Sky War Soul

Chapter 1860 looking for the red line

Chu Yun is helpless. As the auctioneer said, they are just ants in this space.

The auctioneer, perhaps, is that boring great power. He created a secret place to attract the immortals around the moon free forest and manipulate people's freedom and life at will. However, people have no way to resist. They can only act according to the rules he created. How sad!

And now he divides the immortals below the immortals into 3500 teams. What do you mean?

Is he going to let people handle the "soldiers" they just got, and fight a war in this secret place?

It seems that there is such a possibility. After all, this secret place is a game of this big guy!

At the thought of these, Chu Yun felt powerless in his heart. With his current strength, he could not compete with the auctioneer at all!

Those immortals, who are classified as soldiers, have their helplessness written on their faces at this time. Some even give up their lives and don't want to escape any more.

It's just a meaningless struggle. The auctioneer is the master here. No one can escape from this space without his nod!

The man who just escaped is an example. Just after he escaped to the light wall, he was smashed by the light wall. The horrible prohibition exists. No one dares to challenge the power of the light wall with his own life!

Now even if we live as slaves, it is still alive.

All of them are immortals in the fairyland. Everyone knows that life is more valuable than death!

"It's hopeless to have such a strong prohibition!"

There was a "slave" sighing softly. The powerlessness in his heart was expressed incisively and vividly at this time.

"If you endure, you may have a chance to live. Living is more important than anything!"

"Yes, only to live is hope. Even if you live as a slave, it's better than to die!"


There was a lot of noise in the crowd. The man who escaped to the light wall and was hanged to pieces gave them a vivid lesson.

But the auctioneer didn't pay attention to these things. At this time, he continued: "3500 successful border breakers, these 3500 teams are the gifts I give you!"

His white clothes are floating and standing in the sky. On his body, there is a layer of glittering white light, which makes him look like holy.

But even for a successful person, no one dares to disagree with what he said.

At present, it's a rite, but in this prison, it's not a rite at all!

Almost all of them know that they are just ants in the eyes of the auctioneer.

Then the auctioneer went on, "the soldier I gave you belongs to you from now on! Their lives will be under your control! "

As soon as his voice fell, he waved his hands gently and made a move from bottom to top. Then he saw that the yellow sky suddenly bloomed with colorful beams, shining on the earth and toward the people on the ground!

The colorful light interweaves together to construct a dreamlike scene.

Some people are frightened, some people laugh, some people are silent, all kinds of life are performed here.

For those who pass the test of "thousand people chop", they have no idea what the effect of these beams is.

But these 3500 people feel that there are some more things coming out of their own mind, some are fuzzy, and they just feel that there seems to be something growing in their own mind.

At the moment when Chu Yun felt that he was covered by the light, he suddenly felt that there were many more things in his mind. With the duration of the light, the layer of hazy things gradually became clear.

Slowly, he found that it was a person's name, thoughts and actions, and open a person's name at will, and he found that each other's actions were under his control.

He knows exactly what the other party is thinking!

"What does this beam do? What the hell is this? "

The soldier's mind was clearly heard by Chu Yun. He could feel that the man was in a panic.

After all, he didn't pass the test of the sand soldier. He was previously confined to the light wall. Now, even though he was temporarily free from the light wall, his ban was lifted, but he felt that he had a layer of bondage!

He didn't know what effect that fetter had, but no matter what fetter, it was unacceptable to him!

The thought of the soldier was heard clearly by Chu Yun. The soldier was named Cui Xiao.

Chu Yun tries to point out another soldier's name, just like Cui Xiao before him. What is in the other side's mind is captured by him in an instant!

Then, he continued to try, after trying four names in a row, they are the same as the former!

Every soldier's emotional fluctuation can't escape his perception. They seem to become a part of his body, and even their thoughts can be found clearly.

It's a terrible thing. At this moment, he seems to be a God in high position, controlling more than 6000 'soldiers' divided into his own hands. An idea can decide their life and death!

"What kind of means did the auctioneer use? I can clearly perceive the thoughts of these six thousand people and control their fate. I have hardly heard of such means! "

Chu Yun sighed in his heart. At this time, he really wanted to ask what happened to Hongmeng divine tree in his mind, but he would not appear as long as there was an auctioneer.

