Sky War Soul

Chapter 1894 wizard meteor

"When is the cloud so strong? Even the blood devil of Canyang died in his hands. How powerful is his war power? "

Hu Jiuwei looks at the clouds and mumbles to himself.

Zuoyin's condition is not much better. In the murderous atmosphere, the face of the blood devil of Canyang is ferocious. The cloud flying in the same realm with them can kill the blood devil of Canyang, which makes her feel great pressure.

The blood devil of Canyang broke into the supreme realm thousands of years ago. This realm is called the supreme immortal, also known as the immortal Zun. It is the Zun among the immortals.

In addition, Canyang blood devil has always been a role of bullying soft and not bullying hard. It's hard to kill him.

Now, Canyang blood devil died in yunfeiyang's hands. If not for this time, the shadow of Canyang blood devil is included in the murderous Qi of yunfeiyang, I'm afraid some people think that Canyang blood devil is closing up to consolidate his own realm.

At this time, Yun Feiyang doesn't know what other people think. He can't kill Chu Yun directly now, but he can destroy Chu Yun's Tao heart!

It's just a second-order mole ant of the earth immortal. No matter how talented he is, if he leaves a shadow on his Tao heart, his future road will be cut off directly, and the shadow will not be removed. After that, it's hard for him to set foot on the peak!

At the same time, feeling the strong murderous spirit from the other side, Chu Yun only felt a shock in his mind, as if his spirit would be drawn out of the body by this force to hang.

The horrible murderous Qi affected Chu Yun at the first time. It was all aimed at his personal murderous intention. And Yun Feiyang deliberately showed all murderous Qi to frighten him!

The effect is very good. In the face of this terrible murderous spirit, Chu Yun can't hold back any thoughts in his heart. This murderous spirit is too strong and huge. In the face of this murderous spirit, he feels as small as dust, as if he could be swept up by this murderous spirit as ashes at any time.


It was at this time that the sacred tree of Hongmeng in Chu Yun's mind snorted coldly.

All of a sudden, the killing effect on Chu Yun disappeared.

This murderous spirit for the God tree of Hongmeng, want to dissolve, but it is a piece of work.

"Boy, this way of killing and gathering is not bad. Every person killed by him will gather a murderous spirit. His murderous spirit soars to the sky. In his life, I don't know how many people he killed, so he has the murderous intention now. Today, I have helped you to resolve this murderous intention. You can give me more immortal Qi later. "

Hongmeng divine tree invites contributions in Chu Yun's mind. Hearing his words, Chu Yun feels speechless for a while.

After the sacred tree of Hongmeng dissolved Chu Yun's murderous spirit, Wei Beiliang stepped out at this time. In a moment, a peaceful atmosphere spread from her and enveloped Chu Yun.

At this moment, Chu Yun felt a sense of unspeakable comfort floating on his heart, but Wei Beiliang directly took the initiative to help him resolve the immediate crisis.

Her cultivation has already reached the supreme level. It's easy to stop the murderous Qi of cloud flying.

Then, Wei Bei cool indifference stare at cloud flying, way: "you passed."

"Ha ha, uncle Wei, what are you doing? I just want to ask elder martial brother chuyun for advice. Would you stop me now

The cloud flies in laughs, but in the heart actually hates to kill Chu cloud immediately.

"Besides, uncle Wei, Chu Yun and I are of the same generation. Is it really too much for you to directly interrupt our duel?"

During the conversation, yunfeiyang's killing intention converged instantly, but his fighting intention was high, as if he wanted to fight with yunfeiyang.

Wei Bei Liang piaotao took a look at the cloud flying and said: "it's not suitable to use force today. If you do it to him again, don't blame my people for being merciless."

Hearing this, Yun Feiyang pondered for a moment, and finally the war disappeared without trace, and put out the idea of fighting with Wei Beiliang.

No matter if I can beat Wei Beiliang, I can't challenge her in front of the public now.

She is an elder of her own. In front of so many people, she doesn't respect her elders if she gives her a direct hand.

The face that should be given is still to be given. As for chuyun, a second-order mole ant of the earth immortal, even the Shaofeng master of Tongtian peak, there is no need to give him face.

If everyone gives face, it's too cheap.

"Uncle Wei, since you say it's not suitable to use martial arts today, let's call it a day. Since elder martial brother chuyun is the leader of Shaofeng, I will spend a lot of time with him in the future! "

Yun Feiyang finished, suddenly raised his right hand, and wrote and drew in the void.

With the movement of his hand, there was a sudden ripple in the void, as if to break through all this space.

What is he doing?

Chu Yun doesn't know what it means to look at Yun Feiyang.

And yunfeiyang is still writing and painting in the void. In a short time, he takes a jade card out of his space ring. Then, his right hand suddenly slaps it on the jade card. In a moment, a brilliant light comes out of the air, and then all of it is sealed into the jade card.

"Elder martial brother chuyun, your cultivation is too weak. As the leader of tongtianfeng, you are likely to inherit tongtianfeng in the future. If you die early, tongtianfeng will become a joke. This is a talisman that can protect you for three times. As long as the immortal who is not the supreme level moves, this talisman can save you for three times. "

With that, yunfeiyang directly sent the talisman in his hand to chuyun.

