Sky War Soul

Chapter 1876 Black Plain

Some plant like creatures have always been rooted in the original place. They are constantly absorbing the immortal spirit between heaven and earth, and constantly improving their accomplishments. If they go out, they usually use their own separate bodies, and rarely let their own bodies move directly.

When a man moves a living tree or a dead tree, even if he has cultivated his own wisdom, he is not willing to run around with his own body every day.

They like to take root in a certain place and cultivate themselves slowly.

Queen bee is no exception. If she didn't get married with Chu Yun this time, she would not leave the place where she raised herself and leave with Chu Yun if she wanted to leave.

To say the exception, I'm afraid that only the previous entwined vines like to run around every day against their own bodies and provoke right and wrong everywhere.

"Evil without mountains, save me!"

After the appearance of the evil Wuling, the old man uttered a shrill scream.

He had received the voice of the evil Wuling. The evil Wuling asked him to pay attention to the movement of the queen bee. If he saw it, he could intercept it.

This time, because he saw the queen bee, he directly stopped it. However, he didn't expect that the queen bee's accomplishments were so strong. He used a protective cover to give the spirit power in it. He slapped it down, and all the attacks in the protective cover directly penetrated into his body.

Now he felt that his whole body had an inexplicable power running around. In his mind, there was a power of spirit sweeping through him like a storm, which made him have a headache.

He didn't even hear the conversation between the evil Wuling and the queen. Now his head is too painful for him to notice the outside things.

The evil Wuling didn't even look at the old man. His eyes fell on Chu Yun's body. In his eyes, killing intention emerged. He said, "what's the scenery here?"

Chu Yun didn't know why he asked himself this. He replied, "beautiful mountains and rivers."

The evil Wuling way: "this is the burial ground I chose for you."

When the voice fell, Chu Yun felt only a pain in his head, as if a knife had invaded his mind and was running around in his mind, destroying his brain structure.


Chu Yun screams with his head in his arms. His whole body is bent into shrimps. The sharp pain in his head makes him unbearable.

"Evil without mountains!"

When the queen saw it, she roared, and her figure flashed. She left a shadow in the place. She came to Chu Yun in an instant and protected him behind.

At the same time, Duan Lang also flashed to the front of the queen bee, and his whole body was surging up and down. His strong momentum broke out from him, and his fighting spirit was strong.

Chu Yun is his master. If he dies, he will die with him. At this moment, he doesn't want chu Yun to be hurt. So at this moment, he flashes to Chu Yun and attacks the evil Wuling without hesitation.

His whole body of immortal power is concentrated on his right hand. The surging immortal power around him is continuously converging towards his palm. In an instant, he raises his hand and beats towards the evil Wuling.

In the face of Duan Lang's attack, Xie Wuling snorted coldly. When Chu Yun's attack was about to kill him, he gently extended his left palm and collided with Duan Lang's palm.

All of a sudden, the power of fury broke out from the palms of both sides, sweeping all around, letting Zhu Hongxian, Xuan Qiuliang and Zhao Sanbao involuntarily run Xianli to resist the fury.

When the two slaps collided, Duan Lang felt a sharp pain in his right palm, and the whole person's body was also forced to fly backwards, which made a deep hole in the ground.

"Cough, cough..."

Duan Lang coughs violently in the big pit, and the blood overflows from the corners of his mouth. He is hit hard by the attack of the evil Wuling.

"Don't come here to sacrifice your ugliness!"

Xie Wuling said with a scornful face that he didn't take Duan Lang to heart at all.

Just as the voice of the evil Wuling was falling, the old man who was tricked by the queen suddenly shouted at the evil Wuling: "evil Wuling! I was only hurt when I stopped the queen bee for you. Please help me

He couldn't stand it. There was great pain all over his body. The feeling that his soul would be torn made him feel as if he saw the end of his life. The whole person was full of fear.

But Xie Wuling turned a deaf ear to his words and instead focused on the queen bee.

At this time, the queen bee is curing Chu Yun. Her white palm is placed on Chu Yun's forehead, and there is glittering white light in the palm. A soft force is uploaded into Chu Yun's mind from her palm, and it is suppressing the force invading his mind for Chu Yun.

Just now, evil Wuling attacked Chu Yun with his soul. He left a mark of soul attack in Chu Yun's mind and was destroying his soul.

In fact, Chu Yun was only in pain for a while, and the attack of the spirit that intruded into his mind was stopped by the Hongmeng God tree above the second spirit, but it was not destroyed.

The God tree of Hongmeng didn't want to expose himself, so at this time, he could only suppress all means to attack Chu Yun, and would not help him to resolve them.

Now, with the power of the spirit of the queen bee invading into Chu Yun's mind, the queen bee immediately chases the power of the spirit left by the evil Wuling to resolve the crisis in Chu Yun's mind.

"Xianggong, this evil Wuling is the strong one of Jinxian. I will fight with him later. At that time, I will not be able to protect you, so now you take the opportunity to leave."

