Sky War Soul

Chapter 1907 all down

Nanjianghan's mood is complicated. He doesn't know how to face Chu Yun or the beautiful girl in front of him.

When she recovered her original face, there was a distance between the two. She was no longer a member of her own team, nor a weak but strong Ning Chengbi who needed their protection.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why she was so excited all the way.

Here are her friends who can let her put down her disguise and psychological defense.

Although she was his captain, she didn't take herself and other mercenary team members as real friends after more than a year's cooperation.

However, it doesn't matter. Nanjianghan didn't care so much. He smiled and said, "I have bragging capital outside. Our mercenary team has a bull man. I see that when I go out to perform tasks, who dares to laugh at my Nanfeng mercenary team!"

Pretending to be relaxed, he wanted to adjust the awkward atmosphere, but these words, the atmosphere still hasn't been relieved.

Chu Yun looks at nanjianghan for a while. His accomplishments are not secret in front of Jiao Ke. Jiao Ke has told Chu Yun the specific accomplishments of nanjianghan.

Renxian level 9, which is actually very powerful. At the beginning, the seventh team of the underground dragon mercenary regiment led by myself was no better than Renxian level 5.

Besides, the accomplishments of other members of the team are not low, excluding the weakest Cheng bining, among which the lowest accomplishments are all level 4.

Such a mercenary team, placed in such a place as Arctic city, is almost elite.

For the leader of the mercenary team who took care of Cheng bining in the fairyland, Chu Yun felt it was necessary to pave a way for him, which was to repay him.

So he asked directly, "your Nanfeng mercenary team, would you like to live in another place?"

I didn't go around the corner to talk like this. Although it felt like charity, I finally took the tone of inquiry and asked for his opinions.

The smile on Nanjiang Han's face is more simple and honest.

But the question left him at a loss.

"My accomplishments are the same everywhere I go, right?"

He's a little nervous. Why is he a mercenary?

Isn't it just for cultivating resources?

If you follow Chu Yun, you may not have to worry about cultivation resources.

But what can I do for him?

If I promised him that I would take care of Cheng bining for more than a year, it would be the end of the world.

In fact, he didn't want to get anything from Chu Yun, not to mention any benefits from Ning Chengbi due to her identity reversal.

More than that, he just feels happy for Ning Chengbi. She doesn't have to work hard with them and face the crisis of carrying out tasks.

As long as she is safe, she is at ease.

After all, this is her former team member, although she hides her real identity from these people.

But he didn't understand that, since there was such a strong background, how could a man who could hold the wolf mercenary team on the ground and rub it down to become a mercenary in the Arctic city?

Chu Yun didn't know what he was thinking. He said with a smile, "I used to be the leader of a mercenary team, the seventh team of Senluo city's underground dragon mercenary team."

Nanjiang Han Leng Leng, this words, suddenly let him understand the strong background of Ning Cheng Bi, why in their own mercenary team.

It turns out that this is a way of experience for the children of a large family or a large family!

For example, Chu Yun, a powerful existence, has served as the leader of mercenary teams. It seems that mercenary circles are also a very wonderful place.

But Cheng bining next to him was surprised and asked, "chuyun, how long have you been in the fairyland? Have you ever been captain of a mercenary unit? "

"More than three years, less than four years," Chu said

"Ah? What are you doing now? "

Cheng bining is stunned.

Less than four years after arriving in the fairyland, I was able to press the wolf mercenary team, the second generation mercenary team, on the ground to rub. What kind of cultivation can I do?

Chu Yun also has nothing to hide, way: "the second level of immortals."

This answer makes the color of surprise on Cheng bining's face stronger.

It's only a long time since the second level of the immortals soared from the lower level to the fairyland. It's a direct breakthrough to the second level of the immortals. Is this guy's talent so high?

"I'll go, Chu Yun. I find that you are a monster. In less than four years, you have broken through the second level of the immortals. Are you adding pressure to me?"

The monkey on one side screamed.

It really shocked him.

He can deeply understand how difficult it is to break through a realm. He came to the fairyland for more than a year, and just broke through the second level of human beings and immortals. Chu Yun, in less than four years, is already the second level of immortals!

However, when nanjianghan heard this, he was pondering over the taste of it.

The words "come to the fairyland" are the key words. They were not in the fairyland before?

Where are they from?

The fog area in the legend?

"You Are you from the fog? "

Nanjianghan's voice and eyes were dry, but he asked.