This created a kind of illusion for Chu Yun, as if the old man Hongmeng Shenshu was afraid of the auctioneer.

At this time, there was a voice of compassion in the crowd, saying loudly: "auctioneer, can you let us dispose of the gift you gave us?"

In the space with nine colors of light, the auctioneer heard the man's words and said, "since I have given them to you, they will be at your disposal naturally!"

Hearing the auctioneer's words, Chu Yun was shocked.

"Red line!"

At this moment, Chu Yun immediately screened Zhu Hongxian's name among his more than 6000 'slaves', but unexpectedly, Zhu Hongxian was not divided into his queue!

At that moment, Chu Yun's look became particularly ugly. I wish the red line if something happened in front of him, the guilt in his heart, and how to clean it!

"I wish the red line, you must be OK!"

Chu Yun clenched his fists tightly and scanned the crowd with his eyes, trying to find the figure of Zhu Hongxian.

But how can more than 20 million people find her here?

This is not the lower boundary. If a divine sense scans the past, it can find the person it is looking for among the hundreds of millions of people.

Here, his divine sense can hardly leave his body. Even now, although the power of spirit can be used, it can only leave his body for one meter!

One meter, what's the concept?

Compared with the lower bound, there are too many differences.

Not beyond the realm of fairyland, no one's spirit can leave his body unless he or she has a very good fight at every stage!

Chu Yun is now the cultivation of human beings and immortals. The divine sense is detected. Ten meters away, looking at the whole fairyland, several people can do it!

But what's the use of this divine sense that can be more than one meter away from the body? Looking for ants on the ground?

So Chu Yun is full of anxiety.

Zhu Hongxian is not in his "soldiers" team. There are totally 3500 successful border breakers. The probability that Zhu Hongxian will be assigned to Chu Yun is one in 3500. How low is the probability!

Chu Yun understands this, and with the character of the auctioneer, since this guy knows that Zhu Hongxian is the person that Chu Yun cares about, he may not be willing to assign Zhu Hongxian to Chu Yun!

After all, everything in this secret place may be a game for auctioneers!

Now coupled with the auctioneer's words, Chu Yun became worried.

Because he didn't see clearly, but he could hear the voice of the other side. It was the Dragon evil!

What kind of a person is dragon evil? Chu Yun is very clear in his heart. That guy always treats the immortal as food. Now he suddenly has more than 6000 people in his hand. It's strange that he swallows them all at once!

If the luck of Zhu Hongxian is bad enough, it happens to be divided into the hands of dragon evil

Chu Yun did not dare to think about it any more. He was worried, and directly told Liu San, "Liu San, hurry to find out the figure of Zhu Hongxian!"

Hearing Chu Yun's voice, Liu San was very worried. What should have come was always here.

I've pushed it out once before. Although I didn't succeed, I hurt my soul.

And now is not the time to shirk. After all, his life is in his hands. If he refuses, listen to his anxious tone now, I'm afraid he will be killed by this guy's idea?

"Master, don't worry. I'll look for it right away."

Liu San hurriedly suppressed other thoughts in his heart. He took a deep breath. Then the power of spirit swept around like a wave. He explored other immortals and looked for the figure of Zhu Hongxian!

He is a strong man of the fifth level of immortals. Here, he is not the strongest at all. His divine sense can only extend a kilometer. But in order to help Chu Yun find the Zhu Hong line, he has already let it go.

However, Liu San's spirit power can only frighten the existence of some accomplishments under the immortals after all. As he continues to walk and explore, all immortals at the level of immortals, when they realize that Liu San's spirit power is wantonly covering them, they immediately provoke a counterattack!


After four consecutive detections, Liu San finally ushered in his opponent. Before he could find the figure of Zhu Hongxian, he was directly reprimanded.

With this shout, Liu San's ears heard it. He only felt a pinprick pain from the spirit. The extended power of the spirit was cut off directly under this shout!

All of a sudden, his face turned white, the whole person couldn't help blundering, and there was red blood overflowing from his seven orifices.

This time, it's more serious than the soul injury of the previous moment!

If we can slowly recuperate the wounds suffered by the spirit before, then there is no way to recuperate the wounds suffered by the soul now. In front of the tyrant, the cold hum of the other side has already hurt his essence!

"So strong!"

Liu San didn't even know who was fighting against him. The other side's cold hum cut him off

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