Queen bee sends a message to Chu Yun. In the face of evil Wuling, she can't relax at all.

The evil Wuling is too strong. At the tenth level of the celestial being, one of the other's separate bodies can defeat her. Now he comes from the whole body. Even if he breaks through the golden immortal, she doesn't think she is the opponent of the evil Wuling!

Therefore, she now directly communicates to Chu Yun. She relies on Duan lang. only Duan Lang can take Chu Yun away. I believe that Chu Yun will know this.

Chu Yun hears the words and takes a deep look at Zhu Hongxian. He doesn't flirt with her. He seriously transmits the message and replies, "then be careful."

"Grandpa, don't worry. Although I can't beat him, he can't easily catch me if I want to escape. "

After the queen bee finished speaking, Chu Yun used his legs to steal the sky and ran to xuanqiuliang.

At this time, Duan Lang, who suffered some injuries, also crawled out of the pit. He also ran to Chu Yun in a hurry. Seeing that Chu Yun was not injured, he was relieved.

Duan Lang, please protect us from here later

Chu Yun tells Duan Lang through the blood essence contract.

Duan Lang hears the words and feels awe inspiring. He looks at the queen bee and Zhao Sanbao. He says, "when they fight, we will leave!"

"Queen bee, I think you should understand that this little white face can't give you what you want."

At this moment, evil Wuling opens his mouth. In his speech, his killing intention emerges in his eyes.

This is aimed at Chu Yun's killing intention. He hates Chu Yun too much. The queen bee has been identified as his own woman, but Chu Yun takes love with a knife!

When the queen hears the words, she seems to hear some jokes and says, "ha ha, how do you know what I want? I just want to marry him. I like him. Do you mind? "

As soon as the voice fell, a wave of energy burst out in her eyebrow and heart. It was the attack of the spirit. It was invisible. At this time, it came out to kill the evil Wuling directly.

After breaking through the golden immortal, her spirit attack has been improved again. Although the evil Wuling is strong, it is impossible to kill her directly as before.

He felt the danger passed by him. As soon as the face of the evil Wuling was cold, he snorted coldly. His body disappeared from the original place like a blink. When the queen attacked, he didn't even touch his clothes.

"Useless queen, I know your means of attack. Your greatest dependence is only soul attack. On soul accomplishment, I am stronger than you! "

The evil Wuling has stood on the left side of the queen bee, but when speaking, the power of the spirit is directly launched, invisible spirit attack, not against the queen bee, but towards the Chu cloud attack!

And the queen seemed to have expected this for a long time. She stepped forward, her body was agitated by Xianli, like a whirlwind, and went towards the package of Chu cloud.

At the same time, the powerful power broke out from her, and a column of light shone on the sky, with rolling power, killing the evil Wuling.

She will not give time for the evil Wuling to attack Chu Yun, so this attack is directed against the spirit of the evil Wuling.

At that moment, the spirit attack of the evil Wuling that was about to fall on the Chu cloud was stopped by the queen bee. The spirit attack was touched with the towering light column, and the powerful energy was released towards the surrounding area in an instant, and the people around were lifted one after another!


The queen bee directly communicates to Duan Lang, in a word, expressing all her thoughts.

Hearing the queen bee's words, Duan Lang did not hesitate to wrap Chu Yun, Xuan Qiuliang and Zhu Hongxian's body. The immortal power of his body ran to the extreme, like a flash of light, with Chu Yun they disappeared from the original place!

"Want to run?"

Evil Wuling looks slightly changed. Chu Yun is sure to take it, but the other side is going to run away from him now. How can it be?

All of a sudden, he soared into the sky and headed for Chu Yun and them to control the sky!

Seeing that the evil Wuling pursues Chu Yun, the Queen's face changes greatly. Seeing the old man rolling on the ground, she roars: "you villain, the evil Wuling is obviously not ready to save you. You have been abandoned by him. Now you want to live, stop the evil Wuling with me!"

When the voice fell, the spirit attack that had invaded the old man's body stopped immediately. The old man, who was in constant pain, gasped for breath immediately after feeling the relief of his pain.

But without gasping, he heard Zhao Sanbao roar: "kill so many of me, you take your life!"

A sword came from the left side, cutting through the sky and pointing straight at the old man's head.

The old man is just coming out of the attack of the spirit of the queen bee. He has no extra strength to deal with the crisis around him. At this time, Zhao Sanbao has no time to deal with it!

All of a sudden, the long sword had been killed in front of him and cut heavily on his neck. A flash of blood splashed. The old man who became famous for his physical strength didn't stop Zhao Sanbao's sword!


The old man is angry. Where is there time to pursue the evil Wuling?

I was hurt by a mole ant. If I let him go like this, where is my face!

Immediately, the old man raised his hand and waved it to Zhao Sanbao. In the moment of slapping, five pieces of paper bloomed from his fingers, with brilliant green light, like a God

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