiful woman. Her name and her mind were clearly known by himself.

This is similar to the feeling of mutual understanding after xuanxiaozhan recognized himself as the master!

"Her life and death are between your thoughts. You can see her mind at any time. Even if she goes to another world, she can't cut off from you. Don't worry that her contact with you will be blocked. If you break her life essence, she will die on the spot. "

The auctioneer explained to Chu Yun.

Hearing this, Chu Yun felt only a thrill.

It's too creepy. It's the first time he's seen it!

This is a more terrible means than signing a contract with a monster. Even if it is isolated, it can crush the essence of one's life to decide the other's life and death. He has never heard of this terrible means!

At this time, the beautiful woman's face was pale, and she fell on the ground in despair, unable to say a word.

The fifth level cultivation of the immortal is regarded as the strong in the whole Xuanzhou continent, but it is easily grasped by people, without any resistance.

How horrible is this self proclaimed auctioneer?

"Then it's your turn!"

The auctioneer didn't pay attention to the desperate beauty. In the same way, he took a drop of blood essence from the youth of the fifth level of immortals that day, and then integrated it into Chu Yun's mind.

At this point, Chu Yun can clearly feel that there are two more powerful beings in his mind. He only needs one idea to make these two powerful beings disappear!


Young people seem to see more open some, in Chu Yun into his life blood essence, he did not hesitate to change his name.

A "master", no matter what his purpose is, proves that he is a wise man.

Only a wise man can cherish his life, which may be called a soft bone, but nothing in the world is more important than living.

Young people know this very well.

To live, there are countless possibilities. No matter people or immortals, the biggest miracle in this life is to live.

Chu Yun stood still, without any reaction. The auctioneer's means shocked his heart.

But the auctioneer smiled and said, "OK, three transactions have been completed. Next, you can rest here for a while. When other successful people come, I have to start the normal auction! "

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow of the auctioneer began to fade, and finally disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

As soon as he left, the power to suppress the young man and the beautiful woman disappeared, and their accomplishments recovered in an instant. The young man first restrained his momentum, but the beautiful woman didn't think of it at all. At this time, the momentum of the fifth level of the immortal appeared on her, just like the waves, pushing Chu Yun far away!


The young man slapped the pretty woman in the face, and the pretty face became ferocious: "fool, offend the master, do you want to die?"

Vaguely, there is a blue and fine Lin Jia on the young man's forehead, and the black pupils suddenly turn into pupils, and they rush straight to the beautiful woman with murderous intent. It seems that they will tear the beautiful woman to pieces at the next moment!

The lady who got a slap covered her cheek. Her right face swelled at the speed of naked eyes. Her lips trembled a little. Her face roared inconceivably, "dare you hit me?"

From her body, the hairpin on her head blooms with a gorgeous golden awn, making a phoenix sound, turning into a sacred Phoenix hovering over her head. The hair is calm and automatic, and the clothes on her body are also swept with the killing intention on her body, making a loud noise.

The young man saw it, turned back and hung in the sky. His right hand made a sword finger and waved forward. Two snow-white daggers flew out of his eyebrows and hovered in front of him, sending out cold light.

Their swords were drawn and their bodies collided with each other, which made the celestial beings around the east wall howl loudly.


Chu Yun shouted to stop. When the order was given, all the killing ideas on the young man suddenly disappeared and flew to Chu Yun's side, "good master!"

A pair of beautiful eyes stare at Chu Yun and the youth, ready to kill Chu Yun and the youth together.

Unfortunately, how can she conceal the killing intention of Chu Yun in her heart?

Feeling the murderous intention in the heart of the beautiful woman, Chu Yun snorted coldly. The idea moved, but gently stirred the essence blood belonging to the beautiful woman. The beautiful woman only felt like being struck by lightning, a mouthful of blood gushed out of her mouth, and all kinds of visions on her body disappeared one after another. The exquisite body lay on the ground for a moment, and her face was horrified.

"Now your life is under my control. I don't care what you don't want. If you can't understand the situation, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

Chu Yun's voice was cold, and the young man who was standing beside him blinked a little. He said with a smile, "listen to the master."

The beautiful woman snorted coldly, turned her head away and expressed her dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, Chu Yun said coldly, "just now I have killed a celestial being. If I hold my own identity and think that being my slave is humiliation, I don't mind letting you go!"

A smile of sarcasm came up from the corner of the beautiful woman's mouth, "little man, fairy or ant, if it's not my life essence blood in your body, you dare to talk about it?"

Chu Yun hears the words and stares at the beautiful woman coldly.

He didn't speak, and he couldn't see murderous intention in his eyes, but the cold intention in his eyes made the beautiful woman who showed her sarcasm gradually put away her sarcasm.

Maybe he will kill himself, just one thought.

But to submit to such a mole ant

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