Sky War Soul

Chapter 1863 blood curse

The auctioneer's voice was cold, with an indescribable sense of killing.

As his voice fell, the master of the fourth level array of immortals who was in the auction suddenly fell into the hands of the auctioneer.

"Ha ha, how about killing me? Is someone afraid of death? "

The magician who was caught by the auctioneer was determined to die generously.

He is not afraid of death. He is traded like a commodity. It's better to die.

Death, compared with dignity, is there anything to fear?

Some people choose to give up dignity when facing death, while others choose the former when they have to make a choice between dignity and death.

This mage is willing to die in order to maintain his dignity. It's better to die standing than to live kneeling!

When the auctioneer heard this, the murderous intention on his face suddenly disappeared. On the contrary, he still had an appreciative smile on his face and said: "yes, he has backbone! The farther you go, the more afraid you are of death. Some people would rather kneel down and seek a way of life than die. I admire the monk who is dead and has no afterlife. You are not afraid of death. "

The array mage didn't speak. His eyes were fixed on the auctioneer, and he didn't speak any more.

What's the difference between living without dignity and dying?

But the auctioneer continued, "sometimes death is not terrible. There are many things in the world that are more terrible than death. If you don't believe it, just look at it. I promise you will regret your decision."

The auctioneer's words surprised the fourth level array master that day.


What will I regret?

He doesn't think he'll regret if he tries to die.

How can he be afraid of death when he has a will to die?


The auctioneer's mouth picked up a thoughtful smile, and his voice fell. On his forehead, a gorgeous white awn appeared, directly covering the fourth level of the Celestial Master array.

Baimang looks very dazzling, but to others, it doesn't have any killing power.

But with this white light covering the fourth level of the Celestial Master, the master immediately felt a breath of palpitation.

He is not afraid of death. He has a will to die. Any danger is acceptable to him.

But now he is in the hands of the auctioneer. Under the white light, although he doesn't feel any pain, he feels as if something unexpected is going to happen to him.

The auctioneer glanced at the array mage and slowly said, "there is a blood curse in this world. Even though it is separated by countless planes, it can still curse people who have blood relations with themselves."

The words fell to the magician's ears like a bolt from the blue.

Blood curse!

He didn't hear of blood curse. It was because he heard of "blood curse" that he was shocked!

"You You're going to put a blood curse on me? "

The master of array looked at the auctioneer with a look of horror. How could he not have thought that he would bring such a disaster to himself if he was determined to die!

There are many kinds of blood curse.

There are people who can limit others' lives, for example, how old they live, they have to die.

There are also restrictions on other people's cultivation, such as the degree of cultivation, which can no longer be broken through.

There are also people who are directly related to their own blood. This type of curse is the most terrible. The caster can bring up a vein of blood from others, and then directly separate the space to cast, and kill that vein with the force of rules!

"Got it?"

There was a smile on the auctioneer's face, just as the voice fell, the white light that enveloped the master of array drew a drop of red blood from his body.

Like the size of a bead of red blood, it looks very bright.

In the blood bead, the figure of the array mage is in the column.

It was one of his souls, which was extracted from his body by the auctioneer.

That drop of blood is the essence of his life.

This life essence and blood together with a wisp of soul fall into the hands of those who can spell, which is a great disaster.

The blood essence and soul of Benming were extracted from his body, which did not make him feel pain.

But no pain, but more than pain.

He even wanted the auctioneer to kill himself directly, instead of waiting for the other side to put a blood curse on him as he is now!

It doesn't matter if I die, but because of my death, I will not redeem my family!

"You You devil! "

At this moment, the mage was frightened.

He stared at the auctioneer in horror and scolded: "you devil, you treat us as playthings. You play with more than 20 million people between the palms of your shares. If you become a high-powered self-cultivation, you will bully the weak and bully the small. You will be punished by heaven!"

He was shouting abuse.

But his forehead was covered with a layer of sweat beads, which was frightened by the auctioneer's means.

As the auctioneer said before, death is not terrible. Sometimes a series of effects caused by death are the most terrible!

There is no doubt that the essence blood drawn from the auctioneer's body is to curse his own blood!

If he successfully casts the curse, the person who has blood relationship with himself, no matter where he was born, must be cursed to death!

