Sky War Soul

Chapter 1903 sending shadow jade slips to war

Chuyun is very happy to see Dasheng.

The old friends of the lower world can meet again in the fairyland. It's hard to describe the feeling of meeting their hometown.

Dasheng was also very excited. He had been in bad luck since he stepped into the fairyland. Maybe it was because he was a blood pupil ape. He had just stepped out of an abandoned flying pool in Xuanzhou and met a group of mercenaries who wanted to take him away.

If I had not run fast, I would have become a slave now.

In addition to the initial risks, there are many other risks along the way. Just like this time, I was found by a fairy again, which caused me to be deeply hurt. Just now I have recovered my injury and met another eagle.

This is the real desperate situation. If Chu Yun didn't come to find him, the eagle would tear him to pieces.

"Make a joke, this kind of helpless, won't let you try again later."

At this moment, Chu Yun's look was particularly serious.

Before arriving at wuxiangshan intelligence hall, he didn't know where his friends were or how they were going.

In his imagination, since they have come to the fairyland, they are in the worst situation, and they are also living in the mercenary regiment.

But now when he saw the great sage, he found that he thought more.

Maybe one's own human friends can join the mercenary regiment to make a living, but for example, Dasheng, 3000, Dali, Jinwu and shibatian, it must be very difficult for these five people to step into the fairyland.

Just like the great sage in front of us, because we are the blood pupil ape, after being discovered by the immortal, we all want to catch him and raise him as a war pet.

"Ha ha, there are good times and bad times in life. I'm just suffering from some adversity now, which will be the driving force for my growth in the future. "

The great saint laughed freely, as if he didn't pay attention to his experience.

Hearing this, Chu Yun stepped forward and gave him a hug. He apologized and said, "I'm late, brother. I've made you suffer."

The great saint's body froze for a while, he gave Chu Yun a hug, patted him on the back, and said, "are we suffering less before? It's OK. It's only temporary. As you said, I don't want to try again in this desperate situation in the future. "

Chu Yunsong opened the great sage and said, "so we need to be stronger."

"Yes, we came to the fairyland just to become stronger? Isn't it to do that? Never change, never talk about what to do! "

The great sage was arrogant, but the words fell into the ear of Hu ling'er, but he heard other news.

Come to the fairyland?

So, they were not fairyland before!

"You are the Skywalker?"

At this moment, she seemed to think of something. A pair of pure eyes looked different to Dasheng and chuyun.

Xuanzhou has many flying pools, but now almost many are abandoned.

For a long time, no one has seen the Skywalker.

It seems that the world outside the fairyland has a layer of isolation from the fairyland. It's very difficult for people in the lower world to rise to the fairyland.

Feisheng is just a legend for Hu linger, a native monster.

It's said that every Skywalker is a generation with excellent talent. When they are in the lower world, they have experienced many tests. Only those with excellent talent and firm perseverance can fly from the lower world to the fairyland.

Now the blood pupil ape, after all kinds of life and death, is still full of hope for the future life. This mentality, even if only those who have experienced the test of the lower world can exercise this indomitable spirit.

Hearing Hu ling'er's words, Da Sheng immediately put his eyes on her, pure eyes, beautiful face, beautiful voice, all prove the charm of this woman.

"Sister in law?"

He looked at Hu ling'er with some uncertainty, and then he looked at Chu Yun with a playful look, which made him speechless.

Hu ling'er is also stunned.

The king of the Arctic ice field, who is called "sister-in-law"?

What is the situation?

Why does he think of himself as this handsome young woman?

"You are mistaken. This is your rescuer. She is the king of the Arctic ice. The white fox who rescued you just now is her people."

Chu Yun quickly explained that the monkey's "sister-in-law" really made him unable to respond.

The monkey was embarrassed in an instant.

In fact, he will not be embarrassed by his character, but at present, the woman is his own life-saving benefactor, which he thinks is a wonderful misunderstanding, the other side may not think so.

"I'm sorry, but I'm so quick. Please forgive me."

The monkey quickly apologized.

Hu ling'er waved and said, "it doesn't matter."

Then she said to chuyun, "well, since the person you are looking for has been found, then leave my Arctic ice sheet."

She doesn't like other people coming to her own Arctic ice sheet, so in the Arctic ice sheet under her command, mercenaries only dare to wander around the periphery of the Arctic ice sheet. If those wandering mercenaries encounter Arctic white foxes, they have to hide one by one.

"I'm sorry to bother you again, but I also have a friend here in the Arctic ice field," said Chu

In the Arctic ice field, in addition to the great sage, there is also a Cheng bining.