The fog area of the fairyland is much wider than that of the fairyland. Even the known fairy emperors dare not enter the fog area easily.

When he said this, other people who were subdued also changed, especially the members of the wolf mercenary team, who regretted sending messages to their family elders before, and now heard the speculation again. For a while, one by one, they were afraid that their families would be destroyed together because of their own mistakes.

Cheng bining looked puzzled and said, "misty area? Before we fly, are we all called the fog zone? "


At that moment, all the doubts in Nanjiang Han's heart were solved.

Why is a blood pupil ape just the first level of cultivation?

Why does Cheng bining change his name to Ning Chengbi and appear in the Arctic city?

It turns out they're skyrockers!

The Chu cloud in front of us is definitely a Skywalker. In less than four years, we have made a breakthrough from the first level of human beings and immortals to the second level of earth immortals. Even if we look at the whole fairyland, no one can surpass it!

It's said that the talent of the Skywalker is very terrible, and every Skywalker is the object that the big powers fight for first.

Before, many fairyland native immortals didn't take it seriously. They didn't think that the talent of the Skywalker was so good. But now, they are shocked to hear that a Skywalker has broken through the second level of the earth immortal in less than four years.

It's no wonder that so many forces are competing for the first place because the strength of the Skywalker is so terrible!

When others were shocked, Cheng bining returned to his senses and asked, "Chu Yun, how did you become the leader of the mercenary team before you said it? I'm curious about that. Can you say that? "

In fact, she is very concerned about the growing experience of Chu Yun in the fairyland. She didn't grow up with Chu Yun, so it's good to listen to his growing story.

Chu Yun told me about getting the token of the seventh team leader from Rao Qingliu.

Hearing this, Cheng bining said with emotion, "so you've got a bargain? Now, where is your mercenary unit? "

This words, let Chu cloud eyes a dark, slightly silent for a while.

Cheng bining's heart tightened, and he seemed to ask about his sadness?

"Dead, dead, I'm the only one alive."

Chu Yun's voice is low. Those mercenaries with straightforward character, how could they have met Zhou Haoyun's poisonous hand if they had not left them alone to deal with the giant bear's body?

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that."

Cheng bining apologizes.

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "in fact, it's nothing. I avenged them."

Next to Nanjiang Han did not expect to hear Chu Yun such a past.

In this moment, he had some dissatisfaction with Chu Yun. In his opinion, a leader who did not protect the members of his mercenary team was not a qualified leader.

Does it mean that he gave up his mercenaries and fled when he was in danger?

It's hard not to let people think so. Like him, everything takes into account the captain of his mercenary, which is only a few after all.

In the end, the fairyland is still a place where personal interests are paramount. Although Chu Yun's practice makes him dissatisfied, he is not qualified to comment on anything.

Maybe another person will be the same.

What's more, he later revenged for his mercenaries. In this respect, he still has a little sense of responsibility.

But fault is always fault, even if it is revenge? Can we make the mercenaries we have survived?

Chu Yun stopped thinking about the seventh team. He shook his head and said to nanjianghan, "have you thought about it?"

Nanjiang Han instinctively wanted to refuse, but seeing the mercenaries behind him, he pushed back the words of refusing.

"I don't know what kind of place to change?" he asked carefully

Chu said: "if you want to leave Xuanzhou, you can follow me. If you want to stay in Xuanzhou, you can follow me to Senluo city. "

How vast is Xuanzhou when the Han Dynasty in Nanjiang is shocked?

Even for the powerful immortal, Xuanzhou is vast, and Chu Yun can leave Xuanzhou?

As for senro City, he hasn't heard of it. It should be the same place as this Arctic city, right?

How should I choose?

Nanjiang Han said, "can I discuss it with my brother?"

Chu Yun nodded, "yes."

Nanjianghan bows to chuyun, then turns to consult with his team members.

After he left, Cheng bining asked, "can you tell me why your team members were destroyed?"

Even though she knew it was tearing Chu Yun's wound, she still wanted to know what was behind the wound.

"The destruction comes from my solitude. At the beginning, I killed a giant bear in wuyuezhisen, and left my team members beside the body of the giant bear to deal with the body. However, they met another mercenary team. In order to prevent the body of the giant bear from falling into the other mercenary team, those guys started a life and death struggle with them, and finally all died in battle. "

Cheng bining said: "that mercenary team, you finally destroyed them?"

"I have destroyed their family," Chu said

One family

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