"Damnation? I am the God. I will condemn myself. "

The auctioneer smiled, and the smile on the huge Dharma phase made everyone feel cold.

"What is the blood curse?"

On the other side, Chu Yun asks people around him.

Liu San and Hu Sanniang don't know much because they are monsters. They are going to start from the beginning.

Zhang Xuan, who was just photographed, knows a lot about the blood curse. He explains with a solemn look: "the blood curse covers a wide range. In today's world, some people are born with the blood of Wulin or ancient gods and beasts. As long as these people activate the blood in their bodies, they will change dramatically."

Before Zhang Xuan finished, Liu San hurriedly agreed: "but this blood inheritance is also a kind of blood curse! Some people cultivate to a certain extent, can brand the law in their own blood, and then pass it on to their own descendants, so that their descendants also have some ancestral power. That's my explanation, isn't it? "

Zhang Xuan nodded and said: "yes, blood inheritance is also a kind of blood curse. But the reason why it is called blood inheritance is that there is no side effect. Since the curse of blood has the word "Curse", I believe you know the meaning of it. "

Xuanqiuliang, who has always shown people with a high cold posture, also said: "curse, I have seen it. I once followed Tianao snow to see a family that was cursed by blood. The immortal of that family can only live to a thousand years old. No matter how amazing and brilliant he is, after a thousand years old, the blood curse will break out completely and destroy himself. "

Hearing their words, Chu Yun was surprised and said, "so now he wants to plant a blood curse on this mage? But now the curse is only imposed on him. How can it affect people who have blood relations with him? "

"You'll see!"

Xuanqiuliang said coldly, there is an indescribable melancholy in those beautiful eyes.

Zhang Xuan, Liu San and Hu Sanniang are all silent. Now they dare not speak any more and don't want to talk any more.

If the auctioneer can really impose a blood curse, this is not good news for all.

After all, blood curse has been regarded as the existence of heresy since ancient times. The earliest blood curse came from the hands of heresy.

Since the auctioneer can use blood curse, is he the heresy in the fog area?

In the fairyland, except for Kyushu, all are misty areas, and the existence of misty areas is collectively referred to as heresy.

The number of creatures in the fog area is larger than that in Kyushu, the fairyland. It is said that some powerful people have been fighting with the creatures in the fog area to protect Kyushu from the invasion of evil spirits.

This kind of secret information, in Xuanzhou, can only be regarded as a legend. Few believe it.


Chu Yun didn't know what they were thinking. He saw a few people who didn't speak and didn't pay any more attention to them.

He was curious about what the auctioneer called the blood curse and wanted to see what the consequences were.

In this cage, many people also know the function of blood curse. For a while, the crowd became very noisy. When they talked about blood curse, they all felt frightened.

"Blood curse? It's said that this is the means of heresy. Is this auctioneer the heresy from the fog area

"No way. If it's a demon, how can it reward us!"

"That is, the misty area is just a legend. If there is such a big fairyland, the strong Immortal Emperor of our people will kill it directly!"

"Not bad! Immortal's means are unpredictable. They are standing at the top of the pyramid. In this world, who is the opponent of immortal's strong? "


At the beginning, some people speculated that the auctioneer was a demon from the misty area. Gradually, the topic of the people became a powerful immortal who talked about the fairyland.

As for the person held by the auctioneer, there are not many people willing to pay attention.

At this time, the mage cried to the auctioneer for mercy: "let me go, I am willing to surrender, I am willing to be sold as a commodity, I beg you to let me go!"

However, the auctioneer didn't seem to hear him. His face was full of sarcasm and he said, "please? Scold me a few, beg for mercy even? How can you do without paying a price. "

While talking, the auctioneer's huge Dharma phase waved his hand, and the life essence blood suspended not far from the center of the array mage's eyebrows suddenly flew into the hands of Dharma phase.

I just got my blood essence into the hands of the auctioneer. The auctioneer's left hand waved gently again and said with a smile, "you are so lucky that you can see the drama I prepared for you with your own eyes. You can see it clearly later!"

Big show?

What's everyone's mind to see!

The so-called drama is just another way to make an example of others!

Now one by one regret, for stepping into this space, breaking into the auctioneer's territory, met such a madman, everyone is worried about their own outcome.

Some people have come to understand that in terms of the problems they encounter, this is not a secret place at all,

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