Hearing this, Hu ling'er frowned and said, "your friend, I asked my people. They didn't find her."

Chu Yun ignored this and said, "she is really there."

Hu ling'er got angry and said coldly, "can't you still search my Arctic ice sheet?"

"I have to find her," Chu said

"Ha ha, don't think that your war pet is very powerful. I can let you do anything in this Arctic ice field!"

During the conversation, Hu ling'er's breath gradually came out, and the fourth level cultivation of immortals came towards Chu cloud with a strong sense of oppression.

However, Chu Yun of the second level of Dixian, in the face of her imposing oppression, only felt that her heart was pressing a mountain, which was hard to resist.

But this feeling lasted only for a moment, and was interrupted by jouk.

Jiao Ke, who had been silent, took a step forward. Hu linger's momentum on Chu Yun was all pushed back, and Chu Yun could not be oppressed any more.

"Don't blame me for being rude to my master, you woman!"

Jiaoke's voice was cold, and the fierce and violent breath in his red eyes flickered, as if he would tear Hu linger to pieces at the next moment.

Facing Jiao Ke, Hu ling'er has a flash of fear in her eyes. Jiao Ke is powerful, and she has deep experience.

An existence that can easily crush itself to death, she can't easily come down, but as the king of the Arctic ice, how can her dignity be put down?

But if she is threatened, if she gives up, she is not a king?

For a while, Hu ling'er was full of miscellaneous feelings. If the other side only forced her a little, she would directly resist, but the other side forced her too much.

Just stand in front of him and let yourself feel despair. How can I resist?

"Is that how you treat people who have helped you?"

Hu ling'er simply put his eyes on Chu Yun, who is the master of Jiao Ke. Here he is able to be the master of the family.

Chu Yun hears the words and says, "Jiao Ke, you step back."

He bowed his hand to Hu ling'er and said, "I'm a servant with a savage temperament. Please forgive me."

After that, he paused for a while and said, "my friend must find it. She is in the Arctic ice sheet at present. Please help me again and ask your subordinates to search for it for me."

To find Cheng bining, the best way is to use the power of Hu linger. Only by relying on her power can Cheng bining be found in the shortest time.

"How can I help you? I'll help you once and be threatened by you. How can I help you! "

Hu ling'er's face was full of remorse. She sneered at Chu Yun's words.

"You don't know, you don't know. Even if you don't help me, I can find the host's friend. We just want to speed up the search. If you don't, don't blame me for destroying your entire Arctic ice sheet!"

Jiaoke threatens again. It's only a fourth level celestial being. He wants to kill her. It's just a matter of raising his hand!

Hearing this, Hu ling'er was also angry. At this time, regardless of whether he was his opponent or not, Hu ling'er responded coldly: "kill my entire Arctic ice sheet? In a big voice, do you think that's the strength of my Arctic ice sheet? "

As soon as the voice fell, a wave of divine sense came from Hu ling'er. Soon, a breath that made Chu Yun feel terrible suddenly came from afar.

"Who is troubling my Arctic ice sheet!"

A voice of indifference came into people's ears. Before people arrived, the voice came first.

At the same time, an oppressive momentum rushed directly to the crowd. Chu Yun felt that he could not move all over. That momentum was too thick for him to move the immortal power in his body.

The great saint was even more in a mess. When the voice was transmitted, the whole person was lying on the ground directly, unable to move.

Before that, the goshawk who attacked the great saint was lying on the ground shivering.

Its feeble intelligence made it regret. For generations, it said that the Arctic ice sheet could not be reached. The Arctic ice sheet was very dangerous. In the past, it did not feel anything, but today, it encountered the most desperate thing in its life.

First, the young man caught himself, and then a king of the Arctic ice sheet appeared. Now there is another man who seems to be more powerful. One is stronger than the other. One is more desperate!

Hearing this sound, Hu ling'er suddenly had a deep feeling in her heart. Looking at Chu Yun and Da Sheng who were oppressed by the momentum in front of her eyes, she sneered twice and said, "how can the white Foxes of the Arctic ice field occupy this place for three thousand years without any details? In Xuanzhou, as long as it's not from the top ten families, I have a way to deal with the Arctic ice. "

She is the king of the Arctic ice sheet, but before her, there was also a king of the Arctic ice sheet. The old king is still alive and is about to enter the legendary golden Wonderland.

In normal times, I can't get out of the gate. In the realm of understanding the golden immortal, I can't get out of the gate until the moment when the Arctic ice sheet is alive or dead.

But now, although she has not reached the critical moment of the Arctic ice sheet, she has directly informed the old people of the Arctic ice sheet of the things here

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