The talisman is suspended in the air, emitting light green light, which looks very soft.

Seeing this, Chu Yun asked the God tree of Hongmeng in his mind: "Laohong, is there any problem with this talisman?"

The sacred tree of Hongmeng hears the words and says, "there is no problem with the talisman. You can accept it."

Hear this, Chu cloud also not affectation, directly into their own space ring.

At the same time, he was puzzled. He wanted to kill his own cloud flying at the previous moment. Now, he suddenly sent himself a talisman. What kind of medicine is sold in his gourd?

"Elder martial brother chuyun, practice hard. When you reach the supreme level, I will come to you! Don't die early! "

The cloud flies to throw down this words, then turns to leave.

In fact, yunfeiyang thought that his intention of killing had completely shocked Chu Yun and left a shadow on his heart. This talisman, like its name, was given to Chu Yun to protect his life. It can protect Chu Yun's life for three times.

But there are also some backhands left, which can directly solve the heart trauma of Chu Yun Dao. Every time you use them, you can relieve some of the trauma of Dao Xin. It can be divided into three times before and after, and you can wipe all the trauma of Dao Xin.

He just wanted to give Chu Yun a lesson and also a counterattack to tongtianfeng.

The trauma in the heart of Tao will reduce the progress of Chu Yun's later practice. Every time this talisman is used, the ban that restricts Chu Yun's rapid advancement will weaken by one point, three times before and after, which can dispel all the shadows in the heart of Tao.

If tongtianfeng's people find that Chu Yun's cultivation is slow, they will inevitably think that Chu Yun's talent is very poor, and the training strength for him will be reduced. Even if Chu Yun reaches the cultivation of the leader of the peak, I'm afraid that tongtianfeng's people will be able to ponder over his talent for the sake of his stupidity.

This is his plan. He thinks everything is under his control.

However, the murderous spirit that erupted in his body did not leave any shadow in Chu Yun's heart at all.

When Yun Feiyang left, Chu Yun sent another message to Wei Beiliang: "uncle Liu, is his brain broken? What is it to give me a talisman? "

Wei Beiliang hears the words, thinks about it, and doesn't think about what it's like for Baiyun to fly.

"When it's over here, let me see your talisman."

After cloud flying away, Tian Aoxue also came to Tongtian peak.

When she came, she stole Chu Yun's limelight.

As the only direct descendant of Cui Leng, the leader of lengxuefeng, it is Tian Aoxue chosen by the leader of Shaofeng. They have heard of it.

The reason why we didn't know tianaoxue first is that Tongtian peak, where Chu Yun is located, hasn't been opened for 30000 years. This time, many people took advantage of Chu Yun to join wuxiangshan Tongtian peak. They wanted to see if Tongtian peak is full of elixirs and treasures as it is said.

As soon as Tian Aoxue saw Chu Yun, she opened her mouth and said, "you are very busy here, Mr. slag!"

She didn't worry about the occasion at all. When she said this, Chu Yun's brain was full of black lines.

Scum man?

Before you called me that, I didn't care about you. Now there are so many people here. You call me "scum man". Is that really good?

"Slag man, I heard that there is an ancient spring pond in Tongtian peak. The wine made from the ancient pond is known as the most beautiful in the world. Today, I want to see the wine made by the ancient pond of Tongtian peak. I don't want to take out the wine made in the ancient pond to entertain the guests!"

It's proud and snowy. It's a bit familiar.

Hearing her words, Chu Yun said helplessly, "can you change the address?"

Tian Aoxue rolled her eyes and said, "what's wrong with this name? You are a scum man! "

When tianaoxue's voice just fell into chuyun's ear, a voice suddenly came from the crowd: "can Guchi make wine? I haven't heard of it! "

"The water of the ancient pool is the artifact of refining weapons, but can the water of the ancient pool be used to make wine?"

"Should it be ok? If we use the spring water of the ancient pool to make wine, we are afraid that it is delicious in the world. "

"It's not necessarily delicious in the world. If the wine is really brewed from the spring water of the ancient pool, it will be delicious in the world, and the wine brewed by the black ice, jade and dew marrow in the north will not be famous!"

"It's said that the ancient pool on Tongtian peak is a good thing. It's said that the ancient pool was born from chaos and was moved to Tongtian peak by the elders of Tongtian peak. The supernatural things bred from chaos are extraordinary. If it's used for wine making, the effect should be very good."

When they talked about the ancient pool, Tian Aoxue frowned and muttered, "the old man is really lying to me again."

Cui Leng said that the good wine brewed by the spring water of the ancient pool on the Tongtian peak is more delicious than the black ice jade dew pith in the north. But now listen to the comments around, it seems that the spring water of the ancient pool has not been used to make good wine at all!

"Elder martial brother chuyun, we are all here for the first time. I heard that the spring water of the ancient pool on Tongtian peak was bred from chaos. Whether it was used to refine weapons, brew wine, or drink cultivation directly, the effect is very good. Elder martial brother chuyun

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